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Can or should I ask my significant other to stop talking and to not associate with his ex? If so, how?

208 Answers
Last Updated: 06/28/2022 at 12:07pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Compassionate, solution-focused therapy for those battling depression and anxiety. I strive to empower clients to find their voice and reclaim joy, offering a nonjudgmental, s

Top Rated Answers
July 20th, 2016 2:35pm
If you feel like it is affecting you then yes. Just be calm and reasonable. Have a couple of hours for yourselves and talk about it. Explain how talking to their ex makes you feel and make them see you are not being jealous, but asking for consideration. If your partner was a friend with their ex before they started dating, this might be a reason. Just talk it through. Good luck x
September 21st, 2016 3:00am
If your significant other's relationship with his or her ex truly bothers you, or hinders your relationship, you should definitely talk to them about it. Communication and honesty are key to any relationship.
January 19th, 2018 12:33am
Just speak out about this clearly with your significant other as this might destroy your relationship.
February 6th, 2021 1:43am
You most certainly can if your partner has an ex that is still in their life and it makes you uncomfortable. Yes, they can be friends with their ex but ask yourself what it is that makes you uncomfortable about their continued association. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as illness or they are in some sort of trouble then it might be that they get in touch and in some cases that can be reasonable. But If you feel they are constantly flashing up on your partners phone, just for a chat or whatever, ask them why they think it's ok that they do this. And be clear about why you feel uncomfortable. If your partners ex is breaching the boundaries of your relationship then they are disrespecting you and your partner is also, in allowing this. Don't feel shy about a situation which would make most people unhappy and be clear with your partner about how this makes you feel. But it's also worth reminding yourself that just because you feel uncomfortable in this situation that doesn't automatically make you a crazy jealous person. If you can respect someone else's relationship then your should be respected in return.
August 21st, 2017 10:51am
It depends. If you're just jealous of his ex, then you should probably understand that your current SO might be offended if you ask him to stop talking to his ex. HIs ex and him are probably just good friends. However if you feel genuinely threatened by his ex, you can sit your boyfriend down and tell him how insecure you feel around his ex. The course of action should be decided by him after that. If he really cares about you, he'd understand your feelings.
April 27th, 2018 12:57am
If you are worried that your significant other has feelings for his ex or will develop them, you should talk about this with them. I would explain how you feel and see how they feel about it, too.
August 10th, 2017 10:37am
From experience this rarely goes down well but what's important are your feelings. If your partner talking to their ex is causing you distress or an amount of anxiety then you should be truthful. Hiding your feelings will only worsen the situation. If they love and respect you they will understand and take steps to reassure you nothing but friendship is happening. Remember, just because they talk doesn't mean anything untoward is going on.
December 3rd, 2021 2:27pm
Partners are meant to respect and honor your feelings and wishes. If there is something causing you emotional stress, I encourage you to express it in a calm, collected way. There is nothing wrong with being open to your partner about how they or their actions are making you feel. In order to come to a place where both people feel respected, it's very important that you don't invalidate their feelings, but actually fully listen to their thoughts and take it into consideration before responding. You know the situation best, so I hope my words helped give you understanding on an approach that encourages positive results.
October 18th, 2016 8:42am
Tell them it makes you uncomfortable, and if they don't stop then they obviously don't treasure you.
September 7th, 2016 7:07pm
You should just be open and honest. If something makes you uncomfortable you should be able to say that.
June 13th, 2018 3:40pm
If you don’t trust your partner talking to his ex then speak up about it. You have every right to ask him or discuss it with him. Approach it by telling him how it makes you feel. Be honest and if he really does care about your feelings then he will do whatever to make you happy. Talking about it with him will give you peace of mind and reassurance.
December 6th, 2017 2:58pm
Try asking him nicely to stop talking to her/him. If that doesnt work, i say let him do his own thing. You can't stop someone from talking to someone they wanna talk to.
February 20th, 2021 2:00am
It is your complete right to ask him to stop talking to his ex. However, equally, it’s his right to say no. If his ex is making you feel like he is untrustworthy and/or they are interfering with your relationship , it’s perfectly logical to ask this of him. However, if you don’t trust your significant other to stay loyal, why are you together? Relationships don’t work without trust, and it doesn’t sound like there’s very much between you two. You two should sit down and have a serious conversation. Express yourself and explain to him that you aren’t comfortable with him associating with his ex. I wish you the best of luck
April 6th, 2018 7:09pm
That's understandable if that's something you'd want, considering your s.o once loved this person and obviously still has a connection if they're talking to their ex. I believe just bringing it up bluntly and telling them how you feel about them talking to their ex, and how it affects/hurts you is the best way to go about it.
April 22nd, 2020 9:52pm
It's easy to forget that people live their lives in first-person and are consciously aware of the happenings around them. When someone reaches out to an ex-partner, it may not be with the intention you think. In their own minds, it could just be to achieve a greater purpose of making friends again. It can take a lot out of a person when they choose to leave a person, and sometimes it takes more time to heal from the aftermath of no-longer being in close contact with that person. Communication is very healthy for every relationship, which includes ones that are no longer romantic. It's healthy to interact with people as long as the interaction does not hinder the involved people's view of themselves, people around them, and current partners. You should be supportive of the act of maintaining healthy relationships, but be careful not to cover up any emotions for the sake of your current partner.
October 28th, 2016 12:19pm
This is a very tough topic but a valid question. If there is trust in the relationship then it shouldn't matter who anyone talks to because there will be no fear of infidelity or loss of connection through another. I have had trouble with this myself. My girlfriend and her ex have kids and they have to see each other everyday and at first this realm bothered me. I realized my worries were based in fear and as our relationship grew so did my understanding of the situation. I trust my girlfriend today so who ever she talks to has no bearing on my well being.
April 3rd, 2018 7:59pm
Let your significant other know how you feel about it. Don't demand anything, just say "hey this makes me feel uncomfortable", nobody likes feeling compared. Your significant other should understand.
July 12th, 2018 12:37pm
If contact with their Ex has an impact on your feelings, it's important to express that to your significant other. Be respectful in your approach. Once you have been understood, you will know based on their actions what you truly mean to them. Exes are exes for a reason.
February 8th, 2018 2:15am
In my personal experience, I’ve found that sitting down with your significant other and explaining to them why you wish they would stop talking to their ex is very helpful. Depending upon your reason, maybe it makes you uncomfortable because they used to be so close? Determining the root of your unease will make it easier to explain to your partner and help you make a better case.
July 25th, 2018 12:04pm
Relationships with ex-girlfriends and boyfriends can be polarizing issues in relationships; however, many exes have shared a long history with their partners and do indeed develop a friendship after a break-up. Like any issue in a relationship, the partners need to talk honestly about this, and examine whether an ongoing relationship with an ex is appropriate and/or healthy. If it is, there's no reason for concern. If there are residual feelings or longings, then it would likely not be conducive to a good relationship. Honest communication and trust is key.
November 10th, 2018 12:19am
You can ask your significant other, if it bothers you then you should. Because it may cause problems in the future between you two. And you can ask then by confronting them about it. Tell them honestly what bothers you and why it bothers you. That'd be the best way to ask them to stop talking to their ex.
July 11th, 2019 3:06am
Perhaps it's more important to consider what about this might be important to you. Are there global issues relating to trust, or is this specific to a particular ex? Either way, an open dialogue with your partner is likely to be the most constructive means of addressing this. Ultimately, your partner is more likely to respond positively to a conversation around feelings and experiences, rather than being simply asked to stop interacting with an ex. At first, the conversation might be difficult and make one, or both, of you uneasy. However, this is one of those really important conversations to have, and will likely result in your relationship being strengthened.
July 3rd, 2020 5:47am
First of all, I think it is better to ask yourself "How does this situation of your significant other talking to his ex make you feel?" "What makes you feel that way?" "Are those feelings under your control that you could learn or do something about them to lessen them?" I understand that most of us wouldn't feel comfortable to know that our significant other still holds some connection with his/her ex while being with us in the present. It is important to choose the appropriate approach to talk about this. After you come up with the answers from above questions, you could maybe try to focus on communicating how this makes you feel to him. Remember that he has full right to decide what he wants to do about this, it is not our right to tell others what to do because that could lead to resentment from your significant other in the long term. I think once you communicate using "I-statement" and focus on telling how you feel without judging his behaviour, he might be more willing to understand you, situation, consequences and decide later what he can do or at least explain to you further to lessen your discomfort.
June 28th, 2022 12:07pm
Rather than tell you what you can or should do I have some questions for you :) What feelings do you feel when you see your partner associating with their ex? Do you trust your partner? Have you discussed your concerns and feelings with them? If so, how did they respond? It's natural to feel uncomfortable in these types of scenarios but each one is different. It's worth exploring your feelings and understanding why they're there, and what the story is behind them, before proceeding in the situation. After all, we can't control others, we can only control how we respond. Wishing you all the best with it.
June 9th, 2019 8:33pm
I think trust is really important when it comes to relationships. It is important you set boundaries and let him know how you feel when it comes to his actions. Forcing him to stop talking to someone because you feel uncomfortable may be slightly unreasonable on your part, but if he were to continue if you talked to him about this matter, you need to set it straight with him and not hide it. Like I said before, trust is important and you two need to be honest towards each other. Once the trust is broken, it will be hard to fix it. Just like how you can't fix a broken bowl back to it original form.
March 28th, 2020 9:00pm
I understand feeling uncomfortable with your significant other talking to their ex still, Instead of approaching the issue as though it needs to end right away, try to approach it in a way that expresses how it makes you feel. For example: Hey I know you are you talking to your ex but it is really bothering me and you are now with me it makes me feel insecure, and I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to them as much. In this situation you want to express your feelings, instead of wanting control. This way your significant other can feel impower too
December 5th, 2018 10:28am
So the other person is the one you love. Right? Love is a feeling of freedom and not boundation. If you love someone, let them be free of choices. Conversations are a way out always. Open up more. The way out is know the other person's problems. Know what makes the other person go out. Spend more time together. Let the other person choose the right one. Let the love flow inside out. The feelings are the only things which cannot be kept hidden for so long. Don't bind the other with choices. Rather make them feel the love you hold for the other. Things wills settle themselves.
August 17th, 2019 5:26am
No you should not. It may be a way in which your significant other is dealing with the break up at the beginning. Also they might have broke up on good terms and now are friends. If you start to tell them to stop taking to each other your significant other might feel like you do not care about what they need and are trying to control them. This in turn can lead to arguments and issues between the two of you. Which could lead to you breaking up with your significant other just because you are talking to your ex.
January 31st, 2019 8:06am
Here's the thing about that - Your significant other is someone that you have a relationship with, but you do not own them. If you are uncomfortable with it, absolutely voice your feelings of insecurity to your partner if you so wish, but realize that you do not have the right or the power to tell them who to associate with or speak to. There's an very toxic mindset floating around, that people start to treat others like they are property to be managed - Which is not right, valid or fair. It's a fairly abusive pattern, to be honest with you. But if you feel so strongly, I would lead a conversation of "I statements" to address your concern with to your partner.
March 25th, 2020 4:24pm
If your significant other talking to his ex makes you uncomfortable, you should talk to him about it! I suggest approaching him in a calm manner and simply tell him about how this makes you feel. Expressing your emotions and thoughts with him will help him to understand your position. I was in your shoes once and after talking to my significant other, he understood how I felt and have stopped talking to his ex since. It understandable why you feel uncomfortable about him talking to his ex and you have a right to feel that way! The most important thing right now is to just let him know and work things out from there.