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Weekly Prompt #36: How has anxiety affected your overall sense of self-worth or confidence?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
May 13th
...See more Hello all and welcome back to another discussion,  Last week, we discussed: What type of anxiety do you struggle with? []  Thank you to all who participated and shared your thoughts with us. I appreciate you all. I hope all who may read it find it relatable too. If anyone hasn't shared yet, please share them here [] and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.  Anxiety has a way of creeping into every front of our lives, whispering doubts and insecurities at the most inconvenient times. It can chip away at our confidence, leaving us feeling not enough and stressed in the face of challenges. The constant worry and fear that anxiety brings can create a barrier between who we are and who we want to be.. This week's prompt: How has anxiety affected your overall sense of self-worth or confidence?   So, let's discuss the profound impact of anxiety on our sense of self-worth and confidence and share our emotions, experiences and what probably helped us. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences! Note:  I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to anxiety every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday! []. -------------------------
How to Calm an Anxiety Attack: Practical Tips and Techniques 🙏
by Jem7Cups
Last post
May 8th
...See more Anxiety attacks can be incredibly overwhelming. They are characterised by a sudden surge of intense fear or discomfort, and can be accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, and trembling. Although they can feel incredibly isolating, it's important to remember that you're not alone, and there are techniques that can help. Here's a guide to calming an anxiety attack: 1. Grounding Techniques: Grounding helps bring you back to the present moment. Here are some techniques to try: - 5-4-3-2-1: Identify five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste. - Hold an object: Focus on its texture, temperature, weight, and other physical qualities. 2. Deep Breathing: This can help slow your heart rate and calm your mind. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four. 3. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Anxiety often comes with a rush of negative and irrational thoughts. Challenge them by asking: - Is this thought true? - Is there evidence to support it? - What's the worst that could happen? And what's more likely to happen? 4. Remind Yourself: Tell yourself that this is an anxiety attack and it will pass. You've gotten through them before and you will get through this one as well. 5. Find a Calm Environment: If possible, step away from an overwhelming environment. This could be a quiet room or even just a few moments outdoors. 6. Use Distraction Techniques: Engage in an activity that requires your attention. This can be anything from counting backwards, coloring, or focusing on a simple task. 7. Seek Comfort: Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. Sometimes, just vocalising your feelings can be therapeutic. 8. Avoid Caffeine and Sugar: These can exacerbate anxiety. Instead, drink water or herbal tea. 9. Use Positive Affirmations: Say positive affirmations to yourself, such as "I am safe," "This too shall pass," or "I am in control." 10. Seek Professional Help: If you're experiencing frequent anxiety attacks, it might be time to seek help from a professional, such as a therapist or counsellor. They can provide coping mechanisms tailored to you. Remember, everyone is different and some techniques might work better for you than others. It's about finding what's most effective for you. Most importantly, be gentle with yourself. Anxiety attacks can be challenging, but with the right tools and support, they can become more manageable.
Anxiety Support Resources Masterpost
by Sealiously
Last post
April 27th
...See more Anxiety Self-Help Guide [] Anxiety Self-Help Modules & Workbooks by the Centre of Clinical Interventions [] "Normal Anxiety" Versus Generalised Anxiety Disorder [] 14 Unexpected Symptoms of Anxiety [] 15 Facts about People with Concealed Anxiety [] 5 Signs you're suffering with Anxiety [] Anxiety & Memory Loss [] Anxiety Disorder Causes - Myths & Reality [] Anxiety and Losing Touch with Reality [] Anxiety in Children [] Anxiety vs. Stress - how to recognize them? [] Procrastination Self Study [] The Influence of Cognition and Personality on Stress [] Types of Negative Thoughts and How to Cope [] OCD and Exposure Therapy [] Social Media and Mental Health [] Test Anxiety [] The Effects of Anxiety on College Students [] Understanding and Coping with Anxiety [] 11 Tips for Anxiety Sufferers [] 6 Effective technique for handling anxiety and panic attack [] 5 ways you can reduce anxiety in every day life [] Anxiety attacks - helpful tips and tricks [] Anti-anxiety and panic attack techniques [] Anxiety & Helping Someone Cope [] Challenging Anxiety [] Coping Skills for Managing Anxiety, Panic, and Stress [] Coping with Anxiety [] Coping skills dump (feel free to add yours) [] Grounding and Coping with Anxiety [] How To Cope With Panic Attacks [] Panic attacks and Irritable Bowel Syndrome [] Things I wish I had been told 3 years ago [] Tips to Cope with a Panic Attack [] You can see and think differently [] 10 ways to relax [] 9 Yoga Tips To Overcome Anxiety [] 5 Psychology Exercises to Understand Your Anxiety Better [] Breathing Exercises [] Coping with Anxiety - Mindfulness [] Free-writing as a Coping Skill [] Gifs to help you relax and calm you down [] Making A Safety Plan [] Making a Scale for your Anxiety [] Meditation [] Online Panic and Agoraphobia Scale [] Pleasurable Activities [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And.. a personal note to people with anxiety from @Jem7Cups [] cc: @VickyP @zaatarHoney @Emmur
Mental health
by didoc
Last post
59 minutes ago
...See more We need to make mental health as important as physical health
Just breathe.
by roshislistening
Last post
2 hours ago
...See more Hi love, I know it must've been a terrible week or a terrible day. I know it's hard, precious. But breathe. Just breathe. Breathe in. 1. 2. 3. Breathe out. Just like that 🤍 I and you can't change what happened but we can surely calm down and trust the process, right? I know it's going to be alright love ❤️ Take care, dear.
Panic attack vs heart attack (anxiety?)
by loyalPlace7956
Last post
5 hours ago
...See more For the past 3 weeks i’ve been occasionally feeling some strange kind of feeling in my left side of the chest and left arm. It wasn’t unbearable pain but enough to worry me. 3 weeks earlier prior to these symptoms i had what i thought was heart attack except my symptoms increased when i started overthinking and googling what might be the case. I got tingles in my left arm and sudden flash of cold sweat followed up with nausea and i almost blacked out. I havent went to the ER but week after i got fever so i went to the doctor and explained my symptoms. We did ecg, blood tests and blood pressure but all the results came back normal. I also got scheduled for cardiologist in 3 weeks but until then i want someone to ease my mind and overall wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar? Could it really be anxiety or should i keep worrying?
This Has Truly Been a Hard Year
by Shyness98
Last post
5 hours ago
...See more Ever since I started this job in November 2022 my life has been overwhelmingly stressful and heavy. I never new I could endure this much stress and at the moment I'm so burnt out. I have three more weeks at this toxic job and then I'm free. I've been dealing with a toxic work environment as a paraprofessional and a lot of the kids have been awful. To add on top of that my boss has been toxic throwing passive aggressive comments, yelling at me, ostracizing me. I feel that my self esteem has plummeted and I don't know how I'm going to bring my confidence back up. I'm so disappointed in myself for not sticking up for myself earlier. I should have left months ago and I shouldn't have let them bully me into staying until the end of the school year. I know other people go through similar situations but I still feel so alone. My nervous system is all over the place and I've never had such a foggy brain. I just want to get through these three weeks.
Job Anxiety
by Olive1Q82
Last post
6 hours ago
...See more What are ways in which a young supervisor and an older person may have difficulty communicating? Is it possible that someone truly doesn’t see that they’re being rude and condescending? This is the situation I find myself in. Sometimes it’s challenging to see the other (younger) person’s perspective especially when you’ve been working two decades already. I bring it up because it causes me frustration, anxiety, and often anger. So, I just wonder (honestly) is it possible that someone really doesn’t see that what they say are rude and offensive. Can someone be rude yet well-intentioned? Is there such a significant communication gap between twenty something’s and forty something’s. I really am trying to understand. 😊 I’m trying to determine also if I am being too sensitive. Should I see this as a growth opportunity and stay or listen to my gut and find something better suited to my personality….⁉️ She causes me a significant source of anxiety. 😆 If it wasn’t for her, I’d love my job. So, what do you do when one person is holding you back from a career you’d love. i know this is something many people face…not just me.
by KranialAktivity
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more Hi I'm new on here. I suffer from chronic anxiety disorder, overthinking, chronic stress, & poor sleep. I feel so alone even in a room full of people. I'm always in my head,  in my thoughts, negative thoughts come and I try to cast them out by staying as positive as I can. Its so hard to fake being okay
I don't even know what this is. Just a random rant
by Ria456
Last post
22 hours ago
...See more I have struggled with having anxiety for a very long time and it was even more stressful because a lot of people around me (family and friends) don't really understand and they just give advice like: just stop thinking, calm down, it will be fine. I always feel misunderstood and it feels like there isn't really any one I can to it about that actually understands. Last year I told my parents but mental health is something that isn't really looked into here so they brushed it off. Later this year someone advised my parents to take me to a specialist because it seems like my symptoms were getting worse, which they did after a while. I am currently seeing specialists and I'm on medications but then it just seems like nothing has changed and sometimes I just feel like I don't see the point of anything and people around me don't still get, it is like they expect me to be fine because I'm on meds and seeing a specialist now and it is really exhausting especially with not feeling safe in a lot of places and also not being able to tell people about my struggles so I just have to act normal.
Visualize Your Anxiety
by HopieRemi
Last post
23 hours ago
...See more Visualizing is a great technique that can be helpful for anxiety's symptoms. This technique involves using mental imagery to achieve a more relaxed state of mind. You can check out this resource for more information on Visualizing [,are%20unable%20to%20picture%20images%20in%20their%20minds.] An example: Try to imagine your anxiety as a tangible item, like a leaf. Then, imagine that leaf falling off a tree and floating down a river. This exercise can help you separate yourself from your distressing thoughts. Share with us what your imagery is and how it helped!
It's going to be okay.
by roshislistening
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Breathe, my loves, breathe ❤️. You've done a great job today and it's all going to be alright. Sit back and breathe. You've been doing a tremendously amazing job and I'm so proud of you. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated and eat on time, my lovelies. 🥰
What can I Do?
by sensitiveTalker4859
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hello everybody, I’m new here and I want to tell my story. I’m in my 20 and I’m in college. Well my situation is that I betrayed my parents. My dad sends me money every certain time so I can pay my food, college, and extra stuff. He also sends money to pay pending bills of the credit card. Almost all the amount that we need to pay of the credit card is because I’d asked him before if I could buy a new laptop, a pair of glasses and some other things. I always tell him when I want to use it and I always tell him that I make sure to make the payments at time. Since last month, the money he sends i will spend it on going to places with my friends, going out to eat, etc. I spend that money cause I’d thought I could pay it back but instead I never did. Now my dad know that the credit card hasn’t been paid, and he is very angry at me, also my mother. I am an only child, in my life is only my dad and my mom. That hardest part for me is that I’d never had any trouble with my parents, but know I’m freaking out. Right now I’m in hotel and avoiding any calls cause I’m very scared and ashamed of my action. I just need someone to talk with
Regulate my emotions
by lausau123
Last post
1 day ago
...See more I have been having difficulty regulating my emotions when I get angry. if anyone has any coping strategies please let me know
I'm Tired of Being Filled with Anxiety
by thoughtfulmomma
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Seriously, I feel like the older I get, the less I'm able to cope.  But then again, maybe I could never really cope all that well, and it's just that now I have more and bigger problems than I did when I was younger. I'm tired of waking up with anxiety.  I'm tired of the minute I wake up my brain immediately wants to think about everything that bothers me.  I'm tired of not being able to stop being anxious for things that I have no right to be anxious about.  I'm tired of my brain making things up in my head that keeps me in a state of constant anxiety. I'm tired that no matter what I try, meditation, therapy, cbd, exercise, grounding, breathing... unless I do it all day long, it only helps temporarily. I want this to stop.  I'm tired of feeling this way.  Do I just have to stop caring about everyone and everything, and take on a solid "I don't care!" attitude in order for me to put focus on myself first? I don't know but I could sure use some answers.

The 7 Cups Anxiety Support Community is here to ease the pain of living with anxiety. Here you will find connection, love, understanding, and support. New to the Anxiety Support Community? We want to get to know you! Introduce yourself here!

Adult Anxiety Group Support Sessions (EST):
☆ Please check the community calendar for any support sessions or events. Thank you!

☆ The Anxiety Support Room is open for both adults and teens every Monday! [24 hours]

Community Guidelines

Please always add a trigger warning to your thread if you believe it may cause harm or trigger another person's anxiety.

Please try to limit your usage of capital letters and emojis, as they may be triggering for some.

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Community Resources


Coping with Anxiety Growth Path by Cheery Mango

Anxiety Growth Path by Izzy

Relaxing and calming Guided Visualizations by prestigious professionals, compiled by 7 Cups

Tips to Cope with a Panic Attack

(Resources for recognizing a panic attack and coping with a panic attack)

Some relaxing gifs to help you calm down! 

(Take a look at these gifs/follow their instructions to help you calm down and relax in the event of a panic/anxiety attack.)