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How do I know if I did the right thing?

280 Answers
Last Updated: 05/25/2022 at 8:57pm
How do I know if I did the right thing?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
September 23rd, 2021 1:23pm
If it feels right, then it's probably right. If it benefits you and the people around you, then it is definitely right! Use that as something to live by! This is purely my opinion though and no one really has to follow it, but its what I believe. If it helps everyone in the situation then it has to be good right? Doing the right thing is something that no one can really judge, it's going off of our culture and what we each think about the thing we did. That is why so many people are concerned about doing the right thing because culture says its wrong!
November 1st, 2021 7:15am
Okey, so if you have done something and it feels good in heart it's right. Some may say it's not, but did you do it for social approvals? To hurt someone in any way? For you secret benefit? If no, then yes you have done right thing and sometimes it does have a little benefit like the peace of heart. If you experienced it then protect it. Sometimes it hurts too, a lot. It's a fact that doing the right thing is not always pretty. It may look ugly but listen to your heart. It won't lie. Forget about what other's will say or already saying. You and your peace of heart, and mind matter. It's something personal and beautiful, protect it and evolve it.
November 18th, 2021 4:39am
You know you did something right if you are happy with the decision and outcome. You know you did something right if you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you have no regrets. You know you did something right if your actions did not cause any damage to anyone physically and emotionally and you can look at your self in the mirror and be happy with who you see in the reflection. You know you did something right if you can live with that decision and you know you are happy with what has been done
December 11th, 2021 6:59am
It can be hard to do the right thing. But often we will feel a peace of mind when making our choices. The right choice isn't always the easiest choice but as long as you don't hurt anybody that's a great start. Moreover it helps to talk to someone you trust who can give you an outside perspective on whether they think you did the right thing or not. When you are alone in a situation it is easy to start overthinking and come to extreme conclusions. When you get in your head too much everything becomes fuzzy, That's why it's a good idea to distract yourself and think look back at it with a clear head.
December 29th, 2021 2:00am
If you really feel that special feeling in your gut and just follow your heart then you will know if you did the right thing. Sometimes there is always going to be that little voice in your head that makes you feel like you did the wrong thing and it always tells you that you did it wrong but just know that if you feel it then you did everything the best way you could possibly do it. Not everybody is perfect and can do certain things exactly the way you want but just know if you care and do whatever you want then you deserve it!
March 3rd, 2022 9:58pm
For me, I know I did the right thing when in my gut it just feels right. Your head may be bouncing back and forth between different things but I have this satisfied feeling in my gut. Otherwise, I would find myself always going back to a certain decision and debating it in my head. It is important to remember that making the right choice is not always the choice other people want you to make. The only person you should listen to when making a decision is yourself. You are the person that knows what is best for you
March 30th, 2022 5:31pm
When you picture good things, your emotions respond by producing more oxytocin. The problem is that you're falling in love with a concept rather than a person when this happens. It's a "what could happen" daydream. It's a fairy story. This is why individuals can fall in love with people they've never met in person; the mind is incredibly strong in this regard. With a dash of truth, you can assist with this. I'm not proposing you hunt for problems specifically, but rather that you seek truth and perspective on a regular basis. You may not know this individual as well as you believe. You have no idea if they truly want what you want. You have no idea what the future holds for you. It's all a fantasy if you're thinking about such things.
April 20th, 2022 2:21pm
Well, ask yourself first — if it matters that what you did was the right thing or not. You've already done it, so why bother now, unless it turns around and comes back to bite you. Nevertheless, you'll know you did the right thing when deep down in your gut you feel that it was or is the right thing to do. If you felt you did the right thing at the moment and later on realize that it wasn't then, it's a consequence you have to live it. That's how choices are, there's no easy way out. You got to do what you got to do. And that all that I can really say.
May 7th, 2022 1:57pm
Often when you make a decision you imedietly see the effects and get a feeling if it was the right or wrong choice. The decision you made simply may not have given any results or the effects of that decision haven't been made known to you yet. It's really hard to be cofident in youir choices sometimes especially if its emotional or a lot of pressure is dependent on what you do. A tip that works for me is to literally write down a list of pros and cons to make that decsion logically. Sometimes you won't know if it was the right thing and all you can do is accept you made your choice :)
May 25th, 2022 8:57pm
Sometimes doing the right thing, doesn’t always make you feel good inside. Decision making can be extremely difficult (think about sometimes how hard it is to even decide what we want to eat 😊). I think the best outcomes come from if you’ve had time to think it over as much as possible and if you follow your gut, it will lead you to the right decision. In time hopefully you will find yourself at peace with what you chose. If not, remember to use the situation as a learning experience. And take with you the new information so that you can apply that knowledge to future decisions.