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I can't stop crying for days on end. What do I do?

166 Answers
Last Updated: 06/12/2022 at 12:21am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Melissa Strauss, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am client focused and believe everyone has a strength. I feel confident in seeing clients with generalized and social anxiety, depression and relational goals.

Top Rated Answers
October 23rd, 2016 10:50am
Well, First analyze why you are crying, then think of things that can help you stop. movies could help
October 28th, 2016 4:59am
I would talk with my friends or watch videos as this bring up my mood and allow me to have a better relation with my friends
October 29th, 2016 1:21pm
There is always a time when you are calm and tears are not present, so use that time to try and detect the reason for your sadness. I know it's hard and can feel counter-intuitive to think about the stuff that is making you cry, but it is the only way to regain control over your emotions. I suggest a calming meditation and talking to a person of trust, be it a friend, family member of a therapist. I had the same problem not long ago, and I only managed to control my need for crying when I sat down with myself, forced my thoughts into some organized drawers in my head and reached the reason for those tears. I then contacted my college's support center and had a few sessions with a therapist. It really helped, but I would not have been able to do that if I hadn't first sorted out the situation in my head. Also, they say that, if you have a need for crying, you should fulfill that need, and I couldn't agree more. Just remember that after every storm comes a rainbow and that you are not alone =)
December 2nd, 2016 12:31am
Has something impacted your life recently? I would urge you to think about the changes (if any) have occurred in your life. Then, I would proceed to go to your doctor/therapist because sometimes it is best to get an opinion of a professional.
January 8th, 2017 2:36pm
It would be good to think and talk with someone about this issue and if close to you are not these people then look here for someone who you could speak openly and look for solution together. The best would be speak with a therapist. Most important don't give up or feel ashamed to seek help and support, there are people who want to do it. Hope you gonna be soon better!
January 25th, 2017 9:07am
Just get yourself busy with work. Try to divert your mind by doing something of your interest or by chatting with your nearest one
January 26th, 2017 3:13am
Distract your mind, whether it be by reading a book, listenin To music, watching films. But try to take your mind away from the root cause of the sadness. tell yourself that you're in control because you are ❤️
January 27th, 2017 4:29pm
If you're crying for days on end and you feel empty and hopeless for long periods of time you may be suffering from depression. The best thing you could do though is seek a professional's advice and see if there is any other possible cause and/or solution to your problem.
March 9th, 2017 11:10pm
Try to focus on breathing, first. When you feel yourself building up to cry, I suggest that you cry and let it out. Usually, your body feels relief after crying. However, if you find that you are constantly crying and want to stop, start by focusing on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Picture yourself in your happy place. Keep yourself occupied. Do something with your hands, such as cook or rearrange a bookshelf. By keeping yourself physically occupied, your body will take over and hopefully become distracted enough to forgo the physical act of crying.
April 8th, 2017 12:03am
I try to think things that make me laugh, smile, or even just think of things that I have. The worst thing to think is thoughts like worthlessness, loneliness, or depressed thoughts.
April 8th, 2017 9:28am
talk to someone. It is important to surround yourself with people who care about you when you're feeling vulnerable. Talk things through and take in the positives.
April 24th, 2017 8:22pm
I have been here before many times. I was very reluctant to try medication or admit that I had something perhaps biologically off. If you are unable to control it or aren't sure why you're crying, it might be best to seek outside help. What stopped it for me was realising that I couldn't stop and needed outside help.
May 5th, 2017 12:08am
Allow yourself to cry, you release stress by doing so. Trying to stop yourself from crying or just not allowing yourself to worsens the situation. Talk through it with someone when you feel that you are able.
June 8th, 2017 3:25pm
Talk to someone and explain anything that has gone on lately. If that does not help maybe seek professional help.
June 21st, 2017 3:34pm
I would talk to someone about it as letting out my feelings helps with managing my emotions. It also helps when i know someone knows my current condition and is willing to help.
June 29th, 2017 5:32am
Change it up, go for a walk. Meet with friends, learn a new hobby. Anything that is a full 360 away from the reasons you were crying. Talking to close friends and family also.
July 2nd, 2017 3:11am
Sounds like something has really made you upset? Crying can be exhausting too. Sometimes chatting it out can help.
July 7th, 2017 6:31pm
I recommend you talk to someone. Maybe family or friends. You could also try talking to a therapist.
July 15th, 2017 12:39am
Life can be hard sometimes, and it's important that we have the support we need to be able to be stable mentally and physically. Start out with reaching out to friends, but it might be helpful to consider reaching out to a therapist who is especially trained to help people.
July 26th, 2017 3:37am
It might be time to talk to a therapist. Sometimes there's a stigma around therapy that you have to be really in distress to go to therapy, but people go to therapy for so many reasons, big and small. And it's not a lifetime commitment either. Try it. If it helps, great :)
August 13th, 2017 8:56pm
a good idea would be for you to pay a visit to a therapist. That will help you learn what's on your mind that makes you so sad
August 17th, 2017 6:11pm
Try relaxation methods. Write in a journal, listen to your favorite music, or do things that you did as a little kid. Or, just cry your eyes out and get over whatever you're sad about. Even when you've hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up!
November 15th, 2017 5:14am
Try and distract yourself... find something to try and occupy your mind and distract yourself from crying or feeling negative.
November 15th, 2017 12:45pm
Although it is natural and okay to cry sometimes, it may be an indication of a more serious problem when it lasts that long. There's a possibility that you're suffering from depression or bipolar or another such disorder. It is best to talk to an elder about this and see a doctor. If it is not found out to be physiological/neurological, it could be psychological. It is a good idea to try to find the root cause or the trigger for you and find a specific cure for it. Moreover, i suggest you to stay connected with '7 cups' listeners as sometimes talking can make real difference. Hope it all soon changes for you and for the better. :)
November 17th, 2017 12:13am
Taking care of yourself is most important, especially when it feels impossible to do. It will help..
November 18th, 2017 3:03pm
Think happy. Don't think about whatever is bothering you. Just distract yourself. Or you could try talking to that person about what is bothering you.
November 23rd, 2017 3:03pm
Find out why you are crying so much. And it is best if you talk to someone about it. Try to talk to someone you would blindly trust and someone who would understand what you are going through.
November 30th, 2017 7:00pm
Find and connect with what makes you happy and pay extra attention on that feeling you got from it.
December 2nd, 2017 4:19am
Take a piece of paper and write down all the things that you are sad of angry about. Now look at them, which of them bother you the most? Which seem solvable? Finally, write down possible solutions, even if you think you wont be able to carry them out. Do this every day, try to take tiny steps towards those solutions every day.
January 5th, 2018 11:16am
When we are in pain, sometimes our body reacts to it by crying. You have to understand what is triggering you, what is causing you pain and try to work on that.