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I have trouble with my school work due to procrastinating. And my anxiety always gets in the way. How do I get things done?

300 Answers
Last Updated: 06/08/2022 at 4:36am
1 Tip to Feel Better
South Africa
Moderated by

Claudette Pretorius, MA Counselling Psychology

Licensed Professional Counselor

I know how overwhelming it can feel when you're having a tough time. I offer clients a space that is non-judgemental and empathetic whilst navigating these times together.

Top Rated Answers
January 29th, 2021 12:24am
First, it is always necessary to think about what is causing the anxiety most. Is it a presentation for history class or an upcoming essay? Very probably there is more than one thing that is causing anxiety. In either case, it is important to tackle each task one by one. While its very easy to put the task aside and procrastinate, doing so will cause the workload to quickly accumulate. And this will cause STRESS! What I personally do is writeup a list of the tasks I have to do. I then set goals for my self for that week. Finishing an entire essay in one day is impossible however, by aiming to finish a paragraph each day, it is possible to finish the essay in a week. The same strategy can be applied to assignments of any subject.Also, make sure to plan a reward for yourself after completing each small goal.
January 31st, 2021 9:01pm
Relax and believe in yourself and know it’s something to work around, time is a running thing, school is multiple hours a day for one, give yourself and mind release and breathe and understand it’s ok to feel pressure or anxiety but fix those other things causing it, tone them down, find your calm and happy place. Don’t let your emotions get in the way, think of it as in the end it will be less anxiety stacked up because as humans we procrastinate and when we get things done we feel better, start with something simple like making your bed in the morning and smile at those little things to make it more complete, cancel other distractions out to get those problems and emotions built up out of the way! You’ve got this! ☀️
February 5th, 2021 4:29pm
I can relate to this problem. My thoughts keep getting in the way of me doing my work. I myself have tried listening to classical music but that ended up distracting me. One thing I find really helpful is to write all of your thoughts down on a piece of paper. That way, you have an outlet for them. Also, record a time lapse of you doing your homework on your phone! That way, you wouldn't have to use your phone and you've got a video of yourself in the end doing your homework. It sounds absurd but do try it as it may work for you. Lastly, listen to library/fireplace/rain sounds on youtube while doing your homework. I discovered this recently but it has worked so far. This is an alternative to listening to music.
February 28th, 2021 2:21am
Set a timer for five minutes and try to get as much work done in that small time span as possible. You will probably want to continue after the timer rings. This is because getting started is often the hardest part of completing work. Another tip I have to managing anxiety is to remind yourself that not every day needs to be productive. Some days, you won't want to do any work and that's fine. Sometimes I used to push myself to do work even when I needed a break, and the quality of my work decreased. That's why taking mental health days helps a lot.
February 28th, 2021 6:39pm
Anxiety can be a useful tool in giving us the push that we need to get stuff finished in a designated time frame. In my opinion the longer you put something off the more stress it builds. You could try doing your homework as soon as it is due that way the stress of you doing your homework is minimal because you are not stretching it out over a prolonged period of time. So I guess what I am trying to say is it may be possible that the procrastination might be causing the anxiety. But trust me you are not alone! I think lots of people caused them self anxiety by putting things off that need to be done, At the last minute.
March 7th, 2021 4:15am
First, you need to analyze the situation and learn to notice when you’re beginning to get anxious. Notice things like physical changes in your body, just knowing when it’s happening is a great tool. Then, calm down take a breather and see if the situation is worth the anxiety. Usually at this point, you realizes that there’s an easy way out rather than having to cope with anxiety. Once you feel like you’ve tackled anxiety, you can work on the procrastination. Typically, you’re asked to do your school work as far away from any kind of distractions as possible. Sit somewhere alone and quite, and try to not get distracted by things around you. Sitting away from anything of the sort is great help
March 14th, 2021 8:31pm
I hear you saying that procrastination and anxiety are causing you to have trouble with your schoolwork. These feelings can be a difficult to overcome. We have a anxiety resource available to you if you'd like to begin to manage your feelings of anxiety. You are most important person in this situation, so practicing self-care is vital to managing this feelings you have. In my experience, doing calming and relaxing exercises have helped me to relieve feelings of anxiety. Can you tell me more about how you feel when anxiety begins to obstruct you from doing what you set out to do?
March 17th, 2021 7:49am
I would go for a walk and then write in my daily planner and I would focus on the assignments that needed to be done first. I would focus on my hard work first. Then I slowly work my way through the easy work as well. I mean it was easy for me to remember and I would focus on my grades and get help from my professors and I would pass my exam and my tasks were easily filled and done. I would call my professors and let them know that I done all my homework. I was proud of myself.
April 17th, 2021 5:44pm
Ah, the wall of procrastination. I know that one very well. Here are a few tips which I hope will be helpful to you.... * Take small steps to get yourself to start. That's the important thing - just starting. For example, take your book out and open it. Then, take the next step - for example, writing the date. Then do the first question. Then the next. And so on.... * Have a neat workspace. Work in a space that you are proud of! Try to keep your desk/table as clutter-free as possible. Keeping it nice and clear can be tricky, but try to find a space for everything. Add a pen holder, or an old tin, to keep things tidier. * Make a list of the things that you need to do. This might overwhelm you at first, but you've got this! It will help you to realise what you need to get done. Then, number your list in order of what needs to get done first. Or, you could do the little tasks first to get them out of the way. You may find that you enjoy ticking items off; it can be very satisfying. * Add pictures or items to your workspace that will motivate you and make you feel a sense of calm and happiness. * Reward yourself after you have been productive. * Remember to take breaks in between! Have intervals of doing work, it can be an hour or 30 minutes, or even 20 minutes! Telling yourself that you are going to sit down and do some work for 20 minutes is less overwhelming and is less likely to de-motivate you. * Plan ahead. Write down important dates, or have a calendar so that you can stay on track and not fall too far behind. Remember, procrastination is completely normal! We all do it. Unfortunately, as guilty as it makes us feel sometimes, it's so much easier to avoid completing tasks in our lives. Just try to get a little bit done at a time - after all, it's more than what you would have done! You know what you need to do. It's not always easy to do it, but if you make small changes and take small steps towards it, you may find it slightly easier.
May 8th, 2021 6:47pm
One thing that I have found is the more I procrastinate, the more stress and anxiety I feel. I think the best thing you can do is set up small, achievable goals that you can get done each day to help motivate you. I find that this helps to relieve some of my anxiety and after I get the small tasks done, I am more likely to keep working and get more done. I also find that it is good to set time limits. I set a timer on my phone for 20-30 minutes where I constantly work on school work for that time period and then I take a 5-10 minute break. I hope that this helps.
May 9th, 2021 11:23am
In my experience, I’ve found that creating a planned timetable/schedule really helps, also include rest breaks, sports/hobbies, and save a big chunk of your time for self care on the schedule. Setting up a checklist on a whiteboard or notepad with your goals for the week is also really helpful as getting to tick or cross off something off that list gives a a sense of achieving and also having that visual aid allows us not to forget tasks or procrastinate. I’ve also found that creating a reward system helps for an example giving yourself a chocolate after finishing one subject or goal.
June 25th, 2021 10:19am
My most effective way on managing procrastination is to tell myself to do the first, most bearable step ONLY. For example, if I have a 2000-word essay due this week, and the sheer load is making me anxious, the last thing I want to do is start writing. However, I just tell myself, "You just have to open Microsoft Word. That's it." And that's what I do. After that I can choose to actually continue writing or not. But at least I gave myself the confidence that when I put my mind to do something (Even if it's small), I boost my self-esteem and it helps me do things easier next time!
July 7th, 2021 4:48pm
One thing that has helped is setting manageable goals by writing what I need to do on paper, like a checklist. For example, let's say today is Monday, and I have one paper, 5 homework assignments, and 2 tests to study for, all due on Friday. For each weekday, you could set a goal on how much you need to get done in order to have everything turned in on time. For monday, you could get the research done for the paper as well as two homework assignments, and 30 minutes of studying for each test. The next day, you could write half the paper, one homework assignment, and 30 minutes of studying for each test. Essentially, the goal is to get everything done in time, while chunking away at it in a manageable pace. Another thing that helps is to discuss with the teacher/professor regarding your anxiety. Its hard to open up, but communication is very important when dealing with anxiety. Sometimes, teachers won't be understanding, and that's when you can talk to the school counselor or school administration. You can register with disability services for anxiety, that way you can get extra time on assignments and tests.
July 16th, 2021 8:56pm
You need to understand the reasons why you are procrastinating before you can begin to tackle it. For instance, are you avoiding a particular task because you find it boring or unpleasant? If so, take steps to get it out of the way quickly, so that you can focus on the aspects of your job that you find more enjoyable. Poor organization can lead to procrastination. Organized people successfully overcome it because they use prioritized To-Do Lists and create effective schedules. These tools help you to organize your tasks by priority and deadline. Even if you're organized, you can still feel overwhelmed by a task. Perhaps you have doubts about your ability and are worried about failing, so you put it off and seek comfort in doing work that you know that you're capable of completing. Some people fear success as much as failure. They think that success will lead to them being swamped with requests to take on more tasks. Surprisingly, perfectionists are often procrastinators. Often, they'd rather avoid doing a task that they don't feel they have the skills to do, than do it imperfectly. Another major cause of procrastination is poor decision-making. If you can't decide what to do, you'll likely put off taking action in case you do the wrong thing.
August 25th, 2021 7:39am
Perhaps try being kind to yourself, beating yourself up doesn't achieve anything. Do you keep a diary? Write down weekly things need to be done. And due dates. Either a paper one or an online one. Check them off as you achieve them. Reward yourself when you reach your goals. Even in tiny ways, special snack, watching something for 30 minutes. But checklist are good and if you can keep it where you can see it, it will remind you. What is your anxiety about? Maybe see the school counselor and talk to them about your struggles. But yes reach out for support.
August 27th, 2021 8:02pm
First of all, make sure you are taking time for yourself. It's always important to start your work fresh and with a fresh mind. Secondly, make small goals for yourself when it comes to your work. You don't need to finish an assignment all at once, you just need to start it. Once you start an assignment, it gets easier from there. Make sure to take frequent breaks or use a Pomodoro timer while you work in order to rest. Do your assignments in a clean, quiet place where you won't be distracted. Don't worry about getting a good grade, just worry about getting it completed and turned in.
September 3rd, 2021 12:34am
I am fully able to relate to you as I faced and still face this similar experiences. I get distracted easily and procrastinate while fear of not doing well would bring me anxiety. There are some things that did improve this situation. Even though I am still improving, I hope this could help you. 1. Stay away from possible distractions: I know this can be really hard but you can slowly try it. Distractions such as phones, etc. I even once let my phone die and then started studying which means I would have no way to touch my phone. 2. Reward yourself: reward yourself when you get your things done with whatever you like to do or eat. Personally, I will reward myself with ice cream, movie night, and 2 episodes of Kdrama etc. At least you are encouraged to do it. 3. Set a realistic goal: Don't set up too high goals like finishing 2 assignments in a day which is a research paper or essay. Set an achievable goal, it's okay to take things slowly. 4. Unpacking the task: This is something I learned from my module. Breaking down the task into smaller tasks makes it seem easier to handle rather than looking at it as a whole. For example, for an essay, break it down by doing research, introduction, body paragraph, conclusion, and references. This does help a lot. Estimate the time required to do it and do it. Hope this helps. It's okay to feel anxious and procrastination is common.
November 18th, 2021 8:21pm
Procrastinating is something a lot of us can struggle with. Sometimes taking a minute or so to your self to sit down and try to prioritize what you need to do can help. perhaps write on a sheet of paper what you need to accomplish and then write steps that will help you get there. sometimes it means having to stop and take a beak so you don't become frustrated and you are then able to focus on the task at hand. Just remember lots of people deal with this but once you find a way to help you move forward you will find you procrastinate less for you will will have found skills to move you forward. I know you can do it and 7cups is always here to help.
December 4th, 2021 10:06am
-do something. 10 minutes of work is better than 0. Even if you do not have strong results in such a short time, you are still moving from a dead point, and who knows, you may be delayed in work? if not, it doesn't matter, you will still know that you did at least something instead of nothing; - Divide one big goal into small ones. Even if at first glance the goal seems inseparable or it seems to you that this is not necessary. If you need more than one action to complete your task, write them down; - set your personal deadline a few days before now. For example, if you need to pass your coursework on May 10, then set a personal deadline for yourself a few days before. And have a good reason not to hit your own deadline. Assign yourself a reward for which you will really try not to go beyond the time frame; - just do it. There are this type of things that you just need to do and not think, so as not to drive yourself into unnecessary perfectionism or procrastination; - When planning your day, remember that you have 24 hours a day. Use the planning method "1-3-5", the essence of which is to complete 1 important task (large-scale, priority), 3 less important tasks and 5 small, everyday tasks per day. So in total you will have 9 tasks in the to do list of the day;
December 23rd, 2021 4:37pm
I would rely on other people for help. You have people who love you and will be happy to help you. Try to tell them to remind you to do things and treat yourself when you do things right. You can tell yourself "no going on social media until I finish at least this much" and then tell someone you trust that you're doing that. From my experience people will find it admirable and will like the fact you're relying on them. And remember that you need to have balance between work and fun. Never over work yourself and don't forget to love yourself and the people around you
January 13th, 2022 6:43pm
You can try to make a list of what you need to do, for example studying for a test, completing an assignment, finishing a presentation etc. Prioritize what you need to do, which means that you can write the most important tasks that you have and move on to the less important ones. Making lists will help you see clearly the work that needs to be one. After that, you can write down how much time you have to spent on each task. For example, you may need 2 hours to study for a test and then another hour to prepare your presentation. Make sure that you frequently take quick breaks- they are much needed! During those breaks, you can take some deep breaths, listen to relaxing music for a little or make a call to a friend- just keep it short! Good luck!
January 29th, 2022 7:41am
I think part of the reason we procrastinate is because we find our school work to be overwhelming or too big of a task to accomplish. So, we put it off, but that only makes us feel more anxious that we're not getting anything done. I find that a useful way to beat procrastination is making to-do lists and breaking your school work down into smaller chunks or parts. Breaking it down can help you feel less anxious and will also allow you to manage your time better. So, you can do a little everyday until it's all completed.
February 6th, 2022 8:55am
I know how that feels, I struggle with ADHD myself and it is hard to get school work done. Here are a few suggestions: you can work for 5 or 10 minutes really hard and then give yourself a 5 min break and then again work and then break; it really helps to get things done. Another thing you can do is to create a to-do list and start with things that are easier so that you can be motivated and less distracted to do more school work. Another thing you can do is to do it with friends that will help you stay focussed. I hope it helps.
February 20th, 2022 12:28am
The best way to get rid of procrastinating is to use study aids and methods, like studying for 25mins and relaxing for 10 mins. Its really helpful and gives you a chance to use a timer to keep you on track. Also, using a study planner is one of the best ways to help keep you on track, it breaks down your tasks to only one thing at a time so tasks are not so overwhelming. As for the anxiety try to ground yourself when this happens, light some candles, or have relaxing lighting will really help you tackle the school work. I hope this helps. You can also look into other things that will help you to not be anxious.
March 10th, 2022 12:59pm
Oh my gosh, procrastinating may seem good, but it destroys long-term goals. Also, anxiety is tough, too. Here are some things to do to stop it: -Forgive yourself for past procrastinating. -Promise a reward to yourself if you do ________ in __ hours. -Commit to whatever you are doing. -Ask a family member or friend to check in on you every week/month/day. -Minimize any distractions. -Focus on the goal that you have ahead of you. What is it? What's the reward? How long will it take? -Write reminders to yourself to do it. -Aim to do all the work by a certain time and then relax for the rest of the day once it is all done.
March 27th, 2022 7:52pm
From my personal experience, setting up a schedule for yourself helps a lot. I've had times where I would have to write an entire essay in a maximum of 4 hours because I was procrastinating so much. But, taking some time to lay out a schedule can help. Choose specific days to put milestones for your work on. This will help you take your time to work on your school work and help you be able to get your work finished in a reasonable amount of time. Also, taking breaks can be really good for you too! I hope that this helps someone out there.
April 3rd, 2022 2:40am
We've all procrastinated at some point in our lives, and it's not a one-off occurrence either. However, it is important to establish some discipline so that you don't take such a long break off from what needs to be done that you're not able to do a good job at the end of it. Hence, planning work in phases is one idea where you can assign yourself breaks that will allow you to recharge yourself and get back to work. This way, you would not get anxious about missing a deadline and would also feel well rested. Another method would be to start as soon as possible and then take a break when you feel like you are drained, once you are motivated enough to work again, finish it off with time still remaining.
April 4th, 2022 4:44pm
Hi! I used to procastinate a lot in school and then I realised I have to plan my time. For example, if I’m not tired or hungry during a break, I would do some homework during that time. When I get home, I walk my dog, eat something and after that I immediately sit down to do homework that I need to be done tomorrow. Don’t forget to have short breaks. When I finish my tomorrow’s HW, I would start working on other school work that will be needed that week or study for a test. Friday evenings and Saturdays were the times I would relax and if I had more work I did it on Sundays. Shortly: I planned my time and it helped me with procastinating and then getting anxious about not getting done anything on time. Hope it helps 🤞
April 20th, 2022 3:27pm
I'm sorry to hear that lovely! I understand that procrastinating combined with anxiety is the literal worse. I have trouble staying focused and I always tend to procrastinate doing my work too. I definitely know what it's like to get in trouble because of this! Procrastinating makes me more anxious, and when I'm anxious I don't do work, which makes it worse. I try to mitigate this by stopping the cycle before it has a chance to start and negatively affect me. I've tried many techniques but the ones that I've found most useful is finding a study space (not your bed!) where there aren't a lot of distractions (I tend to get distracted by objects around me so my study space is literally just a desk with nothing around it) and closing all the other tabs that I don't need on my computer. I then set 30-minute timers with the goal being to do work for those 30 minutes. After that, I take a 10-minute break to walk around, get some water and then I repeat the process until I finish all of my work. Another technique that works for me is giving my phone (or any possibly distracting thing) to a friend or putting it in another room so that I won't have the urge to look at it. I also find that putting yourself in an environment where everyone else is studying such as a library also helps, because since everyone is working so hard I also do the same. All in all, it's about finding the methods that work best for you. I hope that you're able to find ways to increase your productivity and lessen your anxiety!
June 8th, 2022 4:36am
I too have struggled with anxiety and procrastination, and as a result, I have struggled academically because of it. First, identify was the problem is. It can be related to your mental well-being. Take a deep breathe, go for a walk, eat a snack you love, just do something for you. Then, once you feel okay, make a to-do list and try to set a goal of what you want to achieve. Reward yourself after each completed task until you can reach your goal. But always remember, do not be too hard on yourself. You are human and it is okay to feel anxious at times, but the important part is to take care of yourself and try your best.