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In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. Embrace the chill, for its strength endures all seasons.
Number of ratings27 Number of reviews19 Listens toTo Teens LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceNov 19, 2023 Last activein last week GenderFemale PathStep 961 People helped42 Chats120 Group support chats19 Listener group chats24 Forum posts88 Forum upvotes105

Hello everyone! My name is Xaverie. My pronouns are she/her. It's nice to meet you! 

I have decided to join this community to offer emotional support to struggling individuals and make a difference in people's lives. I am deeply passionate about psychology and learning about nonverbal language. My hobbies include writing; reading; singing; watching horror/mystery TV series; and sometimes sketching. My favorite color is wine red (as you can probably tell), and I absolutely love savory food! 🌹✨

So far, I am a Verified Listener! I am working hard to acquire different skills and interact with as many community members as possible. If you are a Member who is interested in texting me for support, then please read the following!: 

I am comfortable with all topics except Domestic Violence, Sexual Health, and Sexual Abuse. Please refer to other listeners if you are encountering any problem related to these topics. We are here for you! 🥰💖

My texting style is very formal, and I am interested in supporting others by typing them paragraphs. However, I ask every Member at the beginning of our conversation if text walls trigger them. Kindly answer the question truthfully so that I can adjust my texts and make you feel convenient while we are progressing through the conversation. I highly appreciate your collaboration. 💞

♫ For any Member who is reading this, all my texts will show empathy, validation, and support. You are welcome to discuss any matters with me, so long as you avoid the topics that I don't feel comfortable discussing! Additionally, I sometimes send videos or websites related to your problem so that you can have a wider perspective of it and think of solutions. 😊

♫ I hope that you don't send me short responses like "ok", "yeah", "sure", "idk", etc. If I ask you any thought-provoking answer and you don't have a definite answer to it, please inform me so that I can ask simpler questions. However, please do not be too brief because I am here to understand your problems and help you. I would appreciate even the slightest elaboration! 😁🌷

A message to anyone reading this: 

Life isn't meant to be a linear path. Sometimes, you have to reach the peak of a mountain of success only to find yourself drowning in mistakes once more. That is completely alright, and it does not define your intelligence or worth. You are completely valid, in this community and everywhere you go. You are worthy of support, attention, and a listening ear. You are a very strong individual, and there is nothing that can stop you from proving your power to everyone. I am immensely proud of you because I know that you are trying your best. Keep your head up, and don't lower it for temporary problems! I believe in you. 💗💗

“He who knows no hardships will know no hardihood. He who faces no calamity will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles.” 

Harry Emerson 
Recent forum posts
The Beauty of Friendships 💗 (Part 1)
Relationship Stress / by crypticwhisperss1
Last post
January 20th
...See more Hello, amazing community members! Today, I want to delve deeper into a topic that holds a special place in all our lives: friendships. Friendships are like the vibrant tapestry that weaves together our experiences, bringing immense joy, support, and a sense of belonging. They are the constellations that light up our darkest nights and the warm embrace that lifts our spirits. But how do we know when we've truly met the right friend? What are the signs that indicate a genuine connection? For me, recognizing the right friend comes down to a few key aspects. Firstly, there's that undeniable sense of comfort and ease when you are together. It's like finding a kindred spirit who understands you without judgment, someone with whom you can be your authentic self. It's a beautiful feeling when you can let down your guard and simply be YOU, knowing that they accept and cherish you for who you are. Another crucial factor is mutual support. True friends are there for each other through thick and thin. They celebrate your successes with genuine enthusiasm, offer a shoulder to lean on during challenging times, and genuinely care about your well-being. A true friend is someone who stands by your side, even when the world feels like it is against you. They become your rock, providing unwavering support and encouragement. Now, let's dive even deeper into this beautiful topic and explore our own experiences and perspectives. Here are a few thought-provoking questions for you all: ❖ What qualities do you value most in a friend? Is it their loyalty, empathy, sense of humor, or something else entirely? What makes those qualities so important to you? ❖ How do you differentiate between a casual acquaintance and a true friend? What are the telltale signs that a connection has blossomed into something more meaningful? ❖ Have you ever had a friendship that started out unexpectedly but turned into something absolutely amazing? Perhaps it began with an unexpected encounter or a shared interest that brought you together. What made that friendship special and enduring? ❖ How do you nurture and strengthen your existing friendships? Are there any particular rituals, traditions, or gestures that you find meaningful? How do you show your friends that you appreciate and value their presence in your life? ------------------------- Let's open up and share our stories, insights, and tips on cultivating and nurturing friendships. Every person's experience is unique, and by sharing our wisdom, we can inspire and uplift one another in this beautiful journey of connection. Remember, friendships are like delicate flowers that require care, nurturing, and genuine effort. So, let's celebrate these precious bonds and cherish the friends who add so much richness to our lives. I can't wait to hear your heartfelt stories and explore the magic of friendships together! 😊💖 ~ Xaverie ♡
Deep Dive - Questions to Inspire and Challenge 💖
Mindfulness Center / by crypticwhisperss1
Last post
January 9th
...See more Hello, family! I have curated these deep questions with the intention of fostering meaningful connections, introspection, and creative exploration. Each question is designed to encourage deep contemplation and invite you to delve into the depths of your thoughts, emotions, and imagination. I am excited to get diverse answers from everyone. So, let's get started! ✨ ------------------------- 1. If you could step into a painting or a piece of artwork, which one would you choose and what would you do inside that world?  2. If you could have a conversation with your future self, what would you ask and what advice do you think your future self would give you?  3. If you could have a dinner party with any three historical figures, whom would you invite and what would you talk about?  4. If you had one day to live differently, with no restrictions or consequences, how would you spend it, and why?  5. What is one fear or limiting belief that you would like to overcome, and what steps can you take to move beyond it?  ------------------------- These questions are beneficial in encouraging long-term perspectives and promoting everyone to consider their aspirations, personal growth, and the wisdom that they imagine their future self would possess. I hope that whoever answers these gets a spark of mindfulness, creativity, and insights. You are all amazing! Have a lovely day. 💖💖 ~ Xaverie ♡
Openness and Learning Mindset 🌷
IDG 7 Cups Community Hub / by crypticwhisperss1
Last post
January 9th
...See more When it comes to personal growth, one skill that has truly transformed my life is developing openness and adopting a learning mindset. It's been a game-changer for me, and I can't emphasize enough how important it is. Looking back on my earlier years, I realize that I wasn't always open to new experiences or eager to learn. I had my comfort zone, and I preferred to stick to what I knew. But as I've matured and embarked on my personal growth journey, I've come to understand the incredible value of being open-minded. "Openness within oneself entails being receptive to new experiences, emotions, and self-discovery. A Learning Mindset involves adopting a stance of continuous self-improvement and personal growth." From my understanding, the Inner Development Goals Course emphasizes the power of openness as a foundation for personal growth. It teaches us that by embracing new experiences and ideas, we expand our horizons and create opportunities for growth and transformation. Having a learning mindset allows us to approach life with curiosity and a genuine desire to learn from every situation and encounter. ------------------------- Now, while openness and a learning mindset are crucial foundations, I believe that personal growth is a multifaceted process. There are numerous skills within the five domains that contribute to our growth, and each person's foundation is unique to them. ↬ In my own journey towards openness and a learning mindset, a few key factors played a significant role. First and foremost, I had to cultivate the willingness and desire to embrace new experiences and perspectives. It wasn't always easy, as it required stepping out of my comfort zone and challenging my preconceived notions. ↬ Having a supportive network of friends and family was also essential. They encouraged me to embrace new opportunities and held me accountable when I slipped back into old habits. Their support and encouragement were what helped me stay motivated and committed to my growth. ↬ Additionally, I sought out resources and materials that expanded my knowledge and helped me develop a thirst for learning. I read books, listened to podcasts, and engaged in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. This exposure to different ideas and perspectives broadened my understanding of the world and deepened my desire to keep learning. ------------------------- Q&A Time! 🌹✨ 1. Despite your perfectionism tendencies, how has embracing openness and a learning mindset allowed you to grow and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment in your life?  I'll be honest, embracing openness and a learning mindset hasn't always been easy for me with my perfectionism tendencies. There were times when I felt the constant pressure to be flawless, to have all the answers, and to avoid making mistakes at all costs. It felt overwhelming and stifling, like I was trapped in a cycle of self-imposed expectations. But in those moments when I've chosen to embrace a learning mindset, something magical happens. I give myself permission to be imperfect, to make mistakes, and to learn from them. I realize that growth doesn't come from always getting it right, but from the willingness to step into the unknown and learn along the way. Through openness, I've discovered the beauty of curiosity, of being willing to explore new ideas and perspectives. It has opened my eyes to the richness of diverse thoughts and experiences, which challenged the narrow boundaries of my perfectionism. I've learned that true growth happens when I allow myself to be vulnerable, to admit that I don't have all the answers, and to be open to learning from others. This journey hasn't been without its struggles. There have been moments of discomfort, of facing my own limitations and insecurities. But within those moments, I've also found immense strength and resilience. I've learned that it's okay to be imperfect, that vulnerability is a sign of courage, and that true growth lies on the other side of my comfort zone. 2. How did people's perceptions of you change after they finally saw through your mistakes and imperfections, and how did you manage to not let that stop you? As people began to see through my mistakes and imperfections, their perceptions of me inevitably shifted. Some may have felt disappointed or disillusioned, while others may have questioned my abilities or judged me. It was a challenging and humbling experience to witness these changes in perception. However, I refused to let those perceptions define me or hinder my progress. Instead, I chose to use these moments as opportunities for growth and self-reflection. I acknowledged my mistakes, took responsibility for them, and learned valuable lessons from each experience. I even sought feedback from people whom I knew would not judge me but, at the same time, not delude me by overestimating my abilities either. I looked for tactfulness in people. I showed others that I was willing to learn, adapt, and evolve. Gradually, as they witnessed my dedication and progress, their perceptions of me began to shift once again. People started to see my mistakes and imperfections as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. They recognized the authenticity in my journey and appreciated the effort I put into personal growth. They witnessed my ability to bounce back from adversity and saw me as someone who constantly strived to be better. Ultimately, I learned that people's perceptions of me are not solely based on my mistakes or imperfections. It is the way I handle those moments, the resilience I demonstrate, and the growth I achieve that truly shapes their perception. By staying true to myself, embracing my flaws, and continuously working on self-improvement, I showed others that I was more than the sum of my mistakes. ------------------------- Over time, as I practiced openness and a learning mindset consistently, it became second nature to me. I now approach life with a genuine curiosity and a hunger for knowledge and growth. It's amazing to see how much personal development can occur when we open ourselves up to new experiences and adopt a mindset of continuous learning. ❦ This was such a long post to type, but I hope that I'll be able to inspire you to make mistakes and evolve as a person by lessening your worry about other people's opinions regarding your performance. Thank you, and have a lovely day! 🌸✨ ~ Xaverie ♡
Feedback & Reviews
Smart professional
really kind and supportive and sent me some helpful websites as well! :)
very good listener, really helpful
Absolutely amazing and the kindest person ever.
good listener, 5/5
they were really in-depth with their responses and sent helpful links to different websites. she was also really kind and encouraging :)
GREATTT LISTENER and gives good feedback
extremely thoughtful and well made responses. caring
She helped me a lot with a work and thank you for listening and helping and made me happy
It was awesome. He/she gave me space to talk, listened and replied authentically.
they were such a good listener
Really nice listener and took time to understand
sweetest listener ever ! (:
a great person to talk to. she just has this quality about her making you feel heard, accepted, at ease when speaking.
Perfect person to talk to if you need to feel motivated
She did a great job
i can say this is the best listener i've ever talked with very friendly have so many knowledge and understand ur feeling and figuring out ur problems thank u so much again
Awesome listener!
An amazing listener!!! asked really great questions. Helped my figure everything out! amazing!!!!
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