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What are the pros and cons of making friends online?

302 Answers
Last Updated: 06/19/2022 at 6:34pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


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Top Rated Answers
April 6th, 2018 3:58am
A benefit of online friendship is getting to learn more about lives, struggles, and tribulations of individuals that may not always be in your area. A major con is that these individuals may not be as they write themselves to be.
April 7th, 2018 1:49am
Pros You can be as polite and very helpful. cons just dont give too much of your time because we have to remember they are our members not friends. Always remember to follow all guidelines and regulations. Be super professional at what we do as if it were our job.
April 12th, 2018 5:03am
When you make friends online, you are relatively anonymous, so you have time to decide what you want to say, like here on 7 cups. In 1 to 1 conversations, you don’t have to worry about replying too slowly or sounding awkward, because everyone does that sometimes. However, there’s the hazard of troll accounts and cyber bullying.
April 12th, 2018 12:48pm
It is easier as the development of internet. You can choose to talk or just leave it if you feel uncomfortable. Just make sure there are lots of online predator, so keep your privacy for yourself. Be wise! Internet may be helpful and mean at the same time.
April 25th, 2018 10:59am
I have a thousand things to say.. it can be the best thing ever. you might meet amazing people that will stay with you forever. But sometimes it's hard to find friends that will last a lifetime because it's hard with timezones and all.
May 1st, 2018 9:44am
Pros: new friends, new experiences, conctat around the world Con:never know who is behind the phone
May 6th, 2018 7:56pm
What I really enjoy about making friends online is the opportunity to meet other people without the perceptual filters and stereo-types we inevitably have. We can connect meaningfully with people from all over the world and learn about other cultures. We can look for others who share our esoteric tastes. The downsides include not easily being able to get together with a far away online friend to do fun things. We miss out on some important aspects and benefits of f2f interaction. If we do ever meet the person they might be very different from what we expect. And of course there is always the risk that a person has intentionally misled us for nefarious purposes. Actually, this is risk no matter how we initially meet a person.
May 11th, 2018 10:44pm
Pros- you can talk about anything and everything with them, they’re always there for you, you meet some of the best people online. Cons- you will never be able to meet them face to face, unless you plan that. You realise they’re actually better than half of the friends you actually have
May 13th, 2018 9:15pm
The pros of making friends online: you can be anyone you want to be, you can be more open with them, you find people of similar interests easier. Cons: can live far away, may never meet them, don't really know you in real life
May 16th, 2018 4:59pm
Pros: The online world is so vast you can find way more people with similar interests and hobbies that you can talk to. Cons: Some of those people might not be who they say they are. Just be aware and be careful.
May 25th, 2018 9:22pm
The pros are that it's a lot easier to make friends online: we pick our friends based on our interests. In "real life", there's only so many people you can meet, be it at school or work. Sure, you can join club and these people will be interested in the same things as you. But on the internet, you can find people you have things in common with and who share your interests more easily. Of course there's the disadvantage that you can't see your online friends in person often, but there's face timing too. Please be careful though, because there are predatory or dangerous people on the internet, too. But don't let that hold you back from making meaningful friendships, either!
May 25th, 2018 11:23pm
I think you can be super open with them, theres always so much to talk about. And they are so kind, and supportive, and never judge you for anything. I think what sucks is you cant do somethings because you dont know them in person.
June 7th, 2018 7:21pm
The pros are that the internet is a good place to find people more like you, and that sometimes it's easier to communicate online than in person. The con is that the person might not be who you think they are.
June 13th, 2018 1:32am
A pro is that you can be more honest and you can meet people from tons of cultures and places. The cons are that you never know who’s behind the screen and if they are who they say they are. Also if you do become good friends, distance can be hard.
June 21st, 2018 8:53am
The pro is that you have someone to talk to, play with, and confide in. The cons however are you will probably never meet them in person, you can’t tell what emotions they are actually going through (and vise versa), and once you log off there is vertually no way to contact them again. (Based on my personal experience)
June 22nd, 2018 3:11pm
It's always fantastic to be able to make friends online, as you know that your friends there truly like you for your personality and nothing else. But the unfortunate thing is that it's far more difficult to know who they are in actuality and see them in person.
June 22nd, 2018 6:05pm
The pros are there is no pressure to act as expected no one knows you. The cons are you don’t know the person and they could be a predator. However, I met both of my bestfriends online. (they are from a different country)
June 23rd, 2018 1:36am
Pros : you find someone to talk to // we share our problems Cons : emotions are not real / looks like every one is hiding behind a screen
June 27th, 2018 12:27pm
You get to meet new people with a different culture and life style.... They might be serial killers.
July 1st, 2018 10:59am
I love making friends online. It's a lot easier to talk to people, since, at first, there's no face to face conversations. I also believe it's a lot easier to connect with people for the same reason - there's more that can be said through messages and it's easier to get your feelings across. However, conversations don't flow as easily, as people cant reply straight away, like they would in person. Not only that, but you can't hang out with them as simply as you would anyone else. It's hard being friends with others online but, I believe it's worth it - friends are friends, after all.
July 5th, 2018 3:09pm
Pros: -They're much more accessible, because you talk to each other via the internet. -You become friends with people from different countries, with different beliefs and cultures, which helps you become a well-rounded, open-minded individual. -If you're shy or a little timid, you don't have to worry about face-to-face conversations & possible awkwardness. Cons: -You never know who you're actually talking to online. There is no guarantee that the person you're corresponding with on the internet, is indeed the person you perceive them to be. -You won't know what they are like in real-life in a face-to-face conversation. -It can be dangerous.
July 5th, 2018 10:29pm
Con: You don't actually know if they are who they say they are Pro: Sometimes, they are the only people that really listen and understand what you're trying to express.
July 11th, 2018 5:39pm
the pros would be that you'll have a larger space to interact in. the con would be that you can only contact them through online means.
July 11th, 2018 9:09pm
Some of my bestfriends are online friends. They’re easier to open up to! It feels like you can tell them anything however it’s difficult because they aren’t just down the road from you they can be on the other side of the country or world.
July 12th, 2018 7:50pm
The pros of online friendships are finding people going through things, great listeners, and common interest. The cons are location, uncertainty of identity, and getting too attatched.
July 13th, 2018 5:11pm
Some of the pros are that they can make you feel so much better about yourself on your down days and you can talk to them without fearing judgement or talk about stuff you wouldn’t talk about to people in real life, cons aren’t that they may not always be a who they seem and you can still get into arguments with them like your friends in real life and that can be very hard. You could also drift apart very easily
July 19th, 2018 11:01am
One of the pros of making friends through online you can be yourself but one of the cons is that you don't know if your online friend is really a good person or just faking it.
July 19th, 2018 10:34pm
I have much to write on this. Pro- they aren't right in front of you so you can say pretty much anything to them. Cons- they'll leave you, they'll lie to you' betray you.. All kinds of bad things.
July 25th, 2018 8:16am
Pros: It's easier to meet diverse people, You can narrow your search by common interests and what not, More convenient than actual in-person friends. Cons: very impersonal, most likely won't ever get to meet these people, people troll and lie.
July 29th, 2018 5:08am
When you become really close with them you want to tell them anything and everything, but you can’t actually be with them in person.