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What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

269 Answers
Last Updated: 04/30/2024 at 5:06am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
August 6th, 2018 3:06pm
I look myself in the mirror and say: you are beautiful, you are strong and you are amazing. Everyone who does not see that is unworthy of your care or love. Of course some blind person along the way will consider you not enough but forget about him. Think that you're step closer to finding the "right" one that will see stars in your eyes and his everything in you. When you meet him you'll never have to eonder if you're enough cause they'll make sure you know that you are.
August 9th, 2018 9:01am
Always remember that nobody is perfect and we are all human beings. We all come in the world the same and all leave the same. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to make you feel less of yourself so in that case if they do make you feel you are not good enough then you need to remind yourself that they are in fact the ones with the insecurities and perhaps are not the best possible person they could be and you wouldn’t want to be with someone who needs to demean another human being.
August 9th, 2018 7:35pm
You’ll never know how great you can become if you quit on yourself. Everyone will have their own opinions, but only yours should matter.. if you feel that way do you think it’s vise versa and they’re not good for you since you are giving them your all?
August 9th, 2018 9:47pm
I wonder what "perfect" is to them. I keep doing what I like, regardless. Not that I ignore them, I just view myself as perfect in my own way.
October 17th, 2018 6:07pm
I try to think about what I actually appreciate in myself personally. I try to remember myself that the most important thing is for me to be satisfied with the place where I am in life. If I discover that I, myself, am not in fact satisfied, I try to take time to work on myself more, to push myself in a direction I see fitted. That's just how I see things, I guess. I'm curious about other answers, but I am a bit confused about this minimum words requirement, honestly. I'm cheating now, but I don't really have more to say on this as of now.
October 18th, 2018 4:54pm
you are good enough! although it’s hard to believe sometimes, you are. truly. if the person truly loves you then you’re good enough the way you are. if they don’t think you’re good enough, they do not deserve you. struggling with self confidence is common, and it’s not strange to be afraid that your close friends and family are disappointed by you. it’s just anxiety. they aren’t. and if you’re really being effected by this problem, attempt to speak to the person/people about it and truly tell them how you feel and how much it’s effecting you every day
October 20th, 2018 4:01pm
From my personal experience I can only say that communication is key. If you don't talk about it they will probably never know about your feelings. So just let it out and tell them! Being honest is really important. Especially in today's society we tend to keep things to ourselfs and try to work them out on our own. But a relationship will probably be more fulfilling if you share your load with your partner and let them in. They might have never guessed that you would feel like you're not enough for them but instead they feel the same! So I can only encourage you to take your heart into your hands and be honest about it.
December 14th, 2018 3:37am
Your value is not determined by what other people believe your worth to be! If someone believes that you are "not good enough" for them, then those people do not deserve you! There are qualities that you have that make you unique and wonderful. Own your personality and allow yourself to understand that you are important! Everyone has traits that other people may not like, but that does not mean you are not good enough for them. Who you are is someone who is deserving of love, success, and happiness, no matter what anyone says. Acceptance is important, and sometimes, you have to be the person who accepts that you are valued and someone worthy of love.
December 16th, 2018 2:53pm
For me, when I feel I am not good enough for someone, I will leave what I have with that person, may it be dating or serious relationship. And I'll focus more on myself. It is our own responsibility to feel good enough for ourselves. This is primarily a self-issue. Whether other people makes us feel good or bad, it's a matter of our consent if we will let them make us feel that way. You can spend more time taking care of yourself, reinventing your mindset, accepting more your imperfections and truly loving yourself. You are more than you give yourself credit for.
January 26th, 2019 5:50pm
Remind yourself that we're all equal. You are worthy of love and sometimes we can feel a certain way but it doesn't mean It's true. You're much better than you believe you are. We all have days/times that we feel we're not great but believe me you have so many qualities that you're just not yet recognizing or aware of, I'm sure. Just keep reminding yourself how fantastic you are and eventually it will stick. You just have to let yourself believe it. It's what I did.. Every single day (as silly as it sounds) I looked myself in the mirror and told myself I'm good enough. It sticks.
February 3rd, 2019 8:55am
Think In a positive way, you are enough! Talk it out with them and get into a positive conversation. Don’t think so down of yourself because everyone is worth it. You are enough for someone. You will find your person and if that person is willing to walk away then it wasn’t meant to be. Only people who matter is people who accept you for you and people who think you are enough will show you that. Everything happens for a reason and you will find your way to your happiness sometime soon because this feeling isn’t forever I promise.
April 18th, 2019 10:58am
In my opinion; I may often feel that I am not good enough for someone when some keeps showing me through their actions that they may not want to be involved with me. After showing me they don't want anything else to do with me, I usually won't bother them anymore. The best thing to do to refrain from hurt being involved is to either stay friends with that individual or stop talking to them all away around. You can usually tell what someone is about due to how they treat you up front. You can also tell through their facial expressions.
May 11th, 2019 9:49pm
I personally try to communicate with them, ask them if I’m honestly good enough, learn to love my flaws, and try and give myself love every opportunity I can. Try and give yourself a compliment in the mirror once a day, step out of your comfort zone and do things that make you feel a little insecure. Trust me, it eventually starts to feel great. You just need to learn to accept yourself and not care as much about other peoples opinions, because honestly, they’re all irrelevant anyway. Focus on your success and happiness and learn to not care about what people think. If they’re judging you, then they’re the insecure ones. :)
May 17th, 2019 11:43am
Try to take a step back and evaluate why you feel like you're not "enough." Maybe it's just that you're incompatible, perhaps it's not the right time for you, or maybe there's something about yourself that you could improve. At the end of the day, try to take everything and every relationship as a learning experience. Think of what you could improve about yourself. That doesn't necessarily mean you should change every aspect of yourself so that you could be "enough" in the other person's eyes. What I mean by that is: What are some of the weakest aspects in yourself that you could identify and work towards improving? Think of things you have the power to change. If you find that you run out of things to say too often, consider picking up a new hobby so that you have something to talk about. Do you think you're too scrawny? Consider going to the gym. At times, maybe it's not all your fault. Know that there's not only one person in the world that's compatible with you. You might feel like you're not enough to someone, but to someone else you are. Someone who truly cares about you set your flaws aside and help you build yourself. It might not be possible to ever be "enough," but life is all an ongoing effort to be the best version of yourself you can be.
May 18th, 2019 5:05pm
The fact is we live in a world with a population of over 7 billion people. Therefore, logic argues that there must be at least one person out there who will accept me just the way I am. If I try to be more tolerant, open-minded and accepting of people, surely, how can I miss just one who will do the same for me? In this day and age where the world is a global village, the one for me is just around the corner. I choose to believe so. Even then, I must remind myself from time to time.
May 23rd, 2019 12:04pm
If you ever feel as if you may not be good enough for somebody of whom you are in a relationship with, have a discussion with that person. It's always best to have a discussion about how you're feeling when it pertains to your relationship, rather than not saying anything and watching the entire thing fall apart right infront of you. And, there is always a chance that if you discuss the issues you feel with your relationship, then it may improve a lot of things in the end. Communication is always worth a try, before you say "goodbye".
July 5th, 2019 3:49am
Say so. "I don't think I'm good enough for you. But I hope you're okay with me just being here for you." Sometimes your presence is more than enough. And of course you won't feel good enough. Because if it's someone you love, you want to make them feel happier with you. So you tried your best to make yourself better. But you felt like something is missing. And that's probably your honesty to yourself. If you feel like you're not perfect enough, then why not accept it? "Alright, I'm not perfect. But I'm glad for being myself." I hope you'll realize how much you're worth soon. I'm glad you're willing to ask.
July 11th, 2019 6:13pm
Remember to love yourself enough that you don’t seek approval from others, which is no easy feat. Loving yourself takes practice & time, however you are certainly worth it. Often when we compare ourselves to others, we tend to dwell on our flaws & shortcomings. Part of loving yourself is recognizing & embracing all of your positive traits. More often than not, whoever you think you’re not good enough for is every bit as insecure as you. Loving yourself means you strive for a better, happier life, & you become confident & sure of yourself. You can always better your life, but you’re never not good enough for someone.
July 24th, 2019 7:55pm
It can be so easy to feel unworthy or unimportant. I have found that making a list of my positive qualities helps me to see my worth more clearly. If you have trouble thinking of any, ask someone close to you who you trust. They will most likely point out things that you don't even notice about yourself! Always remember that you are more than enough, just the way you are. Do not compare yourself to others or point out any flaws you may feel you have. Talk to yourself in an affirming way and spend time with people who bring out the best in you. Stay positive, love, you are MORE than enough!
August 7th, 2019 1:21am
Please please please know your worth. No body, i mean nobody is better than anyone. People are different for reasons. You should be with someone who makes you feel equal. Most importantly, you should care for you first and find a good relationship with yourself and find love within yourself. Find out who you are. Get hobbies, live free from others judgements. Everyone deserves to feel completely loved and as an equal person to everyone else. Love also should never have to fulfill you before you fulfill your own self first. Live for you first then find your true love
September 1st, 2019 3:18pm
When I feel like I'm not good enough for someone I try hard to take a step back and question why I think that and what proof I have. Chances are that there is no real proof and, the person who you don't think you're good enough for believes that you are more than good enough - why else would they have you around? It's really important to remember that deep down you have an intrinsic value as a human being and so long as you're being true to yourself and your ideals you're good enough for anyone, sometimes you may even need to ask, are they good enough for you?
October 27th, 2019 5:21pm
It is an Instinct.. when you love a person and the value and respect you have for them makes you feel inferior and make you feel that person deserve better than yourself. Best way i found very effective was to mentally list down why do i feel so? Pros and cons. At the end i end up with lot of positives in self than negatives. This builds self evaluating and to give importance to self. It's is very surprising that many a times when it comes to setting priorities we give top priority to others we love.. and then for self. How can one just assume stuff without logical experimentation? 😉
December 11th, 2019 5:29am
When you feel your not enough to that someone he/she doesn't deserve your worth. Go and find another person that will appreciate your worth. Always remembered we have different worth and we should find who would care understand us. Don't stick to someone who doesn't care about you. There are many people living on earth, maybe one of them secretly admires you. Either one of your friends or a special someone you doesn't meet yet. Lets forget those person cause we meet them for reason, Maybe for us to learn, or make us to be a better person in future.
February 9th, 2020 11:10am
No one in the world is perfect. We all have our own flaws and weaknesses, but we also have our strengths and the beautiful, unique things that make us different from everyone else. The most important part is to always work on yourself and strive to improve, as well as to congratulate yourself for the person you’ve evolved to be. Think about how far you’ve come, instead of how far your goal is. Make peace with yourself and stop feeling like you have to constantly live up to certain expectations people put upon you. You are enough, and you are loved.
February 20th, 2020 10:07am
When you feel you are not good enough for someone, do a self check, pamper yourself. You need to be there and love yourself more cause that is within yourself. Its a lack of self love.
February 26th, 2020 6:01pm
You are never not good enough. If you do feel that way with someone then that someone may not be the right person for you. You won't be good enough of you are not yourself. So be yourself. And if you still feel something is missing then improve yourself to be the person you want to be. Never change yourself to fit in or for someone else. That is a huge mistake. This would lead you to hate yourself later for you will never be satisfied with the person you have turned out to be. If you plan to change, change for yourself.
March 14th, 2020 8:31am
If you feel like you aren't good enough for someone you should question why you feel that way. Is it something they have said that made you think that? Is it something they did? It might be worth directly asking if they think you are or are not "good enough" for them. Maybe you work on some self-improvements. Maybe you realize that this person doesn't deserve you. Every situation is different though. I wish you the best of luck and don't be afraid to walk away from someone who may or may not deserve you. If you want to become better then do that but don't do it for them. Do it for you. -LC
March 14th, 2020 2:10pm
I don't think that doing something for it will make you feel good enough. There are no steps to follow. Insecurities don't just disappear. I guess, you learn to deal with it as time goes by. Not deal with it but you know understand. At this moment, you might feel this way for whatsoever reason but slowly,slowly you will understand what happened, what made you think this way, was it the person's actions that made you feel that way.Basically, it starts to hurt less and you gather diffrent views on it. Maybe after some time you will realise that, that person was not worthy of your time. Let it hurt. For only after hurting, the process of healing start. For a phoenix first, must burn to rise from the flames.
April 8th, 2020 1:51am
We can't sugar coat this feeling especially when it is quite severe, because we deep down know that is the case. But to note that this can also be a result of your own overthinking, you worry so much that you create a situation where you are always in the lower part, and it feels so real it became so because the brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality If you feel that you are not good enough for your partner in romantic relationship, you may discuss this with him / her openly so to clarify and sort your thoughts. Because sometimes you may be too focused on the good of other people that you forgot your own because our focus is expensive, the one thing that we focus on becomes crystal clear while we are blind to other things that we do not focus. If you were happen to be lacking in some department and it is true, one thing to do before you can make any difference is that you must first accept it. Accept that you are lacking in that department, you still have some room of improvement where, if you start taking actions solely to improve on it, you will be able change it slowly but surely.
April 10th, 2020 9:03pm
As an active listener I will try to follow all suggestions from the training. I can offer supportive conversation that will give space, time and empathy to the person in need to be heard and see more clearly their problem. If my answers do not help the person in need, I can recommend them to check 7 Cups Specific Guide, or contact a therapist. If the issue is more urgent and the person in need express possibility to hurt themselves or others I would urge them to contact the therapist as soon as possible or call a suicide hot line.