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Why do I feel bad when someone does something nice for me, specially if they buy me gifts?

184 Answers
Last Updated: 03/18/2023 at 7:03am
Why do I feel bad when someone does something nice for me, specially if they buy me gifts?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
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Lisa Groesz, PhD


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Top Rated Answers
April 8th, 2017 4:38am
One possible reason is you might not think you deserve someone doing something nice for you or giving you a gift. This can stem from self esteem issues.
July 20th, 2015 1:51pm
For the fear that this nicety may not be there tomorrow. Gifts sometimes create a kind of bonding with the giver. Sometimes, we feel bad because we become receiver.
November 15th, 2017 1:19pm
This may be because you are unable, or are restricted in your ability to do something nice for that person in return. It's always nice to be treated well, and if anything, take this opportunity to think about how much happier we would be if we all paid each other compliments and bought little gifts of appreciation for each other. You don't have to buy gifts of course, many acts of kindness can cost nothing!
February 22nd, 2017 1:07pm
Usually when I feel bad on this situations is because I feel obliged to give him back the gift. As if it wasn't a gift, but a favor that will, in the future, be asked in return - or just expected, what might be even worse.
January 26th, 2017 1:16pm
Because you don't know how worthy and how precious you are. You think you don't deserve it. But you do!!
August 15th, 2018 11:18pm
Because you feel like you don't deserve the time, money, or effort that it takes for someone to give that gift to you. This comes from toxic thinking and you should know and realize that you are worth it and that those people love you and cherish you
June 21st, 2019 10:59am
I feel bad when somebody does something nice for me or buys me gifts because I appreciate their thought they’ve had of me and want them to feel equal as I do. It’s not pleasant for one person to be giving for the ones happiness, it must be shared together, with each other. Not alone. For me to be able to express gratitude for something the other person has to feel the same way as me, if they don’t it puts a feeling of guilt inside me. Feeling grateful and happy together is the best way anyone can not feel guilty.
November 26th, 2016 10:14am
It is probably because of low self esteem. You don't feel like you deserve it. It's really bad to feel that way though. You are totally worth being treated nicely,you are an amazing human being. Instead of worrying, enjoy the nice things that people do for you. You deserve it.
January 4th, 2018 9:28am
Sometimes people feel bad after receiving an unexpected gift from someone close to them, either because a) they feel they owe them something in return and aren't sure of what to give that would make up for what they received or b) Its an act of kindness in which they are unsure of how to repay.
June 19th, 2019 1:38am
Personally, after a lot of self-reflection, I found in my experience of receiving gifts it made me feel guilty, weak, and dependent on others. My experience with gift receiving goes back to my childhood. My mother used gifts as a form of control and to meet her needs. Gifts were always used to hang over my head when I did not meet my mother's emotional needs. This created a lot of guilt within myself and dependent and weak when excepting something from others. I always felt someone who gave me a gift had an ulterior motive. My perception of gifts were based on the historical relationship with my Mom.
August 25th, 2018 8:31pm
I personally dont do well with getting gifts because I feel like I either dont deserve them or I worry about having to give something back, because it feels like the right thing to do. Sometimes its difficult to accept someone may want to give me something, because it feels like there should be some reason. On Christmas and birthdays, I have a hard time with gifts because although I'm so grateful and I make sure they know that, I always find myself thinking either: "I wish they hadn't spent the money on me for something I dont *really* need, when they could have used it for something else," or "I haven't done anything to merit getting a gift." I have to remember that just as I feel good giving other people gifts, they also may feel the same, and gifting is a beautiful thing to do amongst people you love.
November 9th, 2016 8:52pm
The feeling of receiving a gift or a good gesture can be slightly overwhelming to some people. Often this can cause a feeling of guilt if the deed is not returned, however, gratitude often suffices.
November 1st, 2016 6:01am
I think it's because we often feel undeserving. We don't view ourselves important or good enough to have someone do something nice for us. However if someone gives you a gift or a compliment they do so because they feel we deserve it and we should learn to accept that.
February 19th, 2020 4:26pm
When we feel uncomfortable when someone does something nice for us, it's usually because we aren't used to doing nice things for ourselves or, on some level, don't think we are worthy of nice gestures or presents. This can also happen if you feel you haven't been accepted by your friends or family growing up, or if you've suffered losses in the past that have made you insecure or maybe you now find it difficult to trust others. Practicing self-love, positive thoughts, affirmations and accepting ourselves with all our flaws and virtues will make you more open to love and attention from other people! Good luck!
October 2nd, 2016 11:17pm
Sometimes I feel like I owe the person something. I prefer to receive favors or gifts from people I can repay.
April 1st, 2018 3:07am
When someone does something nice for us, we may feel bad about if we don't truly think we deserve it. We may not fully believe that we are worth receiving the love, the gift, or the help. These feelings could be more obvious to us, where we admit that we "don't deserve it", or they may be more subtle where we find ourselves doubting "why would anyone want to do this for ME? I'm nothing special!"
November 21st, 2018 8:26am
I think it’s because you don’t want to be seen as selfish or as a person who is giving and would not like to receive things back. This is probably because, in my opinion, people would like to be seen as more modest and more of like the people who are the ones that give and don’t get back because that makes them look better, since some people might rather receive than get. This is because receiving gifts from others makes the person feel more fulfilled and loved, since it’s one of the 5 ways to show someone you love and / or care about them.
November 16th, 2015 10:32am
Sometimes it is hard to accept gifts, especially when you have had a lifetime of not receiving that many. It makes us uncomfortable, when really we should just enjoy the moment, the kind thought, and say thank you.
April 19th, 2016 3:03pm
It's a feeling of needing to do something for others because they gave you something nice, and you feel the need to do something nice in return
January 18th, 2019 1:35am
I think it depends really. Do you feel you are not worthy of someone doing something nice for you? That may affect your ability to receive love from others, your thoughts on your own self-worth? Or are you sensing this person is overextending themself to the point of buying your relationship, like people pleasing? A sensing of misappropriated boundaries. Or Would you do the same for someone else? It could be a guilt thing as well that you can’t receive if you wouldn’t do the same. . It really all depends on an individual situation from my experience.
November 5th, 2020 6:18pm
im answering this because i feel the exact same way. although there isnt a specific answer for that, i can mention some things that you might relate to. you feel like youre not worth it, low self esteem can bring us down making us believe we dont deserve good things. you can feel like youre being selfish or it just feels offensive. i know this feeling. but dont let that stop you from letting people be kind with you.
January 10th, 2019 6:13pm
For the mindset of ' i am not worthy being treated like this ' , ' Now i must do sumthing to return this kindness , what a hassle' or ' What is this guy trying to get from this. There must b sumthing behind this'. It's kinda hard for me to believe that people doing nice things just out of ' Kindness ' . It's just that rare. ' Gifts ' or ' Being Nice ' which directed at me were mostly for rewarding my deeds. I am so used to have it that way, so many times that i doubt there is any of them comes with 'Sincerity' in it.
June 28th, 2020 8:42pm
I can relate and often feel the same way. I have found a unique sensitivity which I feel makes me an empathetic person. However, when people do things such as give me gifts I feel guilty. I've dealt with this all my life, and while I love to give gifts and do things for others, I don't particularly like the idea of someone else giving their time towards me. It was almost a matter of not believing I'm worth any time or effort being put towards me. Christmas, holidays, and birthdays can be rough times for people who feel this way. It's not that we're crazy, but while everyone is different we can observe reflection within ourselves to see what we can change, or do better. Much love, joyfulMemories21
January 29th, 2018 6:17pm
I once read that we can only accept the love and gratitude you think you deserve. Could it be that you think that you don't deserve it?
August 15th, 2018 2:42am
I think because there tends to be a feeling of obligation to return the favour at some point which puts pressure and expectation on ourselves.
September 9th, 2018 7:05pm
Sometimes, yes, but it depends on who it is that is buying me something and what they are buying me. For example, a coworker and I have an agreement that we take turns buying each other lunch, so whenever we go out we know whose turn it is to buy. On the other hand, when I am given an unexpected gift from someone, such as a friend or coworker, I feel like I do owe them something in return. As long as the purchase is justified I am happy and take it guilt-free, but I do believe in returning the favor as often as possible.
October 22nd, 2018 7:43pm
Sometimes I feel bad when someone does something good for me like when they buy me gifts because I feel like I don't deserve those kind actions. I also feel bad because I sometimes feel like I cannot reciprocate the same action with the same measure. Especially if the action costed a fortune for example if a friend stayed with me when I was sick. In addition to all that, I sometimes feel bad when a person does something nice to me because I will forever owe that person and nothing that I could ever do could ever convince me that I have fully paid the debt.
October 28th, 2018 4:57am
Often times when someone does something nice for us, we feel the need to return that kindness. When a gift or nice act is done spontaneously it is difficult to return, making us feel guilty as we can't do the same at the moment. The reason you're most likely feeling more guilty about gifts is that they actually hold some form of monetary value; something had to of actually been given to provide this item for you. Another reason is that you can also feel yourself undeserving for whatever reason that may be. Just know that whoever is being kind has solely good intent. ^^
May 27th, 2020 10:23pm
Sometimes due to our own trauma or self esteem, we feel unworthy of the things others do for/offer to us. It is important to remember that gift giving is a love language and we are all deserving of love. Typically, when you do go out of your way to do something for someone, or when you give a gift, why do you do it? Does it feel like a burden? Dose it make you happy to give? Chances are some one did something nice for you, or gave you a gift because they love you! Accepting it is ok!
June 17th, 2020 1:55pm
Perhaps you do not think, in some deeper way, that you are worthy of the gifts, even though you have clearly earned them through your actions of care towards that person. However, this can be hard to decipher if you feel that the gift if unwarranted or is being used as a bribe of some sort, whether for your attention or time. This can be confusing to the psyche. This can be manifest by your feeling bad when someone does something nice for you, especially if they buy you gifts, if you do not believe that there is reciprocality in the relationship. I hope this helps.