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When I'm angry, why do I always feel the need to hurt myself?

316 Answers
Last Updated: 03/20/2022 at 8:30pm
When I'm angry, why do I always feel the need to hurt myself?
★ This question about Self-Harm was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
October 23rd, 2016 10:29pm
Anger normally results in the need to hurt something because taking your anger out on something help calms you down. If you're the kind of person that does not like to hurt others or you're a masochist, you will probably feel the need to hurt yourself.
October 22nd, 2016 6:20am
I understand this feeling very well and battle with it quite often myself. Based on my experiences, I feel like the anger comes from a place of misguided self-defense. It may be a mechanism you are putting in place to not have to deal with the anger. When you are angry, do you also feel any secondary emotions? Sometimes a person can feel guilty for their rage.. like it is wrong or pointless in some way. Instead of facing an issue that seems too daunting and seemingly impossible to deal with, we respond by hurting ourselves to beat back the overflow of emotions. Some people do it to calm themselves as pain may give you a feelings of "resetting" your mind and emotions. Some people self harm to feel again when you are feeling cold or numb inside. I have also heard that some people self harm to stop themselves from lashing out at others whether physically or verbally. Maybe inside, you feel like you deserve the pain. But trust me, you don't. The need to hurt yourself may be strong but it is definitely not right. There are many coping methods out there and hopefully both of us can find a method that will help us handle our emotions.
October 21st, 2016 3:34pm
You feel the need to hurt yourself because you need to take out your aggression in some form. Hurting yourself is not the safest way to get your anger out. I suggest breathing exercises or taking part in an activity that you find joyful.
October 13th, 2016 12:58pm
You feel angry but mostly from yourself. Things that triggered your anger may somehow be connected about you.
October 12th, 2016 10:28pm
I think that for a lot of people, the pain distracts them from whatever is really bothering them. For me, it wasn't really like that, but more of a stress release so that I could focus on something that wasn't hurting me so much. I felt a lot more emotional than physical pain.
July 2nd, 2015 1:16am
You may feel the need to hurt yourself because when you do, a hormone is released inside you. It can become addicting. It also gives self harmers temporary relief. I do not recomend hurting yourself, as it can become addicting.
July 1st, 2015 3:58pm
It is like another way of telling yourself, "This is my punishment" or "It is better to hurt myself than others."
July 1st, 2015 9:02am
Some people see it as some sort of outlet. A way that they can control what they are feeling. Maybe you are one of them. You just have to learn to control your anger.
October 2nd, 2016 7:56pm
I think the same way it's just natural I tend to just think positive and keep my head up and so should you love because no matter what your special in else's someone's eyes
July 1st, 2015 2:06am
Sometimes when people feel angry and they don't think it is acceptable to express that anger outward, they will turn the anger inward and self harm.
July 1st, 2015 1:40am
Self-harm is an unhealthy way to cope with overwhelming emotions. It can bring us back into the real world, and get us out of our heads. However, there are other methods of dealing with sadness, anger, and anxiety that are actually beneficial, such as journaling, meditating, exercising, etc. If you ever even feel the need to hurt yourself, tell someone trustworthy, and see what you can do about speaking with a mental health professional. Hurting yourself is not an answer.
June 28th, 2015 6:09pm
Because you feel like you need to punish someone for your anger, sometimes it is ourself, because we don't understand how can we get so angry all of sudden.
June 28th, 2015 3:10pm
I've gone through the same myself. Personally, I know it stems from my need to get rid of some of the anger. Some people bite pillows, some people break things, other people, like myself, don't like to be destructive, so we turn the anger onto ourselves. It's a way to make sure you don't hurt anyone or anything else, and the endorphins often help to calm you down. I've come to learn there are plenty of other healthy ways to cope with the anger aside from hurting yourself!
January 31st, 2016 9:00pm
Usually when a person is angry and they want to hurt themselves its mostly because they cant take their anger out elsewhere. When you get angry and feel that need, writing the thoughts and the feelings down helped me a lot when i was going through that same problem, after i wrote it down if i was still angry i would flush the paper in bits down the toilet and i would be calm by then. If you do not flush it down the toilet you could always keep a journal where you have all the times you have been mad.
June 27th, 2015 4:52am
because you feel the need to take the angry out on something which ends up being yourself. maybe try different ways to cope with your anger in a non harming way
February 6th, 2016 8:52pm
What you state is a great feeling of helplessness. Try channeling that helplessness using a stress ball or performing tasks breathing .
February 10th, 2016 5:28pm
This might be because self harm releases endorphin's that tend to relieve you and make you feel more relaxed. It may also be because you feel like whatever has angered you was your fault so you take it out on yourself.
February 11th, 2016 2:27am
This is because you wish to punish yourself for your actions. No matter what scenario or circumstances an individual faces it is ultimately their response of whether to feel anger or not, and punish yourself accordingly.
May 17th, 2016 6:10pm
Self-harm may have become your automatic reaction to any kind of situations, whether it is to relieve pain or to give yourself more pain because you think you deserve it.
December 8th, 2016 1:39pm
In some cases, it's because you feel to need to punish yourself. In others, it's your cope mechanism, or a way to deal with something. If that's the case, I'd recommend finding a different way to deal with your problems rather than hurting yourself.
December 2nd, 2016 3:20pm
If you are angry, you probably think that hurting yourself will take way the emotional pain. You resort to physical pain when you no longer want to feel emotional pain.
August 13th, 2018 2:53pm
for me,hurting myself is when i’m really angry or overwhelmed. And i think people don’t want to think about it or feel this heavy feeling in our chests and just hurt ourselves as a distraction.
June 28th, 2015 2:49am
Maybe is just the need of feeling something that replaces the old empty formula of anger, then pain takes the role as a drug, it becames the only single desire of releasing the anger in that very moment were dispair leads you'r thoughts.
January 19th, 2017 2:54am
When people get angry, we mainly get the idea that we aren't worth much. I strongly suggest though you don't harm yourself in any way because you will eventually look back on it and regret harming yourself when you're mad. The best thing to do is to calm yourself down first, and reflect on what made you mad just so you know why it's not worth harming yourself.
June 27th, 2015 8:16pm
Because it's so easy to blame yourself! You don't want to burst out on anyone else either, because the risks to hurting their feelings, which also leads you feel horrible
June 7th, 2016 11:10am
I think its a way to cope with all the feelings inside of you and letting them out and making yourself feeling more relax. When you don't know how to make yourself feel better na dletting out all that anger, you feel like you want to hurt yourself. Especially if you have thoughts of being failed in life or have bad confidence all that anger inside of you turns against yourself.
June 5th, 2016 9:48am
Sometimes when I've experienced anger, it's because I made what I thought was a big mistake. So I'm upset with myself. Maybe I'm embarrassed or experiencing a memory of being told in the past that I was an embarrassment. There have been times that the desire to punish myself was the thing I needed to do. So I'd hurt myself. At other times, I didn't want to feel that emotion, so I'd hurt myself. There could be a lot of reasons that someone might hurt themselves when angry, but in my experience it is the emotions under the anger that are creating the feeling that i need to hurt me.
July 9th, 2015 5:14am
There was a time in my life when this was the case for me. Thankfully it isn't any longer. I'm not sure if there's any one clear reason why I did it. It sort of felt like the natural reaction at the time. I think part of the reason that I did it was that I had difficulty channeling my anger in any other way. I wanted to hurt something, but I didn't want to hurt other people, so I hurt myself. I also think I might have been trying to punish myself for getting upset in the first place. I'm not really sure.
December 23rd, 2015 9:32am
Maybe it's because you don't want to get angry with the people you like. Hurting yourself may seem as a good solution to control anger, but it isn't
December 25th, 2015 7:39am
When i feel angry and have no one to blame for it myself is the next best thing. i blame myself and take it out on myself, and by hurting myself it relieves the stress, and lets it all out. i think this may be similar for you.