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Why should I stop drinking?

131 Answers
Last Updated: 05/25/2022 at 9:07pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


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Top Rated Answers
June 24th, 2016 9:25pm
Alcohol is socially acceptable, but physically and mentally destructive! Strictly speaking, alcohol (ethanol) is a toxin to our bodies. And because it is socially acceptable, we can poison ourselves without reproach from our peers. But heavy, sustained, drinking leads to addiction and will negatively impact your life. Addictions consume the energy normally used for other tasks. Basically, drinking takes away from your ability to grow and adapt to your environment in a healthy and productive way.
June 25th, 2016 11:09am
Quit drinking alcohol is so difficult as it is to find reasons to stop it. Most people tend to drink alcohol to forget a situation or feel better about themselves. Having their emotions controlling them they become addicted to it and lose control of their life. I'd stop drinking to gain control of my life and drive it to success.
- Expert in Alcohol/Drug Abuse
July 10th, 2016 11:46pm
I believe everyone has their own reasons for not drinking. Do you think it is becoming an issue? Are you drinking every single day and is it changing your behaviour for the worst? Try to think about associated questions and base your decisions off of that. For example, as someone who used to be an alcoholic, I stopped drinking for 3 years and just recently began to enjoy a drink here and there. I believe if you want to drink, it is all about balance. If you don't want to drink, that is your decision and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! Hope that helps. :)
June 28th, 2016 6:35pm
If you drink to numb yourself, you can become very dependent on it and it can dames your body in many, many ways. Trust me, I know first hand, as I have a drinking problem.
July 10th, 2016 6:46pm
Drinking can be very serious. It could seriously damage your body and your mind. It can also hurt other people and damage relationships that you have built or are currently building in a bad way. Drinking can make you very ill and can even effect work ethic and ability. It can also result in major debt and homelessness if it gets that far. Socially drinking is different. An occasional drink, there's nothing wrong with. But excessive drinking can lead to some very bad/dangerous things.
January 9th, 2019 7:56pm
Drinking is one of the main problems that occur in our society. Alcohol is considered to be the most dangerous drug if we consider all the problems it cause. It damages you in every aspect. It ruins your finance and destroys your social life. Also we should consider that alcohol is addictive because it's considered by others as a "quick problem solver". But the thing is, alcohol doesn't fix your problems, it just helps you forget them which is worst. That's because, while the time you are "gone" your problems start growing larger and drinking starts becoming the best alternative at the moments of desperation.
December 1st, 2017 6:54am
You can collect reasons for why to stop drinking, but you're ultimately the only one who can decide for yourself what you "should" and "should not" do, and why. Possible reasons to stop drinking are, if it interferes with any area of your life, if it has become a daily habit or even a daily need, if you think you cannot have without it, if you think you cannot relax without it, if you experience mood swings while drinking, if you tend to make poor decisions with consequences while drinking, if your loved ones are negatively affected by your drinking - or if you just want to for no particular reason. It's your life, and your choice, and often there isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer for these kinds of habits. It's very personal, and you know your personal situation better than anyone else. This question does imply you have been thinking about this subject. Good luck thinking on it and I hope you come to a decision that is right for you!
April 13th, 2017 4:42am
I'm going to state many reasons why- first off though it's your choice and if you're not 100% into quitting then these reasons won't bother you. 1- You will immediately start having more money. That's money that you would've wasted on alcohol, instead you can treat yourself or save it in case something happens. 2- Your mood will increase- Some people say after 2 months they feel their mood has increased and they have a better outlook on life. 3- Your friends will admire you and look up to you for quitting- 4- You won't have to worry about hiding it from friends and family- Those days would be gone! No more worrying! Wouldn't it be nice? 5- Heavy drinkers sometimes get alcoholic hepatitis which can lead to the development of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). 6-Liver disease- When alcohol reaches the liver, it produces a toxic enzyme called acetaldehyde which can damage liver cells and cause permanent scarring- this can cause liver disease which could be life threatening.
May 1st, 2020 9:40am
There are lots of reasons why you might want to stop drinking alcohol. Some people need to stop drinking as a result of developing an alcohol related medical condition such as liver disease, or because they start taking medication which reacts badly with alcohol. Others choose to do so for religious reasons, or simply as a move towards a healthier lifestyle If you want to stop drinking alcohol as part of a move towards a healthier lifestyle, cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink as opposed to giving up alcohol completely can help bring lots of health benefits, and can be easier to stick to. Reducing the amount you drink can also be an effective stepping stone to giving up alcohol completely in the future.
January 26th, 2017 5:51pm
Drinking is alright as long as it's done in moderation and responsibly... like everything else for that matter. If you start experiencing health, behaviour, relationship problems due to drinking, it would be best to seek the help of a professional. If you just want to kick your lifestyle into a higher gear health wise, lose weight, etc. stoping drinking can be a step in that direction.
September 21st, 2016 7:33pm
Because alcohol does not solve problems, it only masks them for a short period of time. Perhaps, if you pay attention, you will notice that the emotional improvement only occurs while the alcohol is affecting your system (not everytime, the effect can decrease your emotional too). After that, things return to the same point, or even worse point (accompanied by a hangover, for example). Moreover, losing control of your thoughts and actions tends to encourage you to do wrong things, things you normally wouldn't do in good conscience and can lead to consequences. Not to mention the problems that the drink can generate in your body, in the long run.
February 10th, 2018 8:30pm
Alcoholism is very very serious. It might not seem like it would be that bad, but it is. Addictions can ruin relationships. Also, in severe cases, your body becomes dependent on the alcohol, and you could die from not drinking it. It this case it would be important to be hospitalized while quitting.
September 24th, 2016 4:13pm
Because it doesn't solve any issues, it just pushes them to the background while it create's even more issues (health related, social isolation, etc)... Drinking alcohol allows you to supress emotional issues, it never has and never will allow you to find the true sollution for whatever goes on in your life. Alcohol is a way to pause your issues, pause your life... I see it life as a movie you just have to watch until the end, you can pause parts you don't like but in the end you'll have to press the play button and experience the rest of what, if you allow it, could be a very beautiful movie.
March 1st, 2018 2:55pm
There are many reasons... health... financal reasons... but it's a decision you need to make yourself. Maybe by writing a Pro's and Con's list and comparing both sides
June 10th, 2020 5:43pm
While recreational drinking can be alright in moderation, once we abuse the activity in an effort to cope with our own struggles, it can become harmful to our mind and body. For those with addiction problems, becoming sober is a great path towards healing. If you are relying on alcohol in an unhealthy way, it would be very beneficial to stop drinking and perhaps lean on friends/family/therapists for emotional support and guidance. Once you find a way to address the triggers or underlying issues that are causing you to turn to drinking, you can use the proper coping strategies to heal in a healthy way.
November 22nd, 2018 8:05am
If you don't have a reason to stop drinking, then just stick with moderation. Drinking isn't inherently bad...or good; it's an activity, and everyone has their own relationship with it. Just take care of your body and mind, try to live in a way that you find healthy and rewarding. If alcohol has a part in that lifestyle then fine, if it doesn't then let it go. If you notice a pattern of drunk behavior that you find unacceptable, then lay off the alcohol until you figure out what's going on with you. Also, try not to drink when in a depressive state, as that tends to bring out the worst in people.
June 2nd, 2020 6:18pm
Drinking is not necessarily a bad thing. If it is interfering with the good things in your life perhaps that is a signal that something needs to be changed, which could include why you are drinking or how much you are drinking. For instance, if your health is suffering that is a good reason to stop drinking. If it is interfering with your personal relationship that also may be another reason why you could stop drinking. There are plenty reasons to stop drinking and each individual has their own reasons. Only you can tell what your reason to stop drinking may be.
May 22nd, 2020 10:27pm
One way to consider this answer is to look at what are the goals and values you have in your life. Then, consider as objectively as possible, how drinking has impacted your goals or values. For example, if you value meaningful close and honest relationships, consider how the drinking may or may not have impacted your relationship with others. It may also be helpful to consider if the drinking is used as tool to distance or distract from emotions that are painful, in which case you may want to consider whether addressing and welcoming those emotions may also help you either achieve your goals or preserve and nourish your values. Often, if you can be in a place where your behavior, are aligned with your goals and values in a meaningful way, you might reach the answer on your own.
May 17th, 2020 10:08pm
Drinking has an effect an all aspects of our life, whether we notice or not. From my experience, becoming sober caused me to gain better control of my life and my emotions. I have not had a blackout, hangover, or used alcohol as an excuse for anything since I quit. I own my actions and my decisions. I have clarity around what I want in life, friendships, etc. And I'm better at speaking up now too. No more drowning in alcohol to cope with stuff, using healthy alternatives like actually processing emotions and "why" you need alcohol after a hard day's work or when someone upsets you, and always getting a good night's sleep. Everyone is different but I would highly recommend giving up alcohol if possible.
May 14th, 2020 1:40am
Alcohol gets broken down in your liver, funnily enough, with heavy consumption, your liver becomes overworked which can result in numerous health complications. By simply giving up the alcohol it provides one less thing your body needs to worry about to keep you feeling healthy and fresh. Alcohol is linked to seven different types of cancer including breast cancer and mouth cancer. Cutting alcohol out lowers your risk of getting cancer. Giving up drinking will have a big impact on your liver and should reduce the chances of developing liver disease. As the calories in alcohol can cause you to gain weight, giving up alcohol can also help you to reduce your blood pressure as a result of the weight you can potentially lose. By this point, if you'd previously been drinking six 175ml glasses of wine a week, you would have lost 2880 calories over three weeks.
April 8th, 2020 2:08am
I personally think that moderate drinking is fine for now and then, even though I only drink 3 to 4 times a year because I'm aiming for physical goals. Let me tell you why you should not drink excessively instead. Okay, let me tell you something that you already know. Alcohol slows down your fat-burning rate in your body even to the point it stops completely. Because although we recognize the alcohol as the "fun-party-drink" our body sees alcohol as a mere poison. When you drink, the body will move their focus on removing this poison out of your body, that is why all other department that needs a lot of energy to work properly like the brain will have a temporary drop on its performance resulting in immoral behaviors and thought patterns in your end. Because the body is working hard to remove this poison, even during your sleep where the body suppose to repair your body (Muscles, organs, hormone chemicals to strengthen your immune system) They don't have the time to do so because they are making this poison removal a priority. Resulting you on this so called "Hangover" where you feel like you didn't get enough sleep even when you slept for 10 hours, because technically you didn't sleep that much. And as you may already know, when you are sleep-deprived it affects the whole day. Your moods will jump all over the place, your stress hormone spikes up, resulting in weight gain, weak immune system, high blood pressure and so on. Yes it affects how you interact with people, therefore your relationships Yes, it will affect your productivity and work performance. Yes, it will affect and change everything in your life.
March 5th, 2020 5:34am
Reasons for quitting drinking are highly individualized. The more relatable the reasons, the more impact they may have on your decision to quit or continue. If you are questioning if you should stop drinking perhaps there are important reasons already in mind. It can also be helpful to create a list. Common reasons may include health, money/expense, legal or personal consequences, etc. If you have anyone close enough whom you trust, they may be able to give you additional insight or raise concerns that weren't previously considered. Counselors, doctors, and recovery groups are also great resources to help explore the possible benefits of quitting and consequences of drinking.
February 28th, 2020 7:08pm
Drinking is a hard choice to go ahead, In a personal prospective, its not the right medicine and I would recommend anyone to try an seek a therapist. Its not always okay to drink, but to have the right support helps people for the future and gives the individual support and therapy. Breaking out and accepting the support is a major step, and gives you certain control on what you can do. Speak to a member of your family or who ever is close to you. Ask them for there supportive guidance and so you feel your not alone.
February 3rd, 2020 10:51am
There are several reason why one should stop drinking, however, I am going to list only a few reason why you should stop drinking. First of all, drink driving is caused by, guess what? Drinking.. and driving! Drink driving is one of the biggest reasons for crashes and death on the roads because your reaction times are delayed and your vision can also be altered because of drinks. On another side of things, there the drinking to make yourself feel better. Unfortunately, that is wrong, and drinking will only boost those emotions, like anxiety. It can also lower one’s awareness of danger, which is why drunken brawls are a thing
January 13th, 2019 4:36am
You know quitting drinking is the right thing to do. For your health. You may not want to be alive, but do you want to be alive with poor health? A lack of health that can bring pain you can't imagine dominating your life. Drinking makes depression worse. Drinking makes us not be able to live people as well as we could. Jesus wants the best for you. He doesn't want you to be an alcoholic anymore. It will improve every relationship in your life. You will have more money. You will have better sleep. All that time you spent being drunk or getting alcohol can now be devoted to helping others. Which will help you too.
June 26th, 2019 5:32am
alcohol consumption is a really and habit. what happens when someone drinks is , when you drink alcohol for the first time your nervous system detects it as some sort of a danger and what is first does is give a signal to the digestive system and the digestive system tries to remove the harmful substance by vomiting and if vomiting didn't work to recover the nerves which are tired the nervous system signals the brain that you need some sleep ,that's why drunk people tend to vomit and sleep. Drinking directly affects the nervous system and long term alcohol consumption can lead to numerous dieseeases either mental or physical. due to long term alcohol consumption the brain cells get damaged and memory issues can occur, that's why these people tend to recall their past but can't remember things which happened in the present That's because they loose their present memory and the past memories are all they left with. lot of internal organs gets damaged due to alcohol consumption and many health related issues can occur.their social lives also can be affected due to this bad habit. No matter how many other good qualities or habits you've people or the society tend to always look for the errors and the social life even gets greatly affected. Hope you stop drinking dear , because what I believe is people who drink are losers.
June 12th, 2019 5:24pm
Sober life is the most pure, truthful life you can live. Being honest with yourself, taking care of yourself. Loving those around you. Recognizing your worth enough to realize you deserve more than what you have given yourself. When I stopped drinking, my life flourished. I got a full time job, in a house I rent, with a car I co-sign. I’m engaged to be married within the year. Life is so much more beautiful now that my eyes are no longer clouded by alcohol and drugs. I’m no longer hurting myself or the people around me. I’ve realized how beautiful life is, and I’ve realized you don’t need to be under the influence to have fun!
January 18th, 2019 4:58pm
Quit drinking alcohol is so difficult as it is to find reasons to stop it. Most people tend to drink alcohol to forget a situation or feel better about themselves. Having their emotions controlling them they become addicted to it and lose control of their life. I'd stop drinking to gain control of my life and drive it to success.
December 6th, 2018 3:33am
Do you feel like you are an alcoholic? Do you feel like you are loosing control of your life? Are you worried about your health? These are questions you should ask yourself if your curious about stopping drinking. I stopped drinking mainly because my boyfriend is an alcoholic. If you have someone your close to that’s a good reason to stop. Maybe you don’t want to kill your liver. Living a sober lifestyle is healthy for your body and your mind. Alcohol is a chemical compound that can hurt your body more than it can help. Also, when you drink you start to lost control of basic bodily functions. Your brain works slower. This is why accidents occur. Your though patterns are infected.
May 25th, 2022 9:07pm
Hello. Drinking, if you don’t have any health reasons and in moderation is okay. Unless there seems to be an issue with tolerance and the amount of alcohol/frequency. In that case, alcohol can lead to addiction, and several health problems. Both mentally and physically. The consumption can cause you to act out of character resulting in problems in your relationships, work related issues and sleeping disturbances. If alcohol is becoming an issue, please talk to someone you trust and reach out to any professional. You can also talk this matter over with your family physician.