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How do I know if I did the right thing?

280 Answers
Last Updated: 05/25/2022 at 8:57pm
How do I know if I did the right thing?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
December 23rd, 2017 7:05am
The tricky truth is that sometimes you won't know! The concept of 'right' differs very much from person to person and what might be right for one person might be wrong for another. So, the first thing to consider is whether or not you did the right thing for you. Did you look after yourself? Did doing this thing cause any harm to others? Or harm to the world? If you have done something that helped you to look after you and did not harm others, then that might be about as close as you might get to feeling you did the 'right' thing. And even then, we all make mistakes. Sometimes we feel we've done the right thing, but it turns out not to have the outcome that we wanted. That's ok. It's how we learn.
July 15th, 2016 5:51pm
I think that if you listen to your gut feeling, you will know. Our bodies and subcouncious minds are good at talking too us through sensations in the body, we can feel shame in the stomach when we have done something bad or a warm feeling in our chests when we like someone. I think you need to be mindful about the way your body speaks to you to know what's right.
August 9th, 2017 11:40am
The "right" thing is ever changing and a difficult thing to pin down. Sometimes it can be simple and you know exactly what the right thing is. Other times it's not so simple and you might need to choose between options where people might be affected either way. Weighing up all the pros and cons and making the best decision you can is sometimes all you can do and the closest to making the "right" decision.
July 27th, 2016 6:38pm
Knowing what the right thing to do is hard, and everybody will have a different opinion on what the right thing is. I would say if you feel like you have done the right thing, then you probably have. Don't let other people's opinions and beliefs get in the way of how you feel. We all need to trust our own moral compass and things will work themselves out in the end
January 8th, 2022 2:01pm
The short answer is, you often can't know if you did the right thing. The longer answer is, there often isn't such thing as 'the right thing' in any situation. You can respond to any situation in lots of different possible 'right ways'. The problem is, when you ask the question as to whether something you did was right or wrong, you are actually asking lots of different questions. You are asking things like "is there a chance that what I did might upset someone", or "is there a chance I might regret the thing I just did". Those questions are hard to answer, because they are based on so many unknowns, so many hypotheticals. The best way forward is to instead ask "did I have good intentions when I did that thing". Sure, bad things might happen from good intentions, but it is helpful to remember that you did that thing from a good place. Hopefully, this will give you the confidence to be an active agent in your life, to make bold actions and not to be held back by the many 'what if' questions that can arise with any tough situation.
January 15th, 2018 8:20am
The gut always knows right from wrong. The mind will play tricks on you and the heart wants what is best but is blind a lot of times. Trust your gut instinct
February 3rd, 2018 7:13am
Your gut and conscience - it also depends on your personal beliefs and morals. Doing the right thing may not feel good right now, but as time passes, it will become clearer and clearer if what you did was right or not.
April 8th, 2018 5:18pm
If that has added a little peace or satisfaction. Even if externally the results are not visible instantly, but if you done it with right intentions and also for some better purpose, it won't go in vain. You may get results expected or unexpected, but you will not regret choosing courageously and holding clarity ever. Do have some vision behind it and some prediction about it. Cheers!
February 10th, 2018 9:33pm
Discerning right from wrong can be challenging when every decision has its good and bad outcomes. If you feel as though an issue is unresolved and it is growing in the back of your mind, it doesn't necessarily mean it was the wrong decision, but it is something that is better clarified sooner than later.
July 17th, 2016 11:55pm
Sometime you never do! And sometimes you'll feel you did the wrong thin even when it was the right thing. Just know that decision is in the past now xxx
January 16th, 2020 10:43pm
Hi, I do not know the situation nor what this "right thing" is. What I can say is belief in the self will not lead you astray. So, if you took an action because it felt like it was in your highest and greatest good, then it was the "right" thing as whatever the outcome or consequences you are prepared to either proudly stand by or defend. And when we honor ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, there is no right or wrong, good or bad, there is only faith and trust and those are always the best choices to make. We don't know what the future portends so something in the moment may feel wrong, post choice, then later we commend ourselves for the same choice seeing that it was aligned with our destiny, so keep trusting yourself. And do not take action or say things until you feel sure within yourself, as it is important to believe in your choices.
June 15th, 2017 8:21pm
Nice question :) I would suggest you to ask your inner self. We humans can fool the world but not ourselves. The answer lies within. Deep inside you know if you're going right or wrong. Sometimes it's really good to retrospect just to make sure we're moving in the right direction. The more time you spend with yourself, more certain you will be about the things you do in life and the decisions that you make. Also, if you can look in the mirror and make an eye contact with your reflection and tell what you did and why you did it without altering facts and not feeling bad about it then you're going right :)
November 2nd, 2019 10:42pm
The 'right thing' isn't always clear. It can depend on your own internal values and beliefs (personal morals), or it can depend on the values and beliefs of society (ethics). Sometimes, they're the same, but sometimes, they conflict. If you've done the right thing according to your own personal values and beliefs, you may feel satisfied. However, if your own values and beliefs conflict (or you believe conflict) with that of society, you may feel uneasy, unsure, or hesitant. As an example, perhaps society expects you to work hard at a certain age, but due to personal health reasons, maybe that isn't something that you can do. Your health isn't worth sacrificing for society's approval, so this is where your personal values and that of society's conflict. In the end, we all have to do what's right for ourselves.
October 12th, 2019 5:44am
Doing the right thing will result in a positive feeling. A feeling of hope, uplifting joy, correctness, and will feel morally good. Doing the right thing can be something that you do with integrity and mindfulness to show dignity to yourself and others. Should be something that does not place shame or blame on yourself or others in life. Think to yourself about how whatever action(s) makes you feel internally. Do you feel happy with your actions or do you feel concerned? What state of emotion are you having during the choices you made in doing whatever you are referencing at this moment.
July 24th, 2019 8:17am
It's always a struggle to know if we did the right thing. No matter in which area of our lives, sometimes we doubt our choices. The best way to know if you did the right thing is to ask yourself if you agree with your choice. Ask yourself how would you feel if you didn't do it? To know if we did the right thing we must find the answer within us. Sometimes it is hard, since it doesn't affect us as individuals only. But, think about how it makes you feel. If you are okay with what you did, and deep inside feel like it's right, then you have your answer.
July 17th, 2019 7:50pm
It can sometimes be hard to tell if you did the right thing or not. Later down the road when you look back at your life you can be able to judge if you made the right decision or not. It is not always clear right away if you made the right decision or not, it may take days, weeks, months, or even years until you know if you made the right decision or not. However, every decision leads to another fork in the road in which can steer you back onto the right path. When one door closes and another one opens, and if a door doesn't open then a window does. In the end, you will know if you did the right thing in due time.
September 17th, 2017 4:33am
Sometimes doing the right thing hurts a little. The most important thing is your intention. I think that if you meditate on the issue, think critically, and get your own mind and mood in a good space, then you will make decisions with a good intention that make sense to the best of your ability. Remember your ultimate goals and values. Your values can come from your faith, culture, or experiences. Put your biggest values first and give yourself space to think about it.
February 15th, 2017 9:04pm
Follow your heart. Try flipping a coin to see which outcome it lands on. This cann help show you where you heart really lies if you are hoping that the coin will land in a certain way.
August 12th, 2018 8:25pm
There are times when its impossible to tell if we made the right decision. By acting from our values instead of our fears or anger, we can be at peace with our choices no matter how things turn out.
January 7th, 2021 5:32am
I think alot of us are on constant battle with our mind and heart, questioning ourselves repeatedly if we're doing the right thing . It's understandable to worry about doing the right thing, but it's also important to remind ourselves that , there's no absolute truth to what's right or wrong..what may be considered right by one, may not be by the other person, we all make decisions based on our available ,acquired and inherent knowledge and experiences. And there's some comfort in knowing that, if at some point you did something, which felt right at the time, maybe that was the first option that came to you or maybe after weighing all pros and cons, that was something you chose to go forward all honesty, there was a time you thought you were doing the right thing, else you wouldn't Have continued doing that, so maybe just reminding ourselves that, we can try to do what we feel is right and then stick by it , that's in our control...what is not in our hands, is to judge accurately if what we're doing will be right for all...and then again, nobody is perfect and we learn and grow while making mistakes you do you, always , rest will fall in place 💛
October 1st, 2016 4:54pm
It takes time, very often. Think about who you did the right thing for. Someone else? Yourself? It's very much possible that you have done the right thing and the bad thing at the same time, just for different people. The best choice keeps you happy. We're humans, we're self-centered- whether we like it or not.
July 15th, 2018 10:39am
There is nothing right or wrong but thinking makes it so. You have done the right thing if you're happy with the results. Sometimes things takes time but the important thing is what you learned from your decision 🙂
February 27th, 2021 3:47am
Being in a position that could potentially cause conflict with others, or make you go against your personal morals, leads to difficult decision making processes. It is possible to train your conscious mind to go through these, however. Take a step back to rationally think through the situation. The purpose of this is to ensure you are making the best choice possible to avoid negative consequences. Think about how you got in to your current position. A possible decision on what to do next could arise from how you got yourself there. Ask yourself how a crisis could be avoided. Would doing the right thing be so hard a process if only you did things a bit differently before? Whom else is this affecting? If it is multiple individuals, how will you rising up as the one doing the right thing affect your relations? Compare the current predicament to past experiences where you had to figure out how to do the right thing. Look at what worked or what didn't, and apply what you learned to the present. Imagine possible outcomes. that could happen because of you making a particular decision. Evaluate all, or potentially important outcomes, so you don't decide on an impulse. Make sure you aren't in an environment that pressures you in to making decisions. Especially if you are trying to do the right thing in a professional setting, be conscious of the long-term effects of your actions. Weigh the pros and cons of each outcome. Ask yourself how one result could possibly work better than another. Prepare yourself for any unexpected reactions from others. It may be difficult to expect the unexpected, but getting in the mindset of that possibility can reduce panic and further stress. Consider any other individuals involved. Doing the right thing isn't just about you. Most of the time it involves others, and correcting a wrong holds the possibility of crossing others. On the other hand, other people may help you solve any conflicts and aid you in deciding what to do. Try asking yourself these questions to see how it may affect your decision making: How will “doing the right thing” be for the benefit of others? How will the situations get better when I do it? How will your relationships improve? Worsen? What makes what you're doing “the right thing”? I hope i helped!!
July 13th, 2016 2:39am
An interesting question because the answer can really change depending on the situation. I suppose most of the time you have to consult your own beliefs, morals, and opinions, and see if they match up to your actions. What I do is ask myself what I would think if my friend told me something they had done. What would I say if I wasn't invested in this situation?
September 7th, 2016 6:34pm
When a person you are chatting with says that it helped them. One person even wanted to chat with me again!v
August 2nd, 2016 7:13am
When you are happy and feel contented, you did the right thing. Don't doubt yourself about what you can do.
January 16th, 2022 1:17pm
If you think it is the right thing, then it is the right thing at the moment. Even if you regret it in the future, just remember that for your situation and circumstances now, that decision you have made was one that suited your situation then. The concept of right and wrong is relevant so if you think it is right, then it is right. But of course, in the future, think carefully about any major decisions that you may make, in order not to question yourself like you are now. And do not let anyone make you feel bad or regret any decision that you have already made because they do not know what you were going through at the time of the decision making.
August 31st, 2016 6:51pm
From my experiences, Ive found that if it feels right in your heart, and you cant see yourself having done it any different with a better outcome, then you've done the right thing.
July 31st, 2016 6:59am
Simple, be aware of how you feel. If you feel happy, content, pleased then it is the indication for you that you did the right thing.
May 17th, 2018 8:50pm
Stuff can be hard to tell if you did the right thing. Let’s say you were worried about a friend that you think self harms, and you told the school counselor. You did the best thing for them. They might not see it like that yet, but you just have to give it time. You stopped the issue before it got out of hand, before something worst could of happened. You helped them get their life back on track, you are their life savor.