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Why do I feel so inferior and worthless and useless all the time?

182 Answers
Last Updated: 09/02/2020 at 10:18am
Why do I feel so inferior and worthless and useless all the time?
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Maria Anisia Dascalescu Cocan, MA

Marriage & Family Therapist

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Top Rated Answers
January 2nd, 2016 9:40pm
This can be a symptom of many mental illnesses and it can be a result of abusive and mistreatment in your life and with enough help you can find a way to get past this side affect.
January 5th, 2016 2:27am
Well, this might be related to your thought patterns... the way you see things makes you inferior, now you can support yourself by changing this... you can start to appreciate yourself for the simple achievements in your life and slowly you gain love for yourself.
January 6th, 2016 4:26pm
usually when things are not in your favor, or if something hasn't quite gone your way can sometimes make you feel worthless and inferior.
January 6th, 2016 10:24pm
I'm not sure, only you know that. There must be something going on to make you feel like you are that - but I am sure you aren't.
December 6th, 2015 12:59pm
Because we are our own worst critics. Happiness is a choice we have to make on our own. Learn to forgive yourself.
March 30th, 2015 1:37pm
People tend to feel inferior/worthless/useless/etc. when they compare themselves to others too much. Comparing yourself to other people will result in lack of self esteem, believing that you are never good enough and will never be like the people you compare yourself to. This can be fixed by realizing that you are just fine the way you are, and worth just as much as everybody else.
December 15th, 2015 2:31pm
Sometimes our brains perceive things as much worse than they really are. When only a one or two people are busy or have plans, we may feel that no one wants to be around us, when in fact, this is most likely not the case. There are many people that love us and want to be around and do things with us, we just might only be focusing on the two who are busy at that moment.
December 31st, 2015 7:28pm
You feel inferior because you compare yourself with others. When you were born you came here alone and when you will die, it won’t even matter. You have different parents then rest of us. You have different challenges. You have different strengths and weaknesses. You are unique. So, how can you be inferior? Life is a journey not a rat race. Just listen to the little voice inside of you and keep following that. It will lead you from feeling useless to a place where you will find your true purpose.
December 31st, 2015 7:39pm
It's probably a social thing. From my experience (and I'm not sure if this will 100% relate), I found my self always comparing myself to others and confused success,usefulness, and popularity all into one giant mess. One thing that help me was going out of my way to get things done. I went and got myself certified in nearly 50 different fields using free online resources. Afterwards, I wrote down everything I though I was good at or was a master at and what I was bad or terrible at. I call it a CLSR or a Current Life Skill Review. When I noticed that I was good at a lot more things that I thought I was bad at, It cheered me up. Hope this help, SM
December 31st, 2015 11:05pm
you are not usless you are worth somthing anything there is always a purpose for life i have been through the same experience and i promise things will get better i used to thing my life had no meaning and that i was wothless andi promise you are a shining star
December 31st, 2015 11:32pm
It is common for us to use negative self-talk. Sometimes we are our biggest critic. It is a difficult pattern to break out of.
February 4th, 2016 11:49pm
This is a mental construct, that you are too adhered to. Chances are, you are measuring this by the wrong metric, which is other people. You decide and define your own worth, not other people, and not you in comparison to other people.
September 2nd, 2020 10:18am
The answer is complex, taking into account the story that each person carries with them. The feeling of inferiority arises when we are still children and we are unable to meet the expectations of parents and teachers at school, for example. And that reflects in your adult life, as in work. We never feel good enough and someone better will always appear. Changing something that has already been implanted in our consciousness is difficult, but not impossible. Of course, it requires a daily effort, since for years this feeling has been inside us. To begin with, I want you, who for many years felt inferior to those around you, who thought you were not good enough and who always thought something went wrong, look in the mirror. See yourself. Observe the person you thought you were not able to. Have you ever stopped to think that no one has the same traits as yours? Nobody fought the same battles as you, nobody felt the same pain as yours, it may have been similar, but nothing was the same. Because? Because you are unique. There never was and never will be someone like you. Now, in front of the mirror, see this. You felt inferior for not being like the others, for thinking that you were not capable. But you are! You can do more! Now, before going to sleep, close your eyes and focus on yourself. Forget the world around you. At that moment there is only you. This is another mistake that we usually make and that makes us feel inferior. We always think of others, do what they want and try to meet the expectations of others, but what about ours? How do we stay? We were sad, stunned, looking for the reward in superfluous things. When you start to see yourself as unique and non-copyable, you will see that everything that has happened so far has been nothing. Just a mistake that can be reversed, and turned into self-love. You will see that all the battles and dedications were not in vain, and you will see that the greatest hero in history has always been you. These are simple steps, but when practiced with precision and persistence will have incredible effects. You are the author of your own life, you are unique. When the feeling of inferiority tries to reach you, think of everything you have achieved so far, what you went through to get here.
July 25th, 2020 11:02pm
You put too much pressure on yourself, you compare yourself to others, and so than measure your worth and effort based on how you add up. When It all comes down to your own pace, and how you see or define yourself overcoming this obstacle soon or in the long run. Doing things doesn't have to seem like it's a destination rather, seeing it as a journey and enjoying the journey rather than the destination can put things into a better perspective in how you see yourself and experience the project, sport, activity, work. At least doing things with a clear conscience and at a pace, you can manage brings more clarity, understanding and experience.
August 10th, 2017 1:09pm
Because of your past experiences. Due to others behavior towards you. There could be many reasons which could make you feel inferior. To feel better, remind yourself about the good things you did, the efforts you made to achieve something, your milestones, accomplishments, good memories and positive thoughts about yourself. It will help you to feel better.
October 4th, 2016 1:25pm
We are often pressured to be super good or special. Our abilities, success, appearance etc. don't seem enough. Although in fact, those things don't determine one's worth in the slightest. Each person is worthy. Self-esteem is tricky but not impossible to gain over time.
September 26th, 2016 12:39pm
Mostly because you don't self-appreciate while overly-appreciating the laurels of others and sometimes, even exaggerating them. Look towards the positives in you and start rewarding yourself for them.
July 11th, 2016 5:05pm
You got to change howb you think. Stay positive and have positive reminders around. Cause you are none of those things
June 9th, 2016 10:37pm
You may be focusing on all of the negatives instead of the positives things you have done. There will always be some form of progress no matter what as long as you apply yourself.
June 4th, 2016 11:45pm
My PERSONAL belief is this use of social media 24/7 has done this to us. When you are taking part in this you are basically looking at all the wonderful things other people seem to have. Basically you are measuring yourself all the time against unfair ruler. I learned when I was able to set my own goals and my own ideas for happiness. I was, well happy!
June 4th, 2016 10:40pm
You feel inferior and worthless and useless all the time. Why do you feel like that? What could be causing that?
February 6th, 2016 4:56pm
you don't its just the feeling that you have or the way you think about yourself makes you feel like you are worthless and useless, but you're have so many things to do with your life and so many things you can do to your life, its just a matter of time until you figure it out strong you are here for a reason to make something with your life just remember be someone who everyone will remember you for....your friends,family....just hang in there
January 17th, 2016 6:13am
You don't know your own strength just be confidident and dont care just do you and try something to get your mind off of it.
January 8th, 2016 11:05am
Because you compare your life with others. Stop comparing & living other's life. The day you stop comparing with others you would rise & shine. You are unique. You are beautifull. You are Blessed.
January 9th, 2016 5:01pm
Simple, because you're comparing yourself to other people. Stop doing that. It's extremely unhealthy.
January 10th, 2016 12:27am
Maybe because you have a very low self esteem. There are a lot of techniques which can inprove self esteem, even if at first they may seem useless
January 13th, 2016 4:17am
You might be going through tough times and so your mind messes with you, making you believe all these things that are not true.
January 16th, 2016 8:48am
Noone is worthless or useless. It seems you are highly stressed out.Just relax for some time and do what you are best at.Iam sure your view about yourself will change automatically.
January 23rd, 2016 12:42pm
Maybe you feel like that cause you think so. But people around I, trust me, don't think it. Maybe you got no faith in yourself, but I bet others have.
January 29th, 2016 11:40pm
There are always going to be things in life that can make you feel negative feelings, but you have to protect yourself for you before anyone else