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Why is it so important to share your feelings?

304 Answers
Last Updated: 12/29/2021 at 5:24pm
Why is it so important to share your feelings?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
November 28th, 2019 3:53pm
So that I can be understood, making me less isolated in my "bubble" and more connected with the rest of the human race! It will also help me move past emotions by moving through them with another person, and experiencing a bond with them individually. Healthy connection will prevent me from pursuing unhealthy connection, such as obsession with sex or more manipulative, dependent and attached kinds of relationships with others. My resilience to social pressures will also increase to healthier levels, and I will feel more comfortable in my own skin. Vulnerably bonding with other people can increase my courage to exist more boldly in the world!
November 23rd, 2019 10:27am
Sharing is caring in all forms. It applies to sharing feelings in some manner. It shows care for others or for us. Feelings are the effects of thoughts and we are constantly bathing in a sea of thoughts and feelings which range across the whole gamut of emotions..pleasant, loving, hatred , scary, delightful, proud, anxious, guilty and so many. By sharing positive feelings we give it more strength and it has a pleasant effect on all, which helps cement positive relationships. The negative feelings too need to be shared but with certain sense of responsibility and maturity so as not to harm anyone with those. As its rightly said, the feelings have first effect on ourselves before these effect others. Modern science has established relationship between feelings and diseases so its not surprising that a many diseases are listed under psychosomatic diseases. Its all the more important to share our feelings , lest they pile up and effect us is some not-so-good manner
November 22nd, 2019 12:10pm
Have you ever tried to pour more liquid into any sort of container which was already full? What will happen? It will overflow right? And when that happens, you are eventually going to explode. At wrong time wrong place, maybe on wrong person. And if not, even if you manage to keep everything inside, then you are gonna hurt yourself. There will always be a heaviness on your heart. You won't feel light. You won't be able to move on and will be stuck up on it. That will be a mess for you and you don't want to clean up the mess afterwards, right?
November 13th, 2019 3:12pm
Because keeping everything inside is bad for mental and physical health and can be the reason for serious desease. Everytime you impress your thoughts and feelings you feel much better, you release your pain. Your body reacts immediately like you throw big weight off your shoulders and you mentally became more free and easy. Your sleeping became more deep, your daylife goes little bit easier. Then your body became more healthy cause your blood pressure goes normal, your heart work well without overloading. And of course it is good for your mental health cause you became more focused on positive feelings and you can set goals and move further.
October 26th, 2019 10:14am
Based on my own experience sharing your feelings feels like there is a weight that falls off your shoulders. I used to keep my feelings to myself , afraid of judgements or not being understood by others, but keeping it in was only making me feeling worse. I felt irritated and sad and it was making me reacting angry and defensive towards people but since I started to share my feelings I started to feel a lot more relieved and a lot less stressed, even if I didn't find a solution to my problem and I think sometimes people don't want a solution, but they just need someone to listen and make them feel like they are not alone and they are always people who are willing to listen and emphatize, whether it's a family member or a friend so go out there and share your feelings, I guarantee you that it will be worth it
September 15th, 2019 3:57am
Feelings are important to share because when we have someone who listens, it can help us navigate the feelings better. Feelings alone aren't always reliable guides. It can help make them more reliable when you have someone to bounce them off. Even if that person doesn't fully understand them, sharing the feeling can help the sharer better understand the feeling and what to do with it. In my experience, I have felt better sharing the feeling behind something. It forces me to look beyond the events to reveal more of my actual self, the one that isn't really seen to anyone but me -- and I'm the one that needs the nurturing, adventure, guidance, etc.
September 6th, 2019 9:26am
Sharing your feelings is important for so many reasons. If you keep your feelings to yourself, you risk to burst at some point. If you share your feelings and let them out, first of all it can help you process them and handle them better, and secondly it helps the others around you to understand you, to know you better and to know what matters to you, what bothers you, what you like and dislike, how they can help you. By letting others know your feelings, you let them in and they're more able to help and to share their feelings in return. Don't be afraid of sharing your feelings (with the right persons)!
March 21st, 2019 8:27am
In my personal experience, I've found that sharing my feelings provides an outlet for the turbulent state of my mind. It helps to put into words what I'm experiencing, and it helps to have someone validate these emotions and help me explore their causes -- to have someone guide me to a solution to my problems. Oftentimes we know what we're feeling and why subconsciously, but we're unwilling to confront these ideas. It's very helpful to have someone else there in those times so that you can come to understand what it is that's making you feel the way you are.
December 29th, 2021 5:24pm
When we bottle things up, our feelings become a 'Jenga Tower'. This is a metaphor I use often to describe my own feelings, and I would love to share this with you now. When we play jenga, we have to build the tower first. Imagine these are the emotions and components that go into your life, there's a lot right? Tower now built, we begin tugging at blocks to see how unstable it can get before it falls. Each one of these pulled blocks represents a stressor in your life, and as you take more and more, the tower begins to wobble. By sharing our feelings with loved ones, therapists or here at 7Cups, we are allowing that tower some extra stability, like when people put their hands around the tower to catch the bricks when they fall. Sharing our feelings can allow for prevention of the falling of the tower, or simply some support and guidance in picking up those pieces when it does tip over. Sharing means you're not the only one in the game, you have a teammate.
September 11th, 2018 1:30am
to let others know how you're doing, to let them know you are alive and happy and caring, or on worse days, to let them know you might need a little space, alone time, or a shoulder to lean on. feelings convey a sense of humanity, and without them we would be blank canvases. feelings set you apart from others, good ways and bad. different is good, different is the best. when you share your feelings, it lets others know and try to understand where you are going and what you want to do. keeping in touch with your feelings makes you a better person, for yourself and everyone around you.
November 4th, 2018 5:04pm
Its important to share ones feelings since there are so many emotions that get accumulated in our sub conscious mind and change our behavior accordingly. If there are too many negative emotions inside then it may affect the thinking and person may get irritated very easily. Sharing helps to lighten up the heart and makes person free of self suffering. Usually person is victim of his/ her own thinking, when we share we can get different perspective of the situation, a different angle which might not be visible to person who is in that situation. Most importantly sharing helps a lot if someone wants to let their regrets out. It makes person more free. Yaa off course its important that the person one is sharing with is understanding and has empathy towards the speaker!
November 7th, 2018 2:09am
Sharing your feelings, in any form, validates your own feelings. The more your mind can process the feelings themselves, the less control they they have over you. Writing them down, talking them out in a vlog, talking with friends, or just any kind of expression legitimizes the feelings and allows you to process them. Expressing your feelings also makes them more manageable and tangible. Not to say that any of this is easy, controlling emotions is not easy by any means. Bottling up feelings only builds them up that in the short term may seem like a good idea but is not. Sharing your feelings is like healing a wound, it will hurt for sure, but only by addressing the wound will it fully heal.
November 7th, 2018 9:40am
Closing yourself off to the world will only make you feel worse more isolated from your surroundings. Sometimes to relieve yourself you need someone to talk to. Sharing your emotions helps release any anxiety you may be having. It can also help improve communication between people.In this society, we are taught to share our feelings, but only to an extent. We are taught that people want to know what’s happening on the surface of your life, but not deeper down. We are taught that if we share our sadness then others will think we are looking for attention. We are taught that if we share our happiness then we are conceited and self-absorbed. We are taught to be guarded and trust no one. We are taught to mask our true feelings. We are taught to live an unhealthy lifestyle. this is wrong
November 10th, 2018 5:16am
I think sharing your feelings is the most important thing to maintain mental health, people think showing emotion is a weak thing, but it takes true strength to be truly open to somebody else. When sharing feelings you are normalizing the way you feel and relating it to other peoples experiences. Being open with other people is also beautiful because its breaking down social boundaries and shows true self. If you don't share your feelings it can make other people around you who care about you worry and deal with situations poorly as they are in the dark about what you need help with, communication is a huge part of relationship and it should be done to the fullest extent.
November 16th, 2018 4:28pm
It‘s important to share your feelings because if you don‘t, you hold everything inside yourself until you "explode“ one day. Until the pressure is too much and you can‘t hold it inside any more. Also it‘s important to help other people around you, understand you better! It‘s for your safety and the others too... Feelings are so important in a human life that‘s why you should share them Okay? Did yoj understand why? I hope so! What are your feelings right now? Share it with us :) Feelings and emptions are so important Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
November 21st, 2018 5:50pm
Sharing your feelings is so important for numerous reasons. We were all built with feelings and communication, such as talking or body language. A lot of people don’t share their feelings and it keeps building up until they explode with emotion. This can be shown by crying or laughing. It is important to share your feelings, weather it is with a family member, friend, or even a stranger. This is so you feel better as a person and you aren’t just hiding those feelings away. In a relationship, you have to share your feelings to create a positive environment for the both of you.
November 24th, 2018 4:39am
It is so important to share your feelings so that you don't bottle everything up. Doing so will put you in a place you don't want to be. It is not healthy to keep everything in. Trust me. Eventually it's all going to come out and it's not going to be good or healthy when it does. Try to get things off of your chest before you explode even if you have to talk to yourself. you can always reach out to a listener or therapists here on 7 cups of tea for further assistance if you don't have anywhere else to turn
November 29th, 2018 4:50pm
It is important to share you feelings so you know who you are. Humans are social creatures! We used to live within a much longer home group and had constant interaction with each other. You needed to communicate back then or it would be a threat to your safety. Humans love to stay in packs because that is safety in numbers. It is also important to share your feelings because otherwise it builds up. When you aren't allowing yourself enough time to process the experiences you're having, your brain goes into overboard. There have been many studies done about the physical toll bottling up your feelings has on your body. It is truly best to let it all out! Sharing your feelings will also bring you closer to those around you. The people in your life care about you and they want to hear your feelings! Let 'em out!
January 9th, 2019 12:18am
It is important to share you feeling with others because its prevents you from bottling things up which can cause stress and greater affects upon your emotional, physical and social well-being. Sharing your feelings with others can be comforting and opening up to people gives you the chance to get the support you need. It may feel better to not share your feelings openly but doing so will be beneficial for you. Its also helps better understand your feelings and thoughts and be reassured that what you are going through is not something you have to go through alone.
February 3rd, 2019 7:21am
Sharing your feelings is one of the most important things for humans to do. We can relieve stress, recieve help, and create connections based on that action alone. I know that in my life, sharing my feelings has brought me closer to friends and family. When i spoke up about how it made me feel belittled when my father spoke to me in a certain way, we got closer and hes been working hard ever since to watch his tone. It seems silly, but speaking out about our emotions, it can make life easier on just about everyone around us!
September 1st, 2018 8:49pm
Sharing your feelings with trustworthy people helps you process the hard stuff and move past it. If you stuff them and ignore them, you won't be able to be healed from them. Like cleaning, it get worse before it gets better! But if you have kind person going through it with you, it feels so good to just get it out. Also, for me and many other people, chronic pain (especially back and neck pain) can come from emotional buildup. Also, when you share feelings it helps relationships become stronger, deeper, more connected and less superficial!!
March 15th, 2019 12:19am
It is so important to share your feelings because allowing them to grow unchecked, unheard, and unacknowledged is a path straight to feeling overburdened. As listeners, our first suggestion to our users is to unburden themselves. We can't be effective at helping shoulder that when we carry the weight of our own heavy feelings everywhere with us. Sharing our feelings with another listener, or journaling about them, or confiding in an important person in our lives can go so far toward helping us feel as heard and accepted as we make our users feel. It helps us to be kinder to ourselves and others, and helps us to be more effective in listening, and in living.
June 28th, 2019 4:52pm
Imagine a phone ringing. It keeps ringing and ringing but we ignore it, because it is someone we don't like. After years of ignoring this constant phone ringing, trying to plug our ears with cotton balls and loud music, our mind is exhausted and the phone simply gets louder. Until eventually, we feel that the only way to escape this ringing is by removing ourselves from the situation. If you pick that phone up, and listen...the person calling is just an older version of you. It says "Help me, I'm hurt. I need love, empathy, and care. I won't have to ring this phone anymore if you just let me into the room." If you can do that, you will forever be in control our your emotions. Empathy for oneself is the key to self-regulation.
September 4th, 2019 3:24am
It is so, so, so important to share your feelings because nobody will know how you feel unless you tell them. Being able to share your feelings is a great way to help others understand you, and also, perhaps more surprisingly, help you understand yourself. When you talk about the way you feel, it helps your brain process what you're going through. When you share your feelings, others are more capable of empathising with your situation as well-- it's part of the healing process. Being able to share your feelings is important because it's what brings us together and helps us understand and live with one another.
August 31st, 2019 5:21pm
Keeping feelings all bottled up inside is only a temporary solution and not something that I suggest you ever do. Holding in such emotions will only prove to be toxic and worsening your situation. You need to get that toxic poison out before it starts to eat away at you. There is no excuse anymore because now you have me and the other listeners on here who want to help you and care about the way you are feeling. You are not alone. Talking about anything that is bothering you will only prove beneficial. If you want to be the best version of you that you can be then you need to have a healthy mind body and soul.
August 31st, 2019 2:11pm
It is important to share your feelings so that people can help you. If you don’t tell someone they make you feel bad in some way, they won’t know to change. Also, I find that just talking to someone makes me feel better and helps a lot. I tend to feel very stressed and depressed when I hide all of my feelings inside me, instead of telling someone. Even telling someone you don’t know makes a huge difference. There is nothing wrong with how you are feeling. You are not the only one who feels that way. You are not alone ❤️
August 3rd, 2019 2:37pm
It’s important, because, sharing how you feel to other people, will give them a better insight on how you are feeling or doing. It’s also very healthy to share how you feel, if you bottle your feelings up, you will be doing more harm than good to yourself and others. Also sharing them will make you get to know yourself better, if you voice them verbally, you can be like, “Oh this is how I feel, and I can work on this certain area.” It truly does give yourself a better knowledge about who you are as a person and to others. That’s why it’s so important to share your feelings.
July 1st, 2019 8:19pm
It is very important to share your feelings so that you get the support that you need. Many people don't realize this but the first step towards feeling better is definitely expressing yourself. Sharing your feelings can also help other people put themselves in your position and it can help them help you. It is a good thing to do also because simply talking is good. keeping things to yourself is also unhealthy and can even further raise other issues. Telling someone that you are sad or angry and help resolve that. A problem shared is a problem halved. :)
June 30th, 2019 6:44am
okay, so this can be an important question. feelings come from emotions, and emotions come from thoughts. Feelings are connected with our perceptions of the world, of every situation we encounter in life. 2 people can look at a bush of roses, one can see the beauty of the blooms, and the other the danger of the thorns. It is important to express our feelings so the other person can see the world from our point of view, and we can see it and understand it better through their point of view, It doesn’t mean that we accept their view, but it can help us understand their thinking process.
May 8th, 2019 7:33am
By sharing your feelings, you open up to the people around you. You can connect with them on a deeper level, and they with you. It's important because it can help others understand - and relate to - you. Honest and empathic communication improves any relationship, and encourages further healthy exchange and support. It can also relief emotional tension that was building up inside. Trying to formulate how you feel requires you to first understand and name your feelings, which is a good exercise. It can be scary to be vulnerable and tell others how you feel, but it's almost always worth it.