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How can I stay focused while studying?

3 Answers
Last Updated: 10/08/2020 at 2:25am
How can I stay focused while studying?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
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Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

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Top Rated Answers
December 1st, 2019 7:38pm
When studying it is common to have distractions that come up. Maybe it is your phone going off or you go on social media on your laptop. Trying to remove these distractions can be very helpful in staying focused while studying. Some tips to staying focused when studying include finding the right place to study in the right environment. Make a plan on what you are going to study and set up times that you are going to have your full attention on it and remember to include breaks. Getting rid of distracting websites, items that can distract you from your studying session. Spacing out and dividing your study sessions can be helpful as well. Find a way to study that works well for you and use that during the set times you have to study. These are some tips that can be helpful when it comes to studying and staying focused.
November 25th, 2019 2:10am
Maybe listening to classical music? Try to listen some soothing music, set it at a low tone so it won't distract you too much. Maybe put up your electronics for a while, or unplug the Wi-fi, or disconnect the Wi-fi from your device. Remember to take breaks! Take some self-care breaks to reward yourself for studying, that may help you want to study more! Try to make studying fun, choose your favorite subject first, if it helps! Maybe drink some tea, green tea! I read that green tea is good for concentrating. Make sure you also get enough sleep, you can't retain anything if you're sleepy. Those are all of the tips I have for now, for now, good luck with your studies! I believe in you. ^w^
October 8th, 2020 2:25am
I find that listening to music can help me stay focused while studying, primarily music without any words or to a soft beat that can relax my mind and open up to some critical thinking. I also try to remove any distractions that may be causing me to stay away from studying. An app I use for this is called "Bakery" and helps me turn off my phone and keep it away if it's distracting me. It rewards you with cute little icons if you do not burn (exit the app on your phone) or trash (stop the timer) your baked goods by completing the focused time you put in. In the long run though, it's best to set yourself some goals before you're studying. Make sure you reward yourself with a small two minute break, drink some water, do whatever that can keep you going forward with studying.