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How do you stop bottling up emotions when you've grown up being taught that you have to?

6 Answers
Last Updated: 12/13/2021 at 6:42am
How do you stop bottling up emotions when you've grown up being taught that you have to?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
May 22nd, 2019 12:13am
I can so relate. The good news? You get better at it. The bad news? It's not a switch that you can throw; it's a journey. C'mon, let's walk together; I'll explain as we take the path step by step. First of all, I'm Bob, and you are who you are. It's nice meeting you as I smile. That's the first step. Just letting a natural smile come out. Each day practice a little something to express the feelings that didn't come naturally to you before. By doing these small changes, you set yourself down this path to become more aware of your inner feeling s and of sharing them openly in a transparent way. As you head along this path, you'll become more comfortable with it with each passing day. What you have longed for will happen a day at a time.
May 21st, 2019 6:25pm
It's important to ease into it. It can be helpful to have a few close friends who you can start sharing your emotions with. Perhaps begin small with something you've been feeling but is not overwhelming to express. Journalling is also a great way to tap into expressing emotions as you're free to let out as much as you want with no fear of judgement and no limitations. Online communities can also be good because there is a level of anonymity, like utilising the presence of a listener here. You can start as small or as slow as you'd like and be met with patience and understanding. It takes time but those learned barriers can be brought down.
May 22nd, 2019 4:06pm
Hi! Perhaps you need some venting of your bottled emotions up. That's the best way to relieve all that bottled up stress inside you. Keeping those emotions inside you might make you really frustrated and might make you feel hurt and sad, that is why you need to tell yourself if you continue doing that it will hurt yourself. Take it easy and slowly. If you want to change that personality, this is my advice. So first decide for yourself, then follow my advice if you want to change. But just a warning find someone you really trust, for you to vent those emotions, if people doesn't work you can vent it here in 7cups.
May 23rd, 2019 2:32pm
You start small. I think sincere gratitude is the best way. When you take the time to sincerely appreciate a person in your life, you are expressing a type of love. A letter to your partner..small.. it doesn’t have to be a novel. I started with a letter to my mother to thank her for something she helped me with. Gratitude first. When you are comfortable with that, you’ll find it’s a gateway. Most of the time bottle emotions, are really avoidance of actually examining the why you are having them. If something angers you, is it really wait happened, or is there an earlier past incident? When you start by examining gradititue, it’s a safe and easy way to start thinking about why you appreciate a person. You must first understand why you have a feeling in relation to why you are uncomfortable expressing it...Best of luck.
May 12th, 2020 2:28am
In my experience, the best way to handle this is to learn emotions and how to recognize them. This is different for everyone, and you can learn what signs you show for different emotions, even if they aren't the typical ways to display emotion. You can learn and change this habit, even if you have grown up in a setting that this was not supported. Set a goal for this and work towards it. This is not something that will come without being mindful of your actions and feelings as much as you can. It's also okay to seek professional help if you need or want it!
December 13th, 2021 6:42am
Check in. Ask yourself how you feel right now. ... Use “I” statements. Practice expressing your feelings with phrases like “I feel confused. ... Focus on the positive. It might seem easier to name and embrace positive emotions at first, and that's OK. ... Let go of judgement. ... Make it a habit.