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What does it mean when your dreams feel so real?

139 Answers
Last Updated: 04/27/2022 at 4:56pm
What does it mean when your dreams feel so real?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
June 11th, 2016 8:02am
When your dreams feel so real? Well, I guess that depends on the dream. If it's bad and scary and nerve-wracking, then of course, you'd hope for the dream to end; for it to stop being a reality. But when you dream of nice thoughts, like escaping from a mundane cycle of life or even dreaming of doing something nice that other people may not consider to be worthwhile or special (but it is to you), that's when the dreams feel real and you feel happy; elated. One of my dreams (or should I say aspiration? - either way, it was something that I wished for) was to get into Uni and study what I want - not what other people wanted me to study, or do a degree which will give you guaranteed financial support in the future, but something which I have a passion for. I worked hard and that dream/aspiration became a reality. Sometimes it feels surreal to get a good education and I'm thankful for it everyday. Sometimes I think, "Ok, I got what I wished for, but what do I do now?". How do you progress from there? It's easy - find opportunities. Dream some more. Look for something that interests you and grab hold of it. If you don't seem interested in it, don't worry, just keep on looking. You're next goal is to fulfill another dream: to make another wish come true. Unfortunately, when you do want a dream to come true, it's not going to happen just like that. That's only in Disney movies. You have to work hard, be resilient. You may have heard the saying: "Hard work always pays off" - well, when you're working for something you really care for and want to make a difference, that's when work can become enjoyable. There may be ups and downs, but in the end, it's worth it. Don't let your dreams be dreams (if it's scary and you don't like though, just keep it in your head. Or talk to a listener - we're here to help). ;) ;)
July 23rd, 2016 2:49am
Those are called vivid dreams. Your dreams are interpreted in different ways. Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes a dream is just a dream. Having these dreams could be result of how you feel about someone or even about yourself in your life in general.
August 20th, 2016 12:25am
It doesn't have to mean anything, it's only your brain using more senses to present the dream rather then using only visual examples
January 26th, 2017 10:52am
I don't think it means very much when your dreams feel real. Dreams are not very well understood so we should not read too much into them. We should just enjoy the nice dreams that we have and forget about the more unpleasant ones.
November 7th, 2017 1:17pm
today i had a dream the only dreams i have are lucid dreams im always in control i want to fly i run i want to have superpowers i think what kind. but there is the rare occasion where nothing is in my control usually they are scary or odd very odd. in this case i seem to have ended up at a bus stop at what seems to be Taiwan there are people who chose to walk some who chose to ride a bike and an old factory to my south and in front of me is a vivid one way road i think i get on a bus i did not remember perfectly but the destination looked like a barn i sit there there are two girls who look exactly the same girl a lets call her ann and girl b we will call her lucy. lucy was defying the rules when no one could to torment or tease ann who was squeamish making herself contort and ann seemed like she wanted to wake up blinking really hard trying obviously hard i thought it was kinda funny at first like siblings teasing each other ,and for the first time ever i talked in my dream and i said who cares about reason ann squealed with a disturbed face and lucy smiled elated i have never seen such an honest and happy face . lucy grabbed me i started to feel pain i can't fell pain in my dreams usually and this makes the 2 times if we think of the setting ,she grabbed me and i couldn't move there was no free will in my dream and she said if you want blank move i don't remember what she said, it hurt and i couldn't move so i force my way out i moved my shoulder and it moved her hand then i woke up. the second time i had long forgot about this dream till i saw that road this time no ones around a few passing cars and a man dressed in black he wasn't moving o i walk the same direction i came closer he didn't react i put my hand on his shoulder he reacted put up a crazed smile instinctively i thought if don't run im screwed so i run as hard as i can i try flying like i usually can in lucid dreams but i was trapped i keep running i look back and hes gone i keep running forward and he poped up in front of me once i moved my head forward and he was there smiling big and wide he then stabbed me lifted me up high and proceed to shake me as i was in the air i felt pain lots of pain but couldn't wake up tried mentally pulling my self out couldn't wake up then i died and woke up i woke up feeling pain in the same place like my nerves hurt not my skin my nerves actually made pain in my dream im not ill no old wounds no reason but they hurt i did not sleep after that any ideas. to me i entered someone else s lucid dreams
May 19th, 2018 8:46am
I think it can be two things. A vivid dream can be your mind making sense of things that have been going on in your life and this also depends on the time of the day the dreams occur. My weirdest ones are early in the morning or if I sleep in too much. The other ones are when my unconscious is repairing deep issues - which happens when you are doing therapy - well it did for me!
September 2nd, 2018 1:32am
Dreams are your mind's way of telling you something, sometimes something important. And dreams also balance out your emotions for your well-being. Suppose you're going through a very difficult and stressful time in your life then you may get a happy dream that very night where you wake up laughing uncontrollably, or suppose you're ecstatic in waking life then you may have a sad dream that night and wake up feeling low. Watch out for your habits in waking life, Journal your dreams, especially the ones that feel so real and get a dream dictionary... to better understand what your mind is telling you!)
April 23rd, 2016 2:54am
You are lucid dreaming , you may have some sleeping issues or brain issues . Or on the bright side you are creative ,imaginative person.
May 4th, 2016 11:08pm
It does happen at times but dont get afraid of it. Its just the thoughts...try having pure thoughts before sleeping
May 14th, 2016 1:07pm
The brain is actually more active during the nights than it is during the day. This means that your brain is "saving" your memories and filtering all of your memories and experiences that you've had that day. Dreams are subconsious replays of what has happened in recent memory, or of what you feel. One can also control dreams, and those are specifically called " Lucid dreams".
May 29th, 2016 7:09am
You could be lucid dreaming if you know that it's a dream while you're dreaming it. Other than that, it might be hormonal, if you have vivid dreams at certain times. Anyhow, good dreams that feel real are awesome :D
July 16th, 2016 12:06pm
This is just natural! It can mean that you're a very creative person with a broad imagination. Really it depends on the dream's content.
June 9th, 2017 4:51pm
Although there's no definitive word on the purpose, mechanics, and nature of dreams, scientists and psychologists have claimed that dreams are a way of fulfilling the wishes of our subconscious that are too unrealistic or too childish or too implausible for our conscious brain to comprehend and work on. Ideally, they shouldn't be taken too literally, but if they feel very real then it might mean that we were highly invested in that particular wish/emotion that needed fulfillment. Or maybe the dream occurred during the REM hours of sleep, the time when we sleep the deepest. We have more vivid dreams during those hours than the other hours of our sleep. :)
June 24th, 2017 2:22pm
It means you are a vivid dreamer or subconcious is trying to get you to be aware of things that are happening in your waking life that are significant. Sometimes it can be confusing having vivid dreams as you wake up wondering did it really happen. Just try to breathe it out and recall events from yesterday and see if they do or dont match from the dream.
August 2nd, 2017 3:40am
Dreams can be affected by a number of things. Certain brain wavelengths are more conducive to vivid dreaming. I know that sleeping on my back increases realistic dreams. I hypothesize it is because gravity is drawing more blood to my visual cortex. Dream states can also be amplified by the temperature of your surrounding environment, what you ate earlier in the day, whether or not you exercised close to bedtime and a variety of other biochemical triggers.
August 11th, 2017 6:41pm
Dreams can mean a lot of things, but its very controversial as to what. Try and think back to anything you've seen/heard throughout the day which might have correlation.
November 24th, 2017 2:26pm
It means that my heart really desired that dream.and it can made my soul also a next great step of my life when it feel real
February 3rd, 2018 6:00am
Dreams can be when you sleep or ambitions. So I am thinking dreams which are our unconscious mind working so that makes them feel real sometimes you wake up and still remember to swear they were real.
November 15th, 2018 4:42pm
Dreams feel "real" because they are a real part of your consciousness, but generally presenting themselves while you are asleep. In this regard, they are a function of the subconscious mind. Dreams are a way for the subconscious mind to help us "process" the events of the day, or the situations present in our life. Have you ever heard of the sleep studies that were done where they continually woke people up during R.E.M (dream phase of sleep)? Basically, they allowed people to sleep, but prevented the dream phase. Within just a few days, people were not functioning well, and were experiencing extreme states of stress. The study found that we need to dream for our health. It's an integral part of our mind's functioning. Aside from the function of dreams in "processing" our stuff, they also contain a body of wisdom, solutions, insights, and messages. All of this comes from both your own mind and the collective consciousness. In other words, dreams are a powerful resource. It does take some training and skill to learn how to understand our dreams on a deeper level. But once the understanding is opened up, dreams become a profound way to understand all aspects of the self. Dream seem real because they are real. They are real "helpers" and "messengers." They help us to learn, grow, heal, understand and function. And they help us understand ourselves and the world around us in a that is not always available to us through the conscious waking state. If your dream seems more "real" than usual, it is probably trying to speak to you even "louder" in order to share its message with me.
December 20th, 2018 7:26pm
In my opinion based off my own personal experiences, when my dreams feel very real its a sign that some aspect of that dream ( a person, a place, a thing, or a feeling) has or will come up in my life. It happens every once in a while that my dreams feel so real that they seem to affect me throughout the day or the next few days. It always helps me to acknowledge the events that happened in the dream and think about why they may have happened. It makes me feel more relaxed when I try to identify how the dream made me feel and why.
December 4th, 2019 10:01pm
It feels like they're almost within your grasp, and as if there's nothing that could possibly stand in your way of achieving them. It feels amazing, like you're in a dream. You can see the end right there in your line of sight. While this is a good way to feel, it can lead to disappointment if things don't go according to plan. It can even hurt, at times. However, if things go bad, you have to get up and keep going. It might be difficult, but you can do it. You have people who care about you. Just keep going.
May 1st, 2020 3:10am
i get this all the time, my dreams always feel real to the point that they happen in real life. very freaky. i just think they are things that have happen to us or are going happen to us and we see it in a dream. sometimes if your in a real deep sleep is seems like you arent sleeping at all. i think dreams are things we are ment to see. they have books on dreams to tell you what each one means. google or maybe the library. some are really cool. i always remeber all my dreams.
December 13th, 2020 7:25pm
When my dreams feel real I know they are achievable. Even if I have to create a path for them to become real, in the end my dreams are at the end of a road I've worked hard to walk. The feeling of success when I meet dreams is indescribable, like a sense of euphoria. For example, it was a dream of mine to study Mandarin with a scholarship. When I applied, I was certain that I would be rejected because there were over 6000 applicants. When I recieved my letter of accpetance, it showed me that if I set my mind to a goal and implement a path to the goal, then I can be successful.
November 19th, 2021 12:13am
I believe that when your dreams feel real, they are trying to show you something about your life and help you reflect upon your emotions within your day-to-day life. Your dreams can tell you what type of changes can take place in your life that may have the ability to improve your mental health. Dreams that feel real can be a sign that your brain needs a specific type of nourishment that it may be lacking. For example, a dream about storms that feel real may be a representation of your anxiety and the magnitude of such anxiety. Realistic dreams can tell you things about your health that you never would have known without a said dream.
May 29th, 2016 8:06pm
It probably means that you are sleeping very deeply and you are very tired so you are immensed in the dream. It could also mean you have realistic dreams. One way to avoid dreams appearing real is to practice lucid dreaming, so you can interfere and think that's not real. Look it up, it works for me!
June 28th, 2018 11:24am
If it is a good dream, make it real. If it is a bad dream, forget it. If it is not a good or bad dream, write a novel out of it
July 4th, 2018 5:00pm
Sometimes people experience deja vu, in which the dreams they have end up actually occurring at some point in the future. Or you could possibly be having an out of body experience (where you feel like you're leaving your body when you're sleeping) or lucid dreaming (where you can control your dreams). Or maybe your dreams don't have fantasy elements or elements that indicate it's not a dream and it seems more realistic? I guess I don't quite understand when you say they feel "real." But if you want to interpret them, you can pay attention to symbols that stand out to you in the dream, or what I really like doing is focusing on the emotions I have during the dream, because they can reflect what I've been thinking or worrying about or experiencing in real life.
July 18th, 2018 3:32am
When your dreams feel very real, you may be experiencing lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when you have complete control within everything that is happening in your dream, and it can seem almost lifelike.
August 15th, 2018 4:43am
Usually when your dreams feel real it could be related to what you are feeling in real life. Dreams are strange and are connected to real life feelings. The emotions you feel in a dream ties to emotions for when you are awake.
October 11th, 2018 5:32pm
I think that they feel so real because they are experiences from our past lifes. Or maybe they are just things that will happen in the future. Another theory I have is that sometimes dreams that feel so real are warnings about things that are going to change in your lifes or things that we don't feel good in the present and don't even notice them so our subconscious is trying to tell us that.