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What to do if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you?

203 Answers
Last Updated: 01/24/2023 at 3:46am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
June 1st, 2016 1:32am
Talk to the girlfriend and inform her on what has happened so she can get out of that relationship, also inform her that you had no idea he was dating her
May 17th, 2020 2:37pm
Try to put and end to it. You are probably hurting his girlfriend, but yourself as well. At some point the guy has to choose between you and his grilfriend. If he does not pick you, you will end up hurt. If he does pick you, you might encounter trust issues. if he cheated once, he might do it in your relationship as well. He should communicate to his girlfriend about what he wants. If he wants to be with you, its only fair to break up with his girlfriend. I think in the first place this is his choice and he should try to come to a respectful solution that works for you and the girlfriend.
August 15th, 2019 8:01am
At first it might seem all nice and lovely but honestly that's not right. He's not only hurting her but there's a high chance that he will hurt you too in the future. Staying loyal and committed in a relationship is very important. If he loves her, he should stay committed to her and her only. But if he's not happy and wants to continue with you, it's for the better that he lets her go. He's not treating either of you right. It also shows how much respect he has for her. If he can do that to her, he can do that to you too.
October 23rd, 2018 12:18am
I think you should talk about this with your boyfriend, you deserve happiness in the right way. If you think you are making unnecessary fights and havoc then girl, I think you can cut it off then go away but if he really is your happiness then you deserve to be happy. Communication is the best way to figure this out. Cheating is not a good thing, and the both of you should be honest to the people around you. If he can cheat on her, then what if you get together, that gives him another chance to cheat again. Lessons can only be learned if they get affected so much. Becareful girl, but you deserve happiness. We support you here.
July 6th, 2018 8:00pm
If you find out that you are the "bit on the side", ask yourself how you feel about that status. The ask yourself how you'd feel if you were the one being cheated on. Honest answers to those two questions will usually give you a pretty good idea what you should next.
June 22nd, 2018 1:34am
You stop it and talk to him about it, you know it's not right to do it to anyone and no one deserves it.
September 21st, 2016 4:23pm
Well this happened to me some time ago, when I realised he was married, I met his wife and told her every single detail!
October 21st, 2016 6:48pm
Try to step back and view the situation from afar. First think about what is best for you, and take care of yourself
November 22nd, 2017 10:23am
Depends if you know about it or not. If you didn't know about his girlfriend, you cannot blame yourself. If you knew he has a girlfriend, you just lost one big thing: your dignity.
September 6th, 2020 8:08pm
If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you, the best thing to do is remove yourself from the situation. If you remove yourself from the situation you are no longer putting yourself at risk of harm and you are also helping out the girlfriend by no longer involving yourself with the boyfriend. It may be hard if you are attached but there is a saying that once a person is a cheater they are always going to be a cheater. Put yourself in the girlfriend's shoes and see what they might be feeling if you are still unsure if removing yourself isn't the best option.
January 18th, 2020 2:28pm
If a guy cheats on you with his girlfriend means that he never really loved his girlfriend. If he cared for her then he would not have wanted to disappoint her by doing this. And considering the fact that he never really loved her I don’t think he is capable of loving you either.Honestly I think you should politely reject him and encourage him to be loyal to his girlfriend not so that he feels better but so that his girlfriend does not get hurt by his actions. I hope my reply helped you and I hope my advice works 😊
July 28th, 2019 7:03am
This is a horrible feeling and has happened to me before. A guy used me and I didn't know he had a girlfriend until afterwards. I dealt with this in the best way I could by one, telling his girlfriend what happened. She wasn't happy with me and thought I was lying because I had a crush on her boyfriend but then she realized I was telling the truth and we became close friends. Then, two, I made sure to tell myself that none of it was my fault. I didn't know he had a girl friend so there was no reason for me to assume he did. He was an honest guy, or so I thought. Do his girlfriend a favor and tell her what he did. She may not be happy with you but you are still doing a great service to her by doing this. :)
June 26th, 2019 5:15am
If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you then you have two options. The options depend on how you feel as a person. If that's what you're into, then that's on you. If you want to keep it only known between you and the guy, that is also on you. If you feel like you're doing something wrong then you should just tell his girlfriend as soon as possible. (What I would do) Even if you think it's okay, it might not be okay to her and it's also not fair to her if that's the case. If they've been together for a long time it's even more important. If the guy cheated on her with you, he probably will cheat on you with some other girl as well.
April 14th, 2019 12:25pm
If I ever came to know about this I would leave that guy then and there. Because a guy who could cheat on some other girl with you and also cheat on you with somebody else. It's very simple that a person can never ever give up his/her habit. And if that guy is habitual of cheating on girls he's always gonna do that with anyone and everyone. He might act as if he's guilty but you should really have a close look into his personality. And when you choose to stay with such a person even after knowing all this, you are doing one of the biggest mistake of your life.
December 5th, 2018 9:17pm
I had this happen to me, it was with my ex. Just talk to him first and tell him how you feel. If he acts up, maybe start talking to the gf but don't run to her and say he's cheating. Also make sure you have evidence that he is. The girl may think you are lying so try to befriend her. If that doesn't work, cut it off with the guy. You don't need someone who wants to hide you away and you don't want to be his side hoe. Remember to do whats best for you
November 24th, 2018 7:02pm
One question to ask is, "did you know he had a girlfriend?" If the answer is yes, then ask yourself why you allowed it to happen? If the answer is no, forgive yourself and end the relationship if it has not already ended. He knew he was in a relationship so you know he is not trustworthy. Try to be careful about the people you allow in your circle. Next time ask about a significant other before entering into any type of relationship, even if it is just a dinner date. It will not help his girlfriend to tell her. The best thing is to move on and distance yourself from him.
November 23rd, 2018 10:53am
First of all you tell him never to contact you again and respectfully tell his girlfriend, that would be the best approach so that she doesn't blow up on you and think you knew, many women may lose their reasoning when they've been cheated on and take it out on both the mistress and her partner, show her that you were innocent and unknowing... If she still breaks out, don't be too offended and just stay out of her way... Although that would only apply if you didn't know he was in a relationship at the time, if not, tell her and apologize as I said before don't be too offended, if she blows up, just stay out of her way. Good luck
November 3rd, 2018 7:27pm
Well this question really have a lot todo with you and how you feel about this subject inside. Each person is going to react differently with this question based upon their up bringing and based upon their religious beliefs. So, I'm going to say if you didn't know he had a girlfriend while you were with him, it probably would make you really upset with him and possibly cause you to quit seeing him because he did not value the other girl and he did not value you as a person. He violated you as a person and took something from you that you might have wanted to give to someone special. Instead, he mislead you and slept with you for his own personal gain. So, you probably are better off without him, and you deserved to have someone who love you for you.
July 27th, 2018 4:39am
If you discover that you are being used to cheat on someone, you could contact the girlfriend and talk to her about the situation. You could also call out the guy, but the other girl might be confused about your role in everything so it might be better to talk to her as well.
May 26th, 2018 5:40am
In my opinion the best and only way is the true. Tell her girlfriend but don't do it aggressive. All of them needs to talk and expose the arguments, a lie only will break all the relationship between you, him and her girlfriend.
March 9th, 2018 1:15pm
You stop him and tell his girlfriend. She deserves to know and you deserve more respect than that. That is the best thing to do.
June 25th, 2016 7:01pm
Push him away, tell him that what he's doing is not good, and then tell his girlfriend about what he did. People should respect more their relationships, seriously...
July 16th, 2016 12:06pm
You are the best at knowing yourself, if you truly have feelings for him then take action. At 7 cups we always encourage honesty, and you have to ask yourself how would you feel if you were the other woman.
June 3rd, 2016 5:21am
Never have contact with him again. He is not good for you. It will not end up well. Instead find someone who doesn't engage in that type of behavior.
October 1st, 2016 1:27pm
You tell him he must tell his girlfriend and be 100% honest about it. If he truly wants to be with his girlfriend, he has to be honest with her.
August 25th, 2016 4:50am
i would probably be wondering why did i sleep with a guy since i am straight :p well if you are a female , you should just tell him it was a mistake and what you two did is wrong in the right of the girlfriend and he should either take care of her or let her go but not foolish her by cheating on her
February 5th, 2017 10:57am
If you feel guilty about it, perhaps you should confront him and tell him to break it off with his girlfriend, instead of lying to her and deceiving her. She'll obviously be very if she found out through other ways. If he refuses, maybe you should go tell her yourself and explain that you weren't aware that he had a girlfriend.
June 5th, 2016 10:49pm
Tell his girlfriend if you regret it. If you don't just don't do it again. You should confront him..
April 27th, 2018 1:30pm
The right thing is to confront the guy and tell him he needs to tell his girlfriend. If he chooses not to although it is not your place you need to try and put yourself in her position and think about what you would want
September 15th, 2020 6:30am
My husband and I have an open marriage. That means we sleep with other people. Where I happen to live, in a large metropolitan area, I come across a lot of unattached or semi-attached men who I end up enjoying spending time with and maybe a little bit more. My relationship with cheating is complex. While I have never myself cheated -- (I was actually a superstar monogamist before becoming open) -- I have been cheated on. No one deserves that experience, and in my view, it is no one's fault except the cheater's. The way I see it, if one enters an agreement with their partner to be exclusive and then see other people, cheating is a form of lying. At the same time, I see a lot of unattached guys with what we call "girl things." Starting here, I am speaking from personal experience. This "girl thing" believes she's in a serious relationship with the fellow, yet he had barely thought to mention her over the course of my knowing him. Meeting her at a party, I was surprised to find out they were making all sorts of plans, like getting dogs, moving in together, moving to another country together in the future. None of this ever came to fruition in over a year since it was mentioned. When I see a woman put herself in this position, it reminds me of myself when I was cheated on, an experience that left my heart in tatters. He said all the right things but with none of the deeds to back it up. I wish I had been smarter. Now that I am married but have a lot of unattached male friends and even hook up partners, I do not make it my responsibility to investigate their relationships. I make sure to only get to know and sleep with men who I regard as trustworthy. But in the case that I do find out another relationship he has in has turned exclusive -- or if I can tell that the girl involved believes it to be, even if he fails to bring it up with me -- I put an end to the romantic parts of our relationship. To be honest, when I went through this, I struggled to remain friends after. I did not appreciate the way he strung her along while also wanting to have access to me. In short, I do not consider myself the relationship police; if a man says he is single, I will generally take his word for it and continue to get to know him as I wish. However my advice to all girls -- no matter which side of the equation -- is this: be smart. Don't be overly invested in a relationship that is bearing no fruit. And tread lightly when a man claims to have a complicated or unattached relationship status.