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Why am I so nervous around my boyfriend?

220 Answers
Last Updated: 05/12/2022 at 9:29pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
August 15th, 2021 9:43pm
If you don't feel comfortable around your boyfriend, you may want to look into why. Try to figure out whether it's a positive sort of anxiety. If you feel safe, but anxious around him, discuss it! Being open could be beneficial to the both of you! On the other hand though, if this nervousness you feel is setting off sirens in your head, listen to them. More often than not, your instinct is right, even if it may seem like you have no viable evidence that it is. If you're unsure, speak to some of your friends or someone you trust to offer you guidance on what to do in this situation. Best of luck!
September 12th, 2021 6:10am
hello!! i guess having him as your partner, you may hold higher standards for him than you do for anybody else. you also want him to see the best side of you, and you are scared to be vulnerable around him. you may feel like he will not accept you for who you are if you show him the real you, but the truth is that he probably already sees more than you think. so don’t worry about it! give your relationship time to grow, and slowly you’ll grow on one another and you won’t feel so nervous :-)
September 24th, 2021 2:39am
There are many reasons you may feel nervous around your boyfriend. Personally, whenever I feel anxious, I ask myself what it is that I'm afraid of. Are you scared you'll embarrass yourself in front of your boyfriend, or that it will be awkward? Do you have unresolved pain from past relationships that could be rearing its head? Do you feel safe and secure around your boyfriend? Like you can be yourself? Once you discover what exactly it is that makes you nervous, you'll be able to find out why. Please be gentle with yourself while doing this, nervousness is a common emotion that has a real purpose, to keep us safe.
October 7th, 2021 1:31am
Do you feel uneasy with your boyfriend? You can tell your boyfriend and sort it out together. Being at ease is a big step in improving your relationship. If you have the courage to be honest with your boyfriend, it will strengthen your relationship. It'll be challenging, but I'm positive you'll be able to get through it together. As long as you both love each other and are willing to help each other through a difficult situation. You must support each other grow in a relationship. I hope you both grow stronger, and that you don't feel uneasy around him.
October 22nd, 2021 4:08pm
it could be that once you start dating a guy, you naturally become subconscious about how he views you and how he feels about you. this may make you nervous, not to mention that people usually don’t want to do anything weird or embarrassing in front of their partner because of how they’ll see you. it’s a totally normal emotion to have around your boyfriend. you need to see him as a friend more than anything because he’s supposed to be your friend and lover all in one so maybe if you treat him like a friend it’ll take some of the nerves off
January 15th, 2022 2:49pm
You can try to observe if his behavior has changed over the last few days, or try to ask yourself if you had any conversation together that made you feel uncomfortable. Perhaps the most helpful way to provide an answer to your question is actually trying to discuss with your boyfriend about this. You can be honest and tell him how you feel. It is very important, before that, to realize if you have always felt this way with him or if your emotions changed after a certain event happened. It also depends on your age and whether there is an age gap between you two, although this does not always pose a problem.
April 14th, 2022 3:13pm
It's okay to feel that way- especially if he's your first! Mine wasn't my first but he was terribly handsome and confident and charismatic. It was the first time I'd ever been liked by someone like him so I always felt nervous or shy or even self conscious around him. I thought that if I ever showed him my flaws that he'd stop liking me, but with time and communication, he made me believe that he liked me for the whole of me and not just my appearance. I began to laugh my actual laugh, I stopped sucking my tummy in and I felt more comfortable being intimate with him. Goes to show that communication is really important. If he's your first boyfriend then take things slow, get to know him, understand him and once you're comfortable with him, tell him about it :)
April 16th, 2022 5:58pm
All kinds of reasons that could be the case. Important thing is to communicate the nervousness with the boyfriend. It's important to be direct and honest about those kinds of real and important feelings. Without communication, feelings like that can lead to lots of unintended behaviors until they are properly communicated. Talking about them together can also be a growing experience; it can be a good chance to learn how to work through feelings together. If for some reason he's not able to talk with you in a kind, supportive way about those feelings, that might be a sign that he needs to work on his communication skills in the context of the relationship.
May 7th, 2022 9:42am
It depends on what you mean by "nervous" honestly. If you are new into the relationship, then I think it's safe to say that being nervous is normal. If however this relationship has lasted for a while and you still feel nervous around him, try to think about why. Is it because of the way he treats you? Does he judge you? Or is it just because you like him a lot? (another popular reason why many people feel nervous). Try reflecting on it a little bit and hopefully you will find out the reason behind you feeling nervous around him :) Hope I helped.
May 12th, 2022 9:29pm
Being nervous around a significant other can signal a need to reflect on the relationship more with your partner. It could be due to a lack of trust or something internal like being self conscious. If you’re nervous, there’s a chance your partner is too. Communication with a partner is important for understanding your own feelings as well as theirs. Understanding how they feel will help you feel more at ease and validated. If your partner is unwilling to communicate, explain why it is important to do so. A healthy relationship requires communication. However, try not to force your partner to open up if they aren’t ready.