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What is body dysmorphia?

166 Answers
Last Updated: 09/15/2023 at 5:48am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
July 13th, 2016 4:06am
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a distinct mental disorder in which a person is preoccupied with an imagined physical defect or a minor defect that others often cannot see.
April 4th, 2019 3:48pm
Body dysmorphia is when you see your body differently to how it is in reality. For example, when you look in the mirror you see yourself as incredibly overweight or incredibly underweight, when in reality you arent. Of corse this applies to more than just weight, it could be height, a certain body part exaggerated etc. Body dysphoria is commonly associated with eating disorders however that isn’t the only place it can be found, there is more to it than just weight. Some further examples could be, nose size, leg length, thigh gaps and of corse there is a lot more!
September 15th, 2023 5:48am
Have you ever heard someone say they looked fat or ugly or maybe had a big nose for example, when in reality none of those were true? Body dysmorphia is almost like you are looking at your reflection in a carnival mirror. Your mind warps what you perceive as yourself. This goes hand in hand with several eating disorders. Someone who you may see as normal or thin even, will look in the mirror or just look at themselves and see someone who is overweight or maybe they see themselves as deformed, etc. It can be an extemely debilitating disorder. It is also hard for many people to understand.
December 15th, 2018 10:47am
Body dysmorphia is a fear that comes from an unreal vision of your own body and appearance, caused by an excessive concern for your image. It can be increased by the comparison with other people. The person affected takes others as an example to follow, even if it is an unreachable goal, because of the fact that everybody is different and has got unique features. Moreover, this condition is often not supported by real evidence, but who suffers from it cannot see the truth, like if he/she has got a default image of him/herself in the brain and if it is not treated properly, it can lead to death.
April 30th, 2020 4:16pm
To me, body dismorphia is the inability to recognize our reflection. i have a preconceived image in my head of how i look and i feel unfamiliar with myself seeing any differently. i feel like body dysmorphia is subjective and experienced in varying severities by ever individual. my body dysmorphia focuses primarily on weight. i see myself as someone morbidly obese even though the numbers on the scale may not reflect that. when i look in the mirror i don’t see what other people see when they look at me and thats very frustrating for anyone including myself to deal with.
April 24th, 2020 6:32am
Body dysmorphia (BDD) is a disorder that when you look at a small part of your body you hate it and want to fix it. It really eats at your mentality. For example, if you have a bump on your nose and it's not that noticeable but it's all you think about. You want that bump to be gone. You may consider making permanent changes to your nose but you don't wanna do that. BDD or Body Dysmorphia is something that can get better but never ever ever goes away and it is very sad but you can learn to fight through it :)
April 12th, 2020 7:38am
Body dysmorphia is a disorder that effects the patient’s perception of their physical form in an inaccurate and hypercritical manner. It causes self esteem issues and can lead to disordered eating. The patient experiences sort of psychosis regarding their body image that is not in line with reality. It’s prevalence in our society is increasing due to the extra pressure social media places on people to hold themselves to an impossible beauty standard. It’s often associated with weight but can also apply to other physical features the patient finds undesirable. This disorder occurs in both males and female patients.
April 2nd, 2020 5:12am
Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition. It is where a persons spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are usually not noticeable to other people. Body dysmorphia is most common in young adults and teenagers. I suppose most of us had some or other "flaw" that bothered us about ourselves, I am onsle of those people. You become obsessed with this flaw and can't seem to think of anything else. Even when people tell you there is nothing wrong with you, you find it hard to believe as you have convinced yourself that you are not perfect because of this flaw.
January 5th, 2019 6:51pm
Body dysmorphia (BDD) a mental disordrer, where the person suffering see themselves as severly flawed, even when it isn't true. These flaws are only imagined or when the flaw is actually real, it is very exaggerated. The thought of this imagined/exaggerated flaw takes possesion of the victims mind, just like eg. depression does. It is often present by anorexia and bulimia. These people see themselves as fat, even after they are already badly underweight. There is a opposite disorder to anorexia, where the victim percieves their body as too small. The victiim of BDD often compares their flaw and avoids showing it (for example, anorexics can wear clothes that hide their body). BDD also hasy high rates of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. It affects men and women.
January 17th, 2020 3:06am
Body dysmorphia is being uncomfortable with your own proper body. It's kind of like being thrown off by certain things, because the things on your body aren't the same as how you feel in your mind. For example, I'm nonbinary, and I get a lot of dysmorphia because of my chest. It makes me feel uncomfortable, so I wear a binder to help that feeling. Body dysmorphia is common in people who have been transitioning to a different gender identity, or those that feel that they're a different gender than what their organs say they are. It's a confusing feeling, and can hurt mental health a lot.
February 3rd, 2019 10:13am
Body dysmorphia, in short, is when somebody sees their body differently from how other people see their body. Somebody with body dysmorphia may see themselves as much heavier than other people see them, like I have, or they may see themselves at much lighter than other people see them. For example, somebody who has body dysmorphia may think their thighs are much too big while others mat not think that at all. On the other hand, somebody that has body dysmorphia may feel that their wrists and arms are much skinnier than they actually are. This can lead to poor body image or even eating disorders.
March 23rd, 2019 3:57am
Body dysmorphia is a mental illness, that causes you to see a distorted version, or flaw of yourself. It can cause people to believe that there is something wrong with them, even though that’s not the case. Humans are very beautiful in every sense of the word. If you are having problems with your self esteem, or the way you are viewing yourself it would be best to talk with a professional in your area who can better diagnose you, and give you methods that can help you cope! I hope that this answer helped you, and you can come to me if you have any other questions!
March 23rd, 2019 8:46am
Body Dysmorphia is when you are preoccupied by focusing on a part of your body that you are not satisfied with and preoccupied with ways that you can change that part. For example, you may be preoccupied with the thought that your thighs are too big so you may focus on that aspect of your body, you may continuously look at that body feature and may think of ways to change it. It is also when you have poor body image and are constantly preoccupied with thoughts surrounding your body image that it may impact on concentration or on your daily life.
January 11th, 2020 5:29pm
It is a mental disorder whereby someone can't stop thinking about one or more effects or flaws on their body. They tend to keep looking at mirrors or compare themselves to others' appearances. the condition is incurable and it could be lifelong. it could easily lead to depression or compulsive behaviors. most people suffering from body dysmorphia avoid social interactions while many avoid photos. It could cause changes in moods. counselling and antidepressant medication helps a lot. A psychiatrist is best fit to help someone who has this disorder.
March 30th, 2019 8:01pm
Body dysmorphia is a focus on a part of someone's body they may feel insecure about. It could be anything from toes to elbows! It's a perceived flaw the person may have about themselves. It could be something very extreme in their mine or minor. Sometimes people have insecurities about themselves that no one can see. Other people may not even know they are insecure! If someone has body dysmorphia it could be because they'd prefer to a look a different way than they do. Everyone's body is different and beautiful in its own way. Everyone is built differently and that's what makes the world such a diverse awesome place!
October 17th, 2019 1:29am
Body dysmorphia can take a bunch of different forms in different people, but basically, it is a disorder where you are hyperfocused on certain small or imaginary flaws, or you blow certain parts out of proportion. Body dysmorphic disorder is related to Obsessive compulsive disorder. If you believe you have this, you should definitely talk to a school counselor, a psychiatrist, or a therapist, as this can be an extremely emotionally, socially, and physically taxing disorder of the mind. A ton of consequences could arise from it, so please, please talk to someone and reach out! People care :)
June 30th, 2019 5:54am
(A mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.) Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that, to others, is either minor or not observable The flaw may be minor or imagined. But the person may spend hours a day trying to fix it. The person may try many cosmetic procedures or exercise to excess. People with this disorder may frequently examine their appearance in a mirror, constantly compare their appearance with that of others, and avoid social situations or photos. Treatment may include counseling and antidepressant medication.
July 6th, 2019 2:54am
Body dysmorphia is when you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. For example, your stomach might "feel" fat. You might be self-conscious that you are too skinny or that you are "fat". You may not like your body or feel like you were meant to be born in a different one. Body dysmorphia feels like parts of the body feeling wrong. It basically means you don't like your body and that it is not what society idealizes it to be. People try so hard to fit in and judge their self worth on what their body looks like. And then it makes them feel uncomfortable,do body checks, restrict calories, etc.
July 26th, 2019 1:57pm
Body dysmorphic disorder is when someone might focus on certain features of theirs that others would not usually see anything wrong with. For example, one might focus on their nose for example, continuously focusing on it. This May (in some cases) cause anxiety, and it may make it hard for the sufferer to go out places in some cases. I find (though of course this doesn’t apply to everyone) that high school students, those surrounded by social media, and judge mental people, may be more prone to conditions such as body dysmorphic disorder. Know that no matter what you might think, or what others might think, you are beautiful.
August 11th, 2019 6:57pm
Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition that affect some people and makes them struggle with their body image. People can struggle with real problems of their body, or can think that they have problems (although there is any). This mental health condition can affect the daily-life, for example, people tend to avoid social meetings or try to cover their body with larger clothes or with makeup,... In my personal opinion, some of these problems that people tend to see on themselves are related to the way society them to create the "perfect body image". The struggle is real, and if you know someone with that condition, please, help them
August 29th, 2019 7:53pm
Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that, to others, is either minor or not observable. But you may feel so ashamed and anxious that you may avoid many social situations.- treatments Cognitive behavioral therapy Common causes : abuse or bullying. low self-esteem. fear of being alone or isolated. perfectionism or competing with others. genetics. depression, anxiety or OCD. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been found to be the most effective at treating BDD and a certain type of antidepressants have also been shown to help individuals coping with the disorder
September 20th, 2019 9:21pm
Body dysmorphia, for me, meant not seeing the same person in the mirror that my friends saw. It means focusing only on the flaws, whether or not they are really there. Or obsessing over flaws that nobody else would notice. It sometimes felt as though my body did not belong to me. Just by existing in my own skin, I was uncomfortable. It made getting dressed in the morning, going to the gym, exercising, and even putting on makeup nearly unbearable. I had to learn to fall back in love with my body and everything it could do for me!
October 12th, 2019 1:19pm
Body dysmorphia is simply a obsessive disorder where an individual feels quite discontent or unhappy with their body by obsessing over a flaw (or a few) and comparing themselves with others through pictures or social media. It's actually quite common, and while it's more common with females, it also is a problem with some males. Most times it's caused by abusive pasts, bullying, depression or low self-esteem. This might cause the individual to isolate themselves and avoid social gatherings. If ignored, it can escalate to depression, eating disorders and suicidal tendencies. While there is no cure, one can reach out for professional help to recover and reduce feelings of inadequacy.
November 7th, 2019 8:10am
Body dysmorphia is the inability to see your body as it actually is. A very common example is someone looking in the mirror and literally seeing themself as fatter than they actually are. It is a common symptom of eating disorders, but not all people with eating disorders experience body dysmorphia by any means. This is not the same thing as body dysphoria. Dysphoria refers to an intense distress about something and most commonly body dysphoria refers to intense unhappiness related to parts and aspects of one's body that are traditionally gendered in society or that the person experiences as making them look like a gender they do not identify with.
November 23rd, 2019 11:28pm
A body dis morphia is the fact someone is obsessed by something on their body. They saw thing that nobody notice and they want erase those "flaws". People with body dis morphia have a perception problem to see their body and their appearance. They can be convinced about a default that doesn't exist. It can build reaction like wanting absolutely hide a part of their body, want to lose weight or don't go out of their room. Speaking with someone who had a body dis morphia is really hard because they don't realize they have this problem. And tell them that they are sick isn't efficient.
November 7th, 2019 10:19am
Body dysmorphia : Body dysmorphic disorder is a preoccupation with an “imagined” defect in one’s appearance. Alternatively there may be a minor physical abnormality, but the concern is regarded as grossly excessive. Beliefs about defects in appearance usually carry strong personal meanings. A belief that his nose was too big caused one patient to feel that he would end up alone and unloved and that he might look like a crook. Symptoms and diagnosis : People with this disorder may frequently examine their appearance in a mirror, constantly compare their appearance with that of others and avoid social situations or photos.
May 3rd, 2019 2:55am
Body dysmorphia is seeing a part of your body as unfit. In eating disorders people my focus on one part of their body like their stomach or their arms or legs and they may engage in self-harm or have an eating disorder because they believe that part of their body is unfit. People with body dysmorphia may try to change that one part of their body by intensive exercise or plastic surgery as well. Helping a person who believes their body is defective can be a difficult challenge. People with eating disorders such as anorexia may also feel they have to cover certain parts of they body from others.
May 23rd, 2019 9:27pm
body dysmorphia, in my experience, is where my perception of my body doesn't match how it actually looks. i've struggled with body dysmorphia and disordered eating for a while now, and i used to fixate on my "problem" areas, or areas of my body that i particularly hated. after a few years, i started to realize that maybe my perception of these problem areas wasn't as accurate as i thought it was, but the thing about body dysmorphia is that it clouds your vision. i literally didn't know what my body truly looked like because my vision of it was so distorted by my body dysmorphia. so, to sum up, body dysmorphia is where you have a flawed perception of your body, and it often negatively impacts you.
May 8th, 2019 10:30am
Body dysmorphia refers to when an individual has distorted views on their own appearance. Often the individual will take drastic measures to mask the distorted idea of body flaws that they may hold. Body dysmorphia is a mental disorder. Individuals often hold flaws of themselves which are not observable or in fact very minor. Symptoms can include excessive hair plucking, avoiding social situations, frequently looking in the mirror, refusing to appear in pictures, wearing excessive makeup, avoiding mirrors all together and appearing very self conscious. It’s not known specifically what causes body dysmorphic disorder. Some evidence suggests that naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, in particular serotonin, which is linked to mood, may play a role in causing body dysmorphia.
November 3rd, 2019 11:24pm
It's a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix one's dysmorphic part on one's figure. There are many people who suffer from this and a lot of it can be traced back to how society shows off certain genders and their role within society, others can come from tv shows, movies, etc. A lot of times it happens to younger audiences usually around their teens is when people struggle with their confidence of themselves and can countine with them through college.