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I've not been able to cry for a very long time, and I really need to. Is there a method to induce crying and letting it all out ?

137 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 12:52pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Sarah Robb, LISW-S (Licensed Independent Social Worker, Supervisor Designation) and LICDC (Licenced Chemical Dependency Counselor)

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Life poses many challenges. Learning to face, cope with, and resolve these challenges can increase our resilience.

Top Rated Answers
June 3rd, 2021 8:01pm
Yeah, crying is needed to to pour out your feelings, but sometimes you can not cry. Well, if you talk to someone who listens to you and cares about you, you can cry. Here, at 7 cups, therapists and listeners are here for you! Just take it easy and talk to someone. We all care about your feelings. And you can easily cry and pour out your feelings:) On the other hand, if you have a close friend, you can talk to them and cry. A hug is really helpful :)) Anyways, no one judges you at 7 cups, you can easily trust and talk. Take care..
May 21st, 2021 10:37pm
For a good cry, take a trip down memory lane with a nice playlist to put you in the feels. Looking through old photos, possibly even journaling are also methods that can allow you to break free. I love that you do want to let it all out in such a healthy way, because tears are just a physical flow of our emotions! There are some breathing techniques and body stretches that can also relieve all the tension set in our bodies. I recommend you look up the box method breathing for sure. I hope this helps you, stay well.
December 12th, 2020 3:20pm
First find a private safe space (ex. your bedroom) that you can cry in. You body will go into protective mode if you feel the need to hide emotions. Allow yourself to be comfortable with crying. (know that crying is not only for babies, it's natural) Next think deeply about what makes you sad. (ex. others hurting you) Channel that feeling into your mind. Follow that up with journaling your thoughts or perhaps listening to sad music. It could even be a sad movie, or sad anime episode, or sad Youtube video. Whatever you're most comfortable with to help you get in the mood.
May 6th, 2020 7:14am
For me it's overcoming shame or fear that I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable with such open display of emotion. I make a safe place for those moments. My room, no mirrors, low lights. My room has heavy drapes on windows and walls to help keep noise out( it's for sensory issues) but it also stops my tears and grief from creating echoes or so much noise that I am hearing it and thinking others do too. I always use aromas to help, sandalwood was an incense my best friend burned and he was always my comfort and strenght. I let myself build...I feel those emotions and bring them up, I let them well up till it's to late to stop. I feel them, really feel the loss, the bitterness, the love, the anger. I let them out and let them go. I feel them drain away. Once it's done I'm exhausted. I always have a water bottle near me, and I have always needed it. It's part of my process. I think what really is key is to be in a place you are safe and comfortable, and to not feel shame. And then to really find those emotions that have to be expressed and let them out.
February 16th, 2020 12:31pm
I'm sorry to hear that. It sure is unhelpful and frustrating. It all depends though. Prescribed medication can definitely interfere with our sad emotion, reducing or completely ridding of that feeling to cry. But all in all, I would suggest seeing your doctor about it. I'm no professional, but perhaps your doctor and you can come up with some sort of plan to help you with the feeling of unable to cry. If you don't take medication, it is still a good idea to see a professional about it. Perhaps some mindfulness could help you. If you like I can send you a link for mindfulness.
February 9th, 2020 5:07pm
At first, it needs to be considered where is the reason that you can't cry. If reason is in eyes, you need to see your ophtalmologist. Dry eyes, especially due to long hours behind computer or smart phone can be culprit that you can't cry as your tear glands in the eyes are dried up. You also need to blink regularly with your eyes when behind computer or when you notice that your eyes are dry to provide some moisture to the eyes and to encourage your tear glands to excrete tears. Reasons for inability to cry can be also of mental/emotional nature. In this case you need to see your psychiatrist or therapist to improve your emotional health.
January 19th, 2020 8:27pm
I would recommend sitting in a private room, putting on something sad (movie, music, etc), and relaxing. Find comfort in letting emotions go. Another recommendation is finding something you may find passion in, and practicing it, thinking about a future with said passion. Try going through old items that hold memories, it may trigger emotions and allow them to come out the way you need them to. Throughout these activities please remain as safe as possible! Make sure to have some tissues, a blanket and some comforting items within reach to make sure everything remains under control. Stay safe!
December 21st, 2019 5:47am
If you're feeling any tension try and recognize that tension and focus on it. Once you've focused on that tension let it out. Letting out your tension by yelling into a pillow or hitting a pillow will most likely allow yourself to cry or get emotional. Let it all out it is a healthy method to get emotional. Crying is good for you it lets off tension or any emotion. There are many ways of having yourself get emotional, If there was a point in your life where you felt hurt emotionally , take yourself back to that feeling and let it out relive that time of your life and make it better. Let your tears flow and let the smile glow after you've relived that moment in your life.
August 23rd, 2019 3:32am
Personally, when I feel like I need a good cry, I like to watch Titanic. It is one of my favorite movies and also always gets some tears out of me. Another thing I do is watch or read sad stories, especially about animals. That always does the trick for me! If animals aren't your thing though, I think that there is a lot to be said for sad music. Luckily, almost every genre has some sad songs. Looking up a playlist on YouTube or Spotify, or even just some lists of sad songs online can really do the trick. Crying is healthy, so I hope you can have a great, healthy cry!
August 4th, 2019 4:01am
If it's something specific that I feel the need to cry about, I tend to focus my thoughts on that event or subject of worry and just let the emotions surrounding it come out. It can be overwhelming at first to just let yourself feel sadness, but it can also be a really healing experience. Crying is where you can get all your emotions out freely, and there's always a sense of calm I feel after having a good cry. Sad music helps a lot too, although I don't always need it to start crying. It can really push you to start crying if you're really struggling to though.
July 12th, 2019 1:17am
It helped me to go to therapy. Finding someone kind, safe, compassionate, can help a lot. It also helps me to ask the other person for permission to cry, since I used to be punished, criticized, ignored and mistreated for crying. Sometimes we don't cry because we feel too anxious. It can also help to focus on what you felt when you were in suffering while you narrate it, and to try to describe everything as clearly and detailedly as possible, trying to be compassionate to yourself as you do, as if you were a little girl in pain telling you what happened.
June 6th, 2018 12:21am
If I need to cry, I allow myself the space to let it all out. By spending some time alone, so that I may cry, pray, and do whatever I need to do in private, I feel much more able to resume my daily activities.
May 27th, 2018 9:09am
Try to listen to music and songs associated with significant moments from your past. Try and recall past moments of loss which can trigger a release of emotion and unresolved grief. This can be very therapeutic at times and help you get in touch with your feelings.
May 18th, 2018 1:24am
Yes, however it is really hard to do unless you have experienced so deeply hard and sad things. I dont recommend it. Feel free to message me if you have further questions.
May 2nd, 2018 3:16am
Journaling might work, but why not just accept that you are not ready to let go now. When you are ready, the tears will flow. I think on a deeper level, you are aware that if you cry, issues that might be repressed will surface. And it might not be your time to face those issues yet.
April 14th, 2018 5:33am
Some things to try are to a) watch a sad movie, b) listen to/sing a sad song, and/or c) try to talk things out with your friends about what's been bringing you down and just let it all out.
April 7th, 2018 5:44am
things i do, when i try to cry: - looking back at past memories - listen to sad songs - watch sad movies - watch try not to cry complilations - fake cry until im actually crying - whine - get emotional
February 8th, 2018 7:46am
Hello there. :) Personally, writing helps me channel all my emotions. I keep a journal and I usually write about my day. I also write prose and poems. This helps me a lot. Sometimes I just find tears on my paper. I don't even notice I've been crying while I am writing.. It really helps me let out all my pent up emotions. You can give it a try sometimes. I hope it helps you too :)
November 22nd, 2017 7:36am
Sharing your emotions and feelings with someone close to us, helps reduce a lot of stress off our minds.After we share our feelings we eventually feel light weighted this is because in all the darkness a beam of light can light all the way!
November 17th, 2017 6:49pm
I know that feeling I have been through this. I have tried two things which have worked positively for me, first tell somebody to slap you continuously until you break down I know it sounds harsh but it is very important to let your emotions out. Secondly I used to watch the movie of my favourite actor I am so in love with him that somehow when I used to see him, tears will start rolling on their own I know this one sounds crazy but it worked for me. Or you can try watching a very emotional movie.
November 9th, 2017 3:22pm
Often it can be difficult to release our emotions, an alternative way perhaps is to write down our thoughts and our feelings, making us aware of where we are at, creating that sense of release.
January 6th, 2021 11:11am
I think that even if you feel the need to cry it is not good to force it out.. I assume waiting for tears to come to you is the only option if you really want to cry. In my opinion, and lots of others it is not good to force anything, including tears or other aspects of emotions But you can also try other options as punching pillows or screaming somewhere secluded, these options may not be as good as crying, but they are helpful in letting it all out. And also I hear that writing in journals/diaries, whatever you call it is also good for dealing with emotions ( you can search for some prompts if you don't know what to write about), or you can try other forms of journaling as art journals
August 14th, 2020 5:05pm
I understand this feeling well. I needed to cry, but I couldn't figure out how. Then, I started watching sad videos to induce crying, and it worked. Even if I wasn't crying for the reason I wanted to, just crying in general was able to help me. Something very important to note is that when you want to cry, don't do it through physical means. Meaning, don't purposefully hurt yourself, and this is important for three main reasons. One, the obvious, hurting yourself is something we should all avoid doing at all costs. Secondly, letting out tears out of physical pain isn't going to be as beneficial to you because you are initially in emotional pain, not physical. Because of this, it is better to let out emotional pain with an emotional trigger, not physical. Finally, physical triggers aren't guaranteed to work. This isn't me trying to say that emotional triggers will always work, but it comes with a lower price than physical triggers. With emotional triggers, if watching a sad video doesn't work, you didn't really lose anything. However, if you physically hurt yourself, you may not be as sensitive to physical pain, so you may not cry from it all the while being in emotional and physical pain now.
August 22nd, 2020 5:55am
I find emotional release meditation to be a very helpful process. Much of these kinds of meditations can be done while lying in bed and are guided. You can find some great ones on Youtube, but I am sure many other places have them as well. Some of my favorites are Michael Sealy meditations. Another alternative is yoga for trapped emotions or releasing emotions. Emotions especially traumatic ones are said to end up stored in the body, and there are certain types of yoga specifically designed to help release these emotions. I use both those methods depending on my mood, and sometimes I just go here and find a listener try to summon up what I've pent up and begin to talk about it. Often times I may end up crying while I let it out. It can be very difficult for those of us who can't cry all that often to find release so we can heal. Good luck
August 28th, 2020 10:39am
Personally to me, meditation spills all my tears. The feelings I have inside of me, anxiety, grief, anger, guilt, are all let out using meditation because it makes you face your feelings instead of running away from them. In fact, meditation on a regular basis makes you feel very calm and collected since you are able to face the emotions and feelings that you wouldn't otherwise. Though it is hard to do at first, I'm sure you'll be able to do it :) Just trust yourself and keep going. Additionally, you can give yourself some space and time, and you can also journal to get a better understanding of your emotions.
October 16th, 2020 3:16am
I would assume that you are hurting from something, or have experienced a loss of some kind. I think being overly-focused on crying makes it harder to cry. Instead, focus on the event that hurt you. You could be in a room alone, and play some sad music on your device. Replay in your mind what has hurt you in detail e.g. what you saw, what you said, what other people said, how they reacted. If you experienced a loss, reflect on what or who you have lost, and reflect on how things may not be the same again. Another option would be to talk about the negative event with a friend or family member you trust, or a Listener here on 7 Cups, and express how you felt when it happened.
October 18th, 2020 7:08am
I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. First, it would be best to see your primary care provider and make sure to rule out any medical condition that can hinder your ability to cry. Crying is normal, that’s what humans do. It’s not a sign of weakness, to the contrary it’s a way for your body to process and reduce emotional stress. I think it would be beneficial for you to continue working through your own emotions and connect with others. Inducing crying maybe a useful therapy for some, especially those with difficulty expressing their emotions. In know that crying will happen naturally, eventually. Keep working at it but don’t be too hard on yourself.
October 19th, 2016 1:14am
It depends on what is blocking your ability to cry, a sad movie with a good ending would help. However, if you are into movies. Try a good book with a sad ending. I know these methods some stupid but they work for me.
January 9th, 2021 12:43pm
Hi, it's true that to cry means to release tension and it can also be a way to get in touch with your emotions rather than to bottle them up. Probably you can try to put your mind in a mindset that allows yourself to be emotional, checking if for somewhat reason a part of you is refusing this emotional reaction. Not sure if there is a method giving it should be something genuine, even if a method is found I think that to fake tears has not the same beneficial effect than when we let them happen naturally. My thought is to try to put yourself in the right condition to let it happen, rather than forcing it.
January 8th, 2021 7:06pm
Bottling up feelings, crying alone, or refusing to talk about your problems or issue can really cause the inability to cry. What always gets me crying, when I didn't know I could, is sitting down in a safe and private area with a person I trust and I start to talk about my feelings or thoughts and when they ask questions and try to understand it's even better. You can really get choked up and tears will surface as the emotions you've been keeping inside for a while. It can feel good to relieve some of that pressure that's been building inside you by talking about it or acknowledging it.