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What can I talk about with my boyfriend on the phone?

322 Answers
Last Updated: 08/15/2021 at 7:48pm
What can I talk about with my boyfriend on the phone?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
January 20th, 2021 8:18pm
You can talk about anything that you feel comfortable enough to talk about with your boyfriend. It is your choice and your decision, your life. You take control of it. For he should respect whatever you want no matter what. Family isn't always blood, it's the people in life that want you in theirs. The one that cares about you no matter what. The one that respects you for who you are. The family loves each other and respects what the other believes so make it that way. Some things are better off talking about face to face but that is your decesion
January 29th, 2021 7:09am
Talk about things you like, talk about things they like, talk about things you both like. There are plenty of things you can talk about, but it is understandable how if you talk frequently that always having something to talk about can be hard. Talk about your days, talk about future plans that you both want to do. Talk about something that's coming up or something that's interesting or in the news. I feel if you spend time together and go out and do things (Not exactly the easiest thing to do right now..) then that gives you more to talk about. (i.e. "Hey remember when we went to ___ , that was fun what if we went to ___")
February 17th, 2021 3:53am
When I was long-distance from my boyfriend, we played a lot of game on the phone. One of our favorites was where you tell them a list of words like carrot, dog, gun, and on. They're all connected by the word "top" - carrot-top, top-dog, top-gun, and on-top. Then the other person has to guess what the connecting word is. It's hard and fun. Another is guessing the song from the song lyric. It's a pretty great time, in my opinion. Other good things to talk about are "icebreaker" questions where you can get to know each other better. If you google them, you'll find all sorts of questions like "If you could have four hands or four feet, which would you rather have?" You can learn a lot about each other that way.
February 17th, 2021 9:17pm
You can talk about values and morals that you believe are most important to you. It is important that your boyfriend also know your goals and ambitions so that he is aware of where your life's direction is going and whether he would like to accompany on your life journey. You should also share with your boyfriend things you are passionate about and things that you like to do. It is important to share similarities with your partner. Also, communication helps to get your ideas and feelings across, therefore having open communication with your boyfriend is essential to your relationship. Talking about problems you are having with your partner is also very important.
February 28th, 2021 1:07pm
Basically the same stuff you talk about in person. But one thing we need to know is that you don't necessarily have to talk to him every single minute of every day, so if you have something to talk about then you bring it up but don't stress too much on what you need to talk about. You're together because you have ground interests apart from the fact that you like each other so don't think too much and just flow with your common interests. When you stress too much about what to talk about you end up beating yourself up about nothing when you can freely talk to him about stuff you both find fascinating.
March 19th, 2021 10:15pm
You could talk about school life, work life or just your life in general! Fluffy upbeat and maybe even soppy conversations tend to bring relationships closer and are enjoyable to both parties. As a boy myself, I personally enjoy it when my girlfriend talks to me about how her day has been, how she has missed me and how amazing I am. Compliments for him go a long way, and boys appreciate it more than we let on. Bring up your interests, too! Have you found a new song you love, or a new series you love and want to binge watch? Tell him about all of those things and he'll likely respond positively!
March 23rd, 2021 6:40pm
Thank you for reaching out! I can really hear that you want to make good conversation with your boyfriend on the phone. It’s ok to have questions about what is considered interesting to talk about and I can see you’re curious! You may want to ask yourself what kind of conversation you want across the phone. Serious? Light-hearted? There are many things you can talk about with your boyfriend on the phone. Something fun you guys can do is ask questions to learn more about each other through playing 21 questions. Some questions you can ask are: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your life goals? What are your favorite pizza toppings? I think this is a great way to learn more about each other while having fun at the same time - it will also allow you to see if your goals and dreams are congruent with each other’s or see if you appreciate each other's differences. Are you excited about learning from each other?! You are welcome to reach out to one of our listeners or therapist's on our site for further support. All you can do is be you!
March 31st, 2021 1:34am
There are many topics that you can talk about with your boyfriend, such as history, movies, sports, family, social issues, food, hobbies, among others. But first, you must ask him what kinds of things he likes and from there then you can discover and talk about the topics that he told you he likes. :-)
March 31st, 2021 11:51pm
You can talk about a lot of things. Talk about the future, your guys' days, movie interest, hobbies, hopes, fears, and dreams, funny childhood memories or stories. You can talk about games you like to play, and even play those games. Talk about sports or movies. You guys can even talk about books you both like to read and if you like the same books perhaps you can find some to start reading together. Then you will for sure have stuff to talk about because you would be able to talk about the book every few chapters or even everyday.
April 7th, 2021 11:12am
Finding topics can be difficult, I understand. But if it's your boyfriend, you sure have many in common! Do you have similar interests or the same friends or go to the same school? You can also talk about what happened lately. Sure, in Corona times you can't go to the cinema, but maybe you just made a nice Easter celebration or did talk to an old friend from yours. If you're really unsure, make a list. What you really want to talk about and back-up topics. You normally switch from one topic to the other without really noticing, because you're really in the flow of talking when you have found a nice topic. If not and there's silence, you can use ur backup topics. If there's really nothing to talk anymore, just schedule the next time you want to talk to him and hang up. You sure find some topics you'll both love to talk about. Conversations are easy when they are started well. I'm sure you'll do a great job! Have a nice day
April 9th, 2021 5:55am
Something in common to start the conversation, and if there is anything new to him or you, if there is any concern or interesting news around you. It depends on which subjects your boyfriend wants to share with you and he is willing to know you more. It's the interpersonal relationship, so if you can't find the right subject, you can as him what he wants to talk about too. If the subject is really not your type, then you can express your feeling in a polite way and try to find a common interest. By doing that, you and your boyfriend can know better each other. Hope this answer helps you.
April 11th, 2021 6:35pm
There are so many different topics you can talk about with your boyfriend. Topics that can interest the both of you could be education, feelings, family, job opportunities, nature and etc. Talk about things that both of you have in common or things you both want to accomplish as a couple or as an individual. It is necessary to talk about all sort of things in relationship in order to get to know one even more. The more open communication you both as couple, the better the relationship will progress. Always make sure your partner is doing well and if there's anything on their mind.
April 17th, 2021 6:37am
You may say your wishes, your feelings, your last day. What do you think you've got the two together? And don't hesitate to wonder about the day with your boyfriend. You two should tell humorous moments, even the things that make you both sad.  To ask your boyfriend to hang out, 'd be a great idea. A romantic film tour, a dinner to mark your love date, or just a walk. And remember to be relaxed.  You love him, and he also loves you. Do not worry too much that you will not know what to say to your boyfriend because your love language is always flowing around the conversation.
April 28th, 2021 3:18pm
You can talk about How was his day? What are you focusing on like what are their priorities? What are your plans for the future? Plan something like a date or a trip. Play games (you ll find end number of games) Discuss some shows(sitcoms are best to discuss) Tell Each Other Exactly How You Feel. Share Random Thoughts Talk About The Past Ask them about themselves like what are their likes and dislikes Chat About A New Hobby Admit To Embarrassing Moments What do they like about you? Who is your role model? What's your idea of a perfect day? About fear and phobias Things they regret doing. What are the things that upsets them. The list is too long...
May 16th, 2021 2:21pm
If you start with their day or events of the current day and show a lot of interest, tons of topics naturally generate. Try to walk in their shoes! It could lead into hobbies, stories, family, their views, etc. What people say is a reflection of their mind. Second I do small talk topics and try to branch from there. Towards the beginning of the week always asking people how their weekend was, and towards the end of the week if they have plans for the weekend. If they aren't a weekend worker then just switch that to day off. If you are really stuck and aren't naturally making it work, I always read like a list of 100 ice breaker questions and go through them. Something that can be fun to do is do a personality quiz together if they are that kind of person. Some guys aren't much talkers though. Silence is okay in person but on the phone can be tough. If you keep running into dead ends I usually say "I'd love to talk to you more" or "I'd love to hear more stories from you about x" then "but I think I am going to go do this". I like to end it before it gets weird. A last save grace is to just open up about whatever is going on. I wouldn't unload problems but be like "I have been doing x or feeling x or am excited about x." And these things are always changing as your perspective is so these things can be reused in future convos. Plus you can gauge their interest by seeing if they remember what you offer. If they aren't giving back you should match their energy and not try so hard to make them generate convosation.
May 19th, 2021 12:31pm
When in a relationship, it is important that there is a level of trust between both of you. If you truly trust your boyfriend, I think that you will be able to talk to him about anything, even if it is through your phone. Although this is the case, I also believe that there are certain topics where it would be better to discuss them in person rather than not the phone. These are the deeper, more serious discussions that have affect either one of you in a significant way. The reason for this is because they carry more importance which means that it might be better if they are discussed on the phone.
June 11th, 2021 2:50pm
How lovely of a boyfriend he is, how caring sweet and charming he is. How much you love him, asking him what he did that day and then having laughs. I personally love laughing and joking with my boyfriend because he never understands any of the jokes, and he does the same back. We talk about our future, the future, ect. We love talking about and just telling each other how much we love one another, and I always ask if we are still looking for another companion in our relationship, and he always says yes. This was my answer! Bye bye
June 13th, 2021 6:59pm
you can actually talk about anything and everything. it depends on the depth of your relationships and how comfortable with each other. once you have build that strong connection, you can start sharing about your dreams, your worries, your insecurities and much more. at one point, you could be talking about when you were in primary school and got your hair pulled out someone else or maybe your first period and how scared you were. you could talk about how you have grown as a person or you could talk about your favourite disney movies. you could talk about what you guys can do together or maybe what you guys don´t want each other to do. seriously, it all depends on the kind of relationship you have and how serious you are about it. it´s also about what you are comfortable sharing with each other and what is it that you would rather keep to yourself.
June 27th, 2021 2:57am
I know talking on the phone with a significant other can be scary. I like to start off with small talk then relate to their answer. For example I would ask their favorite food. If they answered pizza, I would say something like, “Oh! I love pizza! I had it a few nights ago, but my dog ate it all.” Give him something to respond to! If he’s dry or you can’t think of something to say, ask yourself what advice would u give to your friend about her boyfriend on facetime. Putting itself in your own shoes can help you see the situation from a different perspective and aid you in coming up with the right path for you. Message me if you need anything! I would love to check in and see how this helps.
June 30th, 2021 2:58pm
It is really hard to find things to talk about with someone on the phone, especially people your age. It is even harder when your family can hear every word, and you have to make sure that it is appropriate. Some of my favorite subjects to talk about are music, movies, and friends. If you need a conversation starter, you could always talk about a homework assignment, or maybe a job that you might have in common. You can share funny stories about yourself or about your family. There are so many options! I know it is hard, but it will get easier! Have a good day!
July 21st, 2021 12:53am
Anything you'd talk about with a friend, with someone you love! What your plans are for the next few days, what you wanna do next time you guys can hang out, what you did the past few days, any good books or food or funny conversations, share a bit about your interests, your hobbies, make dinner on-call with him, share your random 3am musings with him if you still remember them, crack some jokes, don't put too much expectation on it! If you guys have natural chemistry, conversation will feel natural and easy! If not, it might be time to re-evaluate. Relationships are best when they're built on friendships.
August 15th, 2021 7:48pm
You can discuss his day/week with him, ask him about his interests/hobbies he has recently been spending time on, ask how his parents/pets are, ask him about work or you can ask him if he has accomplished anything recently that he wanted to. If you want to talk about more personal things then you can ask him how he has been recently, ask him about how he has maybe been coping with work stress or family problems. You can go as far as to discuss your relationship or future to make sure you both are on the same page. Don't be afraid to have serious or personal conversations