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why does cutting make me feel better but then bad afterwards?

265 Answers
Last Updated: 12/14/2022 at 1:32am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Stacy Overton, PhD.


I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.

Top Rated Answers
October 27th, 2019 11:46am
The initial feeling is a release, a relief. You do it to make yourself feel better, it's like a drug. The first time you do it, you get almost high off of the feeling. And then as time goes by, you come down from that high. You may feel guilty, ashamed, in pain. And then the urge comes back, but this time it doesn't get you as high, but you crash even lower afterwards. And that's how you get hooked; trying to get the feeling from the first time, back. Meanwhile, the feelings of guilt and shame and the need to hide the addiction increase every time you do it.
October 12th, 2019 7:58pm
cutting makes me feel better in the short term because it feels like a physical release from all the emotional problems i keep bottled up. but it makes me feel bad because its only a temporary solution to a bigger problem. and there are consequences from cutting, like all the scars. and then within a few hours the 'high' from cutting has faded and all thats left is the guilt on top of all the feelings that lead you to cutting in the first place. its a hard little cycle to break away from thats why reaching out for help can be beneficial
October 9th, 2019 6:58pm
The release of cutting can numb all the other thoughts and feelings for those few seconds but afterwards, it can often lead to feelings of regret and then you have to deal with the consequences of the self-harm. It can be really hard to think about the future when you are feeling bad but when it comes to days, weeks, months after those times, the marks left behind are a constant reminder of those darker moments. Feeling bad afterwards can also sometimes be because we feel that we have let someone down or broken a promise to someone or yourself.
October 9th, 2019 2:35am
The act of cutting releases dopamine in the brain, which gives you the "feel good" effect. This chemical is also released from food, music, and drugs. This doesn't mean it's a good thing to do though, obviously. The bad feeling I believe is either guilt, or the dopamine wearing off. But, that does mean if you want to get the same good feeling you get from cutting, then music and food also helps to achieve this. Grab a snack, put on some headphones, and work on one of your hobbies and you should be feeling better, without all the guilt afterwards.
September 1st, 2019 7:39pm
I’ve felt the same way. It’s a temporary release and a way to distract from the problem at hand, but it’s ultimately damaging to you physically and mentally. Whether what you’re feeling is guilt or disappointment it all stems from the fact that self-harm is not an effective coping mechanism. In my personal experience it was like a drug, a sudden rush of satisfaction or adrenaline whenever I did it, but it left me feeling worse than before because now not only have I not solved the root problem, but I added injuries on top of that. Not to mention I was only seeking the satisfaction of pain temporarily, so when the injuries stayed around after I would get no enjoyment from the pain, I only felt hurt and guilty. This may not apply to you, but this was how it’s felt in my personal experience.
June 2nd, 2019 9:59am
Probably it is cliche but cutting really makes you feel something, especially when you have felt numbness and hollowness for so long. Sometimes you do think you deserve it, it is the only thing you deserve to feel - actual pain. You also have this craving to see your blood, see it running, feel it is worth, to spill it pointlessly so that you have made up for all your mistakes. The truth is though that satisfaction is only momentary and then you feel even worse, like you are not good enough because you have not cut that deep, you haven't hurt yourself as bad as you think you deserve. It is one big cycle that let's you crave pain and you never get enough of it. It is almost as if you are not sure what you have become - your own monster
May 23rd, 2019 9:21pm
in my experience, self-harm is a temporary solution. self-harm is a coping mechanism, so people use it to feel better, but self-harming doesn't actually address the root causes of our struggles, which is why it is only a temporary fix. beyond that, i also used to attach a lot of guilt to self-harming. i used to feel incredibly guilty because i hated myself for doing it, but i couldn't stop. these are just a few examples of the many possible reasons why you feel like that, but just remember that you're valid, your feelings are valid, and that you can recover. stay safe
May 5th, 2019 5:25pm
It makes you forget your inner pain for a while, but its consequences are difficult afterwards because when the inner pain disappears, you suffer from external pain with some scars. So, if you do, try to get rid of it and try replacing it with other better ways, like listening to music you love or going to yoga Because in this way you can rest without pain without being hurt, and religiously, because it is forbidden because it harms the body. so Try to protect your body by not doing it again for your soul and medicine for your wounds
May 2nd, 2019 9:19pm
When we cut ourselves when we felt stressed, some hormones that caused our stress leaks out with blood. It will make us feel relieved. But when we realized what we did, we’ll feel bad afterwards because we know it’s not something that will cure our stress. It will only harm our body. Knowing that, it would be better if we find another cure to help ourselves like trying to share our stories with close friends or family. Don’t keep it to ourselves because it will only make us keep thinking about the problem and eventually harm ourselves by cutting.
April 3rd, 2019 1:18am
Cutting is a coping mechanism that only helps temporarily. At first, it'll feel right for you but later on, you'll only feel worse and those emotions will come back to you. Cutting will usually give you the urge to continue using this coping mechanism, which is one of the reasons why it's unhealthy. By doing this, you're only hurting yourself more as well as the people who care about you. A better coping mechanism would be to vent to somebody who's willing to let you do that (like with 7 cups listeners) or to distract yourself by doing things such as drawing, reading a book, or watching amusing YouTube videos. Going for a quick walk might also let off some steam.
March 17th, 2019 10:15pm
Cutting as well as other forms of self harm can give people a feeling of Euphoria or temporary relief, which is why we feel good, or feel satisfied. Once we register what we’ve done, we feel guilty or angry at ourselves. Self harm in and of itself is a cycle, of feeling worthless or even that you deserve ‘this’ then you act upon it and feel relieved or that you’d successfully completed your goal, then once you’ve registered it you feel angry, sad, etc, which would then in turn continue the cycle. Overall everyone is unique in how they feel post self harm.
January 24th, 2019 5:07am
Self harm is short term relief. It's commonly used to alleviate emotional pain. It gives someone control over their pain. However, in hindsight, it really only makes things worse. Although anything may seem better than what you're feeling in the moment, self harm is a temporary and destructive answer. It's a step back from recovery, which is easier to take at first but only becomes harder. Self harm is hard to quit, especially because of the moment of feeling better, but it's not worth the pain and feeling bad afterwards.
January 12th, 2019 11:43pm
At first, it makes you feel better as you know many people use this way and think it is a good way to help them with dealing with things. Yet later it makes you feel bad because of various reasons: first of all, it hurts and then you begin to regret what you did and the reasons for why you did it. It makes you feel bad because you know you cam't tell someone because they will tell an adult. You will also realise that when doing so all you want to do is harm yourself that what has happened yet later scars show and you know you caused damage which could stay forever.
January 4th, 2019 3:47am
The pain is relaxing and gives the mind something else to focus on then whatever is going on usually a depressed mood but then the reality of what was done sets in and I start to feel guilty for having hurt myself and that feeds a cycle that is hard to break. So it can result in more cutting and feeling good then bad and finding other ways to get relief is hard and takes time while cutting is always instantaneous but comes with that double edge of causing more guilt and bad feeling making me feel a whole lot worse.
February 17th, 2022 3:52am
Most people like the feeling of cutting for many different reasons. Some people think they deserve it, others like how it allows them to feel something again. But most of the time people don't feel "in control" when they do it. That's why they feel bad after it. Because they realize how this action is going to affect them and the people around them. A lot of people feel guilty about it. Mostly because they don't want people to know, but at the same time they are reaching out for help. Also they are embarrassed when people see them. Most people see cutting as a sign of weakness, which makes it horrifying to show them in public. There are many reasons as to why cutting is a horrible thing, but when you're in a dark place, it can be a good feeling in the moment.
December 24th, 2018 5:00am
Cutting releases endorphins. When you get injured, your body works hard to fight the pain and danger, so it releases happy feelings to try and cut the pain. The reason it feels bad afterwards is because you knowingly just injured yourself and that messes with your body's self-preservation instinct, your mind makes you feel bad to tell you to stop that cause it's destructive and will do no good. If you cut, please know that even though it does release endorphins, those endorphins are triggered as a panic from your body. They are not good and can possibly shut off your ability to normally feel happiness when you're not consumed by your mental condition. It's a dangerous game.
December 14th, 2018 4:53pm
That is a golden question hon... I often wondered the same thing. still do sometimes. The way I think of it sometimes, is like, imagine under your skin. as things get bad, you just stuff it all inside. you are slowly filling up with stress and pain. eventually, you are going to burst. but, when you cut, it helps. it releases some of that stress and pain. It helps keep you at a safe level. Im not saying that cutting is smart, cause Ive been through that. and it doesn't help in the long run. but I do understand what you are saying there honey.
December 6th, 2018 7:11pm
Because after you cut, you feels as if all the things you’ve been holding onto is finally gone. So you feel free, but an hour later you regret doing that it’s like this never ending process. So you keep going at it trying to fix the problem which only makes it worse when you go to get better, you hide it thinking people don’t know what you are doing to your self. But they do they know you just do keep going back to the blade because it’s been the only thing with you from the first day. Yet it’s also costed you the most pain.
July 15th, 2018 2:20pm
Because you're thrilled by its sensation. Cutting yourself has its own sensation.. knowing you hurt yourself physically makes you think that you're making yourself better mentally.. so you just do it without second thought.. but then afterwards you'll feel guilty because you hurt yourself badly.. If you really want to change, whenever you feel like want to cut yourself, please stop.comtrol your mind, refocus it onto something else that's more positive. Write a journal, sing, dance to your song, draw something, play games, run around the blocks, listen to the music or maybe you can do some coloring or arts.. be creative.. who knows you had a hidden talent you never knew before..☺ or maybe you can even just take a walk around the neighborhood, go to park and take a deep breath :)
April 7th, 2022 1:37pm
hey! so sorry to hear that you're struggling with self harm at the moment, and as a self harmer myself, i think i am eligible to answer this this question. self harm, like cutting, releases hormones like endorphins, and dopamine, which provide temporary relief from the mental pain, because it shifts the mind's focus on the physical pain, rather than the mental pain. after the effect of the dopamine and the endorphins is over (because it is temporary) and the focus comes back to the mental pain, we tend to experience feelings of shame, guilt, and anger for cutting (or harming ourselves). this cycle of emotional suffering => emotional overload => panic => self harm => temporary relief => guilt/shame is often experienced by those who self harm. if you're struggling with self harm, i want you to know that you're not alone, and you can get help for this. talking to a therapist could also reveal some underlying issues that could be causing you to self harm. there could be many reasons for that, and in most of the cases it can be helped. once again, you're not alone in this battle, and if you think you might need urgent assistance, kindly check out this crisis resource center: take care of yourself!
July 28th, 2018 1:05pm
Cutting releases many "feel-good" chemicals, the brain sends these signals for these chemicals to be released as a result of injury. Hence why cutting can lead to addiction because lf the euphoric feeling it can bring because of this chemical reaction. The sadness or bad feeling afterwards in most cases is caused by guilt.
July 27th, 2018 4:35am
It gives you a reason for your pain when you aren't sure why you hurt, which helps relieve it temporarily. But afterwards, you could be left with feelings of guilt.
July 22nd, 2018 9:11am
Cutting is a way of expressing anger and is an in the moment move. Afterwards you tend to regret it because youre no longer feeling upset or angry.
July 20th, 2018 1:41am
Research has stated cutting maybe consider as a type drug or a high/rush such as from cocaine. That could be for one reasoning.
July 15th, 2018 3:05pm
maybe because you think you deserve the pain at first but then afterwards you realise you probably shouldnt of done it because its not good for you, please talk to someone if you need to.
July 5th, 2018 11:27am
Because your brain associates that harmful method as a coping mechanism. And then your brain releases endorphins. But you feel guilty afterwards because you deep down think that you deserve better than to take your problems out on yourself. And you do anyway.
July 2nd, 2018 9:57pm
Cutting temporarily releases chemicals that make you happy and feel better but after that wears off then you're usually left feeling guilty and upset.
May 26th, 2022 1:06am
I understand that cutting is a release for many people. You may be cutting to avoid strong feeling you are having. It sounds like you feel a release and maybe guilt afterwords. Personally I understand how you feel. Cutting can cause these mixed up motions to occur. Some things that you could try to get a release could be, holding a cold object, putting a rubber band on your wrist or even exercising. It is never fun to act on the urge of cutting when it brings up negative emotions afterwards. You are so strong and I believe in your recovery!
July 29th, 2018 2:51am
Cutting is a way of coping with intense emotions and feel like you're in control and at first it does seem like so, but then you start to realize that you could've done things differently. You realize there was another way of coping and wonder why you couldn't see it earlier.
May 6th, 2022 3:58pm
Cutting makes you feel better at first because it relieves the tension caused by your sadness/anxiety/whatever else that makes you cut in a situation. I used to have a problem with cutting and scratching so I would personally do it to take my mind off of other things, it sort of relives the tension because we think that we have punished ourselves whether that is consciously or unconsciously. Soon after the breakdown and punishment phase has subdued, we feel guilt. The guilt of hurting our own body, why we did this instead of being productive/better/whatnot. It not only hurts you physically, it hurts you mentally. Then because of that, the cycle just repeats itself every time something new happens.