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What triggers random anxiety and panic attacks when nothing is going on?

235 Answers
Last Updated: 08/13/2023 at 9:01pm
What triggers random anxiety and panic attacks when nothing is going on?
1 Tip to Feel Better
South Africa
Moderated by

Claudette Pretorius, MA Counselling Psychology

Licensed Professional Counselor

I know how overwhelming it can feel when you're having a tough time. I offer clients a space that is non-judgemental and empathetic whilst navigating these times together.

Top Rated Answers
May 2nd, 2015 2:30am
It's hard to say what exactly triggers them, but the mind is a little like a computer. It's always running processes - for the mind, thoughts - that we can't see and maybe know nothing about, so even when everything is still on the surface, our mind makes associations that we may not be aware of while they're happening. It only becomes apparent when we have a result, which is an anxiety or panic attack. This is what makes it a great idea to reeducate our minds so that we are more aware of these thoughts before they escalate and become harder to manage.
September 16th, 2016 2:17am
There are many theories floating out there as to why this happens. During my studies I believe it is all due in part by the sub conscious or cellular/muscular memory.
October 16th, 2016 5:38am
Its almost always the negative thoughts that trigger a past trauma or experience that was very painful. Other than that, it could also be caused by exxageration of the fear of failure in future by thinking too much about future. Guided Meditation is helpful. Chakra Meditation is really good. Inspiring quotes, focus on positive aspects of yourself, ways to improve self-worth can go a long way in saving one from anxiety and panic attacks.
October 1st, 2016 1:37am
Distant Memories that you thought you forgot. Certain smells certain images. Things that you can't relate to but your brain seems to remember something traumatic and that causes a panic attack. Relapses of memories. All of these things you think that nothing he going on but really everything is going on
December 4th, 2016 8:16am
In my experience, seeing something on TV or just simply over thinking. Sometimes, it can be a dream or even something that you read.
January 26th, 2017 12:59pm
A person doesn't always understand what triggers their panic attacks & not knowing makes them panic more. It's ok, just focus on what you need right now.
September 25th, 2016 4:53am
You could possibly think of something you forgot to do, like homework or study for a test. That's usually what triggers me. It is different for everyone.
September 21st, 2019 9:25pm
Your body naturally has a flight or fight response, going back centuries ago, when this was important thing for humans to survive in the wild. Some people still have a heightened response to additional stress, or random factors, that can trigger the bodies flight or fight response. This causes anxiety and panic attacks, even if we are not in a dangerous situation. While having a self preservation tactic in our bodies may not be something that is required for our everyday lives in this century, our bodies can still be triggered into that response. Often watching out for triggers and stressors, and practicing mindfulness in your day to day life can help curb the anxiety and panic attacks.
November 5th, 2016 12:35am
Lots of things can trigger - even something as simple as not getting enough sleep or feeling stressed.
April 16th, 2017 4:10pm
If 'nothing' is going on, often times the trigger might reside inside of you. Try analyzing your thoughts, and feelings during the day. If you feel yourself getting anxious, take a minute to think about what you were ruminating about. Sometimes recalling a memory, or worrying about a project might trigger an anxiety attack for people. Not all triggers are external, so I suggest searching inwards.
December 16th, 2016 5:04pm
There are many triggers for anxiety and panic attacks that seem to come from nowhere. Several types of neurological disorders and other illnesses can cause an attack without warning. In other cases, there may be stress over many little things that are building in your sub-conscious. Often you don't recognize them until they present as anxiety or panic attacks. I find that talking to someone about the things I'm dealing with gives me another person's perspective of whether there is a buildup of stress I'm not aware of that can appear as anxiety or panic.
January 5th, 2017 5:37am
I find that my anxiety and panic attacks are never random. Something has triggered those feelings and episodes even if they aren't obvious. It can be an event or interaction from a day or two ago that I didn't realize was rattling around in my head. It can something subtle or unconscious about my surrounding, like I sensed something dangerous without realizing it. Journaling has been useful for identifying these triggers as I can look back at patterns and really work out what might be happening.
May 2nd, 2018 11:48pm
Anticipation/waiting for something. Unfamiliar areas. Tight spaces. (Especially cars) Flying. Large crowds. People I don’t know.
March 31st, 2017 8:53pm
It could be any number of things; sights, smells, people, places, or even passing thoughts. The key is to breathe through it though, and remember that it will pass.
March 29th, 2018 8:52pm
There is no one certain trigger or triggers for anxiety or panic attack. It really depends on the person themselves. It usually has to do with something from their past or something that they fear of the future.
September 21st, 2017 4:25pm
You might think nothing is going on but usually there is always something that's up and bothering you. Maybe unconsciously or subconsciously you might be thinking about some things/situation/people which might trigger a panic attack. Or nothing might be going on but the situation in which you are in, for example sitting in an exam hall or waiting for a client, or waiting for an interview etc - you might think "I'm just nervous" but maybe inside you are more anxious and that may trigger an attack :)
September 23rd, 2017 4:35am
Anxiety and panic attacks can be triggered by your thoughts as well as your physical surroundings. When you are alone, relaxing, you might find that thoughts come to your head almost randomly. You don't have control of your mind thinking about your ex-girlfriend or that time you accidentally lost control and kicked someone in middle school. These thoughts can trigger an emotional response that can lead to feelings of anxiety. For me, one of the first steps to controlling my anxiety while I was relaxing, was letting go of control of those thoughts. Every time that something crazy pops up in your in your train of thoughts, remind yourself that's not you! That's your monkey mind trying to keep itself busy.
October 22nd, 2017 1:19am
A loud sound, a shout, a yell. Even a touch or smell. Actually anything can trigger you. But you can learn to control it in time and not let it control you for once.
December 7th, 2017 4:21pm
Based on my personal experience I have really bad anxiety and panic attacks, it usually starts off at the night for the most part. When I feel most alone. I think about my body, my family, my relationship, I just get really lost in my head
February 2nd, 2018 10:26pm
A lot of things can trigger random anxiety or panic attacks. A single subconscious thought can make your body's fight or flight kick in. Your heartrate increases, your breathing changes, and your muscles tense up. Your body's reaction in turn triggers an emotional reaction. You start associating certain symptoms with anxiety or panic, to a point that a small normal bodily change can trigger afullblown panic attack. Discovering your triggers can go a great way to reducing future attacks, alongside healthy coping strategies to diffuse panic once it starts.
February 18th, 2018 8:34am
Internal process, anxiety and panic attacks can occur when individuals are in their most relaxed state.
March 14th, 2018 4:17am
Sometimes they just happen and you don't know why. it could also be panic attack syndrome. the best thing to do is to go outside for a few minutes and take deep breaths. then once you decide to go back inside do things to distract yourself so, it won't happen again. such as watch tv, listen to music, paint, etc.
July 26th, 2018 3:00pm
The thoughts going on unconsciously in your head. It happens to me all the time, the random attacks that come out of nowhere.
June 12th, 2022 10:14pm
There are several things that can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. The subconscious is a confusing thing, just because you do not know what the trigger is the subconscious does. The trigger is normally something that has happened that you have pushed down and refuse to explore. Firstly you should have a think about what you were doing just before the anxiety or panic attack started and make note of this every time the anxiety or panic arises. After a while you may notice a pattern. Triggers can include smells, voices, people and much more. Random anxiety can also be from overwhelming feelings or a build up of regular emotions. It can also be due to not dealing with emotions. For example sadness can be overwhelming but if you refuse to cry this can cause you to hold the emotion in. Overtime this can build up and anxiety and panic can arise later on.
March 13th, 2021 3:22pm
the story that we keep repeating of the feeling that the memory made us feel sometimes works as the trigger, that can be hard to identify yet can be really really painful to go through as you werent prepared for the trauma at the first place and then followed up by anxiety and panics. who so ever has to go through this must remember that you can always come back to the state where you were well. That can be sole thought worth holding onto because if you can come back, you can go anywhere nomatter how difficult the journey may seem.
December 2nd, 2018 4:03pm
It can be as simple as a thought crossing your mind that sends you into a panic, like " are they laughing at me". Or the tone of someone's voice when you are talking to them. Seemingly small things are hugly amplified by anxiety and this can lead to distress and panic attacks. With anxiety there is never "nothing going on" because you always have thoughts and there is always stimulation from the outside world that can cause you to feel anxious or less to you having a panic attack. Anxiety is difficult to understand to an outsider but with the spread of awareness this can change
August 10th, 2018 6:09am
Based off of personal experience, I've found when I am settled that's when my mind begins to overthink. Sometimes, during fight or flight, my mind doesn't have time to be anxious. It's when I'm finally relaxed that I begin to think of everything. I overthink, and therefore send myself into anxiety/panic attacks.
June 24th, 2018 3:10am
Well imagine that you are a coffee mug and every drop is a stressful moment. Even though at first a single drop seems like nothing, after some time goes by, it will overflow. For me, those little droplets don’t seem like much in the moment, but if you don’t get them off of your chest they will overflow.
April 25th, 2018 4:42pm
Reminding your past memories and all sorts of bad things happened in past..and when u can't get out of it
August 13th, 2023 9:01pm
Sometimes anxiety can be caused even when things are not going on. Something may be triggering you such as sounds, smells, your emotional state, certain objects, or just the area you are in. Sometimes we create what-ifs in our head which can cause fear of the unknown. There are also some things that you may consume that can trigger anxiety such as caffeine. sugar or alcohol. Sadly sometimes certain medications can cause anxiety as well. Sometimes anxiety can also occur when you deal with everyday stress, lack of sleep, poor quality of sleep or low activity levels. It is common for a lot of individuals who are struggling with why they are experiencing random anxiety, like myself. im sorry you are going through this but just know you will get through this.