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I love two different people. What should I do?

185 Answers
Last Updated: 05/22/2022 at 6:12am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
January 9th, 2022 10:45am
I'm not sure- I would make a pro and cons list and decide what makes each one special- whose been there for me when I needed them and who really understood me. I wouldn't base the present on the past- but a little compare and contrast can help. It can really go a long way and more often than not- it's the only thing do. Of course then comes the most dreaded debate between the mind and the heart- when it comes to love, logic usually fails but take your time and decide who you think is more important to you- tell them about your feelings and what happens next may help you.
January 7th, 2022 12:09pm
Try to imagine yourself in different situations with both people. Could you imagine being in a healthy, loving and long relationship with both of them of just one? Sometimes it may seem like you love two different people but in reality, you just like the idea of being with one of them, not the actual person. It may be because they give you a lot of attention or because your friends/family would like them. Now if you're truly sure that you love both of them and they are both not in a relationship at the moment, I'd consider looking into polyamory and openly talking to the people about it if you feel comfortable doing so. Just be careful that you don't keep one of them simply as a "back-up" if a relationship with the other one should work out as this can hurt both of their feelings. You got this!
November 5th, 2021 11:20pm
Consider the idea that you may be polyamourous! It means you experience romantic attraction/are in a relationship with more than one person at once! If that label feels right for you, you can go about pursuing them both, though you may need to think about how to make it clear you're polyam to them both so nobody gets hurt. If things don't work out with both, they might still work out with one or the other, and even if not, you're still an absolute gem of a human and you're fine on your own or with someone(s) else! Good luck!!
October 8th, 2021 1:10pm
First of all you need to determine what you see and experience as love and if one could possible be love or if it could be lust. This is harsh but if you think you are in love with two people are you really in love with either? Now I don't say this to be mean or cruel but love is often an emotion that is out of our control and can consume us. If you are questioning if you love the two different people maybe take a step back. Think about what love means to you and if you love yourself as well as this is most important.
September 9th, 2021 7:02am
Weigh out your options. Balance 'em out. Place them beside each other (in your mind or literally, that'll have to be your choice), and there will always be that someone who holds a larger part of your heart. I suggest making a list of traits you're looking for and see for yourself who fits best. If you're unsure about which of them is ready to love you back, it's okay to ask. If you're not yet ready for any sort of confrontation, then you could stay quiet and observe, and pay attention to both of them more. Spend some quality time together and see who makes you happier. This may seem like a hard job, but as long as you follow and listen to your heart, all will be well.
June 17th, 2021 10:16am
Carefully consider your feelings. Some people are capable of loving more than one. That's why polyamorous relationships exist. However, if you're certain you're not that type, then it's imperative that you focus on how you really feel about both those people. Usually, the second person is favored more, because if you really loved the first person, you wouldn't have fallen for the second. Although, if you're already in a relationship with one of them, perhaps consider looking into why you're not happy in that relationship because there's obviously something lacking that you've sought in the second person. But if that's not the case, and you are indeed in love with two different people, take a moment to consider whether you want it to be one or the other or you want to have both. And if you decide to have both, then go for it. Why not?
June 2nd, 2021 11:08pm
Be honest with yourself and with others. Take some time to reflect on what you truly desire and need, and ensure that you are not only honoring yourself, but you are treating others with the respect and kindness they deserve. Remember to be kind to yourself. Know that this may be an uncomfortable experience for all involved. Focus on the good in yourself, others, and the situation. Instead of avoiding conflict, be proactive and try to find a path forward. It may not be easy, but you will be moving toward happiness for all involved. Stay positive and keep your heart open.
June 2nd, 2021 1:43pm
I think it's important to recognise that love. Do you want a relationship? If yes, it's important that they return the same feelings. If they do, which person can you commit to. Which person do you trust to commit to you, and who do you think you'll feel secure with to develop independence in the relationship. A relationship that you're happy and secure in takes a lot more than just love. It can be difficult to build. Which person out of the two do you trust to be that person in your life, the person you can feel secure with no matter what.
May 22nd, 2021 3:00am
It's okay to love more than one person . We love our parents , friends , sibling and also we have crush on ppl , celebrities ., but be clear about your feelings. and about the relationship you have with each person. To be exact if you like two persons of opposite gender or same gender in a romantic way just remember - 'if you like the person or love the person' . Ask this to yourself. And chose the one for you. You will be confused between like and love or crush and infatuation.. it's okay to be confused. Take your time and progress slowly. And try not to hurt anyone after your decision.
May 7th, 2021 4:55am
Thank you for reaching out! This is a difficult situation to be in no matter who you are. The thing is that we generally never want to hurt another person, especially if we have been hurt in the same way. It’s important to reflect on how you feel about loving two different people and what kind of support you would like regarding your feelings. You are asking what you should do about your feelings for these two people. Ask yourself about your whether or not your relationship status makes you feel afraid of loving two people? It’s understandable that if you already are in a relationship you may experience feelings of guilt and shame and not know how to go by ending your relationship with someone. Ask yourself who the better fit for you is currently and who you can see a future with and why. To get your thoughts flowing and a stronger awareness it may benefit you to write down why you are attracted to each person and also the pros and cons of being with them. The thing is no matter how hard you try somebody always ends up getting hurt. As difficult as it is be honest and compassionate with yourself and pick anyone in your support group you trust to talk about this. You are also welcome to explore your thoughts and feelings further with any one of our amazing listeners or therapists on our site. Hope you make a decision that feels healthy for you and those in your life that would be affected.
April 22nd, 2021 3:32am
Being in love is supposed to be a positive thing. You can enjoy spending time with someone you care about and start working toward building a future together. What if you care about two people in the same way? Is it possible to be in love with two people? Whether it's possible or not, this has the potential to be disastrous. It will be vital to determine who you truly love out of the two people you're in love with. Though you might love two people, most situations will not allow you to keep two lovers. This is definitely seen as taboo in most mainstream cultures, although some exceptions will be discussed later. Regardless, you need to do the right thing for the other people involved in this love triangle.
March 20th, 2021 12:16pm
It depends on what do you mean with love. If it means that you like both of these people as humans and that you like to spend time with them (they are your friends or just acquaintances), it is great and it can be fulfilling for your soul. If you mean romantic love, then you can maybe consider who do you prefer to spend rest of your life with. Select one of them, not both. Then you can consider engaging with this person romantically, while tell other person in polite and kind way that you haven't got romantic interest in them (singular them!) but if you are comfortable with and person you love romantically agrees, you can remain just friends with this other person.
March 5th, 2021 2:23am
There is this saying that if you love someone and a new person is introduced whom you gain an attraction for, you should choose the second lover as if you truly loved the first one, you wouldn't fall for another. I think that quote is crap. You could love two people for various reasons. Each person brings out a different side of you and you have a different connection with the both of them. Maybe lover 2 makes you step out of your comfort zone and makes you feel alive while lover 1 makes you appreciate the little things and makes you feel happy. Who would you choose? It depends on what you need. If lover 2 gives me something that I'm lacking such as trill and adventure, pursue them. If lover 2 brings out the best in me and makes me feel good about myself which I lack, go for that person. Make a list, point out how this person affects you both positively and negatively, do you see yourself long term with this person?
February 20th, 2021 3:38am
Have you heard of polyamorous relationships? Most people aren't comfortable with them, and you might not be, but if you are, it could be a possibility for you. If you're not liking that idea, maybe you could hang out with both of them more and see perhaps if you like one more than the other, or maybe if one of them likes you back while the other might not. It's never a good idea to be in a one-sided relationship, so while you might like them both, you're going to need to see if they like you.
February 6th, 2021 1:21am
Being honest about your feelings is important but you also need to be honest with your partners. If you're actually dating one of these two people, or both of them, then you need to own up to it. Tell them the truth about the situation that you're in. It might wind up leading to you losing one or both of these people if you haven't been honest in the past. Honesty is one of the most crucial parts of maintaining a healthy relationship. If you can't be honest with the people that you love, then you might not need to be in a committed relationship right now. Being lied to hurts and you don't want to put someone that you care about through a painful situation that they don't deserve. Love is about more than your own happiness. The happiness of the people that you love should also concern you and you need to take their feelings into account.
January 21st, 2021 7:28am
There is nothing wrong with loving more than one person. We should all try to love more. If this is a romantic type of love then you need to way up the pro's and con's with each person. Can you be friends with one if you choose the other? What effect will this have on you? Do both of the people feel the same way as you do. In the end you will have to rely on your gut and go with it. You can be the only one that decides what the next move will be and when you decide what you are going to do it should come from the heart.
January 14th, 2021 11:00am
Well the main question is, do you love them? This could be romantic or just love them as a friend. It's never nice competing but maybe if you speak to them about it they will understand. Switching between the two people wouldn't be a wise choice but you do what you think is right. maybe you just think you like them because they're nice to you or because your both similar in terms of interests. Often just thinking about your feelings long and hard is substantial enough to come to a conclusion so I suggest you give that a try
December 23rd, 2020 4:50am
There's nothing wrong with loving two different people. You should love who ever you want to love. Without sounding cynical, do you love them with any type of malice intent behind it? Are you in a love triangle and they both hate each other? If that's the case, then you only love yourself the most, and u believe you love them. But if you genuinely love them both, you would be able to be as honest as possible with them both. Something to consider is some people have open relationships to avoid that awkwardness of cheating and feeling guilty. Open relationships are not for everyone if you can't handle certain personalities or behaviorals. Good luck !
August 18th, 2020 2:37pm
Ok.. so first I think you should spend some time with yourself alone and try to realize what you really want, reflect your thoughts and find out your true desire. Are you sure it is strong love that you feel for both the person or just an atrraction? You have to realize that. You can also talk to someone and tell them about how you fell and see what they have to say. If you really think you have some strong feeling for any of those two people, I think you should just let it out and talk to the person. I hope my answer have helped you in any way possible.
April 16th, 2022 5:52pm
Talk to both of them about it. Be open and honest. If they are into poly or open relationships, talk with them about that possibility. If they are not into that, still communicate how you feel to them, given the right relationship circumstances to share those feelings. If choosing to reveal to one person, maybe consider some pros and cons on what a relationship with each person would look like. Consider what you need in a relationship, and what might work better in each case, given your needs. Again, try talking with one or both of these individuals--hopefully, direct, open communication could be a growing experience with you and one of these individuals to figure out if a relationship could work well for the two of you.
July 15th, 2020 10:45am
I always supported the saying that "If you had really been in love with the first person, you would not have fallen for the second one" Maybe that is taking it too easy, but something did draw you away from the first person to the second, right? Please, be open and honest, do not just go behind peoples backs. You just need to find our what is right for you and your life. Making a pro and con list sounds stupid, I know, but looking at it from a distance and more objective point of view might also help. Evaluate how you feel and how they make you feel.
July 24th, 2020 11:47am
Tell each of them about the other one, their response will help you chose the right one. And if it still doesn't work, give them the worst possible imaginary scenarios and know what they'll do. It will help you. The best thing that can happen is both of them agree on being with you while knowing about each other. Try that, in real-life scenarios, we sometimes need to make hard choices and sometimes things work the way we want it to work. In both cases, we got to make it work somehow because this is life, all about making things work and happiness
July 24th, 2020 10:54pm
Try to find out which is a lover and which is a best friend. Hang out with each one for 3 consecutive days. on the 7th day. Evaluate, How were you feeling when you were hanging out with the first person? How were you feeling when you were hanging out with the second person? What are the merits and flaws of each person? Which person do you feel like you were more compatible with? How would you feel spending the rest of your life with the first person? How would you feel about spending the rest of your life with the second person?
May 4th, 2022 7:30pm
I believe there is an initial language error that would have to be noted. Love is not the feeling of wanting to relate, but a rational act that recognizes a good. A mother, waking up at dawn to take care of her sick child, doesn't feel any, but she loves it because she knows that taking care of the child is a greater good than her pleasure at that moment. When we say that we love two people, as a companion for example, this must be a good that we look for apart from pleasure or well-being. Therefore, according to my thinking, and it is important that each one thinks with a calm and frank thought about it, which of the two is a good? Am I attached to what they provide me or do I have in one of them that help me develop as a person? I believe these answers help with the question.
July 26th, 2020 3:54am
In my opinion, if you fall in love with two people, maybe the second person you fall in love with is true love. Because if you like the first one enough, you won't like the second one. Maybe it would be better to end the first relationship tactfully.I have to say that falling in love with two people at the same time is very painful, but believe me, I can understand your pain. Maybe it will make you feel more comfortable. But believe me, in fact, you know from the bottom of your heart which one you like best. Although these two people may be very nice, life is full of choices. I hope you can be happy.
May 22nd, 2022 6:12am
Choose yourself first. Find out who you are, what you want to be, and what you want to happen in your life. By the time you realize what you want, then feel. Feel what is good for you, and feel what is necessary for yourself first. Loving two different people is a situation that may confuse. It is necessary to allow yourself to breathe and have space in moments of confusion. When you are ready to decide, you must realize that tides and times may change and take over, and at some point, choosing one over the other will not conform to comfort, nor to absolute satisfaction. When you love yourself enough, and you are firm of your decision, understand that love is all about sacrifice. To choose what is best, for oneself and for another person involved. You have to ask yourself first, "Can I stand the test of time with this person?" and/or "Will it be worth the sacrifice?"
July 30th, 2020 11:13pm
This is tricky. Because they may be loved by you for different reasons. Lots of people would say pick the person you met second because you may not have been in love with the first person at all, but I am not so sure that is always the case. The best thing you can do is be honest with yourself about what you intend your relationship to be with these people are. And maybe you can ask them if they feel similarly towards you. Doing those things can help you ultimately decide which relationship you want to pursue (since most times you end up picking one person).
August 13th, 2020 5:33am
Who did you love first? If you truly loved the first person there wouldn't have been another one. I understand that you cannot control your emotions and thoughts. However, take into account their feelings as well. I think that whoever was the first, would be hurt and might feel betrayed. Think about their emotions and how it may take a toll on them, however with that being said do not other people's feelings always influence your answer or decision. You are the only person who know's what is best for you. At the end of the day, you are going to call the shots. You do you, boo.
August 13th, 2020 2:51pm
This is a really tough situation to be in, and to a degree, I have been in your shoes. However, I once read somewhere that if we truly loved the first person, we would not have fallen for the second person; on the other hand, sometimes we can love a person but become infatuated by another person. Perhaps it could be a good idea for you to talk to both people and see which person you feel more connected to. Or, you could write up a table of pros and cons to each person/how you feel around each person and weigh them up against each other. It could also be a good idea to remember that you do not need to make a choice right now, or even choose between the two. Eventually, you'll know what is right for you.
November 21st, 2020 11:10pm
There is so much to consider when love is on the table. Everyone’s priorities are different. If you want compatibility and a relationship that is secure and long-term, it might be good to consider: 1. Would this person be reliable and secure? How has this person been with past partners? Do they want a commitment? 2. Does this person have the top qualities that I want in a partner? Are there any issues that would be deal breakers? 3. Does this person have interests and goals that are similar or complementary to my own? 4. How would this person respond to issues in the relationship? Would they try to work with me or would they run away? 5. Does this person have a growth (willing to be flexible/learn/grow) or fixed (stubborn/inflexible/unwilling to learn) mindset? Best of luck to you! I think finding a good match is one of the most important decisions in life. Finding a good, healthy fit is worth any wait!