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I feel like isolating myself, but deep inside I am very lonely. What do I do?

251 Answers
Last Updated: 06/04/2022 at 11:23pm
I feel like isolating myself, but deep inside I am very lonely. What do I do?
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
August 6th, 2021 8:36am
as humans, a lot of the time when we are suffering or going through difficult times, it seems as though they find it easier to keep to themselves - rarely ever have i seen people reach out as their first option. somehow, people have it deeply engrained into their minds that they must face their hardships alone; honestly, i find isolation can feel a lot easier than opening up and letting yourself become vulnerable to those around you - but in truth, learning to open up to those who are there to support you can lighten your load to such a great extent - and you'll finally be able to feel like you can breathe again 💛
October 31st, 2021 7:37pm
I can relate to this. For me, it's easier to hide my emotions rather than take the time to explain them to someone else. This often led to me ignoring my feelings. The first step that I took was to admit my feelings, admit to myself that I wasn't happy all the time, admit to myself that I felt lonely deep down. At the end of the day, people need people. Isolating yourself isn't going to help at all. If you have social anxiety, talk to a professional and seek help. Trust me, talking to people about how you truly feel will make you feel less lonely. Feel free to speak to a listener on 7 cups :)
November 27th, 2021 12:38am
First of try to think of what the reasons are and how it started. It is also okay if you don't know or can't remember. Remember you are not lonely there are many people who care, if you tell yourself otherwise then that's just your brain and it is not true, no matter how many people dislike you there will always be more who like you, sometimes you just have to find the right person to realize how important you are and how much you mean to others. To get back to non-isolation you can start to hang out with people you are more comfortable with slowly then once you feel more comfortable you can start to go back to how you were before you felt this way.
January 5th, 2022 1:34pm
Isolating is not a solution. If loneliness is overpowering then get out of your room. meet people. engage yourself in some interesting activity. learn something new. travel. eat. Watch movie. Enjoy music. Do some adventure. Play with kids. Just do whatever you find exciting. Be cheerful. Make new friends. Chat with friends, family, relatives, just random people. But keep yourself safe while talking to strangers. Just enjoy the life. Dont let the loneliness overpower you. Find something which can replace your loneliness. Heart feels lonely when you dont let it enjoy minor things of life. Let it free and enjoy every moment.
January 26th, 2022 4:38pm
It can be pretty common to isolate yourself when you feel like you are overwhelmed or depressed, yet feel like you still need someone to talk to or to form connections with others. I would try to talk to people that you are close to such as friends and family about how you are feeling and try to get them to understand where you are coming from so that they can provide some extra support for you. Also if you feel lonely you can always hop on a chat here and we can listen to anything on your mind :)
February 13th, 2022 7:16pm
I think that you are afraid and scared of being exposed to people and you might have social anxiety and the best thing to do if you want to overcome it is to talk to a person alone then start talking to a small group of people which will then help you to build up confidence and self esteem in so many unimaginable incredible ways that you can’t even process another great thing to do is to talk to friends and hang out with them to get back to your old roots with meeting people and having fun.
February 25th, 2022 4:33am
Accept that you need space and being lonely does not necessarily mean being alone. Sometimes, you need to find others that grab your joy, your passion. At times, you'll need that alone time to sort yourself and your emotions. Sometimes you need to be lost in a crowd or at home with some sweets. Do what's best for you, but don't lose yourself to the loneliness. Don't miss out on what life has to offer though. Sometimes you need to take a step back to get back into things. I'm rambling now, but it's okay to isolate. And it's okay to feel lonely. Just do your best not to drown yourself in it.
February 26th, 2022 8:26am
hey bud, so sorry you're feeling this way... i know how it can be to feel lonely and isolating yourself... you could try some activities like hanging out with some classmates or doing something you like, or joining any online community where they appreciate you, so that you do not have to be alone! also, you could join a local gym, a new course, chat forums, and make new friends (those you click with, because i know not everyone is trustworthy) and those things could help make sure you do not have to be alone! thanks for taking out time to read this! hope this helps you out! take care! loads of love!
March 10th, 2022 12:38am
A person may be experiencing social isolation if they: Avoid social interaction due to shame or depression. Spend extended periods of time alone. Experience social anxiety or fears of abandonment at the idea of social interaction. Acknowledge your feelings, make yourself busy, leave comfort zone and meet friends and new people, participate in activities, social gatherings. Take some steps to break the isolation. Ask yourself the following questions: When do I feel the most alone? When do I feel the least alone? What activities do I most enjoy? Is there anyone I feel good spending time with? List their names. Now think about some concrete ways to address your answers to those questions.
April 2nd, 2022 6:42pm
I totally understand what you are going through and it is very valid. I feel like an important part of being happier is to find pleasure in hanging out with yourself. I would try to first identify things that you enjoy to do by yourself and then over time try to expose yourself to making more friends. Just remember that everyone does things at a different pace and in different ways so be patient with the process. It is important to give new opportunities and new people a try and then evaluating how you feel. I hope this helps :)
June 4th, 2022 11:23pm
You may consider finding and exploring what makes you feel lonely. You can find people you can connect with or find hobbies. If there is something in your way of doing so push yourself to do it anyways or work towards it. It is not always easy finding people you can connect with and it can take time. Be patient with yourself and understand you are not alone. Try joining a club you might be interested in or find volunteer options around you to get yourself out there. Or start by going out in nature, observing life that is not human. Appreciate all the other things on earth that make us a whole. All of these things helped me and I hope they will help you too!