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Is is still self harm if it doesn’t leave a scar?

4 Answers
Last Updated: 03/22/2022 at 11:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
January 21st, 2019 1:04am
It is self-harm when you purposefully try to hurt yourself. You can self-harm in many different ways. Some people try and hit themselves with there hands, and other people use an object. Whether or not it leaves a scar or a mark, it is still self-harm. Self-harm is a big issue. Your feeling so bad about yourself that you want to hurt your self in some way. Please no, that you don't need to feel like this. You deserve to be happy, there are so many people out there who would love to help you. Seeing a counselor or a doctor can be really scary, especially if you've never talked to one before. Just know, that they are there to help you. They chose that line of work because they love helping people. You are not alone.
January 21st, 2019 8:20pm
Self-harm actually comes in many forms, it's not just in the form of cutting. Self-harm is basically when you hurt yourself as a way of coping with your overwhelming emotions (to put it generally), however, everyone has a different set of reasons for why they harm themselves, it'll be different for each person. Ways of self-harm apart from cutting can include things like depriving yourself of sleep, overdosing on alcohol/substances, over/under eating, biting/burning/scratching your skin, giving yourself bruises, getting into fights where you know you will get hurt, over-excessive exercising, trying to break/fracture your bones, and pulling hair would be just some of the things people have done to self-harm.
January 22nd, 2019 3:01pm
Yes. To explain, why i'm so certain that yes is the correct answer, let's first look at a definition of self harm. Self harm is a coping mechanism - that means it's a way of dealing with a problem, in this case it's usually dealing with emotional pain. Now let's look at some examples of what self harm can be. Self harm isn't just cutting and burning yourself, it's also hitting yourself, doing drugs, binge drinking, starving yourself, binge eating, banging your head into the wall, purposely swallowing things that can harm you (poison, objects...) etc. It can also be less obvious things, to which we usually don't think of and pay enough attention to, like reckless driving, having unsafe sex, or intentionally putting yourself in any other kind of dangerous situation. Basically, self harm is anything you intentionally do to harm yourself, even if it doesn't leave any marks at all! So yes, whatever you did to yourself, it's still self harm if you tried to intentionally hurt yourself.
March 22nd, 2022 11:04pm
Anything that you do to harm yourself is self-harm, even making bad decisions, why do you feel the need to punish yourself? It could be choosing the wrong romantic partners, not eating, overeating, and even not jaunting your hygiene. Those can all be forms of self-harm. Most of these things do not leave physical scars, but also leaving scars is still valid self-harm. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there. The root is to understand why you don’t feel worthy or good enough or why you feel like you need to be punished