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How do I know if I'm in love?

194 Answers
Last Updated: 08/12/2022 at 9:20pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jennifer Fritz, LMSW, PhD

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Day to day life can be stressful and overwhelming and my strength is assisting my clients in a supportive, empowering and practical manner.

Top Rated Answers
December 11th, 2016 12:22am
You are happy when you hear their name mentioned. You think about them everyday what they are up to. They are your best friend. You enjoy spending time with that person
July 16th, 2016 10:35pm
you are in love when live goes well, you smile without any are satisfy from your life.. but make sure don't limit your love with human or animal. i love by JOB.. ITS GIVE ME PLEASURE
July 28th, 2016 11:14pm
When your in love you feel happy with the person your around they make you feel safe and forget the things that made yoj feel bad
July 9th, 2016 6:31am
That's kind of simple.. your heart start to race and you look for a reason to be with other person. The thought of them gone just kind of makes you all panicking.
July 31st, 2016 11:33am
My mind turns into a ticking timebomb, and an unconctrollable fear of it makes me feel as if I am losing controll. Actively, I try to manipulate myself to believe I have emotions for others, even tho I know it is false. Eventually, I have to give in, as I know I can't keep on messing like that.
May 15th, 2020 10:43am
You will smile for no reason. He/She will be occupied in your mind completely. You will be so eager to meet him/her, if you meet or talk, the very next second you will start missing them. You will start thinking your future with him/her. A message or a call from him/her in unexpected situations is the best, makes you all happy. You start enjoying being alone with his/her thoughts all over your mind. Your surroundings can easily find good difference in you, in the way you behave, everything changes for good. Hope this answer helps. All happy, good luck and cheers. God Speed.
May 11th, 2018 10:19pm
When they are the one you find yourself always thinking about, when they’re your lady’s thought before sleeping, when all you can ever wonder is what they’re doing, when your world practically revolves around them and you find yourself caring for them a lot
April 19th, 2018 12:10pm
you know when you're in love when you can't stop reading the text messages over when they're taking forever to reply. You know when you see them look at someone else and you get super jealous. You know when you see them but right when they leave you miss them already. You know when whatever they're going through you want to help them and you never want them to be sad or upset.
September 16th, 2020 5:58pm
From my experience, you are in love when you wake up and look forward to seeing them. Every second of your day, you feel excited whenever they talk to you, text you, etc.. Your day gets better whenever you see them and it just feels like you're on "Cloud 9", like you're just so happy that there's no good word to describe it. You smile at everything they do, no matter if it's good or bad, and you can always rely on them and they can rely on you as well. It just feels like you're constant excited and happy.
April 6th, 2018 6:58pm
You know you're in love when he/she is the first person you wanna run to, to share your happiness or sorrow with. And that person's presence is enough to make your day better.
February 28th, 2018 8:11pm
well when i was in love i was quite unaware of it. i just used to see him from a corner. i realised that i loved him when he was about to leave the institution . some sadness grabbed me. then i discussed it with my friend who made feel the beauty of love ... and i finally i proposed him and gave my love wings
July 10th, 2016 4:14am
You will know that you are in love that you will do whatever it takes to make the person you care happy.
February 9th, 2018 8:16pm
There's no set answer to this question. Love is a feeling rather than a checklist. Love makes your heart feel light and your soul happy. It makes you smile. It lets you be the best possible version of yourself and it makes you want to always be there for someone else.
June 22nd, 2018 3:49pm
You always feel special, thinking about someone for no reason. Always wearing a big smile in your face..
January 24th, 2018 1:07pm
You'll know when you're in love when you accept, respect, trust, and embrace yourself first. Only then, you'll reflect that same genuity to other people.
July 7th, 2018 1:22pm
You can't stop thinking about the person, and anything you do, will always make you feel wonder about what might the person wouls react on your action. You feel (a hopefully) healthy jeallousness and objectivation towards the peer, and you feel like you miss something, when she/he is not involved.
January 31st, 2019 5:01pm
How do you know if you are in love? I'll tell you. You know you are in love when their smile melts yours heart or when you could die to make them smile. You know you are in love when just thinking about them makes you smile. You know you are in love when the first thing you think when u wake up is them and also the last thing you think about before going to be. You know that you are in love when they cry your heart explodes from sadness and you feel bad. You know you are in love when you see them from across the street maybe with even the ugliest sweatpants and a Tshirt and they are still beautiful
May 13th, 2020 2:40pm
I used to not believe in love until i met this girl. she made me feel safe , loved , cared for and more. this feeling was so overwhelming for me. i’m normally a person who’s extremely pessimistic and i rarely believe in “love” due to other experiences. but , with her i felt optimistic and joyful. she filled with me with glee and i began to always want to know if she was okay , i would check in on her and want to talk. for once in my life i saw a future with someone and i was ready. she made me feel .. like i was the only one. every second of every minute i couldn’t help but think about her , she was intoxicating and everything about her i loved. she made me strong and let me know it was okay to cry. but , when she left me for an unknown reason all i wanted was the best for her. i knew i was in love because at that point her happiness was all i wanted. i wanted her to be happy with or without me no matter how badly it hurt. i just wanted her happy and i still do. i wish i knew why and i wish she told me but i’ll never truly know. i still love her dearly. i hope she’s happy. you know you’re in love when you want them happy , when they make you the happiest you could be and make you feel safe. that when you argue you just want it to be over. you realize the wrongs you’ve done and what they’ve done. you accept their flaws and who they are.
August 19th, 2016 10:59am
if you feel relatively happy and your feel your heart beating a bit faster whenever you think of that person :) if that particular person pushes your personality out of it's usual , or if you simply find something about them attractive , also, love sometimes gradually grows up, it might be hard to tell now
August 19th, 2016 1:01pm
You feel warm feeling about another person, you want to be with him/her and share nice moments together. Moreover, even bad moments feel nice when you are together.
August 24th, 2016 8:08pm
I think you just know when you're in love. You find yourself unable to stop thinking about them even after hours of seeing them. You miss them when they're not around even if it hasn't even been that long! You think about them and smile :) Your heart flutters when you see them, and when you speak to them, you get SO happy. Have you been experiencing anything like this?
May 24th, 2019 10:04am
When you feel that you are getting better both in your personal as well as public fronts, When you feel that no more insecurities can stand a chance against your passion, when every tiny thing you do feels like living in a dream, when you can think about the past and be happy about how some things didn't work as you wished for teaching you the lifes greatest lessons, when you feel looking at the moon, stars and meeting new people works like magic, when you understand that you are so much more beautiful than you think and believe you deserve so much in this world, then you already are in love!
October 28th, 2016 4:09am
For me, I noticed i wanted the best for my significant other, even if it didn't result in personal gain.
November 7th, 2019 12:55pm
If you are thinking about the same person again and again even after you saw him or her couple of days ago. If you get an unexplained feeling towards that guy. If you feel happy when thinking about that person and if you are dying to see that person no matter where they are. If you feel like you have live for that guy, it's fair even if you sacrifice your everything for that guy. If you get really mad when you see him/her when they talk closely with someone of the opposite gender..... it might be some signs of serious love.
November 22nd, 2019 7:14am
You may not want to hear this, but if you have to ask then you're not in love. When you are with your beloved, there is a certainty of trust, commitment, safety that you no longer doubt it. It takes self-growth to be first capable of this kind of love. Too many of us, believe love is quick and easy, but that is only lust, not love. Love is between two healthy individuals who with open-hearts and are growing every day. Two individuals who have faced their deepest fears and knows who they really are. Anyone who is static and believes he has nothing else to improve upon is by definition not healthy and not ready for love. Don't settle!
November 29th, 2019 10:33pm
It's the feeling. And it's one of the most beautiful feelings you'll ever have. When you are in love, you ignore all these faces all around you and everywhere you see only that one person. Every time you think of her/him, you have butterflies in your stomach. Just thinking about her/his face will make you smile. You don't understand why you should be afraid or be sad because you are high in the clouds ... Unfortunately, this amazing feeling is sometimes not so amazing. Falling in love has 2 directions. Either you can't stop smiling or you can't stop crying. However, this is not included in your question. The answer to your question is very simple: you can't get that person out of your mind. No matter what you do, you always think about her/him. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you still carry her/his smile in your heart
December 20th, 2019 2:11pm
i think you know you are in love when you feel more happy within when you think about the person you like. when you feel attracted to someone that attraction turns to feelings and maybe you get nervous and you want to spend more time with that person because you know you don't want to lose their affection. you may think you are in love when that person shows a lot of happiness towards you in a way that makes you feel loved. you may be in love and it keeps growing and then you know your feelings are loving and warm thoughts
September 9th, 2016 11:06pm
Falling in love is the best feeling in the world, when you think of that person your stomach will hurt, you'll start to smile when they enter your mind all they are pretty much all you can think about.
December 24th, 2021 7:53pm
I know if I'm in love if I feel that I would continue seeing someone after no longer being physically attracted to them, and seeing them in a capacity where I'm still very much excited to see them and take the time out of my day to devote to them. I believe time is the most valuable thing you can give someone, but if you're really in love I think that person should take priority over most other things or people in life. The silly metric I use is if someone had a different face, would I still be just as excited to see them after work
September 30th, 2016 6:11am
When you know you're willing to put their happiness before yours. Think about this person and what you'd be willing to do for them. The answers lie deep within and it requires the key of honesty.