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What could it mean if I am sleeping too much?

155 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:43am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am committed to helping you find your passion, heal old wounds, and flow smoother in all aspects of your life path! I use a compassionate listening approach.

Top Rated Answers
August 9th, 2020 2:00am
Sleeping too much can indicate depression or other stress related disorders. It can indicated an inability to cope with current stressors and the person may be feeling too tired to just deal with anything in life. There can also be a pathophysiological component to it where the person may be sick. Sleeping too much requires a person to seek professional and medical help because it can indicate underlying medical problems. I would advise someone to seek medical or professional help to really find out what is the reason behind their need to be sleeping too much, as it is not healthy.
August 22nd, 2020 11:22pm
Although I am not an expert from personal experience it could mean depression or that something is going on in your life that you may want to avoid. I've had periods of time in my life where I sleep most of the time to avoid life but sometimes the best thing to do is force yourself to do something you enjoy. But if you force yourself and you feel you cannot do it, don't get angry at yourself. It's okay, you're trying. If you're really worried about sleeping too much and you can consult a professional it may be the best choice.
August 24th, 2020 12:29pm
Sleeping too much could be a variety of things, it could be you're catching up on sleep if you haven't been sleeping enough. Though it can also be a sign of depression. I at least notice that when I personally hit a depressive episode, I have an increased need for sleep. If you're concerned about excessive sleep/sleeping, I would suggest that you speak with your doctor about your concerns. The reason I suggest the doctor, is because there could be a medical reason causing the sleep problems you are experiencing. If it's something else, they would be able to send you to the appropriate person to help you further.
August 27th, 2020 2:29am
It could mean that I am lacking motivation and avoiding the present moment. Oftentimes, I hope to fall asleep and wake up with an entirely new mindset but in reality, this is just fear-based procrastination. It is almost as if it feels safer in my bed and feels like an escape from reality. Too much sleep could also be a result of over exhaustion. Sleep is vital to a healthy body and mind, just be sure there is some structure behind it. I will typically give myself a bedtime and do some brief meditation beforehand as well as leave my phone in another room.
September 13th, 2020 11:55pm
It could mean either of a few things: Depression, stress, emotional burnout, low nutrition, and other less common reasons. I deal with all four, which leaves me exhausted. Sleeping is the way the mind recoups after a long day. If one is going through a lot mentally, physical symptoms can show. We all know by experience stress will make you quite tired! As for depression, constant sleeping usually is due to lack of motivation/drive. Emotional burnout, as I call it, is similar to stress, but can include anger and other strong emotional episodes. If you are feeling quite strongly a lot of the time, the brain can become tired after dealing with all those feelings. Then there's a lack of nutrition, which can be caused by all different types of things. If your body doesn't get the nutrients it needs to function normally, your body will become lethargic and slow, ultimately leading to exhaustion. Find whatever you think is best when coping these issues, and if you believe there's something else causing your sleeping issues (medication side-effects, physical disorder), talk to your doctor for more information.
October 1st, 2020 5:57pm
It could mean a variety of things, and not all of them are bad. It might be wise to still talk to your doctor in case there's a medical cause. You say you're sleeping too much- are you all of a sudden sleeping more? And are you feeling rested when you get up? Sleep is our body's way of repairing itself and resting. Its incredibly important, and honestly we probably don't get enough on most days to begin with! If you're encountering more stress or anxiety or depression your body may just need and want more sleep. If that's the case, working to care for yourself may make your sleep patterns return to what's more normal for you.
October 2nd, 2020 6:28am
Honestly I also sleep too much when I finally feel relaxed or on the weekends and it has always been a problem or something that confuses me a lot for a few years now. From what I experienced, it really depends on whether you are naturally sleeping at the right time and waking up at the right time or are you overworking yourself and needed that extra sleep. There are some reasons that you may be feeling tired and needs more than enough of sleep. Staying awake at night and using your phones can be causes of sleeping too much because you are using you eyes a lot and tiring your body and brain. Doing too much work or worrying too much can also stress your brain out even through you might not actually feel it. I found out that my energy was draining quickly and sleep was the only way I recovered. I hope my experience would help you understand some possibilities of oversleeping. If your condition becomes extreme or dangerous, please reach out to professionals. Remember there are always people willing to help you^^
October 7th, 2020 6:09am
It could be depression or if you're trying to avoid something or someone. Sleep is a way to get away from the present moment and can be an addicted escape if not under control. It usually means you prefer being by yourself and not interacting with the outside world or people in general. You can slowly isolate yourself from having to deal with people and instead just "sleep it off" and coming back to it. It can also be an early sign of depression as you're finding more comfort in a different realm and not being entirely present in the current one.
October 14th, 2020 9:39pm
Sleeping too much could indicate many things. For example, you could be fighting off a virus. It could also mean that you are experiencing some mental distress. Getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet can improve your energy level. If you are dealing with mental distress, speaking with someone can help you explore some of the mental stressors that are affecting you. If you have a person in your life that you can rely on, you should speak to them. Logging into 7 cups to speak with a listener might help you with the self-reflection needed to find some answers.
October 25th, 2020 8:04am
Sleep is very important. There are many reasons why one could sleep too much: * lack of proper sleep pattern * health conditions like infective diseases,OSA etc * mental conditions like depression and anxiety * sometimes it could be just because of one is too lazy one could try to see to follow a pattern to sleep. sleep at a regular time and get up at same time everyday for a month. If one could see a change then thats well and good, if not try consulting a doctor. As i said before sleep is an important part of well being.
October 28th, 2020 12:10pm
Although i am not a licensed health care professional, I have been told multiple times that sleeping is a sign of depression. We tend to sleep more to escape real life, as its our comfort place. Maybe you are trying to avoid some thing in your life and that's why you resort to sleeping as a coping mechanism. I feel like journaling helps a lot, as when you put things into words they become a little bit more real and you tend to have a clearer answer as to how you are feeling, and sometimes even why you are feeling that way.
November 6th, 2020 5:16pm
I oftentimes found myself desiring to sleep too much and it's very difficult to overcome. What I found to help is to try to get up every morning at the same time so my body knows when it's time to get up out of bed. Often times this can be difficult for people because they rouble falling asleep at the same time every night or have trouble falling asleep. What worked for me was to stop drinking caffeine and I felt more energized during the day as long as I made an effort to get up in the morning. In terms of what it might mean without knowing any of the details, you most likely view your bed as some kind of stress-free and safe place. This is perfectly fine and how it should be but there isn't much of a desire to leave so it becomes easier to oversleep. If you think this is the case, when you wake up in the morning, try to do stuff that gives you pleasure in the morning before you leave your bed.
November 11th, 2020 8:10am
My sleeping habit changed right after college graduation. I only realized how much it has changed when after a month I haven't grumbled about my alarm waking me up as early as 4:30am and skipping my morning study time. I initially felt unproductive but then I felt relaxed as well. I realized my body needed much rest after the marathon study prep for final exams. On the other hand, it also became clear to me that I didn't have any goal set for the rest of the year to keep me active. I quickly made an intentional revision on my set goals for the year, and working towards improved my sense of productivity and kept my sleeping habit in check.
November 18th, 2020 9:08am
Well sleeping too much in the best, could mean you're just too tired and exhausted, and in the worst, could mean you're suffering from a mental illness or disorder. There are a lot of other things needed to form a complete equation but if you're just sleeping too much and everything else is normal, then let it be. Sleep helps the growth cycle and a lot of other things, your brain gets some rest, so do your eyes, lungs, heart and mostly every other organ in your body. You can never get too much sleep. As long as all your other day to day errands are running smoothly, its nothing to worry about. If you are feeling like its interfering with those then its time to maybe evaluate yourself. See if you're feeling symptoms of depression, loneliness or any other disorder or illness and discuss that with a mental health professional. That is all I can think of right now. If you feel like you wanna talk feel free to contact me or any other listener, and of course if you can, get in touch with a therapist or psychologist. I hope that you're well and you stay that way. Stay safe and take care!
December 11th, 2020 4:04am
Sleeping "too much" could mean depression, since you're tired all the time and you just want to lay down. It could also mean you're escaping from some sort of problem in your life, and sleeping is the most efficient way to do that. It can mean you're overworked, tired, you do too much when you're awake and you just want to sleep. You can be feeling anxious about something which makes you want to avoid it as much as you can. It can also mean you just don't feel like you have the energy to live, and just want to not do things all day.
December 18th, 2020 4:57am
I have plenty of experience with sleeping too much! I’m not much of a nap taker, so usually I’ll just sleep very late into the day. The reason I do this is because I feel like I have nothing important to do and also because I don’t feel motivated to do anything either. Often times I will go to sleep early when I’m at an all time low where I feel really down and just want to cry. Sleep makes me feel like I can escape my everyday life duties because of my lack of motivation. It makes me feel safe and secure, which is why I sleep very late in the day! At night I also have nothing to worry about too much, it’s a safe time. When I don’t have school I probably sleep for about 12 hours when I’m really down or feeling really lazy haha.
January 22nd, 2021 3:57am
If I am sleeping too much it can mean that I feel like I do not have a reason to get up in the morning and the motivation to get my day started. I prefer the dream world than reality. I felt that way a lot of the time while in quarantine. I can use sleep as a way to avoid dealing with these fears, and the monotony of every day life. I try to use even just a hot nice cup of coffee to get up if there is nothing else I am looking forward to. Sometimes it can mean that I am more physically and emotionally exhausted than I let on; I am pushing myself too much I do not even realize it.
February 21st, 2021 6:06am
I used to sleep way too much. I would sleep for more than 10 hours a day. I realized it was because I wasn't sleeping enough the night before. I needed to sleep during the night and then I would be awake feeling for the rest of the day. It can also sometimes mean that you are going on with something stressful or depressing in your life. Studies show that depression can cause you to sleep more. This is because people cope with depression differently. Some people eat way too much, some people cry, and some people sleep. Everyone has their own way to deal with things. You can try speaking to your doctor if sleeping too much concerns you.
February 21st, 2021 10:49pm
Sometimes, our body shuts down or feels fatigue as a way to regulate internal systems that relate to both physical and mental health. You could notice that changes in diet, exercise, screen time, stress, or work hours alter your fatigue. You could also notice that nothing seems to help, which is a good moment to get an annual physical check-up and/or blood work that may help rule out other medical considerations. A physician will factor in things like your age and medical history. Fatigue and long sleep cycles are sometimes a sign of depression, hormonal imbalances, or mood disorders, so providing descriptive and detailed accounts of your fatigue along with any other changes you've observed about your mental and emotional state can be very helpful.
May 30th, 2021 12:51pm
sleeping too much is not always something weird or a sign of something bad going on. People tend to take a lot of naps. Something called Basic Rest Activity Cycle for example (psychology student here) suggest our body has a cicle repeating itself everyday. After 90 minutes of concentration, our body is at the end of BRAC and we feel tired and fatigued. The best violinists, chess players and writers (there is research support for this) takes naps after 90 minutes of sessions. Other reasons to sleep too much is a need to want to disconnect from the world. Sometimes sleeping is the best way to disconnect, enter your own space to feel like there is nothing more than sleep. You may also feel drained from your daily activities like work and sleep is like getting more battery into yourself. If sleeping too much is concerning, you should report this to your doctor for further support.
July 24th, 2021 10:13am
Sleeping to much can mean many different things, not all of which are bad. When concerned about the the amount of sleep taking place, it’s important to look at the other things happening in your life. Are you working too much, how’s your diet, social or personal relationships and how they might be going etc. It’s not a bad idea to make an appointment with your family doctor, have them run your blood work and a general physical exam. This will first rule out any medical issues that may be happening ie. low iron, high/low blood sugars, vitamin deficiencies. From there, you need to look at and determine how you’re feeling. Are you happy, sad, stressed, overwhelmed and then think why? If this is hard to do on your own, talking with again, your family doctor can help and if they feel like there’s more going on that they feel is a bit deeper they can refer you to the appropriate source. These are all reasons a person could be sleeping too much, along with ways to help you figure out why and ways to help get you back on track.
August 6th, 2021 2:35pm
The most common causes of excessive sleep is sleep deprivation, sleeping disorders like insomnia, and sleep apnea, or psychiatric problems such as depression. Medication, and medical problems can also cause persons to sleep excessively on a regular basis. It's worth it to look at your behavior for the past two weeks or more. Try to identify how you've been feeling, how hard have you been working, what toll medications you may be taking, etc may have on you, and even if you might have a sleeping disorder. Sometimes, it's as simple as just being tired, but it's still worth it to look into other causes, and look at your behavior as I said. Best of luck :)
September 25th, 2021 11:40am
Sleeping too much can mean a few different things. Sometimes I think our bodies are just that tired and need more sleep than usual to regain the proper amount of energy. Oversleeping can also mean that you are depressed and trying to sleep more as opposed to being awake because you don't have to face things that are hard. It just becomes easier to sleep the days away instead. Sleeping could also help with the anxious, overthinking mind to shut off the thoughts long enough to reset. Regardless of the reasons, I think sometimes we just need the extra sleep sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with getting a little extra rest. Sometimes it's a healthy method of self-care.
November 7th, 2021 3:22am
Maybe you are trying to escape something that's happening in real life, it's a good idea to start reflecting on what you are trying to avoid here. Are you having too much work on your hands? School hasn't been working out for you? Or maybe you feel like you haven't been engaging with your family enough? Sometimes we need to stop, take a breath, and think why we feel this way and what can we do to stop it. Come up with a management plan, go and buy some post-it notes, come up with a weekly schedule, buy that vase that you've had your eyes on for a while. Be happy.
November 26th, 2021 10:30am
I think either you are extremely sad or you are so tired. I think it can be better if you indentify your cause and find solutions. Because sleeping is essential for good health -both physical health and mental health.
December 1st, 2021 7:01pm
Sleeping too much can mean a number of things. You may be stressed, or overwhelmed, and your body is very tired. You could potentially be depressed, but I am not a doctor so I cannot offer you medical advice. From my own experiences, I know that when I am feeling depressed I sleep a lot, as well as when I have been overly anxious, or have been working overtime, or even have been busy at home and have not had time to relax. Perhaps checking in with your doctor would be a way to figure out why you might be sleeping more than usual.
January 26th, 2022 5:15am
Well, sleeping more than 7 - 8 hours on an average is believed to be oversleeping. I used to oversleep myself when I was at school as I had a very busy schedule and barely any time to rest and I had a very bad habit of consuming caffeine around bed time. Try to detect your habits likes- Over straining yourself throughout the day, caffeine or alcohol around bed time, other medical conditions like depression can also cause you to oversleep. Try to follow these around bedtime: make your bedroom environment calm and comfortable, avoid bright screens around 1-2 hours near bedtime, exercise during the day. I hope this will help you. In case it persists for too long and is affecting you severely, please consult a professional.
March 6th, 2022 2:29am
Hypersomnolence (excessive sleeping) can often be a sign of depression or anxiety. Many people find that sleeping allows them to avoid their feelings or situations because one doesn't usually think about things when they're asleep. However, this can take a toll on your body's internal clock, your circadian rhythm, and make it harder to get out of bed and have a regular sleep schedule. While sleeping too much can mean a variety of things, it is most common in those struggling with depression. It might be worth chatting with your doctor about, as it could also be linked to things like hormones, diet, etc.
March 11th, 2022 5:06am
It could just be your body’s way of saying that it’s extremely tired, which is possibly a bad thing. If you have any current stressors or worries, I’d be happy to chat with you and help you work through them as best as I possibly can. Just reach out to me whenever you feel as though you need to and I’d be happy to help. I can’t talk between the hours of 11pm-7am MST(Mountain Standard Time), 7:30am-11:34am MST, 12:15pm-3:20pm MST, & 3:40pm-4:30pm MST. Feel free to message me whenever you can during the times that I’m available to talk. I’ll listen to you and try to help you as best as I can.
March 19th, 2022 3:08pm
If you sleep a lot in my opinion you are not getting enough sleep or you might be depressed and moreover if you have any sleeping disorders like insomnia it affects your sleep ,thinking about the past or future may also disturb your sleep. Working at night and sleeping during the day is another. Other causes include drug, alcohol, or cigarette use, lack of physical activity, obesity, and the use of certain medications.It's important to remember that oversleeping is a possible symptom of depression and that oversleeping doesn't cause depression. But it can exacerbate and worsen depression symptoms, Dr. Drerup explains. “If someone's oversleeping, they may wake up and feel like they've missed out on the day,” she says.