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How do I keep a friendship online or in real life?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 01/26/2019 at 6:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am committed to helping you find your passion, heal old wounds, and flow smoother in all aspects of your life path! I use a compassionate listening approach.

Top Rated Answers
January 24th, 2019 11:09pm
Gosh what a great question! I wish I could say I had the magic formula. It seems like I try so hard to be an interesting and desirable friend, yet it seems to never work. I think the main problem, for me anyway, is that I'm so far in my head. Thinking everyone hates me and no one wants me around. I think part of being a good friend to others is being a good friend to yourself. My heart hurts for you. I feel this way sometimes too (even though I have a few strong long term friends) I just often feel like they are faking and secretly hate me or something. Think about what you want in a friend. Someone caring and dependable. And then be that person to yourself. Once you are friends with yourself, I don't think you'll have to think about how to be. Friends like you for who you are. Be yourself . If you need help meeting people I would recommend the site MeetUP you type in your zipcode and you see a bunch of events happening around you where people want to make friends! I just started it because I moved to a new state. Let's work on this together?
January 26th, 2019 6:04pm
For one at the end of the everyday (if it's a real life friendship becoming online) always ask the what happened in the whole day. Show some interest, tell them about stuff you recently discovered, or found yourself to like. Try to be considerate of the fact that could have had a long day and start with a simple question. Don't overwhelm them. Once in a while is ok though. Tell them you will always be there for them regardless of whether you talk much or not (only if you truly feel it from the heart and don't want the friendship to fade away) talking about common interests is really fun. You can even be a bit excessively excited even and that's fine. And really just appreciate them and love them and try to be honest with them... Stay positive!!