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What to do after being told your best friend only sticks around because they pity you? (friendship breakup)

2 Answers
Last Updated: 06/13/2022 at 7:58am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
May 4th, 2020 4:32pm
When told something like this, something to do is to think about why your friend may think these things, and what they may be thinking about themselves. People who say things like this are often insecure about their own issues. And worry the effects of loosing you. However no matter the reason, this is still toxic behaviour, and we have to look after ourselves first. You could of course address the issue with her. Or maybe apologise that she had these insecurities, and feels she has to bring others down in order to feel good about herself. Just remember to take care of yourself first
June 13th, 2022 7:58am
Ask your best friend and if that's true then remove yourself from that situation, do not hate them but be grateful that they were honest, deal with the pain and know that it's okay to go through all those emotions, you will be okay and you will heal in the end, it might hurt now but it won't hurt forever, you will find people who genuinely care about you and will be with you because of who you are. You got this, you are loved and cared for always never doubt it. What you best friend says matters.