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How to get rid of self harm scars?

349 Answers
Last Updated: 04/09/2021 at 7:20pm
How to get rid of self harm scars?
★ This question about Self-Harm was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
June 21st, 2015 2:26am
You can use medicated creams available in market and if it's deep you can consult a doctor as well. There are certain surgeries for deep scars. And you can try home remedies also
June 11th, 2015 11:44pm
In some ways it's not possible to get rid of self harm scars, people defienes 'getting rid of' in many ways, but instead of trying to hide the, you should maybe try to embrace them, because they are a part of you, and they show people that you have had a hard time, and you have thought you're battles, they are a part of you, and they only show the people that, even through you have been to a hard battle, you also won it with only scars!
April 9th, 2015 5:23am
Alot of patience, scars fade eventually. And if you cant get rid of them with patience then my suggestion is to use make up to cover itbup.
February 5th, 2016 11:53pm
Try scar reduction cream or something of that sort. Bio-oil is an option that lessens their appearances, but if the scars are very deep, it might not get rid of them altogether.
February 5th, 2016 11:13pm
While time is the best way to let it heal, oils and creams can help the process along. If you really need to hide scars quickly, a bit of make up should do the trick.
February 4th, 2016 10:27pm
Using Bio Oil is a good way of decreasing the visibility of scars but it is not always possible to get rid of self harm scars as they can be very deep.
December 16th, 2015 2:12am
Unfortunately they are going to take some time to heal naturally but scar cream like mederma may help. Lemon juice is known to have bleaching properties and coconut butter may help the skin also.
April 9th, 2021 7:20pm
There are many creams you can buy to help get rid of them. I sometimes used lime juice on it. I also heard bio oil works fairly well on many types of scars. Some aloe vera lotion and gel can also work. I believe at one point i had used an aloe vera lotion. Just a regular lotion and it made my scars almost dissapear then they healed fairly fast after that. Ive also used a cocunut body scrub where my scars were when i would shower this also helped eliminate the visibility of my scars and they also healed fairly quick. Hope this helps:)
December 3rd, 2015 7:21pm
Vitamin E Oil, or lotion with Vitamin E in it. It helps clear up and relieve scarring.
December 24th, 2015 4:27pm
first you need to make sure they dont get infected ( neosporin and band aids) then once they are healed but lotion on them and make sure you are eating healthy and drinking water
December 20th, 2015 7:53pm
Unfortunately self harm scars will stay forever, some may disappear over time but if they are deep enough they will stay longer.
December 19th, 2015 11:18am
From my point of view, I think that scars are not worth hiding. Scars are very very beautiful They are like tattoos, but with like way better meaning ;)
December 19th, 2015 12:09am
Try to just leave for a while and keep them clean! It'll help a lot, I promise! Specially when you just be clean for a long time and not self harm for a long time.
December 18th, 2015 12:29am
Unfortunately, self harm scars can only fade with time. They do, however, serve as a good reminder that self harm is not a permanent solution, and it is a dangerous thing to turn to. It can become an addiction, just like drinking. If you are having trouble with self harm, please seek professional help. You deserve to be happy!
December 17th, 2015 8:37pm
Scars will fade eventually, but there are medicines available to speed the process. If you feel comfortable, ask your doctor or look online for good lotions or medications to assist the process. For a very short term solution, consider covering them with makeup or body paint.
December 17th, 2015 4:14pm
If you mix vitamin e oil with baking soda in to a paste and wet the affected area and scrubthe paste on there. It can get rid of discoloration and puffiness of the scar.
December 17th, 2015 1:50pm
You don't have to. I think scars a beautiful. They show how strong you are. You should never have to feel ashamed of them.
December 17th, 2015 6:48am
Bio oil may help to make them fade slightly, i put make up on mine as it is a quick and easy solution, i would suggest bio oil if you have it at home
December 17th, 2015 3:54am
Many topical medications lighten and heal scars, that's what I have done. See a dermatologist to prescribe more powerful creams. People also commonly use tattoos to cover the scars that won't go away completely. ~ Love, Olivia.
December 17th, 2015 12:45am
They have lotion that reduces the apperence of scars youll have to do research or make up that's the easiest.
December 16th, 2015 9:51pm
There is very little one can do to remove scars. Scars are permanent. Some companies claim to be able to help remove or reduce them but rarely do what they claim.
December 3rd, 2015 10:53pm
For long-term treatment, use aloe gel. It's really helpful. There are also specific scar creams you can get from the local pharmacy -- even things like eczema cream work to help heal scars. For a short-term coverup you can use makeup or just wear long sleeves.
December 16th, 2015 9:26pm
Vitamin E oil helps lessen them, but I'm not sure if they will ever fully disappear. They are part of what made you they will probably always be there, but remember scars are are like beautiful art work on your body, telling the story of how strong you are.
December 13th, 2015 3:32pm
I remember I had scars, I used a special cream and other stuff, and no one can see my scars. My scars are officially unseeable
December 13th, 2015 4:59pm
Bio oil works well
December 5th, 2018 1:26am
What I did was mix together lemon juice and sugar to make a scrub. The sugar will help to smooth out raised scars, and the lemon juice will make them lighter. Just make sure that you do this at night, or on places that are covered by clothes, because it may bleach your skin too much / unevenly if it's exposed to the sun
November 13th, 2018 8:01am
You can use products with vitamin d or e. There are lots of products, gels that can help reduce scars. Also try frankincense oil. It is really good at helping scars fade. Applying this everyday to the scars can help reduce their look. Try staying out of the sun to, as this will make the scars look darker. If you can’t get rid of the scars, try using scar makeup (MAC) makes some. It can help With at least covering the scars. Hope this helps some! Try not to be too embarrassed about them. Xoxo if you have any questions let me know
December 12th, 2015 9:25pm
Well, for one, scars fade a lot over time. But to help, Vitamin D lotion helps a lot to fade scars.
December 13th, 2015 1:00pm
Physical scars... You'll have to wait until they fade, or use some whitening lotion/stickers. Mental scars... They're hard to heal.
July 28th, 2016 7:18pm
You can use different cremes and lotions, but more effective way is to make a tattoo or tattoos. You can cover your scars with white-ink tats for example, they're more tender than the ordinary ones. See some of them. I think it's the right solution of your problem.