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I am a very beautiful woman sitting in electric wheelchair due to a disability.


Recent forum posts
Children with Disabled Parents
Disability Support / by CheerySandi
Last post
...See more I found article on how devastating can be for children if they have one or both disabled parents. The link is below. What are the effects of having a disabled parent? Children with more severely disabled parents are more likely to be late for grade, less likely to be in private school, and more likely to have disabilities themselves. Therefore, negative outcomes for children of disabled parents. It is why i , as disabled person, am unwilling to have a kid - from fear that i will traumatize him or her with just being disabled even though i would give him or her everything he or she needs. Furthermore, this kind of articles don't help me being positive and optimistic.
Is there a listener who uses wheelchair and can shedule a listening session with me?
Disability Support / by CheerySandi
Last post
May 2nd
...See more Is there a listener who uses wheelchair and can shedule a listening session with me?
How satisfied are you with your caregiver?
Disability Support / by CheerySandi
Last post
July 15th, 2023
...See more Do you have got a caregiver? How does your caregiver help you? How satisfied are you with your caregiver?
Knowing that i was source of stress for my mother during my childhood
Disability Support / by CheerySandi
Last post
May 10th, 2023
...See more So, i have been disabled my whole life. I was born disabled (it is physical disability, not mental disability). Just recently my mother was diagnosed with high blood pressure (on top of diabetes type 2 which she had for more than 10 years now). She is 70 years old. Doctor told her that she got high blood pressure due to stress. Thereafter a woman who she trusts told her that it could be old stress buildup, from when she was younger. Thereafter, she told me about the above and told me that it was stressfull and burdensome to her caring for me when i was kid. Because of my disability and disobedience (which made the needed therapies harder to perform). I now wish just some suggestions on how to cope with these feelings that i have been burden and source of stress for my mother and that i have been reason for her high blood pressure. I feel that i am, at least partially, responsible for her ill health. Women have life expectancy of 84 years in my country and my mother already has many severe diseases which can lead to premature death (diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, heart failure... I feel so responsible for it. My father is 77 and also he has many diseases (high blood pressure, prediabetes, high cholesterol, angina pectoris, he survived 2 cancers, etc., but he is nearing the life expectancy for men (79 years) already and so, his death wouldn't be as premature as for my mother. My father is blaming me for my disobedience during childhood which caused them hardships they had which caused them stress when i was child. I have got 6 years older brother for whom they both say that he was much more obedient than me and that it was very easy to upbring him compared to me. I am struggling with coping with knowing that i am in part cause for their issues.
Hardship learning to use digital technology - i wish to learn to understand my parents better
50 & Over Community / by CheerySandi
Last post
March 29th, 2023
...See more i wish to understand my parents better. I wish that i knew what is happening with my parents.. My father is 77 years old and my mother is 70 years old. Issue is that they became forgetful (which happened some years ago, for both at approximatelly age 65). They still can manage to do things they were used to when they were younger (making voice phone calls, using tv, radio, cook (my mother still cooks delicious dishes and bakes delicious pastries), garden, drive car (my father even for long distances - 750 km at a time), etc. They can care for themselves too. Therefore it isn't dementia. But they have got issues with learning something new. As digitalization is on the way (more and more chores are done via information technology, such as filling tax reports or to get appointment by doctor (there is new online application for communicating with doctors and to get appointments with them which everyone should use)). I have to repeat the instructions to them 2000 x in order to learn them how to use these applications and even much more simple things such as how to write a letter using MS Word). Often with little success as they forget it promptly and if there is just minor change they can't perform the task anymore and have to start from beginning - therefore 2000 repeats again before they understand and memorize even basic procedure and there are changes constantly in information technology). I can't believe that it is lack motivation or lack of sufficient belief in themeselves. In another forum and on internet i read that hardship to learn new things by old people is their lack of interest. But i can't believe that it is true. And my parents aren't the only ones who have issues with digitalization and information technology. I read in news that there are hundreds of thousands older people who have issues with digitalization, even those who are still employed. I even read in Slovene business magazine that information technology can be discriminatory towards many older working (not even retired!) people either. If hardship to learn to use digital information technology was just due to lack of interest, they wouldn't write that way. They would ask everyone to learn in order to stay competitive on the labor market. Can you see how saying that it is lack of interest can be hurtful to many of older people? Retirement age in my country is set at 65 years old. My parents are even older. I also can't believe that it is their lack of interest that they have to watch news 10 x per day in order to know what is going on in the world and even then they don't really understand it. I can't believe that it is lack of sufficient belief in themeselves either. In my opinion, above mentioned hardships are age related and should be accepted as they are.
How does narcissistic personality disorder get diagnosed by doctor?
Personality Disorders Support / by CheerySandi
Last post
November 2nd, 2023
...See more Is it true, what i read, that many people with narcissistic personality disorder aren't aware of their issues with narcissistic personality disorder? How does narcissistic personality disorder even gets diagnosed by doctor if it is true that many of them might not be seeking help for their issues as many of them might not be aware of their issues? (sorry for weasel words but only this way i can assure that i won't be seen as someone who overgeneralizes)
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