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Is there anyway to remove all of your sexual desire?

47 Answers
Last Updated: 04/29/2022 at 8:32pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
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Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


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Top Rated Answers
October 9th, 2021 8:23am
I guess, there is. But the real question is, why would you remove it? How many problems does it actually create for you? There are so many different kinds of sexual desire, removing it would not be an option for everyone. What we need to do is learn from it. How do you think about it, would the world be easier if everyone just removed there desires? Would the world be easier if no one liked chocolate? But then what about all the chocolate farms? I mean yes they are heavenly underpaid, but if no one liked chocolate they would not be paid at all. Look at it that way, don't ask what you can do for sexual desire, ask what sexual desire can do for you.
November 11th, 2020 8:01pm
Based on my experience quitting the internet, being close to nature, reading educational books, meditating focusing on your studies, getting closer to your religion if you believe in one etc honestly I can write a long list about what you should do in order to remove all your sexual desires but I'm not sure if it's possible maybe it is i don't know but one thing I know for sure is that you can control you sexual desires by avoiding them, facing them and not acting upon it it may sound like some kind of a punishment but those desires are just desires. If you can control your mind you can control those desires of yours. I know it's easier said than done but life's not easy isn't it? Sometimes you just gotta get out of your comfort zone to get things done.
October 29th, 2020 8:58pm
This is an interesting question, I believe for many reasons and for people with many different personal experiences. It's quite a sensitive topic, and probably garners some interest from victims (or experiencers, in case you don't consider yourself a victim) of sexual abuse. My personal feeling is that it is quite possible not to experience sexual feelings, either temporarily or for a very long time. I think this can indeed happen, but from personal experience, I can't say whether or not it's an experience that can be entirely willed. I don't have personal experience in which I would have been entirely able to turn off my sexual brain. However, I have only lived inside my very own mind, and I would love to read more about other people's experiences. :) Interesting question...
October 8th, 2020 2:30am
Sexual desire can occur for several aspects. Such as looks, love, kindness or fondness of the person. The only way I can think of to remove this desire is to stop thinking about in general. Get a hobby get yourself doing something so that you become distracted so in a way you want sexual desire. The only hard part is that what causing your sexual desire may be enthralled in your head or that you see this person everyday. Though if this self desire lead to the person you may marry or want to spend a lifetime with then by all means do so.
August 12th, 2018 11:01pm
Yes there is. Repressing it can help, but unless you want this to be your lifestyle choice, shutting the emotions down can be very unhealthy. I think you should look forward controlling it instead.
August 28th, 2020 10:52pm
I think, that unless you are a sex-repulsed asexual, sexual desire is a natural part of being human. However, it is relatively common to feel shame about having sexual desires. There are sometimes underlying issues that can make shame about sexual desire more extreme, even to the point of obsession. I would recommend speaking to a therapist about this, on 7 cups or in person. Sexual desire, for most people, is completely natural and should not be something that causes you shame. I hope that you found this response helpful and that you have a good rest of your day!
June 18th, 2020 8:19am
Yes it comes by consistence approach. What happens in sexual desire is all our focus or energy gets accumulated towards the sexual thoughts. So we must find some alternate source that has equal or more impactful than sexual areas on us. One of the effective area is spirituality. When you comes to know about the concepts of spirituality, how to use energies and our precious fluids in right way just help us to realise the truth. So as a first step you can get some books on spirituality. Autobiography of yogi is one of them which will impact us strongly. You might get desires in between all you need to be aware is it takes time and effort to overcome the desires. Also it's better to have some look on food. Excessive salty, oily, spicy foods, onions will increase the sexual desires. Avoiding meat also helps us in achieving the better command on our desires
May 14th, 2020 4:46am
Sexual desires can be considered as like any other needs.Its more power full and energetic as it can lead to giving birth to life. So removing all is not a good choice. Its like asking can we remove our hunger. Food is a need but there can be food for the hunger and food taken to gratify the senses. First one is need satisfaction second one is greed satisfaction. Like law of conservation of energy we can not destroy the energy we can not remove all desires but can transform into creative works.As its an infinite source of energy instead of getting along with the desires transform it into love for nature, love to human kind. Get into art games etc. you can get away from the desires controlling you. Have good friends. Engage in social activities. Empty cup catches dust fast so don't remove fill it with good tea. Best wishes
February 21st, 2020 2:28pm
There are a lot of great books and references to look into this topic that touch on it in a variety of ways, depending on what angle you'd prefer to go about exploring it. :) In my experience and research, I personally don't know that our sexual desire can be removed, per say, but after having studied and doing my own personal research and experiments in commitments to abstinence, I do feel our desire nature can be transformed and utilized to do a great many things that extend beyond sexual gratification. This is a great question, and I'm really happy that people are interested in exploring their desire nature and understanding it better.
October 13th, 2019 4:13pm
No, unless you are asexual, I do not believe there is a way to do this. Most of us are sexual beings, and if we have sexual desire, I don't think there is a way to completely eradicate it. It can be controlled however, and if you feel that your sexual desires impedes on your life, work, or relationships with others, there is help for that. I would suggest looking in your area for a good psychologist or therapist who has experience in this area, and has good reviews and insight to offer. I hope you are able to resolve any problems you may have!
December 30th, 2018 2:05am
Sexual desire is a complex and natural part of life. While it is not usually possible to extinguish it, you can practice good sexual health to help manage it. Things like practicing good sexual health or limiting exposure to sexually explicit materials might help limit when you feel this desire. If you are experiencing distress linked to your sexual desire, it might be best to seek professional help to figure out why this is, and how best to navigate coping strategies. Desires are natura and normal, and there is nothing wrong with experiencing them, even if it feels that way sometimes.
January 3rd, 2021 12:18pm
Try to distract yourself from it. Sexual desire is something that we can't really remove, it's kind of implanted into our brain. Try to do some exercises, working out, writing, reading, watching a movie.. Any hobby you can think of! Try your best to do healthy things to keep you distracted from it and to build up healthy habits in place of it. It's difficult and not easy, but so are most things in life. Find the best way to balance hobbies, habits, and distractions so that you can completely distract yourself from said sexual desire. I wish you good luck!
March 7th, 2021 1:19am
No, there is not. It's a human and animal trait made for surviving and reproduction. But it can be controlled with self-discipline, effort, patience, time, and taking pride in meeting small accomplishments at a time. Things that take you a long way in life past controlling sexual urges. Or maybe try to change your perspective sexually altogether with goals and hard work to meet them. There are also scientific supplements to decrease your hormones if that is what you are looking for. But before that, please see a doctor and see if it would be beneficial for you. You can overcome anything you put your mind to! :)
November 25th, 2017 5:43am
I am honestly not an expert on this topic. I really believe it depends on your situation. In my opinion, it is probably not possible to do so.
November 16th, 2017 4:09pm
Sexualaty is normal. Human beings are sexual beings. Don't be ashamed of it. But there are certain places and a certain time to express sexual desires.
February 4th, 2022 1:13am
I don't think there is a way to remove all sexual desire, as we are all wired to have sexual desire. I have struggled and still do with not letting my sexual desire take over and it felt like a form of addiction for a very long time. I am managing my emotions to a certain extent by intentionally ignoring and not engaging in anything sexual for as long as i can, instead of whenever i want or need a "fix". I hope this could help someone else... It doesn't remove the thoughts but finding ways to overrule those thoughts by doing something more productive is a good way to get further in life and achieve a sense of self-control.
April 29th, 2022 8:32pm
Sexual desire is natural and it would be unhealthy to supress it, even if you do it will ruin a lot of parts of your life. You could try, but it is a chemical reaction, like hunger or thirst, I don't think you could do it with no medication, and the medication that could supress all sexual desire would be heavy enough to do serious damage overtime. So I am not aware of what you are trying to achieve but I would suggest you to rethink this. Even if it is a matter of sex addiction/ hypersexuality there are different solutions that a therapist could help with