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Brazilian that lived in Canada and USA- AMA

calmBlanket36 June 23rd, 2019


Erica June 23rd, 2019

@calmBlanket36 Wow, you have been all over! Where did you enjoy living the most and why?

calmBlanket36 OP June 23rd, 2019

@Erica everyone asks me that and I honestly don

optimisticThinker665 August 4th, 2021

Hi Calmblanket, how you do is risky for the COVID is family or working purposes? good luck

horatiocarterdavis September 8th, 2021

What are you currently doing for work?

sweetgrandpa April 29th, 2022


Hello, I saw your messages and it caught my attention because I live in São Paulo. I'm looking for members who speak Portuguese but it seems that either they are few or they don't show it in the chats. Do you notice the same thing?