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I can't stop crying for days on end. What do I do?

166 Answers
Last Updated: 06/12/2022 at 12:21am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Melissa Strauss, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am client focused and believe everyone has a strength. I feel confident in seeing clients with generalized and social anxiety, depression and relational goals.

Top Rated Answers
April 7th, 2018 7:41pm
Have you tried doing something that makes you happy? Like reading, drawing, watching your favorite tv show, etc.?
March 15th, 2018 12:38am
Hi there! Im so sorry to hear your feeling so emotional. Do you enjoy any specific hobbies? Is there anything you can do to take your mind off things? If there is things going on in your life at the moment try and address them to see what could be the cause of them, but if your not ready to or if there isnt anything worrying you then try not to dwell on it. Pick yourself up and maybe do something you like to do. Crafting, drawing, singing, listen to music or play games. Sometimes your body needs a very good cry and it can be natural to have this moment over a few minutes, days or hours. Remember if you need to talk we are always here 247 and 365 days a year. Take care and good luck xx
March 14th, 2018 9:20pm
First, try to calm yourself and accept your emotions. Then do some of the relaxation techniques. Next, forgive yourself and others, and do something nice for yourself :)
December 7th, 2018 7:25am
Circumstances can seem overwhelming at times. It flows from the natural ups and downs that life throws at us. It's perfectly normal to feel the way you're feeling right now. I would suggest you introspect - look deep within yourself- and pin point exactly what part of your circumstances has hurt you the deepest. From there, the healing can begin. I follow the motto "This Too Shall Pass". It applies equally to the good times and the bad. Right now you're in a dark place. But this doesn't define you or your future. You have a beautiful future around the corner and you need to believe that, hold on to it, whilst you trudge through this dark space. If it is something you have done, forgive yourself we are only human. If it is something someone else has done to you, forgive them. Forgiveness is divine. Being grateful for the silver linings (no matter how thin they may seem right now) goes a long way as well. I know it is easier said than done. Cheer up, darling. Things are going to be a lot better sooner than you think. Be strong and know that our community is right here for you. Feel free to contact me at any time.
January 23rd, 2019 12:37pm
I know life can be tough. That’s why when you begin to feel sad you gotta pick yourself up. Once you start crying you start to cry about everything else that has went wrong in your life. Know that life isn’t prefect, stuff that have happened in the past shouldn’t consume you - they’re meant to be forgotten. You deserve to be happy ❤️❤️ Each time you feel like crying i want you to call a best friend or a family member, often calling a loved one cheers us up and helps us to remember our worth. Take care
March 2nd, 2018 5:08pm
Sometimes its just alright to vent out all those emotions in form of tears :) clears the brain &soul
August 27th, 2016 3:07am
It's best to find out the cause behind your tears. What is it that is making you cry and once you find out what it is, then you can search for what to do.
June 24th, 2020 8:19pm
Sometimes it's okay to cry. But to stop you can try and distract yourself, find some form of escapism or something that can make you laugh, such as your favourite TV show. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member, they can help cheer you up remind you of how far you've come and put things into perspective. Have a dance party to your favourite songs if your able. Maybe meet up with people in a safe environment and do a fun activity. It will take your mind off it and give you a dense of normality.
April 19th, 2017 8:54pm
Crying is a humans way of experessing various emotions; sadness, happiness, etc. To bottle up your emotions is going to harm you mentally, cry if you want, cry until it feels like your sorrows has gone with along with your tears. Remember after the rain, comes a beautiful rainbow💋
December 3rd, 2020 2:12pm
From my personal experience this might be caused by mild depression due to various factors; sometimes even factors that you yourself is not consciously aware of. Get some exercise; move and burn up some of that excess adrenaline that you are producing causing some if not all of the tears. Journal ; whether it is writing it down or making yourself a voice recording or video; Journal about all of your emotions. but target happy small pleasures as well. Intentionally laugh at small things (even as it is difficult to focus during this time). I don't have advise on how to stop the tears once it has started flowing; but these that I have listed here helped me to greatly reduce those tears.
May 6th, 2021 11:32pm
Crying is a self-soothing response and, if you are crying for "days on end," then you likely need some self soothing. In the short term, to stop crying, try some of the following: 1. Take a deep breath. And then take another one. 2. Tilt your head up. When you do this, the tears won't roll down your face and will reabsorb back into your eyes. 3. Splash you face with ice cold water. Pinch yourself. Do something to physically shock yourself and draw your attention from crying. 4. Meditate. Let a guided meditation clear your mind. Then reach out for help. Chat with a listener at 7 cups. Call a friend. Consider reaching out to a health or mental health provider. If you are considering harming yourself in any manner, call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255), which offers free, confidential, 24/7 support.
July 24th, 2021 10:59am
Whatever happened must have hurt you really badly. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this pain right now. Let it all out, give yourself time, and when you're ready, take steps to start rebuilding your life. The path forward may not be easy. You may encounter situations where you take 2 steps forward and get thrown back 3 steps. Don't fret, keep on keeping on. Know that if you don't stop trying, no matter how big or small your steps are, you'll get to your destination some day. If you need someone to talk to, we are ready to be your listening ear. May all be well for you very soon.
August 25th, 2021 1:59pm
I think you have to let yourself cry. Whenever I received bad news like a rejection to a school, or a bad day, or a broken heart, my Dad would always say "let yourself feel like this for [X] amount of time and then remember where you were heading before you felt like this and go get back to getting there." It's okay to cry! But don't forget that life is going on all around you while you do. You could end up missing out on something so good! So let yourself cry but remember to let yourself live too!
June 2nd, 2019 3:02pm
Is it that you have found comfort in that? you have to root out the problem and not try to make home of this situation. Often we become comfortable in the situations. Especially when they are bad. Because we don't know how to get out of them anymore. We forget that the answer to the situation is within our own-selves. another thing is the more you put your attention to this problem you have, the more you will think it actually EXISTS and you will think that something is actually WRONG with you. I hope it helps you out though
May 19th, 2019 7:34pm
There is definitely a reason within. Sometimes talking to someone we trust works and sometimes there is the need to seek professional therapy. I think its best if you reach out for help by firstly talking to understanding friends or family members. If you still felt bad for it then comes the next option which is talking to a counselor. And the most important thing is that you shouldn't take it for granted. Like getting a fever, its a sign of something going wrong. So its best if you face it and see what you can do for it.
March 21st, 2019 8:23am
Clean your room. Take a shower. Change into a fresh set of clothes. Play some music. Turn your phone off. Sing to your favourite songs. Watch your favourite TV show. Read a book. Spend time with your pet(s), if you have any. Take a nap. Reset your mind. If the problem persists, perhaps it's because you're avoiding something. Come up with a plan. Face your problems head-on. You can do it. Don't let yourself wallow in your tears. Your feelings will only fester and make you feel worse. Try talking about them, if you want to, or write them down.
February 24th, 2019 3:11am
It might seem annoying, weak, and confusing, but crying is extremely healthy! I remember periods of time where I would randomly burst into tears - this lasted for weeks, and I was so confused! But I realized that I was struggling with stress and sadness that I didn't allow myself (or didn't have time to) remedy, so my body took healing into its own hands. In hindsight, these bouts of crying were extremely healing. Without even knowing it, allowing myself to be still and cry and feel those emotions was just enough to make myself feel a little better afterwards. Crying spells are a message from your body that you aren't allowing yourself to feel some emotions - and its perfectly healthy to cry! Good luck
February 23rd, 2019 12:03pm
Let it out. Can't run away from what I have to face, and confronting issues is stressful to say the least. Even acknowledging an issue is burdening. No matter what it is, you're crying for a reason, and that's okay - it helps you navigate your emotions more clearly, as opposed to bottling things up and denying that you're not okay. Crying is an important outlet for emotions. Don't fight it. Embrace it. Let it out. Let your soul breathe for as long as it needs. It relieves you of the pressures of keeping things inside and will make way for clarity, and even vulnerability. So, you don't have to do anything about it. Cry it out, and afterwards reflect on why you're crying and what you can do for yourself (seek help, meditate, etc.) to one day, stop feeling the need to cry.
May 29th, 2021 7:14pm
It is good to ask yourself the question of what it is that is making you cry? It is easier to answer this question by writing everything down (especially if you don't want to tell your close ones). Sometimes you just need a brainstorming session on what it is that is triggering you to cry. This will help free your mind a little as you learn the reason for feeling this way and have more determination to tackle it. If you are someone open to sharing with a loved one but feel hesitant why is this the case. Are you worried about how they would react? Are you worried about being invalidated? If this is something you cannot find an answer to, you could try and distract yourself with doing things you enjoy, or going on a walk, or even meeting friends. You may also want to ask yourself what you do when you notice a loved one is crying - How do you console or reassure them? Sometimes it’s good to think others have been in your shoes before. Why not talk to one of our amazing listeners on our site who are here to give you a listening ear? You can explore your thoughts and feelings further this way.
January 23rd, 2019 5:30am
This is when I have to do somethings that feel very anti-intuitive. I begin with self care and pick out clothes I haven’t worn recently and prepare to go out and walk. I may walk very slowly at first, yet as I do I stop observe the world around me looking at houses, flowers, trees and listen for the birds or sounds in the distance.I focus on my breath taking an occasional deep breath. I may not stay out for long but when I return I may reach out to a friend for companionship or someone I can talk to about how I am feeling.
January 12th, 2019 5:15am
Unlike popular belief, crying isn't a bad thing. Actually when we cry we release a certain set of chemicals, which makes us feel better, which is why many of us feel better after we cry, it makes us feel like we've let the feeling that were tormenting us far away from us. But, if you think that you would rather let your feeling out in a different way I would recommend analysing your passions and use the energy that you would be using crying to create something extraordinary. Perhaps write a couple songs, make a new dance choreography, paint a landscape, write a book, create anything that makes you feel passionate and full.
July 14th, 2016 4:27pm
Reach out to people who care about you, a friend, relative or even a listener here on 7cups. If you feel comfortable enough, you could see a therapist.
August 4th, 2021 6:42pm
Everyone cries once in a while, in fact, it is quite natural to cry. People might cry when particularly emotionally stirred, or when facing something traumatic, or when under a lot of stress. Crying can give us a cathartic release, a feeling of closure, and the ability to move on. However, if crying is not serving you in a positive way (for instance, by helping you release tension or sadness in order to move forward) or if crying is becoming a problem for you by interfering with your activities of daily life, relationships, or ordinary responsibilities and obligations, seeking the care of a licensed/certified health care provider might help. If you don't know what to do, consulting with a health care or mental health provider might be the best first step towards a solution.
December 6th, 2018 4:42am
Be Positive, you still have people there for you, even if you don't you still have us, listeners! we will always be there for you. Think positively, try to recall you happy memories, either with anyone; just think the ones that will make you laugh. You can always feel free to talk to us, we will always be there for you. Try telling what you are facing to a listener. Talk about the reasons that made you cry for days on end. Maybe this might make you feel better. Please feel free to talk to me anytime you are feeling bad. ^^
August 15th, 2021 5:32am
If you feel you have cried a sufficient amount of tears then it may be time to draw a boundary. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say enough is enough. It’s important to know the difference between giving yourself permission to release the emotion vs just going on the downward spiral. You have to do something to reset your nervous system. I like to sit down and have a conversation with the tears and emotion as if it were an entity or being. You could ask what the tears they want you to show you, accept the lesson, and thank the tears for everything they taught you, and let them know you no longer need them and ask them to go. One practical way to stop a crying fit- You can tilt your head back, close your eyes, and smile. If you do this with a smile it sends the signal to your nervous system that you are safe. Distract, distract, distract and particularly distract with something that brings you joy and warms your heart in some way. This can be easier said than done, but only you have the power to control the thoughts your allowing to hook into your mind.
August 12th, 2018 8:05pm
It seems you are feeling upset or experiencing emotional distress. Perhaps you should think about why you are feeling this way and the reasons for why you cry.
March 27th, 2022 8:24am
A good cry really helps with letting go of all your sadness and stress that you're holding in. But sometimes you cant stop crying for days on end and it makes you feel absolutely gutted and empty. Personally for me, I like to listen to music until I feel better or workout. Anything that can distract you. Journaling also helps me understand my feelings better. Make a list of things you are grateful for or proactive things that you can do to make your situation better. Meditating has really helped me long term too. It makes you realize that you exist as an entity outside your problems and sadness. Really great stuff. You need to figure out what will help you. I hope you feel better soon
September 6th, 2018 2:59am
Oh, honey. I have been there and have done that. I did that and then just went numb. I went numb then resulted to trying to cut. Being numb was such a scary feeling but was relieving at the same moment. I even took out a certain amount of pieces of paper for each family member and began to write apology notes for why I am about to slit my own wrists. Do you feel sad or just feel like crying? I journal down my thoughts which I believe helps. Coloring with music helps me as well. Have you tried discovering if there is certain thoughts are making you feel bad or are just feeling crappy? I recommend grabby a journal and just writing and letting words flow or doodles come out. Put on a film or talk with a family member. I’m not sure if you have history of depression but I sure as hell do and I almost gave up that night. I didn’t and actually just talked to one of my brothers about my recent episode. I actually learned that he goes to therapy for his depression. Crazy, huh? Just know your never alone in this kind of battle.
August 15th, 2018 4:38am
To start, just started small and be nice to yourself. Taking care of yourself is the number one healer. It takes time of course but pacing yourself and doing things you enjoy and even just small things that will heal your mind and body will help you.
August 1st, 2018 9:16am
Try to understand the trigger points like what time of the day , who the triggering person is, any memory which makes you feel like this. Once you are able to identify, you can seek more help to deal with the same.