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I always feel overwhelmed with the tasks and projects that school demands, and I tend to cram on the last minute. Can anyone kindly share their organizational tips?

5 Answers
Last Updated: 07/28/2020 at 10:03am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I feel my work as my personal mission and I love it. My work with clients is nonjudgmental, supportive. I am a very good listener. I use several approaches. Amo il mio lavoro.

Top Rated Answers
April 1st, 2019 11:02am
Hey, I really do understand what you're going through because I've always had a habit of getting anxious and stressed when i have a lot of work to do at the same time. Although I believe sometimes some situations can teach you better how to deal with stuff that can be over burdening, my college did that for me. But on an another note, for the organizational tips, I don't have anything in specific but i know myself and how i feel when i have too much to do so i make a schedule and try to keep it easy and airy, so that i don't lose motivation to do it. Like if you want to work on a project one day, then keep some lighter work for next day. And start making the scedule as soon you get to know about the work. I know it's always easy to think you can finish all the work at last moment and maybe you can but if you can not deal with the stress, then start working beforehand for it. Make changes in your schedule, prioritize your work, keep the schedule simple yet efficient.
April 4th, 2019 7:08pm
Hello! I'm currently in middle school, and this is just my personal way of studying and staying on track, but I hope it works for you too! I find bullet journalism very helpful. It decreases stress and makes planning very interesting. It's also something to consider if you're artsy or tend to doodle on the corners of your notebooks or tests. Also, you might find group studying helpful. Group studying is a bit stressful for me though, just because I don't like leading groups and that usually ends up happening. Still, consider trying it and seeing if it works for you. Ok, so try your best to prevent cramming at all costs. The truth is, you don't need to spend that much time studying after the day you learned the information. Go to school, take notes while you're there, come home, and review all of the information while doing a bit of research if possible. Practice the math when you get home, and write down the most simple way that you can explain how to do them. Make comparisons between today's world and the past for history (It can get you extra points on papers). Maybe try mnemonics, like PEMDAS. Over the last Summer, I learned a lot of useful tips from some great YouTube channels. I would say, ditch the DIY channels on their study hacks. Try watching, Studytee, Studyquill, and Ruby Granger.
June 3rd, 2019 9:26pm
Hi, I highly recommend using week planner. I write what’s going to happen on the weekend, and then I know what should I start during Sunday and with what I can wait until the day before something is going to happen. I also have a spare notebook in my backpack where I write literally everything. Syllabus, projects dates, what I need to buy, everything. Then I can rewrite important things into calendar or the planner. I often write my plans for projects in that notebook, so when I start working on it, I have some ideas stored and ready to use. I hope I helped
June 13th, 2019 9:13am
Something I do that really helps me is to break everything down into really easy and/or small parts. Then you put them in a list form and each time you complete a step you can check it off. I even like to put some steps that I've already completed in there just to get to check them off. You get to reward yourself along the way which helps keep me motivated. Sometimes I even put tiny things like "Submit" or "Check website" just so that I can check them off. It might not work for everyone but I think it works for me because I have kind of a short attention span and not a ton of motivation. Hope this helps. :)
July 28th, 2020 10:03am
I find that keeping a diary or a list of the things I need to do with school work really helps me as I can easily see what needs to be done well. Regarding revision, I've found that a revision timetable works really well for me (especially if I plan to start revising about 2 weeks before I actually need to, this allows room for procrastination). A great tip is split you revision up into small chunks, like the Pomodoro approach, so it becomes far more managable. Also, make sure you reward yourself after doing some work. For example, if you do 3 hours of revision, you get to watch a film.