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I can't stop crying for days on end. What do I do?

166 Answers
Last Updated: 06/12/2022 at 12:21am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Melissa Strauss, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am client focused and believe everyone has a strength. I feel confident in seeing clients with generalized and social anxiety, depression and relational goals.

Top Rated Answers
October 2nd, 2020 6:13pm
Don't be ashamed or mad at yourself. It's normal having emotions. It can be overwhelming and frustrating when you're not able to stop crying, but things will get better. I promise you. You're most likely in a lot of pain, and i want you to know that you made the right choice by joining 7 cups. It's very brave of you. Take a deep breath, and know that you're loved, worth it, beautiful, unique and amazing. We may not know each other, but i don't have to, in order to tell you that things will be okay. "In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not the end" Take care
October 4th, 2020 3:19pm
Well, it helps to take a moment to stop and reflect. What’s making you sad? What are some things you love to do that could help you cope? It’s hard to stop if you don’t know why. Coming to others for help is also a great answer! We can help you find out why you’re crying, and can even discuss plans on how to help you stop. Know that crying isn’t a bad thing- it helps to get our emotions out. But, it’s best to make a plan, and spend time doing things you love to take your mind off of whatever’s making you sad. Once you’re ready to confront your cause, wether it be alone or with a friend, make sure to take it slow.
November 4th, 2020 8:19am
Do talk to someone you really trust and think would understand you. It could be a friend, a neighbour, a teacher, or even someone in 7cups. People cry when it's too much for them to handle, and that is alright. You're sad or hurt, some might say depressed, but we don't know right? So reach out for help :) . If you don't know what caused this crying, then talking might help you figure out the reason. And if you do know why you cry, it will help to share the burden. Having thoughts only inside our heads can become very difficult. So be kind to yourself.
December 24th, 2020 6:35am
I would try and think about what I could do to make me feel better through exercise, activities, or use the resources here at 7 cups! Try talking to our listeners and use that as a starting point to get the root behind the crying! Try to think about and understand what made you feel this way in the first place and what methods you could do to make yourself feel better and get out of this slump. There is so much support out there and on this website so I would really recommend checking out this website and seeing all of the help we have to offer!
January 7th, 2021 3:17pm
There’s nothing wrong with crying, but if you want to try to manage your tears, there are some things you can try: Focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This may help you relax, which could also stop the flow of tears. Relax your facial muscles so your expression is neutral. Think about something repetitious, like a poem, a song, or nursery rhyme you’ve memorized. Take a walk or find another way to temporarily remove yourself from a stressful or upsetting situation
January 20th, 2021 8:59pm
Talk to someone who you trust about what is going on. Is there a happy place you can think of? Do something that makes you happy or do something that cheers you up. Talk to someone that you like talking to. If talking to someone that makes you happy or doing something that cheers you up does not seem to be working, reaching out and asking for help is never a bad idea. It is always a good idea to ask for help and it never hurts to ask. Doing something to calm you down or taking your mind off of the thing that might be causing you to be feeling these emotions can also be a big help.
March 3rd, 2021 5:32pm
Write out what is the reason that is making you cry and break it down even further into small steps, be sure that you take your time whilst doing this otherwise you will rush it and write out steps or reasons that are not actually true. Once you do this try and solve those steps for example do it once a day and be sure to treat yourself while you complete a step so you feel happy and it will contribute to your mental health. After completing the small steps and finishing off the reason that made you cry for days on end, you should be able to not cry for the reason that made you cry this much in the first place.
May 29th, 2021 7:14pm
It is good to ask yourself the question of what it is that is making you cry? It is easier to answer this question by writing everything down (especially if you don't want to tell your close ones). Sometimes you just need a brainstorming session on what it is that is triggering you to cry. This will help free your mind a little as you learn the reason for feeling this way and have more determination to tackle it. If you are someone open to sharing with a loved one but feel hesitant why is this the case. Are you worried about how they would react? Are you worried about being invalidated? If this is something you cannot find an answer to, you could try and distract yourself with doing things you enjoy, or going on a walk, or even meeting friends. You may also want to ask yourself what you do when you notice a loved one is crying - How do you console or reassure them? Sometimes it’s good to think others have been in your shoes before. Why not talk to one of our amazing listeners on our site who are here to give you a listening ear? You can explore your thoughts and feelings further this way.
August 4th, 2021 6:42pm
Everyone cries once in a while, in fact, it is quite natural to cry. People might cry when particularly emotionally stirred, or when facing something traumatic, or when under a lot of stress. Crying can give us a cathartic release, a feeling of closure, and the ability to move on. However, if crying is not serving you in a positive way (for instance, by helping you release tension or sadness in order to move forward) or if crying is becoming a problem for you by interfering with your activities of daily life, relationships, or ordinary responsibilities and obligations, seeking the care of a licensed/certified health care provider might help. If you don't know what to do, consulting with a health care or mental health provider might be the best first step towards a solution.
August 15th, 2021 5:32am
If you feel you have cried a sufficient amount of tears then it may be time to draw a boundary. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say enough is enough. It’s important to know the difference between giving yourself permission to release the emotion vs just going on the downward spiral. You have to do something to reset your nervous system. I like to sit down and have a conversation with the tears and emotion as if it were an entity or being. You could ask what the tears they want you to show you, accept the lesson, and thank the tears for everything they taught you, and let them know you no longer need them and ask them to go. One practical way to stop a crying fit- You can tilt your head back, close your eyes, and smile. If you do this with a smile it sends the signal to your nervous system that you are safe. Distract, distract, distract and particularly distract with something that brings you joy and warms your heart in some way. This can be easier said than done, but only you have the power to control the thoughts your allowing to hook into your mind.
August 25th, 2021 1:59pm
I think you have to let yourself cry. Whenever I received bad news like a rejection to a school, or a bad day, or a broken heart, my Dad would always say "let yourself feel like this for [X] amount of time and then remember where you were heading before you felt like this and go get back to getting there." It's okay to cry! But don't forget that life is going on all around you while you do. You could end up missing out on something so good! So let yourself cry but remember to let yourself live too!
October 15th, 2021 5:42pm
I'm sorry that you've been having a rough time recently. Have you taken some time to journal? Maybe that will help you gain a better understanding of what's causing you to feel this way. Another thing that may be helpful is spending some time alone in nature. Just taking a walk or relaxing there may help you feel calm once again. Do you have people who are available to support you? If not, please remember that there are listeners available who really care about you. Maybe take a moment to talk to one of them. Hopefully some of these things will help and you'll feel better soon.
March 5th, 2022 5:05am
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this. It sounds like you might be having something going on in your life at this time that might be causing your some distress? Or perhaps you are dealing with a chemical imbalance that you are aware of that could be causing this to happen otherwise? Being seen by your healthcare provider and explaining how you've been feeling could help in getting you the answers that you are looking for. And they could possibly place you on the right path to seek further help if needed with a counselor or therapist that can help further. If this is something that you've been dealing with for longer than you'd like and you're feeling this way, taking that first step to talk to someone you trust, or seeking your healthcare provider could help.
March 18th, 2022 10:02pm
Even when it's hard to stop feeling down about something, it can be really helpful to distract yourself for a few minutes. Everybody will find comfort in different things, so think about what you'd like to do! Maybe it's listening to music, working out, or calling a friend to talk. Doing something different with your mind can help soothe the emotional pain that you're feeling, and you deserve to take care of yourself! Sometimes the first step to finding a long-term solution is giving yourself a little bit of rest, and taking your mind off of things for a minute can help you in the future.
March 27th, 2022 8:24am
A good cry really helps with letting go of all your sadness and stress that you're holding in. But sometimes you cant stop crying for days on end and it makes you feel absolutely gutted and empty. Personally for me, I like to listen to music until I feel better or workout. Anything that can distract you. Journaling also helps me understand my feelings better. Make a list of things you are grateful for or proactive things that you can do to make your situation better. Meditating has really helped me long term too. It makes you realize that you exist as an entity outside your problems and sadness. Really great stuff. You need to figure out what will help you. I hope you feel better soon
June 12th, 2022 12:21am
You should try and find out what is causing this and try and figure out everything that is going on and try to talk about it with someone you trust or with a listener on here! Here on 7cups we will always listen to you. And no matter what we will always try to help you and will always listen to you! Even if it's a small thing that you may thing is unimportant to you for us just you getting help is the first step to feeling so much better! Don't be afraid to reach out and get help!