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How to admit that you have been raped? I mean who do I go to first?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 01/13/2020 at 5:10pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
January 13th, 2020 5:10pm
You can talk to someone you know who you trust will not tell others, you feel safe telling, and you think is a good listener. Not everyone has that or feels comfortable telling someone they know yet, so some people call the national sexual assault hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673) first. It'll connect you to a trained staff member from a sexual assault organization in your area (or you could use google to find the organization in your area) and they can support you. When you tell someone, only share the information you feel comfortable sharing-you do not have to go into all the details unless you want to. Please remember that whatever happened, it's not your fault.
January 8th, 2020 7:38pm
Dear Writer, First off, I am so sorry that such a violation has occurred and I wish you all the love while you try to recover. I would go to my mom or a family member/friend that you trust and are very close with to talk to. If you are not comfortable with letting anyone close to you know, you should go to the hospital and confide in a doctor, since it is very important to get checked out to make sure everything is okay. Lastly, I would encourage you to seek professional help in the form of a therapist the deals with sexual assault and the PTSD and other effects it accompanies. Take Care, K.