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Is being gay or lesbian or bisexual a sin?

58 Answers
Last Updated: 06/18/2022 at 10:57pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
January 18th, 2016 11:10pm
Not a sin at all. It is perfectly acceptable to be who you choose to be and what you want to be. There is not enough love in this world and the more that we can spread, the more that we can give.
April 5th, 2015 5:18am
Here's something to put into perspective: Are you going to let go of love that you can engulf yourself in and not enjoy your life like you deserve to? Love is one thing that keeps a lot of us moving, why deprive yourself of it just because someone/something considers it to be a sin. Feel free to love as much as you want, it's one of the few things that define our humanity. Let's not limit it :)
December 17th, 2019 4:28pm
Hi! I'm an out and proud trans man who identifies as queer- and I'm going to seminary to become a pastor! Short answer for your question: No. The Bible cannot mean now, what it didn't mean then. Long answer: When the Bible was written Hebrew culture had no words or even a concept term for a consensual, loving relationship between two folx of the same gender or sex. Because they even lacked the term and concept when the Bible was written, it's impossible for the Bible to be used to honestly condemn LGBTQ+ folx in today's society. In fact, many progressive biblical scholars believe that eunuchs in the bible could easily be pillars of light and hope for people in the transgender community today.
December 20th, 2020 2:04am
People have struggled dearly with this question and I feel this is something that I am still considering or suggesting. But, based on the knowledge I have gathered from the Bible it’s self, I have came to a conclusion. People will specifically pull parts of the Bible out to prove their point. As an example the Bible says, “ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” as a member of the LGBTG+ Community, people will say ‘you’ll got to hell for being gay’ ‘lesbians don’t go to heaven’ ‘bisexuals will burn in hell’ no. These accusations are wrong. My answer to this question is yes. Being gay, lesbian, and bisexual ect, is a sin. And I am sorry to say it. But you will not ‘burn in hell’. In fact there are many bisexual and gay Christians.
January 26th, 2016 12:48am
No. You are who you are and you should never be ashamed of that. Some people believe that it is a sin but that doesnt make it true
December 15th, 2015 4:02am
no, being gay or lesbian is not a sin! sexuality is a unique part of who we are as an individual and our differences should be celebrated!
April 11th, 2015 5:09am
That's something you're going to have to decide for yourself. It will vary depending on the individual and faith. There are certainly religious groups that believe gay is a sin, and there are many who believe it is not. There are even some faiths that believe believe in god(s) and/or goddess(es) who love people of the same or multiple gender(s).
February 27th, 2018 12:45am
No because some people are born that way it's like saying is having a disability a sin and some people don't want to be queers and try to change whether they find out now or later it isn't a choice and sexuallity can change overtime
April 25th, 2016 10:52pm
It depends on your beliefs. Some people will believe so. But I don't. If you have those feelings that is a perfectly normal thing to happen. Religions teach us to love each other and that we should be kind and caring. If you feel this way do not feel rejected, and do not reject those who feel this way. It is natural to have those feelings and you should not be afraid to be who you are.
May 8th, 2018 2:40pm
Absolutely not! Its not your fault to be a gay/ lesbian/ bisexual, it is the stigma that judges LGBT as a sin. There is no right or wrong of being gay or lesbian or bisexual. You are just you, no one can judge your sexuality!
August 24th, 2020 12:26pm
Sexuality and orientation are a spectrum, and complex. When it comes to the question of 'sin' or lack thereof, that's more of a spiritual focused question. Honestly the opinions will differ regarding this. Simply because to one belief system, or another it may or may not be against those tenets. Myself, personally, I don't necessarily believe in sin regarding the Judeo-Christian context. But I also feel that we are built as who we are, imperfectly imperfect and that's okay. It's important to be self aware, and I think at least try to be open about everyone is 'built' differently, and we're a variety of types. This question is a touch complex because it operates under assumptions that all belief systems may or may not consider orientation and identites are a sin.
June 18th, 2015 5:59am
Being Gay, lesbian or bisexual is not a choice. You cannot change who you are. You are not doing anything wrong. There is no harm in not being heterosexual so I say no this is not a my eyes
December 18th, 2018 1:59am
No. Of course not. Being gay or lesbian or bisexual is no more a sin than being left handed. We are born this way and we cannot change it. It just is. And it certainly is not a sin. Anyone who says it is has probably got some issues they need to resolve for themselves. So I would say just go out there and be yourself. You don't have to publish it or make it your primary identifying trait.
December 1st, 2020 5:14am
People may say it is, but it's not. Don't let them tell you it is, because why would God make you like guys, girls, both, or neither, if he didnt want it. He wants you happy and healthy, and if whoever you love makes you happy then he's happy. Your worth it, you deserve happiness. When someone tells you that loving one or both genders is a sin then tell them that, if our creator didn't want it, then why would he make me like this. God made everyone perfect, you deserve to be happy. Dont feel bad about who you love.
February 17th, 2015 1:11pm
No of course not! Being gay, lesbian, or bisexual should be treated the same way as being straight. It is definitely not a sin, and anyone who says that should clearly not be part of your friend group.
May 1st, 2018 7:40pm
Of course not. Who said that? I No one has the right to judge that being gay or lesbian is a sin. You are you and no one can judge your sexuality preferences.
January 31st, 2018 1:43am
Only if you think love or equality is
December 5th, 2017 12:06am
Being queer is not a sin. From my understanding, love and genuine human connections are a much more integral part of religious doctrine than same-sex relations.
December 4th, 2017 4:46am
I do not think anything is a sin unless you harm others or yourself. If love is as beautiful as it said in religion, then it cannot be sin just because of the gender of the person that you love. of course, that is only my personal opinion.
July 4th, 2016 1:52am
Religion is a very difficult subject to discuss sexuality with. Everyone has their own faith and belief. I believe that if there is a higher power and he chose to make us in his likeness how could anyone possibly say that someone is sinful for being made the way they are?
April 19th, 2016 7:20am
No i don't think its a sin, think its a choice that is different from the norm but at the end if you are happy then who is to say otherwise right.
October 27th, 2015 7:54am
Not at all! you are born to be who you are your sexuality does not define you! Nothing is ever a sin in Gods eyes!
June 7th, 2015 2:20pm
Many religious people believe so, however there are many groups in just about every religion that are openly LGBT. Being a 'sin' makes you no less of a person.
April 22nd, 2019 3:04pm
Being gay or lesbian or bisexual is in no way a sin, or any other way of saying that something is wrong. The fact of the matter is that we cannot change how we feel about somebody in a way that will leave a lasting impact. That is to say, maybe we lose "crushes" over time, but we cannot change the way we love in the long run. And there is nothing wrong with that at all. It simply means that you feel differently from what other people feel, setting you apart from what's considered the "norm." And that is something to be cherished, embraced, and accepted, NEVER hated or reviled by. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, because you know that it's part of who you are.
July 26th, 2016 1:32am
No, of course not. It's important to know that just because someone's doing something we don't personally appreciate, that doesn't make it sinful.
February 26th, 2021 11:11pm
No, there is nothing wrong with being lgbtq+! As others have stated, the verse(s) that claim it is are from a book that has been translated so many times, it isn't very accurate anymore. You are valid and worthwhile no matter what! As a Christian and member of lgbtq+, I can confidently say that being lgbtq+ won't send you to hell; in my belief, in fact, God loves us all no matter what, even when we do bad things. Remember this is just my belief though! So, being lgbtq+ is not a sin- you can't control whether you are or not.
June 18th, 2022 10:57pm
This is a hard question to wrestle with. In my life, I am a Christian that is pansexual and I go by she/they. Not exactly easy for someone in that position. Depending on your religion and/or personal beliefs, this may or may not be a sin. Does it seem like a sin to you? It is okay to be any of these things, no matter what anyone thinks. It may be hard to acknowledge that you are not doing anything wrong, though. I hope that you can be yourself and express how you feel without feeling like you are doing something bad. Good luck, and take care.
September 30th, 2019 6:44pm
The simple answer is NO! The bible never said it is a sin to be LGBTQ+. And even if being LGBTQIA+ was a sin, all people, regardless of their story, are deeply and unconditionally loved by God, each created with profound dignity and worth, not one more than another. This is more than mere religious happy talk — it’s truth whether one is gay, straight, or otherwise. But, all people are also stricken with a terminal illness: sin. Everyone. No exceptions and to the same degree. Our sin demands our repentance and needs forgiveness, and God’s love and grace are where we find both. This is basic Christianity and the great equalizer of all people.