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What is the difference between isolation and loneliness?

305 Answers
Last Updated: 08/30/2021 at 7:36pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
July 26th, 2018 11:25am
Loneliness is feeling that nobody understands you and that you are alone WHEN you are surrounded by people. Isolation is to stay alone, and avoid meeting and talking to other people.
July 26th, 2018 3:57pm
Isolation is something that happens when you want to be alone and you alienate yourself from others. Loneliness is when you're alone, or you feel alone, because nobody's around, or maybe you've lost people that will never come back in your life, and that makes you feel like there's no one around you in this world. Isolation is something you do yourself, from my personal experience, after you've been abandoned by someone you cared about a lot. There are other reasons why you could isolate yourself: maybe you just want/need to be alone, maybe someone has disappointed you so much you don't want other people to do so, or maybe you're just having a bad moment and you require being alone. Otherwise, you could suffer from the "Hedgehog Dilemma". By this, I mean that you're like a hedgehog, you have needles (sadness, emptiness, bad behavior or anything else you don't like about yourself) and you're scared you could hurt yourself and/or other people with them. So, since you're scared of hurting and/or being hurt, you prefer to alienate yourself and be alone. But worry not! Remember that isolating yourself for short periods of time could really help you if you're going through a lot, but never think that you're alone and nobody's there to help you. In your city, between your relatives, on this site, around the world... there will always be someone willing to talk to you and help you feel loved and appreciated, because that's what you deserve.
July 26th, 2018 10:18pm
loneliness is when you have everyone around you but you yourself are feeling empty and broken. Isolation is when you want to be away from other people and make a barrier because of that.
July 29th, 2018 11:58pm
Loneliness can be described as just being alone, while isolation is deeper and means being affected emotionally by loneliness (feeling sad, anxious, etc.)
August 29th, 2018 9:51am
Loneliness is part of the essential human condition. Ultimately there is nobody who can live your life for you, and nobody who can make the decision for you to live your life as authentically as you can, given the limits imposed on you by your society or your community. We can give our power over to others, and allow them to decide for us what is right or wrong... but even then, this is a choice we have made; we are ultimately responsible for our lives and the way things turn out for us. Within that, we can reach out and connect with other people; this is the only way to avoid madness! To isolate is to cut off from other people; due to fear, presumptions of superiority, experience of being hurt before... there are many reasons we might choose to do this... but it is a dangerous way to live, because it means that we forfeit the opportunity to be of service to others. Some people choose to isolate as part of a religious practice, such as deciding to be a hermit or going into retreat; this is a different type of choice with different implications as to the way in which the person sees the outside world and relates to others.
September 1st, 2018 6:01pm
It is quite simple. Isolation is when somebody is avoiding you and tells your friends to do the same. It is like other people want to see you all alone because perhaps you did something wrong or who knows. Loneliness is when you feel you are all alone though you have a family, friends or maybe boyfriend / girlfriend. OR you have no one. There is no one for you whom you can talk, share your experiences, stories, ask for advices and so on. Loneliness is much terrible than isolation. Because you can change and fix things when you're isolated, but loneliness....sometimes there's no way out.
September 5th, 2018 9:25pm
Isolation put simply is where someone takes themselves away from a situation or a group of people or is taken away, this could be in a friendship group, in class or even isolating yourself from a family event. Isolating yourself means you have identified that you need space and are aware of this, therefore you remove yourself from the situation and distract yourself. Loneliness is when you are in a group of people amongst friends or family and still feel like you have no one to talk to. You may physically be alone and upset or you could emotionally feel alone and feel like you have no one to turn to.
September 8th, 2018 4:06pm
Isolation and loneliness are all most the same but there is a small "border" that divides them, and that border is free will. People who are "isolated" in most cases chose to be in that state because they found the comfort in it, if its because their daily routine is stressful and they have a lot of things to and manage with people or to take responsibility on some matters and they chose to isolate themselves from society just to take a breather and to reset the body and mind for the next day. On the other hand loneliness is not something that you chose to live by, it can just happen out of the bloom that you might feel that no one that you knew is connected with you, if its emotional or something out of interest that you had with him/her before. We feel lonely because we think people wont understand us as how we feel and act, some cases people just don't find us interested enough to try do anything socially and that's OK. We can't really go around and expect people to either like us and love us, if you will look back to your own childhood you also had kids that you didn't like and did not want to play with them. In conclusion: Isolation and loneliness are the same thing yet one of them is in our control while the other is just natural.
April 24th, 2020 12:14am
Isolation is being by yourself, physically, whether it’s being alone in your bedroom often or stuck in a single place for a period of time. Loneliness is more mental, but if you are isolated you can be lonely too. You can be in a room full of people that love you and still feel lonely. Lonely is feeling misunderstood, like nobody gets what you’re going through. Isolation can be lonely but I think of lonely as more of feeling alone in subject of a struggle and not knowing what to do or who to go to in that situation.
December 28th, 2019 1:38am
It seems to me that isolation is an act, and loneliness is an emotion. The act of isolation is often seen as a coping mechanism, but more often than not I think it's more of a symptom. That is, we don't isolate ourselves because we think it will make ourselves feel better. The desire to isolate ourselves is part of depression and other mental health problems, and it makes us feel even lonelier! Loneliness can happen with or without isolation. We can be in a crowded room and still feel lonely. That is, isolation causes loneliness but it's not the ONLY thing that can cause loneliness.
January 9th, 2020 9:18am
I think that the difference between isolation and loneliness is quite subtle. In both situations, you are on your own, whether that's physically or mentally. However, isolation may well be a state that you have chosen consciously. You may feel that you need to remove yourself from the daily hubbub or a particular situation that is bugging you. So ultimately it can be something you chose. Loneliness is a very different animal. You can be achingly lonely in a crowded room or at a family gathering. People usually think of loneliness as being alone, but it's not at al the same thing. Loneliness often stems from a feeling of being misunderstood or being an outsider for one reason or another. It's not a conscious choice, rather a state that requires you to make a conscious decision to change.
January 22nd, 2020 1:08pm
Well I'd say that lonrliness is feeling. You feel like you don't have anyone to spend time with or to trust. You can feel empty and anxious. You feel like you are alone and there isn't anyone around you. Isolation on the other side is something that can cause loneliness and other troubles. You can be isolated by others, when they don't talk to you, ignores you or just pretend you don't exist. You can also isolate yourself, conciously or unconciously. You may stop attending social events, stop talking to friends or get really reserved and closed up. When that happens it's important to try change that. Loneliness coming wit isolation or without it is painful problem and I'm sorry if you feel that way but it can be better and it will.
February 14th, 2020 7:04pm
It is a good question. According to Merriam-Webster, isolation is "the action of isolating; the condition of being isolated". In Collins Dictionary, you can find the definition of lonelessness as "Loneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone because they do not have any friends or do not have anyone to talk to." Isolation is an action/condition and loneliness is a feeling. For various reasons, people end in the isolation condition. They may find lonely. The quickest way to get out of the loneliness state of mind is through seeking connections with others. Talk with others, friends, family, even listeners on 7 Cups.
February 19th, 2020 4:18pm
Isolation refers to not having access to meet any one for the outer world where as loneliness refers to the feeling where though the person being surrounding by thousands of people feel that there is no one who is concerned about their feelings and there sadness. A person in loneliness don't have a person to share his feelings and listen to his thoughts. Where as a person in isolation is deprived of contact with any other person. That is the main difference isolation and loneliness. But person with isolation can feel lonely due to lack of people to share his thoughts.
February 26th, 2020 9:02pm
These two may be linked, but they definitely aren't the same! Loneliness is classified as an emotional state, or perhaps a feeling. It is often described as feeling alone or separated. Meanwhile, isolation is being separated from your environment and other people. This can be something that occurs through your own decision, but it may also be something that happens because of circumstances. These two are definitely linked, however, and one may lead to another. Reasons people may feel lonely or like they're isolated can be similar and the same, such as geographical location or living alone, for example.
March 21st, 2020 10:59pm
Isolation is a willingness to take a break from the world for refreshing and to gather ones well being and mental health. Loneliness however, is a feeling of being isolated from others and feeling like one has no control over that state of being. There is an epidemic in our world today of people who are lonely. The key however to overcome this situation is to look out beyond ones self by reaching out to others. Get involved in a club, group, or church. Volunteer. Once someone does this, not only are they helping others, but they are also helping themselves.
March 26th, 2020 12:34pm
Isolation is when you’re choosing to cut everyone off, to stay away from the outside world, to be alone without wishing to seek comfort of others. People also isolate themselves to try and deal with problems and assess/process them on their own. Loneliness is when you truly feel alone, it could be when you’re trying to reach out to others, trying to hang out and communicate with them and you just don’t feel wanted or they don’t really engage. Loneliness can come from anywhere, people a lot of times feel alone in the world. I know i’ve felt alone before, but remember that there is ALWAYS someone out there who WILL be there for YOU! Don’t be shy to try to reach out to someone!
March 27th, 2020 6:53pm
Isolation means distancing. Loneliness is a negative emotion. You feel miserable when lonely. You could or could not feel bad while isolation. Isolation could be by conscious choice but not loneliness. If I am lonely, I will seek comfort . I will try to not stay in this feeling. I will try to talk to somebody or distract myself. I will try to make myself feel better. I will try to evade that feeling. Isolation could be a conscious decision or imposed. Both ways it means staying away from people. In general sense it means physical distancing. Although it could also be mental distancing.
March 28th, 2020 9:00pm
Isolation is a lack of sufficient contact, and can be self-imposed. Loneliness is feeling as if one lacks that sufficient contact, even if they are trying to end it. Loneliness and isolation are not mutually exclusive, but they are not tied together either. It is possible for one to be isolated and not consciously feel lonely, though that is generally a bad thing, and so too is it possible to feel lonely without being isolated. Ending isolation usually takes more pushing of oneself socially, while ending loneliness seems to require a shift in your view of your life, though in cases where loneliness and isolation exist, ending isolation must come before ending loneliness. Depending on who you are and where you are in life, ending isolation can be easier or harder than ending loneliness, as some people exist in isolation without feeling negative effects from it, while others feel crushing loneliness even while not being in isolation. As with anything inherent to a human being, it varies from person to person.
April 3rd, 2020 3:34pm
I find that alone or isolated and lonely to be hugely different. While you can be alone and yet still feel loved and support, it makes a person comfortable with themselves in whatever surrounding they are in. They will always find activities that can help them grow. They accept themselves for their strengths and weaknesses and can be alone and still be happy. On the other hand, I have seen individuals in a room full of people and who are completely lonely. One who is lonely does not feel as if they have support nor do they feel loved by others and most importantly from themselves due to this, they have no sense of belonging and forgetting that no man is an island.
April 4th, 2020 3:37pm
Isolation is when you are left alone with no one around you like being left in the home alone or being locked up in a room. Loneliness is when you feel abandoned and no one's standing by your side or even having no friends. Feeling lonely could result from having no one by your side or having even no friend supporting you or even talking to you at all. You could be isolated but not lonely and you could be lonely but not isolated. Like sitting on a bench in break time at school having no one to talk to or even to play with while isolation is just leaving you alone without anyone around you but you could be isolated but not lonely. For example, you could be locked up in a room but your friends send you letters through the window perhaps.
April 4th, 2020 10:42pm
Isolation is where you put in a situation where you are restricted to where you can go and do certain activities normally got stay at place ie home or accommodation , loneliness is where you feel you are alone and don't have anyone to talk to, you can feel loneliness when you have a lot of people around you too, people who are in icolating can also feel loneliness if they are by themselves and feel no one to talk to its important to have someone to talk to regardless the reason why you feel lonely or in isolation
April 5th, 2020 5:29pm
Loneliness is a feeling that can creep up on you in any situation and at any time, not only when you are alone. You may feel lonely in a crowded room if you do not feel a strong personal connection to any people you are with. On the other hand, people in isolation are not necessarily lonely. Despite not physically being present, people are able to keep in touch with friends and other important people in their lives to prevent feelings of loneliness. For many, isolation and loneliness are very connected, but this is not always the case for everybody.
April 15th, 2020 10:34am
Isolation is simply the state of being by oneself, while loneliness refers to the pain of feeling alone and separate from others. Isolation can be a positive experience as much as it can be a negative one; spending time with yourself can be a great way to recharge your social battery or reflect on your own life and experiences without the noise or potentially overwhelming presence of others, though it can also feel lonely and painful in other situations. The feeling of loneliness can occur when you're in a crowded room of friends and loved ones just as likely as it can when you're in isolation. Though this feeling of being alone in your experiences and feeling like others cannot connect to what you're going through can be very difficult, it can also be a great opportunity to reflect on why you're feeling this way and possibly what you can change in your life or your perception of life to feel less lonely.
April 19th, 2020 3:22pm
Loneliness is a feeling of sadness or distress about being by yourself or feeling disconnected from the world around you. It may be felt more over a long period of time. It is also possible to feel lonely, even when surrounded by people. Isolation is being separated from other people and your environment. Sometimes this occurs through decisions we make ourselves, or because of circumstance e.g. doing a job that requires travel or relocation, Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but long periods of loneliness or social isolation can have a negative impact on your physical, mental and social health.
April 21st, 2020 9:22pm
Isolation can have many negative emotional effects, including increased sadness, restlessness, and loneliness. While isolation can cause loneliness, the two don’t always occur together. People may find themselves socially isolated regularly as a side effect of an isolating mental health issue such as social anxiety or agoraphobia. For example, someone with agoraphobia may feel too anxious to leave their house on some days. Loneliness, on the other hand, is an emotional state. It’s defined as feeling alone or separate from others, or as feeling empty. Loneliness may accompany social isolation but can be caused by other things, including breakups or divorce, moving to a new location, or the death of a close friend or loved one. Someone who has difficulty making friends may also experience frequent loneliness. In the case of mental health, loneliness can accompany depression, anxiety, and many addictions and phobias.
July 9th, 2020 3:42pm
Isolation feels much more comforting. Isolation gives you the freedom to walk along the beach at night, to listen to music in your room, to wake up at any time you please and go on spontaneous adventures. Isolation means nobody is there to criticize your actions; you can live by your own rules. Loneliness, however, makes you feel like nobody wants to associate themselves with you. You feel as though there is nobody to talk to when you need a friend, nobody wants to invite you to their birthday party, nobody wants to talk to you. And it's entirely possible to enjoy isolation and despise loneliness.
July 23rd, 2020 7:38pm
There are two things to look at here. First, what is isolation? Isolation is defined as being removed from or far away from someone/something. Now, what is loneliness? Loneliness is defined as the feeling of sadness because someone has no friends. So, the difference between isolation and loneliness is pretty simple. Isolation is more situational and can be beyond your control, while loneliness is an emotional feeling that can be resolved. While loneliness does often spawn from isolation, isolation does not always come from loneliness. It is important to distinguish between these terms, especially when trying a treatment plan for a mental illness.
July 9th, 2020 11:23pm
For me being isolated is me wanting and choosing to have time to myself, by myself. Loneliness is not having a choice. Sometimes I’m around people and I still feel lonely. So it doesn’t even have to be when you’re by yourself. You can feel lonely if you are with others because it depends on the connection and how you are feeling in the moment. If you are already sad then there is a greater chance that you are going to feel lonely. So I think the difference is if you want to be alone because you just want time for yourself self and being lonely is not having anyone or not having a connection in that moment.
July 31st, 2020 6:56am
Isolation is when you are alone by yourself with no one around you. Isolation is the physical separation that you are alone with no one around. People can be isolated but not feel lonely. Loneliness doesn't always mean that you are alone or by yourself; it can also mean you feel alone or no one understands you and you feel left out. People can be surrounded by other people yet still feel lonely simply because they think they don't fit in or they feel they have been left out. Isolation can have many negative effects on a person such as increased sadness, social anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. Loneliness can be defined as feeling alone from others, or just feeling empty.