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Why do I always think my girlfriend is cheating?

287 Answers
Last Updated: 11/27/2023 at 4:15pm
Why do I always think my girlfriend is cheating?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Stacy Overton, PhD.


I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.

Top Rated Answers
June 2nd, 2016 11:06am
This could be displaying your trust issues, she very well could be cheating, and if that is the case I would not stay with them. But if she states she is not cheating and seems to not be lying, don't go and send a team of people to see if she really is, simply believe in her statement
April 17th, 2016 3:57pm
Has he done this to you in the past? If so and you took her back, then you have to learn to trust or walk away. Without trust you don't have a good foundation to build on.
April 21st, 2016 7:50pm
Dont let such thoughts eat you up from inside. Be open with your girlfriend. Share your thoughts with her.
May 22nd, 2016 10:22am
Sometimes if we are insecure about ourselves we tend to worry about what others do, maybe you should sit down and talk to her about it and how you feel
May 26th, 2016 2:42am
It's normal to get those feelings, maybe you could try to talk to your girlfriend about it.
August 12th, 2016 3:36pm
This is perfectly normal it can happen to anyone. This mostly happens because you might be having some trouble with your self esteem... You might think you're not good enough and so your girlfriend will find someone better and cheat on you. But the principles of every relationship are trust and honesty. So tell her how you feel and try to trust her more. Relax a little bit. And if something really happens then you know she wasn't the right girl for you. You deserve someone who loves you endlessly and who channels such confidence to you that you never think she's cheating. 💓
February 1st, 2020 6:59am
It’s completely natural to feel like you’re in danger of losing things you love, significant others included. I personally think, “This is too good to be true” or “She couldn’t REALLY love me”, but it’s important to think about the times your significant other has said or shown that they love you. If you’re really worried, perhaps it would be a good idea to confront them about it (without being aggressive). Having meaningful conversations that are understood to be serious by all participants can really help your significant other know what you’re going through and what your thought process may be. Sharing the complete and honest truth can be the most beneficial thing to your relationship. I hope this helped!
March 25th, 2020 1:31am
This may be a manifestation of distrust in your girlfriend rooted from previous relationships or experiences you've had or even her current behaviour. Everyone is different, the way we respond or perceive something. Its best to talk to her, not necessarily about your worries or insecurities but about things in general, see if that spark is still there. If you could maintain a relationship with her. As miscommunication or misinterpreting something could lead to a host of new problems between the two of you. Talk it out and write your thoughts of this insecurity down. Are you worried about beings alone, abandoned or can you not let go.
January 1st, 2020 7:52pm
It can be hard to trust your spouse, partner, significant other. At times, they may seem to be acting differently around you than what you are used to. As human beings, we cannot help but to be skeptical of people at times. While it is normal, if it becomes an everyday thing where you are constantly not believing them, you may want to talk to them about how you are feeling. Perhaps they are being shady around their phone and are constantly hiding it. Maybe they even smell like someone else. However, the best way to fix this issue is by confronting them about it and working out your issues. Not trusting them could also be the result of someone hurting you in the past. Trust issues are hard to handle, but, if dealt with properly, not impossible to overcome.
June 10th, 2016 10:39pm
There can be several reasons. One is that you are insecure and afraid of losing her, thinking you're not worthy of her and that she has realised that. It could also be that she - or another partner you've had - really has cheated on you once and you find yourself unable to trust her because of that.
June 14th, 2016 7:03pm
You always think your girlfriend is cheating on you because of lack of trust and faith in each other
June 16th, 2016 8:39am
If you always feel she is cheating on you then you may not trust her, or you may be a very jealous kind of person. That isn't bad but if you are very jealous than you may feel for whatever reason she is cheating on you with someone else. If you don't trust her, try and figure out why that is and discuss it with her.
June 16th, 2016 4:34pm
Because of severe reasons : - maybe ur past experiences with you ex girlfriends. Having a bad experience stops you from trusting new people, its totally normal, but not all peoples are alike, there is some good people as much as bad people is that earth.. - Insecurity Insecurity and being afraid of loosing that person is the same thing.. It happens because you dont have confidence in yourself that time, you think that there is someone around better than you who deserves your girlfriend more than you, you think that you arent good enough or smart enough or handsome enough. Bref, its all in your mind, youhave to trust confidence in yourself first, so you can trust others people too!
August 25th, 2019 10:47am
Maybe there some deep part of you that is insecure or not confident, perhaps you might not feel at ease or attained self control. Maybe from your past is the cause? Grieve, forgive and then let it go and learn from it. what is on the inside reflects on the outside. If you'll be able to resolve this within you, you will become a better version of yourself. It gets easier, but doing it everyday is the hard part, but it gets easier everyday, everytime you practice doing it wanting to change. It will be alright, if you fail, then get up and try again.
June 17th, 2016 3:02am
Two reasons: a) you don't trust your girlfriend b) you don't trust your girlfriend, and you haven't taken the time to talk to her about your feelings. Relationships are predicated and formed upon trust and open communication, so if you aren't taking the time to talk to your gf about how you are feeling, then she's never going to know how you feel and, more importantly, why you feel the way you feel. Talk to your gf. Let her know what is troubling you. If you have proof (which cannot be gleaned from this question - there are not enough details), show the proof. Do whatever you must to abdicate your feelings of what I can only assume is some nebulous cocktail of jealousy, contempt, and distrust. But, please, for your gf's sake, do not keep your feelings under a rug. For when the rug is removed and your feelings exposed, she'll see you for a lot more than you presume, and may ultimately leave you for not being open with her. Hope this helps :)
June 19th, 2016 3:38pm
Why do you think your girlfriend is cheating? Is there anything that suggests that she is cheating on you? If there's no reason to think like that, then you're only making yourself feel like that and you shouldn't.
June 19th, 2016 8:01pm
People often think that their significant other is cheating because their is an inherent lack of trust in the relationship. If you really want to make things work, talk to them about this distrust. It's worth the risk to get an answer once and for all.
June 22nd, 2016 3:14pm
This is usually because having codependency in the relationship. If she is away from you, you are unable to feel anything except neglected. Try to define yourself, do things you like and make yourself happy.
May 2nd, 2019 5:01am
This could be from actions she does/have done that make you worry she has or will do it. It also could be because of past experiences you have with someone doing it or acting like they have. One of the best things to do in this situation, would be to simply talk to here about it. Tell her how you feel and ask her if she is or isn’t. Tell her you want her honestly answer. That she doesn’t have to say something that she thinks will help you feel better also. If she gives you a lie, it could hurt more than the truth.
May 1st, 2019 12:50am
There are multiple reasons why you could think your girlfriend is cheating on you. It might be how she acts around a specific person or that you have something that leads you to believe this. It could also be because she had done things in the past that affect how you view her and you have picked up a habit of questioning her every movement or action. So, in this case, it would be good to do fun activity's with her that allows you to connect/trust her more so your mind does not automatically go to oh she's cheating on me.
April 25th, 2019 4:15am
Sometimes we tend to think that our significant other is cheating on us, that simply due to the insecurity in the relationship. That could possibly be due to the lack of communication, intimacy, trust, honesty the mere simple connection. For example, in the lack of communication that would lead to the significant other to believe that we are hiding something from them which leads to insecurity. However, sometimes we tend to drag in our past experience in the relationship into our current relationship which leads to insecurity. If that happens, we should notify our current significant other. Also, perhaps doing something with our significant other, because the past relationship brings a battle of insecurity to the current relation. Side Note: In any Healthy relationship, important keys to follow is being honest, truthful, and communication (Not hide anything).
March 31st, 2019 11:00pm
In my personal experience, cheating suspicion roots from personal problems or the partner has given you a reason to distrust. If your partner is giving you reasons not to trust them, make them think you are cheating, or are cheating physically or emotionally, then those feelings are completely rooted from your partner. Regardless of the situation your feelings are validated, but could you potentially be displacing your feelings? Is there something else going on in your life that would cause you to lash out at your girlfriend? Are there an external factors outside of your relationship that would cause you to feel this way? Maybe asking yourself these questions can help you solve your issue. It can be frustrating when you feel that your partner is cheating on you, and confrontation can cause more stress or even guilt.
March 30th, 2019 9:46am
Sometimes our ability to trust others comes from feeling stable and confident. We believe that we are deserving of love, and it's easy to believe that someone would want to be with us. On the other hand, if we feel insecure or undeserving, we can project that onto others instead of trusting them. It can be hard to believe that we are worthy of a committed and loving partner, even if they haven't given us any reason to doubt them. There could be many reasons that someone feels insecure, including past experiences! Remember that it's okay to feel insecure, but those feelings don't necessarily stem from the actions of your partner.
June 23rd, 2016 1:34am
Because of the lack of trust you probably have with her. Assuming this may lead to a risky path in your relationship.
February 10th, 2019 7:53pm
My friend, I don't know you but you could possibly be suffering from some low self esteem that could be causing you to cloud your judgement of your girlfriend. If you do not have strong evidence of her cheating than you have to just over ride it and enjoy your relationship together. It is quite common to feel this way if someone have done you wrong in the past and you could be just suffering from past relationships that you have not fully healed from my friend. Don't be so quick to destroy a beautiful relationship on speculations of your girlfriend cheating without sound proof. I wish you nothing but the best moving forward my friend.
February 9th, 2019 10:28pm
You could have trust issues, what I would suggest doing is confront her about how you feel and why you feel that way. If you feel like you might have trust issues I would tell her that and why you feel like you might have them. Communicating how you feel is very important in a relationship. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about how you feel I would just think about how to approach the conversation until you feel ready to tell her how you feel. I hope everything goes well and I wish you the best of luck! :3
December 13th, 2018 5:03pm
i guess this is insecurity. you might be feeling that one day she will leave you. this kind of feeling enters in mind when one thinks that he has no extra or enough confidence. here are two moments. one where the person has done something in the past which hurts you. or you feel bothered about her. situations never remain same. so it depends on you. you can start a fresh life by just completing destroying your old belief set. what you are doing is sticking to an old set and just about them again and again. so have a fresh start.
December 13th, 2018 6:42am
This is one of the most difficult feelings to navigate because sometimes, the dissonance that occurs between the mind - racing with mistrustful thoughts, which may or may not stem from past experiences - and the heart - which isn’t data based, and in my experience, rarely, if ever doubts the goodness within - is loud. The disagreement between what we feel we want and love (connection, affection, companionship), and what we sometimes think in vulnerable moments we don’t deserve, can cause a great deal of anxiety. It’s as if the mind and heart speak different languages. But it bears mentioning that Always’ feeling mistrustful is not caused by another person’s actions (unless that other person is actively behaving in a way that makes you feel as if cheating is a possibility), but on our own fear of being ‘gamed’. ‘Bamboozled’ ‘Ghosted’. ‘Breadcrumbed’. Left alone. Abandoned. Not comforted. Not good enough: All the things that every social being fears. We all have these fears. And unfortunately, the ‘you’re not good enough’ message is ubiquitous; people who feel not good enough consume more. I digress. Perhaps it’s ‘not cool’ to voice our fears, as we’re conditioned to be stoic and confidant and fearless; to just not let the ‘you’re not good enough’ stuff get to you. And sometimes, it’s best to deal with our own insecurities and fears privately. But to connect with others, we have to be our imperfect and vulnerable selves. And to do this, we must embrace our power to create connection through good and honest communication in our relationships. Being able to share honestly and openly can bring two people closer together. So long as there is active listening and good overall communication. Sometimes, yes, we do find ourselves in situations with another where the fears or insecurities or mistrust of one might be ‘too much to handle’ for the other. But regardless, a conversation about it allows for forward movement and potential internal growth of both people. It takes courage to admit to a partner that we aren’t perfect and that we’re afraid of losing them. It shows vulnerability but being vulnerable means one has strength to face something in themselves that many spend their whole lives avoiding. So if you’re always thinking your partners cheating, open up a gentle line of communication about it.
November 17th, 2018 6:19am
It sounds like you have a feeling of some doubt, but I reassure you assumptions aren’t always good, sometimes they have a negative affect. You should just have a chat with her and let her know what your feeling. I believe that self doubt can be a very challenging thing, but not impossible. Doubt can really affect your perspective on certain things. They can also put uncertain answers in your mind. I’ve personally can connect with this feeling. I use to think I was different and didn’t have self confidence. I was very timid and assumed I was weird, but only to find out I had lied to myself by making assumptions. So I encourage you to speak with your girlfriend, I really do hope everything works out.
July 19th, 2018 10:34am
You are confused. You think you aren't enough for her. I had that fear too, my boyfriend is too handsome. I thought I am really ugly and he can easily get anyone. But now I am proud of me. I think I am so pretty. I know he loves me truly. And he loves only me.