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Should I go to the hospital for unhealthy eating habits?

122 Answers
Last Updated: 09/24/2022 at 4:12am
Should I go to the hospital for unhealthy eating habits?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
March 28th, 2020 9:57pm
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Especially during this pandemic we are in right now! Hospital emergency rooms should be reserve for people who are very sick and need immediate attention. In addition to this, going to the hospital right now for something that is not an urgent problem could expose you to the corona virus or worse, you could be a carrier and infect a sick person there who is weakened! We don't want that do we?? The best place for you to discuss your eating habits with is your doctor or a dietitian or other trusted medical profession . There are many good websites out there on healthy eating that are free. Please keep our hospital emergency rooms free for patients who really need them!
May 1st, 2020 2:31am
No, not really! If you can connect to good dietician who will guide you with a good diet chart, and if you can stay in regular check with your physician, you can easily gain a control over your own self. But yes, you gotta work hard and dedicately to achieve your goal, remember when you reach a goal that is the time when you should set bigger gals. Also, if your physician says then in that case maybe you need to go to hospital, but only when he suggests you to do so. Do not force yourself for something you are not ready to! Love and Regards, Stay safe!
January 9th, 2019 3:03am
It is up to you. It would be a good idea to get professional help. You are harming your body. You need to ask yourself. Why you keep doing this to yourself. Is there a point when you want to stop. What caused you to have this eating disorder. Maybe by getting some help. You can resolve your body issues. Who knows maybe you will help someone else going through it. It's not going to be easy but it will be worth it Hopefully this helps.Best to you. You will be stronger once you get better hugs to you
January 24th, 2019 3:13pm
Regarding seeking advice for eating problems I cannot underline more that this will only be determined by the severity of the case. Maybe a trip to the GP first to determine if you need a nutritionalist or more professional support. A there are many books that offer advice and the best I have found is a balanced diet with lots of vegetables opposed to processed food which can be loaded with sugars and other chemicals. There are many online cookery sites and access to healthy eating. Just calorie counting isn't enough as we need certain oils and vitamins for brain,bones,muscle,skin and other organs. Also please be honest with yourself as to the source of the eating problem. A lot of students feel challenged by this when leaving home for the first time. Balancing work loads, studies, responsibilities of washing clothes, shopping for one, social life and time management. Bad habits can start also with peer pressures as the journey of self discovery starts. The freedom sometimes leads to making bad choices. It is vital to stay in touch with family where possible. Reach out for support before things spiral. Young adults can experience issues after relationship breakups. Young mothers in the overload of experiencing 24/7 lack of sleep and body image changes making them time poor once again. Reaching out for support is all important . I hope this reassures you that it is normal to struggle at times in life. Everyone's journey is different and to seek help in order to be health is a better option than looking for survival tack ticks alone. Maybe see or start a group in your area. Juicing is a great option as this holds all vitamins with carefully selected fruit,veg,pulses,spices,nuts,seeds. Minimal preparation or clearing up as a nutrabullet is a great purchase.
July 18th, 2019 8:35am
At first, you can consider trying to change your habits on healthier way. Furthermore, if you have got any doubts and questions about whether you have got any deficiencies which need to be corrected, go to see your general practicioner or dietitian (if available and affordable). Then try to stick to more healthy diet and try not to get triggered to go back to unhealthy food. Hospital is needed only in very severe cases when nutrient deficient is so severe that it can harm your health (or health is already harmed). In this case you Will maybe need also some artificial food, such as Ensure+.
March 6th, 2021 10:27pm
I think talking to a professional about this would be the best way to go, They can give you proper medical advice and help you find the help you need. I can refer you to the amaizng therapists that we have here at 7 cups. They are trained to asses these types of situations and give you the best possible care that you truly deserve. Here at 7 cups I am a listener and can not give you the answer to that question because I am not a trained professional but if you seek help with our therapists you will find help.
September 24th, 2022 4:12am
It depends on the hospital, in your area. Some are better able to help, those with eating disorders, then others. I feel the best place, would be Eating disorder clinics and centers. Why? Because that is all they handle. A hospital, is great for other things, like broken bones, wounds,ect. But some hospitals lack staff, with enough training in handling eating disorders. But at an eating disorder center/clinics, they have staff that is training and also going to an eating disorder clinic/center, you will met other people, who suffer from eating disorders. Plus that is all these centers and clinics take, are people with eating problems. So the chances are much better, that you will met others just like you or close to you. Also some of the staff, may have had an eating disorder in the past, so they know what that is like. I hope this answers your question. I wish you the best of luck in getting the best care possible.
May 12th, 2022 1:02pm
In individuals who want to start a healthy diet, first of all, routine health checks should be done, and then they should be repeated regularly. If you want to get support from a specialist for healthy nutrition or to create a healthy nutrition program suitable for your current diseases, you can apply to health institutions, and after your health checks are completed, you can lead a healthier life by determining your nutrition routine under the leadership of your doctor and dietitian. If unhealthy, unbalanced, inadequate or excessive nutrition continues for a long time, health problems that can become much more serious and progress to death may occur.
April 7th, 2022 8:09am
Yes you should always seek help whenever you need it. you might meet unpleasant people and healthcare workers who might be taking your problem lightly or funnily but don't be bothered by anyone and focus on your goals. I have met many of these people and cannot be happier now for not listening to their sarcasm or unfit advice. Unhealthy eating habits affect our bodies and mood .. mental and psychological states are directly connected to how healthy our body is. I suffered depression because of vitamins and minerals imbalance in the body due to wheat allergy. So I applaud your courage and encourage you to take this step. Nothing is more valuable in life than health :)
March 24th, 2022 4:44pm
If it is a bag of chips here and there, then you probably do not need to though to be honest. Going to the ER would be a waste of your time and resources as this is not an emergency and the wait will probably be very long. However, going to your primary care provider may be a good start. They can help guide you to the right resources if you think you need professional help with your eating habits. Have you noticed excessive weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, or signs that you may be getting addicted? Remember, everything in moderation. Life requires a good balance.
February 19th, 2022 7:44pm
This is a really good question! I think this depends on the duration and the level of seriousness of your unhealthy eating habits. For example, if these behaviors were just around for a few days, maybe you can take a pause and self-reflect on the reasons behind your habits. However, if they were around for over a few weeks or even months, it is better for you to go to the hospital and make sure that your body is still functioning properly. For me personally, I was having very bad eating habits for many months three years ago. At first, I didn't realize the severity of these habits because I was trying to lose weight as much and quickly as possible. Then, after I was forced to go to the hospital and go through a series of examinations, I realized how much damage my unhealthy eating habits have caused to my body. My vital signs were low, and I looked severely underweight. Because of my health issues, I was hospitalized for two months in an eating disorder center. In the hospital, I started changing my unhealthy eating habits and challenging my distorted thoughts around food. Right now, I am mostly recovered from my unhealthy habits, and I am really glad that I made the decision to go to the hospital in the first place. Everyone has unhealthy eating habits, but it is important to go to the hospital and seek help early before things have gone too far.
February 18th, 2022 6:22pm
If you believe you are experiencing an eating disorder you may want to consider going to a hospital to get the correct treatment. However, if you think you are just experiencing unhealthy habits, maybe you could try reading books or listening to podcasts about healthy eating and having a good relationship with food. I used to struggle with food and it really put a damper on my mental health. I found when I learned about balance I became a lot happier and ended up loving eating and cooking for myself. I also found that having a cooking partner makes eating and cooking really fun. For me this person is my mom, and we always put on some fun music and then cook together.
December 19th, 2021 11:30pm
If you think that would help you, go for it. Sometimes we feel our problems are so overwhelming we can't go through them on our own so we reach out for help. This is fine if this is how you feel. However, if you feel your problem is under control, maybe you can manage it without the need to go to the hospital. Recognising that you have unhealthy eating habits is a good first step towards the solution. Also, having unhealthy eating habits, in most cases, is not an illness but as you say, a bad habit. Managing bad habits can be done successfully with good planning, reflecting on the bad habits and identifying its triggers, and a positive attitude towards changing them. Not only would you change your unhealthy eating habits, but you would also gain the amazing feeling of victory and success, that you took the lead in changing your life to better, and earning all the rewards of your perseverance.
November 12th, 2021 11:19am
If you can find a professional like a dietician or someone who you feel comfortable and can work with and can guide and help you to reach your goals, then maybe you could give it a try, but the choice lies with you, you should do what you feel is the best option for you. Since we don't know what you are personally going through. If you do decide to go to the hospital the most important thing would probably be to find a professional who understands and empathises with your situation and wants what's best for you and make sure you have a support system in place too!
September 12th, 2021 7:38pm
Talk to your GP or family doctor if you’re struggling. They can give advice on how to keep healthy eating habits without having a toll on your mental health. Be aware that you should also talk to your GP before going through some diets which can be very demanding on your body. GPS can also help giving advice on eating less or healthier. Some unhealthy eating habits can also relate to a disorder or an illness, so if you have any suspicions the best thing to do is to go get help. There are many online educational websites that can help with eating healthier but again be careful with which ones can be harmful to you.
August 12th, 2021 3:41pm
If you feel like you are not eating well and you're not getting the proper nutrients your body needs. It's important to keep our body healthy and feeding our body nutrients. That way we can function properly. Because without the proper food we won't be able to have the energy to get up and do our daily living activities. This can include working out, making breakfast, going grocery shopping, or even getting up from bed. Our body gets weak without food. And you feel weak, no energy, and it can get to the point where you need to go to the ER. Rather than going to when you feel like there's a problem than you can get it fixed before it gets even worse. Having the mentality to go to the hospital because you have unhealthy eating habits is a good start. Because you want the help and no one is telling you to go.
August 8th, 2021 7:57am
It all depends on what the unhealthy eating habit is. If you are truly worried about it, then I would. If you are gaining or losing weight rapidly as well then that is another major sign that you should probably see a doctor about it, especially before it gets way out of hand. It also all depends on what the unhealthy eating habit is. This term is very vague and can cover a load of different eating habits. I guess my biggest piece of advice like I stated is if your worried about it, then take the steps to find the proper help. Even if that includes going to the hospital.
July 28th, 2021 12:52am
My suggestion for unhealthy eating habits would first be to talk to your Family Doctor if you have one. They can and will recommend a dietician or someone that deals with eating disorders. Going to the hospital you will not get the care that you need to deal with this issue. Only unless you are having serious issues from unhealthy eating. A Doctor who can examine you and get to know you and follow up with you would be the best starting place. Also, you could go to your library or online and Goggle "Unhealthy Eating or Healthy eating practices. Sometimes we can change the way we eat and begin to find foods that are better for us. If this unhealthy eating has got out of your control yes seek help.
June 4th, 2021 1:09am
Do you personally feel like your unhealthy eating habits pose some major risk to you? Do others around feel this way as well? There is a major difference between feeling and knowing so if you know your body is under major stress due to your unhealthy eating habits, it is up to you to use your best judgment to decide on what to do. Unhealthy eating habits can be dangerous and no one, including myself, would want you to be exposed to any harm. If you would like, I can refer you to more professional resources to help you decide and get through these difficult times.
April 2nd, 2021 4:57pm
Unhealthy eating habits are not something to take lightly. They can drastically impact your physical and mental health currently, as well as in the future. If you are aware of your own unhealthy eating habits, and have been unable to break those habits, it could be a good idea to see a doctor about it. It is important to be as honest and straight forward about what you are experiencing with any professional you choose to see, so they can do what is best to help you overcome your habit. It is difficult to acknowledge you have unhealthy eating habits, so the fact that you are aware of the dangers of them, and are open to the idea of asking for help is an amazing first step!
August 9th, 2020 2:10pm
Unhealthy eating habits can have such a strain on your body and happiness. When you realize that these habits may be affecting your quality of life it's important to seek out help. If you find yourself in immediate danger, emergency medical help is necessary. Therapy is also highly beneficial, as well. Admitting your struggles and asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength, determination and bravery which should be admired. Nutrition and eating habits are often overlooked in our society, but are one of the most important ways to take care of yourself for a healthy and happy future.
April 11th, 2020 6:58pm
Go to your general physician first. If you need to be hospitalized they will refer you. Right now it’s not really a good idea to go to a hospital! You might put yourself at risk of getting ill. Specially that disordered Eating weakens the body. For now remember to take multivitamins regularly and do your best to learn as much as possible about unhealthy eating habits and how to overcome them. Also I wonder if you mean an eating disorder by unhealthy eating habits. Does it make you feel sick? Are you feeling pain? Do you feel emotionally unstable? Is your health in danger?
April 26th, 2020 4:09am
No. Most likely the hospital will not deem your condition serious enough to admit or do much for you. You would get much better care by making an urgent appointment with your doctor and being open and honest about the situation. Your doctor knows your history, and can also refer you to other specialists, if necessary, so you can get the care you need. They can help you through the process, whereas the hospital wouldn't really follow up with you at all, and that's assuming they admit you to begin with, which is unlikely. In summary, see your own doctor and let him/her know what is going on, no matter how embarrassed, ashamed, scared you may be.
June 8th, 2018 9:46pm
It depends whether these habits have consequences inside or outside your body or produce pain that on a doctor can diagnose and treat properly. If you feel that you can deal with your eating disorders asking for help and support to someone who can listen and help you investigate and find the starting point of this situation, there are expert listeners on 7 Cups of tea.
June 24th, 2020 1:01am
if you feel as though you are not in control of your habits or you cannot reply on anyone to help you with this, try seeking professional help whether from a hospital, therapist, or any other medical professional. it’s also best to keep legal guardians in the loop so that they can help you out as well. feeling out of control relating to your eating habits can feel very overwhelming and lonely. however, you are never alone and are always loved and supported. stay in touch with friends and family often, to validate these points. you are so special and amazing and i hope you find yourself and the help you feel is necessary.
June 25th, 2020 3:40pm
Depends . I mean if you are eating a little to much junk food this is ok you do not need a doctor for that. But if you are craving yourself or make your self vomit and that makes you feel horrible it would be good to see a doctor.But also if you want to change your eating habits for example eat healthier , less carbs you can see a specialist for that. Just be comfortable about yourself you can fix it if you want to.dO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT WHO YOU ARE Ä°T Ä°S OK TO FEEL BAD sometimes
August 2nd, 2020 8:27pm
yes, if you are feeling that you are now not able to control your eating habits and are having any kind of problem then you should go to the doctor as son as possible. cause doctors are here to help and they are the ones who can give you the best advise which you know the internet can not give . and, the important thing is that you should not ignore problems regarding eating habits cause food is the fuel to our body and not taking it regularly or completely can lead to major problems, which i think nobody wants.
August 9th, 2020 6:08am
Yes. This can be a very scary step for some people but will be very beneficial and is necessary. Receiving help for unhealthy eating habits is not something to be ashamed of! A hospital is a safe place that can provide you with the help you need to turn your unhealthy eating habits into healthy ones. Hospitals can also provide you with resources to things like therapy that will also be beneficial. No issue that one may be struggling with is minuscule and should not belittled. Do not be afraid to reach out and get the help you need and deserve.
January 3rd, 2021 1:08pm
Unhealthy eating habits can have different consequences in your body depending on which eating habit and how long you have been practicing it. It would be advisable that you seek professional medical help to help you cope and solve you unhealthy eating habit and also to make sure the rest of your health is on check. Lack of energy, anemia, skin problems, heart complications and others are some of the common secondary effects of a bad diet (eating too much, eating too little, eating only processed or junk food). Doctors are here to help us and can advise you on how to get over this problem you are facing. Best of luck!
November 28th, 2020 5:17am
Speak and react in calm ways, even when your boss is upset. Bring them a cup of tea or their favorite drink. Prioritize things for you. Your important tasks. Planning your day and getting things prioritized helps you advance in your work. Which, will be noticeable soon Tidy their office space, have your work ready in advance of the deadline: Your boss will know you are organized person. All those document and forms are worrying, annoying and agitating. And do the same to your desk and office keep it tidy. You just made things easier for you and your boss Try to make easier on them by answer phone calls. Ask if you respond to secondary e-mail. Schedule event and upcoming meetings. Try to discuss issue and try solving them. Try to solve your issues or problems at work as soon as possible. No mess, no postpone. Then your things will get more settle with your boss.