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What makes a person emotionally strong?

243 Answers
Last Updated: 07/28/2022 at 2:51pm
What makes a person emotionally strong?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Ashley Cox, LMHC


Ready for a happier, healthier life? I specialize in transformative therapy that empowers you to thrive.

Top Rated Answers
August 31st, 2019 11:00pm
1) Knowing their boundaries, and respecting one's and other people's boundaries. 2) Knowing or learning how to self-soothe. 3) Knowing or learning how to get into helpful thinking patterns. 4) Knowing or learning how to ask oneself the right questions. 5) Focusing on compassion, but not so much that reason, facts and justice are abandoned. 6) Respecting own emotions and those of others. 7) Practicing emotional management often. 8) Having an internal and external self care plan or strategy for when things go poorly and applying it. 9) Getting help when needed, even professional help. 10) Not blaming others for our lack of control over our emotions. 11) Not trying to punish others for triggering our emotions, much less when they did it by accident. 12) Not punishing others for expressing their emotions politely.
September 11th, 2019 3:21am
There's a popular quote saying: "Remember why you started". Often times, when we are under pressure, we cannot think straight and hence, we become overwhelmed with the simplest things. I got in a new program after completing University. I basically never took a break from school since elementary. I happen to be in one of the most stressful programs at my school and although, I was starting the semester pretty well last fall 2018, my depression kicked in and I started failing every exam. At the end of the semester, I ended up failing my final oral and in this intensive program, if you fail either the theory portion or the oral component, you fail the overall course automatically, even if your overall grade is a passing grade. I spent the last 8 months out of school trying not to feel like a failure. I traveled, worked out regularly, spent time with my friends, family, and most especially, I spent time with myself and this semester, I started school again with a much more positive mindset. All to say that, we all have bad days, we all have daily struggles, but it's how you deal with those situations. Also when you are faced with a situation, think of how you will deal with it. Often times, changing the way we look at a situation can have a positive impact on our overall mental state.
September 26th, 2019 10:05am
Hm... good questions. Some people seem to be naturally strong. In my opinion, emotionally strong people are usually really empathetic towards others and themselves. And the “themselves” is very important in that case. They came to a good understanding of their feelings and emotions. They consider these are natural and don’t need to be repressed... though it’s more in the way they are expressed that they show their maturity. Emotional maturity brings emotional strength: acknowledging our own feelings and expressing them in a sane way so it doesn’t affect others in a problematic way. Emotions emerge naturally and flow. It’s important to be considerate of ourselves why they happen. We can’t really and shouldn’t try to turn them off. But we can control how we communicate them as best as we can. In the end we’re only humans
October 25th, 2019 5:21pm
Resilience and a suitcase full of lots of options for self care. A reliable support system is key. Community involvement is also beneficial. A set routine is also shown to be beneficial to resiliency. If a person has multiple safe avenues of self expression I believe they have emotional strength. Exercise is also a valuable outlet for emotional strength. Art is an invaluable tool for self expression. Social groups as well contribute to a person’s emotional well being. Some people find great resiliency by using alone time to recoup and heal their emotional and spiritual energy. Love is also integral. Purpose and self worthiness all contribute to emotional strength.
November 17th, 2019 6:49am
A person is able to come form all life backgrounds and come out emotionally strong, what it means is to be able to handle things in a sense that is helpful to yourself, and those around you. People in this society tend to cover up their feelings, but realistically that’s only harming yourself. Therefore to be emotionally strong is to be the best you can be and express those feelings in a positive way even if the situation is negative and has impacted you negatively. It is okay to not be okay at all times, but in order to come out on top the best thing to do is try, and talk to somebody or reach out for help. A lot of people tend to go through similar situations and one long that you’re not alone is helpful in this community. Therefore, being emotionally strong is being able to cope and handle things and ask for help when needed.
November 24th, 2019 11:05pm
A lot of people like to say that going through trauma and hard stuff is what makes someone (emotionally) strong. However, I disagree with that common idea. Trauma makes you traumatized. What makes someone emotionally strong is how they have learned to deal with their emotions. For instance, not being submerged by them is a good sign. Some therapists and psychologists like to talk about "emotional intelligence", which is definitely a interesting subject. What it is, basically, is the capacity to be aware of and controlling one's emotions, also how to express them correctly. I think you do learn from trauma and tough times, but it's how you get in control afterwards that makes you a emotionally strong person.
December 18th, 2019 2:20am
It is mainly a person's ability to deal with challenges and bounce back from them, not how they respond in any given moment. Strong people will do what they say they will do. Emotionally strong people manage the stresses of daily life more effectively, and recover more quickly from challenges and crises when they arise. are less discouraged by setbacks and disappointments. are more adaptable to change. are able to recognize and express their needs. focus on getting around a hurdle rather than on the hurdle itself. can learn from mistakes and criticism. tend to see the larger perspective in a challenging situation. are able to recover more quickly from emotional wounds such as failure or rejection.
January 23rd, 2020 11:56pm
I think it's different for everyone but going through difficult times makes you strong. Conquering your fears and putting yourself out there makes you strong. Doing things you didn't think you could ever do, and pushing yourself to your goals. Every struggle a person overcomes allows them to learn about what they are capable of. Every time a person tells themself - I can't do this, the eventually find a way to cope by digging within and finding the inner strength to do it, I really believe we are put in difficult situations so we can discover who we really are - without some of my worst times I would have never attempted to try in life. I pushed myself because I had no choice, and I'm so glad that I did. Sometimes you can't see the good in the terrible things - but going through terrible times helps you appreciate the good ones so much more.
January 30th, 2020 12:15pm
A person is emotional strong when they are placed in difficult situations outside of their own control or they are feeling like the situation they got themselves into is now over powering them, however they are able to handle to situation with strength and determination. An emotionally strong individual will be in a difficult situation but still show care, compassion and love to those individuals around them as they do not take their emotions and frustrations out on others. Emotionally strong individuals will cry, become upset and express all other emotions as it is perfectly normal to do so however they know that deep within themselves that they can make it to the other side of their current situation. They are also not afraid to ask and seek for help from their family and peers or trained professionals.
February 20th, 2020 12:27am
One of the biggest things that makes a person emotionally strong is their support system. Countless research has shown the importance of a strong support system. It's a protective factor for depression and a predictor of resilience along with so many other positive things. Being emotionally strong on your own is a huge task but when you have others to count on and turn to, it is so much easier. We have to look to others to build support us in times of need yes but also in times of joy. Emotional strength comes in building both ends of the emotional spectrum.
March 11th, 2020 9:05pm
Being emotionally strong means different things to different people. Generally, I would say it means being able to understand and manage emotions, and having the ability to help others do the same. Being emotionally strong does not mean always being happy or never crying. It doesn't mean never showing emotions or plastering on a fake smile. That's the opposite, in fact. It means saying to oneself "I am feeling jealous right now because of xyz." and then finding a coping method and solutions. Additionally, being able to sympathize with other people is another sign. "John, it appears that you're frustrated right now. Would you like to talk about it?" Is a good way to approach a conversation with someone who is struggling. Lastly, having the ability to admit weakness and asking for help is a huge indicator of being emotionally strong.
March 27th, 2020 6:01am
I believe what makes a person emotionally strong is themselves. Strength comes from within, when you practice how to control your emotions and manage your stress and anxiety. You get stronger and develop a method to manage any future stresses. It takes time, patience and hard work but it can be done. Believing in yourself, having self confidence, self worth and self knowledge are great ways to ensure you are emotionally strong. This can be done with many different methods, do what feels comfortable for you and what is best for your emotions. Improving your well being and you're lifestyle can also help you to become emotionally stronger.
March 28th, 2020 8:21pm
Comfort and affection They make a big difference in someone's life and without it we fall apart easily because no ones there to support us or help... You need someone to cry onto to speak your worries too And just have so that you can be strong for and wanna make happy. If you have someone like that in your life you will feel less worried about the things you normally worried about and feel more at ease. To be emotionally strong is something we all try to do and want but at times things don't go our way and we fall apart.
April 8th, 2020 4:27pm
There are many things that make an emotionally strong person. Feeling secure within yourself definitely helps. Felling secure comes from making good decisions and having a life of friends, family and others that are supportive and encouraging of your decisions. Trusting yourself is a big part of emotional strength. Being able to take a risk on things that will improve your circumstance gives a person emotional strength that is built upon. A an important trait is being persistent. The ability to have a vision of what you want and working toward the goal no matter how difficult or challenging. Never give up! Life always has challenges. Emotionally strong people know that and have an attitude of acceptance or "bring in on." They also have a sense of gratitude for what they have.
May 5th, 2020 6:18am
A person who is emotionally strong is someone who can control all feelings and understand the underlying reasons why they may be getting them. They know why, how, and when they feel certain emotions, and actively talk about them with those around them and with people they trust. They know that certain feelings are only temporary and, it may seem like it is the worst of the worst in their lives, they will get through it. They have made it this far, so what do a few more years do? I really hope this helps in some way! Thanks for listening.
May 6th, 2020 10:27pm
What makes a person emotionally strong really depends on what matters to a person the most. For me, personally, there are several factors that make me emotionally strong. First, my support system, such as my family and friends; they are the ones who influenced me to be who I am today. My family and friends gave me the strength to overcome challenging times in my life. Second, my mistakes; for a person to be emotionally strong, he or she can make mistakes throughout one's lifetime, and we learn from such mistakes. Lastly, I learn from my experiences which include both of my achievements and mistakes.
May 15th, 2020 11:19pm
Being emotionally "strong" is something we hear all of the time. From my perspective, being "emotionally strong" really is about being aware of your feelings and being assertive enough to communicate them and understand them. Strong does not mean things do not bother you, or you don't fall apart. Even those who are perceived to be the strongest have hard days. Being emotionally strong is recognizing feelings, understanding how they impact decision making. Its an overall awareness.. and not a hard exterior with an emotionless person inside. I really hopes this helps! I got it wrong for many years, thinking strong meant nothing jolted me. Not true!
May 24th, 2020 5:52am
I think what makes a person emotionally strong is their ability to acknowledge the feelings they have and persevere even through negative ones. It doesn’t mean being ice cold and not feeling negative emotions, it’s about acknowledging and working through the situations and emotions that challenge us. Someone who is emotionally strong is self aware and can keep their emotions and actions in tune without hurting others. They don’t react irrationally and try their best to avoid hurting others in reaction to challenging circumstances. An emotionally strong person knows there is always room to grow and grows from their challenges.
May 28th, 2020 12:59pm
An emotionally strong person is most certainly aware of their feelings and how they affect the situation. They are aware of coping mechanisms and how to use them, also the ability to ask for help and also to see the bigger picture ... 'this too will end' is one of my favourite approaches to tackle the situation, although it's not something I'd necessarily say in a listening chat, as it might feel too condescending or belittling. Other traits are that an emotionally strong person knows that he or she has already overcome hurdles in the past and dealt with them successfully.
June 7th, 2020 6:53pm
Being able to recognize their emotions, and act in line with them. Not suppressing feelings and listening to your emotional and physical needs. Reaching out, and talking even when you are afraid what you are dealing with isn't solvable or is so minor it might as well not exist. If it bothers you, It's valid. Everyone is unique and so is what makes somebody emotionally strong. My strength lies in my ability to empathize, while not losing myself in other problems. Staying objective when emotions make reality a blur. Sometimes I am weak, but afterwards, I recognise how I should have behaved differently or how my feelings clouded my judgement.
June 18th, 2020 12:19pm
In my opinion, someone who is emotionally strong is able to reflect on their emotions and accept their feelings for what they are. They don't dwell on the emotion, but can watch it as it passes by. In some cases, people may try to steer away from certain emotions, especially painful ones. They may even deny some emotions. This can be positive in dire situations, but in everyday life sweeping emotions under the rug will only make them worse. Learning to sit with the emotions that we feel and embracing those emotions allows us to be more comfortable with our emotions and realise they do not define us, as they are not us they are merely a feeling, can be empowering.
July 10th, 2020 10:08am
Being able to acknowledge and accept one's current headspace without resorting to denial - being able to say "Yes I do feel this way". Then being able to process it and analyse whether it matches the situation - "Am I right to feel this way? Why do I feel this way?" And then consciously make choices to respond, based on both the emotional response as well as the situation at hand - "How should I respond to this, given that I feel this way and I'm right to feel this way". Emotional strength comes down to being in touch with your emotions while also not letting them drive you indiscriminately. Understand that your emotions are useful but not the ultimate decider of everything.
July 23rd, 2020 2:03pm
By being able to shrug off any form of negativity and painful circumstance away. You can also be a strong individual if you are able to face your fears and trauma head-on and accepting your weaknesses as part of yourself. We can't always be strong and a perfect imagine in the face of treacherous events, it's what makes us human and we shouldn't hate ourselves for such things. In this way, we can learn to be independent and stand on our own words, voices, and rights. Even if we get bruised or fall down, it doesn't matter as long as we learn to stand again.
August 28th, 2020 4:31pm
An emotionally strong person is able to acknowledge his positive and negative emotions, while knowing that they are temporary. Change will eventually come, so it's needed to experience the wholeness of the actual feeling, whether good or bad. By doing so, the emotionally strong individual gives space to the next occurring feeling, not dwelling on past emotional states. With this being said, I also think an emotionally strong person, while experiences the wholeness of the feeling, is also able to put a certain amount of control over his emotional state. Another feature is identifying the feelings, by identifying them, we could be more aware of the patterns in our emotional lives.
September 3rd, 2020 5:19pm
I believe emotional strength is the result of resilience and perseverance through the difficult times in our lives that we all go through. Emotional strength does not mean that a person will never feel sad; it means that they may feel sad while knowing that their sadness is okay, valid, and will eventually end. Emotional strength, like any kind of strength, is something that can be built and is necessary to maintain. This can be achieved through a self-care practice that may look very different from one person to the next. One example may be to reach out when you feel like life has become too much to handle.
October 16th, 2020 12:47am
For most people, emotional strength is something that develops over time. When children are young, you might witness them throwing a tantrum. This is because they have not developed a way to cope with disappointment, so their frustration comes out as you witness them falling to the ground kicking and screaming. As we age, we find other ways to express our emotions in many different ways. Your lived experiences can help make you emotionally strong. If you did not have a good example of emotional strength as you were growing up, you could consider practicing empathy (mentally putting yourself in someone else’s shoes), discovering methods to remain calm under pressure, and actively listening to others. These types of exercises have been known to improve emotional strength over time. Meditation and maintaining a positive attitude are also helpful things that can sometimes make it easier to keep feelings under control and ultimately feel stronger emotionally.
November 1st, 2020 6:02pm
What makes a person emotionally strong is being around family friends boyfriend/girlfriend or hobbies doing things that you can be happy with you just have to find out what makes you happy it can be hard at first but soon you will find it it will be Ok. don't expect anything to change in a day or a month or in 2 months or a year it will take some time like i said until then hang in there :) :) you got this i hope this helps someone in some way if it dose thank you for reading!!
November 6th, 2020 10:27pm
A person who's emotionally strong doesn't let their feelings and emotions take over their thoughts and actions during a time where they could be struggling or stressed out. People that are emotionally strong are resilient and are able to bounce back from any challenges and not letting it tear you down and take over. Being emotionally strong is a good thing because it will help you build better friendships and relationships. People are also more adaptable to change and are easy to understand. Emotions are something natural and it is important to always express your feelings. They also have the skills to recognize other people's mistakes.
November 11th, 2020 12:17am
An emotionally strong person is a person who is able to show his emotions without fear. It is opposite from what we all learn as children in this culture. Strong people do not show their emotions. Actually the opposite is true. Those who can show their emotions are probably stronger than those who do not. By hiding your emotions you limit yourself by your feelings. By hiding yourself from your feelings, you are not capable of finding a good relationship or maintaining a good relationship. It  becomes a vicious cycle. Those who hide their emotions end up finding another way to express it in forms of overeating, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or any type of addictive personality. It can also be released in forms of working too much (workaholics) or other behaviors. We need to be aware of our emotions. Those who have pent up emotions sometimes explode in the worst way. I like to cry when something bad happens but most people I know do not even want to see others cry. I like to laugh when I am happy but I know there are people who are upset at my happiness. So I keep it hidden so I can cry and laugh because I need to release my emotions and that is what  makes me emotionally strong.
November 12th, 2020 2:51am
An emotionally strong person is someone that is strong enough to not need validation from others for their actions. An emotionally strong person feels confident in their abilities and is able to take charge in their life. They are able to get feedback or have thoughts and not let those affect their own opinion, thoughts or mood. This person knows that they can succeed with whatever life throws in their way. They meet challenges with rational thoughts and behavior and can handle these tasks without getting overwhelmed. An emotionally strong person understands that while life throws some struggles their way, they are strong enough to overcome every single one.