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I'm too short for a guy to date. What can I do?

235 Answers
Last Updated: 05/15/2022 at 1:06am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
July 4th, 2020 4:49am
Have you tried wearing high heels? Also, it's important to remember that there is someone out there who likes you for who you are (including your height). Though it may seem like a big factor now, many guys don't care and if they do, they aren't the guy for you! Also, many guys like someone who is short, so there isn't too much to worry about! I understand that this may be an insecurity of yours, but please try to remember that you're perfect just the way you are and, as previously mentioned, there is someone out there who will love your height :)
September 2nd, 2020 2:22am
Just be yourself! Any guy would be lucky to have someone who loves them in their life. They shouldnt base you off of your height. The only thing that truly matters is your heart. If they think "youre too short to date" well guess what? They are missing out. Just do you boo! If you want to feel taller you can always wear heels to feel taller, your height shouldnt matter, just your heart. I hope you find someone who can truly understand this. Keep doing you in all that you do.
September 10th, 2020 6:42am
I believe that height or other physical characteristics are "invisible" barriers that people put too much focus on especially in the world of dating. In this interconnected world, the one limiting factor that you consider is your height? I believe you have much to show for and you should use your height to your advantage! Honestly, the dating scene nowadays can be quite overwhelming with all these quirks and supposed "rules". It really takes the fun away out of getting to know the person. In addition to this, you have to consider that maybe the other person is more worried about what YOU think of him compared to your height! So you know what, just go for it. If there is an attraction, you will surely find out! Have fun and stay safe!
November 29th, 2020 10:00pm
I don't think your height matters in making you less or more attractive, the right person will like you for who you are. Be confident, there is only one of you! Often, how you treat yourself sets an example for others on how to treat you. If you work on loving and appreciating yourself, others will also see you in that light. You deserve to be seen for who you are (not just your height)! I hope you are able to find confidence within yourself and cherish yourself and your body. When the right person comes along, your height will be the least of their worries.
December 2nd, 2020 7:18am
If he loves you truly then height and everything would be overlooked 😏 because it's true love. True love overlooks all the other things and that is all that matters. I think height, religion, and everything humans use to label and divide themselves is useless because love as an emotion and feeling doesn't care about that. No matter what type of love it is like love for a sweetheart, friend, family, etc is absolutely real and nothing can divide it. That's what I believe. True love can go the distance and so if a guy really loves you for who you are then he won't even notice your height. That's all I can say 🙂
December 11th, 2020 9:57pm
I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated and discouraged about your height. I can assure you, there is no such thing as being "too short" for anyone to date. There's a whole sub-industry built off of people who are attracted to shorter people... I know at times it can feel like most of the dating pool is out of reach, but I whole-heartedly believe there is someone for everyone. Growing up, I mistakenly passed judgment on a handful of people whom I thought would be "forever-alone" (internally, I never verbalized the thoughts to anyone), and today, they are all happily married. These were people I thought would never date, let alone settle down and build a family. Here I stand, 15+ years later, and their relationships are stronger and more fulfilling than my own. Some of these people (yes there's a handful) were shorter of stature (I believe one girl was like 4'10", maybe? one had severe scoliosis, the list goes on...). They were happily married way before me. The simple truth is that this mindset, though it may feel it at times, just isn't true. Real, enduring love is independent of superficial, physical traits. Youth fades. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Your particular difficulty with locating a quality person with which to share your time and life may have a more simple solution than you expect. Try to keep a positive mindset, embrace your uniqueness, and above all else, love yourself first. Maybe your first step is opening up your options, even if only geographically. Keep your head up! As the saying goes, "There are plenty of fish".
December 17th, 2020 4:18pm
A good relationship isn't necesarily based on physical compatibility. There are other compatibility that more important. Emotional, intellectual and behavior compatibility are more important in the long run. Learn to understand, accept and love ourselves as who we are before asking anyone else to love us as we are. Next, common views or common things. We will feel more connected to people with whom we have things in common. We may have to adjust a bit, as long as not something principal. That brings us to boundaries. Know our boundaries. Where's our lines and which ones are thick lines and which are thin ones. A big no means no. We are not define by our height. Neither should our relationship.
December 30th, 2020 12:58pm
I'd begin by letting you know that you are perfect just the way you are. Being "too short" as you put it doesn't make you undesirable or unattractive. It's alright, how concerned you feel about your height but what you can do is to work more on you and your self love. Your height in itself is a gift and whoever doesn't see that or acknowledge it is on the meant for you. Slay that height sis! Being too short doesn't make you "not enough" or "unworth" of love or a date. In the right time the right one will come along and I bet he won't be that shallow to mistreat you based on your beautiful self and height
January 15th, 2021 5:57pm
Are you really too short, or do you feel too short? The feeling is valid but I bet it's not how others feel. I think we all feel like we don't measure up in certain ways. I think that my nose is too big, my hips too wide, that I'm funny and cute but not beautiful and on and on. It's helpful for me to realize that while this is how I feel, no one else is telling me this or if they do, they are really in the minority. I also think who am I to tell someone I am too short etc? Isn't it their decision? I also try to reframe it. I'm a pocket rocket. I'm tiny but mighty etc. Make it a positive and a reason I like myself versus a fault. My nose is big because my granddad's is and it reminds me of him and that's a super cool thing. Ultimately I try to refocus externally vs. internally.
January 17th, 2021 9:16pm
I’m short as well. I am 4ft 9in and most guys do not like me because I am short. I go for the tall guys because they are there to protect me and they will love you no matter how short you are. If I was you I would just go for a guy and see what they think. No matter what the other guys think about you. You matter to the world and I see that. I get made fun of because of my height and my weight so I understand completely how you feel. I hate the fact that boys just want girls that are tall and not short
January 29th, 2021 7:02am
There's no such thing as too short for a guy to date. Without going into too much detail, I personally know someone who is with somebody that is over a foot in height difference. Even then I'm sure there are people who have even larger height differences in their relationship. At the end of the day, and it is easier said than done, you need to find somebody who will like you for you. Somebody who legitimately wants to be with you in a relationship won't care how tall you are. Even if past guys have made it seem like your height is a big deal, there will always be someone out there who won't mind.
February 5th, 2021 8:52pm
Ever heard of confirmation bias? When we believe something about ourselves, such as an insecurity, we tend to interact with people who confirm that. Your relationships are a mirror. You attract what you reflect. It is simply a matter of perspective. Age, height, etc. All numbers. If you know in your heart what you have to offer, your height will not matter unless you make it matter. Trust yourself in your ability to form a connection. Your beliefs might be limiting you, not your perceived short height. What you see as a problem, another person might see as a strength. Also, do you know BTS? They are criticized for wearing makeup and doing their hair all fancy. They are guys who have taken over the world. However, Toxic Masculinity in this world is a thing. Just because they are short, wear makeup, does not make them less masculine, but the perception of how a man should look and behave is toxic. You can take on the world like they did. You just need to believe in your ability to :). Good luck!
March 11th, 2021 9:11am
I can really hear you feel insecure in how you look and it may come from your own self-critic or another persons critic. You may want to ask yourself where the insecurity is coming from. Are you influenced by how people are presented in the media? Are you influenced by a comment someone in the past or future or present (this guy) directed at you? Are you personally insecure about your own height? You may not be one person's choice but you are another person's choice. Differences in appearance make us all unique. Some people fit into someone's idea of what is conventionally attractive and what is not but keep working on your own self-confidence and eventually you will accept the way you look. We all are entitled to our preferences which are subjective and not objective factors. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong in what represents or fits their idea of attractiveness. You may have many questions you want to ask your love interest and they maybe hesitant to tell you because they want to spare your feelings. Regardless of appearance, personality will always shine through! Everyone is entitled to their own preferences or "types" when looking for significant others and these preferences can change with time or remain consistent. For further support you can communicate with one of our listeners or therapists who have lived experience or specialize in topics such as loneliness. Confidence originates from self-acceptance and you are more than just your looks!
March 11th, 2021 10:25pm
It sounds like this guy is judging you for your physical appearance. Your height is not who you are, and you deserve someone who sees you for more than that! At the end of the day, you can't make people like you, especially if if the reason someone does not want to date you is a physical trait. If he is unable to see past your height and look at the other amazing qualities you may have, it sounds like it is his loss, and you will find someone so much better who loves every single part of you.
April 8th, 2021 8:21pm
If someone really wants you for you they won’t mind it. I know you probably heard this a million times but it’s true. I have dated a tall guy before I would show him off on social media and all of that. But it’s like I was dating him for appearance. My current bf is shorter than me. At first I used to be embarrassed to show him off, but now I realized that all of these things don’t really matter when you’re a grown up. I have learnt to show him off and love him for him. Ofc there is some people hating but I date him for him not for appearance so that’s the difference.
April 11th, 2021 7:37pm
Don't ever feel about yourself for being short, skinny or any other characteristic you might think of. Always love yourself for who you are and how you are. We're all brought to this world for a purpose and no matter how we look, it should not discourage you. Value yourself. There is no such thing as too short to date. You might have been told that by someone but it is not indicative of you as a person. Focus on values, familiarities and connection rather than worrying about the physical so much as a deal breaker. You are who you are. Love yourself and you will soon find someone who loves you. For who you are, not what a number on a measuring tape says!!
May 7th, 2021 3:59pm
Height is something no matter how hard you try, you cannot ever change how tall or how short you are. There isn't much you can do about that to be honest. Someone shouldn't base dating another person on height or looks. You deserve better than that. Your height is perfectly fine the way it is right now. You don't need to change yourself for the acceptance of others. Just be you and that includes just living your life as however tall you may be! You got this and you'll find someone who doesn't care about what height you may be!
May 19th, 2021 11:57pm
Hey, that's not true! You are not "too short". If a guy really cares about you, your height should not matter to him. I think that if it really bothers you a lot than you could wear high heels, but in all reality it should not matter to anyone! I understand the insecurity, as I am also below average in my height, but a true, loving, caring, not superficial guy will love you for what's on the inside, not something as petty as your height, your looks or anything of the sort. He will love you for you and that's what really counts!
May 21st, 2021 11:36pm
Height is something most people have struggled with, especially guys because society has placed a certain standard on them. If you are not this height, people won't find you attractive, but that is absolutely not true! Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, no matter what height you are! Instead of looking ways to fix your height "problem" you should instead find someone that loves you for who you are! If that certain someone truly appreciates you, they will love all parts of you, you as a whole. Don't mind what others say about how you're too short for a guy to date, because. you aren't, there's nothing such as "too" short to date.
August 4th, 2021 6:11pm
Sometimes it can feel like our physical attributes hold us back in dating, or in life in general, but it's important to keep things in perspective, too. The world is full of many different people, all with different wants, hopes, dreams, and desires. We cannot purport to know all of the desires of entire categories of people we might want to date. Some people find shortness endearing. Some people even look for that in a partner! Therefore, saying you are "too short" is perhaps less a reflection of what other people want and more of a reflection of what you might think other people want. Remember to keep an open mind and not close doors for yourself before they have opened. Nurture your self esteem and try to recognize that you are worth it, as you are, just by nature of your being. Furthermore, the fact that you concern yourself with what others think means that you are considerate, and you care about the thoughts of others. Those are fantastic traits in a partner, so, try to not be so hard on yourself. If you still want to try to alter your appearance, you might consider putting lifts in your shoes or wearing a slight heel, however, if you choose to do these things, do them for you and not to please, or appeal to, anyone else. You are enough as you are.
October 2nd, 2021 9:11am
The height of a person or any other physical feature may not be their choice. It shouldn't be a criterion for another person to love you. There will come a person who doesn't consider these factors as a deal-breaker. All you can do is love yourself just the way you are, and it is not easy. The range of difficulty can differ for every individual. Just understand that it is not your fault, and there is no need to feel bad about yourself. You are strong, and you will find a person who understands and loves you just like you are.
October 10th, 2021 5:22am
You're not too short. Nobody is too short to be wanted or loved. Do the things you love, get involved in your community, and you'll meet someone who is more interested in who you are than your height. Dating has become so intentional that it somehow lacks any real intention anymore other than "I don't want to be alone, and if I'm single then I have less value than people who are in a relationship." That's false; and it's a lie to keep you tied up in trying to meet someone instead of getting things done. The person will come, and you're better off meeting them in a setting where the focus isn't, "let's get to know each other as fast as possible so we can decide if we want to get in bed tonight," and is more about whether you want to spend a lot of your time together. Again, your height isn't what defines how desirable you are, it's what you do and the way you treat others -- and how you take care of yourself and those you're responsible for.
January 1st, 2022 4:24am
Height is something that can not be changed, so your height shouldn't be a determining factor in whether or not you are compatible with someone! If they find that height is a barrier, you may want to consider whether their priorities align with yours, as this would make for a bigger issue in a potential relationship. Sometimes, if such minute attributes prevent a relationship from happening, maybe the person isn't right for you. It may be hard to move on, but there are definitely people out there who don't care about such details, and there are people who are better fits for you.
April 28th, 2022 12:04am
I don't believe you could be too short for a guy to date. It's all about quality - not quantity :) Try and strike up conversations with people that have similar interests and you may find someone there. Having a similar interest is really important because you have the first stepping stone to your journey with this person. Some journeys are long and some are short. As I said, it's about quality - not quantity. Another suggestion is trying the Meetup site. They have all sorts of different groups you can join and meet new, interesting people that have something in common with you.
May 15th, 2022 1:06am
Hey there! I would like to remind you that there are a lot of people out there that like someone regardless of their height, even if dating may feel difficult for you at the moment. My advice to you is to just always be yourself. Trust me when I say, that's all that really matters at the end of the day. Someone will like you for you. If your height is in the factor of such, then they may not be the right person for you. Always remember that all bodies and heights are perfect and to never change yourself for the world.