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I regret breaking up with my ex. What should I do?

239 Answers
Last Updated: 04/20/2023 at 10:17am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
October 10th, 2018 8:09am
You were once sure about doing it. Why are you now second guessing your decision. Do not go back on your own words and ideas, you are just missing the good times, that is natural. You had your reasons for breaking up, keep revisiting them and stay true to yourself, these feelings will pass, they are natural. We all second guess our feelings at some point in time, you are just human, do not worry about you're conflicting messages you are getting change can sometimes be scary and your unconscious mind do not like being scared but also your unconscious mind cannot argue as to why you should not be with your ex but it knows that you feel scared stuck worried or lonely and it wants to fix it in the easiest way possible way, going back.
August 24th, 2018 10:13pm
I'm sorry you feel regretful, it's hard sometimes to let someone go who you've been so close with. I too regret my choices sometimes, and thats normal. Completely normal. Life goes on and you have to remember that you broke up with your ex for a reason and that you shouldn't go back to what made you unhappy. One person shouldn't be able to make you feel uncomfortable and unhappy even when you aren't with them any longer. Everyone deserves the best for themselves and the people around them. And you honestly were being very good with self-care by cutting out a toxic relationship. I'm proud of you
April 27th, 2017 10:29pm
If you broke up with your ex due to a negative reason (i.e. cheating on you, abusing you, etc..) then you most definitely should not regret breaking up with your ex. If there wasn't really a particular reason, then you should just try to talk things out with your ex.
July 9th, 2016 7:48pm
if your decision was true for leaving him, then you should know that there is on earth who deserves you more than him .. don't regret it :)
August 13th, 2016 2:46am
If you regret breaking up, express this to your ex. Keeping this to yourself only will torture youself with 'what if's'
July 15th, 2016 12:22am
Depends on the entire history of your relationship. I think it is better to talk to someone about it.
August 3rd, 2016 12:30am
Tell them. The worst that can happen is they don't feel the same, but you remain being friends (or in an extremely worst case scenario, they stop talking to you altogether), but the best case scenario is that they also regret breaking up and want to give your relationship another go. Telling them you want to get back together, even if it doesn't bring the desired result, will make you feel a lot better than keeping it to yourself and living your life wondering 'what if?".
October 11th, 2016 11:11am
I can really understand that feeling. I think you need to reassess the reasons you broke up with them in the first place and ask yourself if you miss them or the relationship itself.
September 24th, 2016 5:48pm
Go and talk to that person but do not force him/her to accept you,if they say that they aren't interested or have moved on then you must accept the fact. Go and talk with an open mind.
September 12th, 2016 1:50pm
First ask yourself if you really regret it or are just feeling lonely. The change from "in a relationship" to "single" can be quite jarring. You go from sharing your life and intimacy to being alone and this is rarely a pleasant transition. Trying to get back together again is not a good idea in this case because its likely that some time later you will end up at the same conclusion and break their heart again. Best to move past this, spend time with friends and family to avoid feeling lonely and, when you feel ready for it, try going on a date again. Bonus tip: being single is a great time to rediscover yourself, who you are as a person instead of who you are as one half of the relationship. This can really help when starting a new relationship in the future because 1 thing to avoid is starting a relationship and comparing your new partner to the old with everything they do.
January 31st, 2018 8:20pm
well it's a tough one. Regret is often short lived, so ride it out until you're sure it's a mistake. We often make decisions and regret them, but they are often for the best. Give yourself some time to get over the feeling and see then how you feel. You broke up for a reason.. remember that.
September 9th, 2016 11:16pm
Don't get back together. If you broke up with them before, it was for a good reason. If you date them again, you will have the same problems.
July 21st, 2016 7:04am
you should confront him how you feel about this relationship and try to fix things if possible by asking him
September 4th, 2016 9:48pm
If you still love your ex and think things can work out this time, I think you should tell him/her. Tell him/her you regret breaking up wit him/her, that you miss him/her and still love him/her (if that's the case). Explain why you thought it was the right thing to do when you broke things off and tell him/her why you've changed your mind. If he/she still feels the same way, I'm sure he/she will forgive you and you two will make up and make things work. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I wish you the best!
July 29th, 2016 9:05pm
If it was a harsh break-up/unstable relationship - anything involving cheating or constant arguments or any type of abuse or where the two of you were just not happy, I'd say accept and acknowledge your regret and try to move on. What has been done is done and you can't really go back to that moment. If it was a stable relationship, first see if you truly do miss your 'ex' or if you are just yearning for affection/attention. Don't be making a second mistake. If you do miss your 'ex' truly, then confront them about how you feel (calmly and respectively). Do not yell/lash-out or constantly be apologizing. Explain to them about what you miss and how it has been on you. But don't forget to listen to your partner too. Relationships require mutual consent. If they don't want to get back together with you after you have tried talking/persuading them, then it means you should let go. Pretty much, if it was an unstable or unhealthy relationship. Don't go back to it. If it was a stable and healthy relationship. Communicate with each other calmly to hear what you both feel or have to say. I wish you the best of luck for your future days.
November 14th, 2018 9:53am
Regret over s break up is very normal, You need to ask yourself a few questions. 1. What pushed you over the edge to leave? 2. Would you go back to the person at that point of time? 3. What is making you regret that decision? 4. If the same situation occurs again, what would you do? the answers to these questions will tell you how valid your decision was or is and is the reason good enough to go back and if you get a convincing answer to those questions and you feel that the relationship deserves a chance go back! I personally feel that somebody becomes an ex for a reason and no reason is ever going to be good enough to go to a place you left by choice!
March 26th, 2017 8:53pm
Tell your ex how you feel and ask if you can spend some time with them. There's nothing wrong with building your relationship back up but if your ex doesn't want to gt back with you then you shouldn't push it.
August 12th, 2016 12:17pm
Tell him how you feel . Be honest with him and there might be a chance fot you to get back together good luck ;)
August 25th, 2016 6:36pm
if you want your ex back why don't you try and meet up with your ex and sit down and try and talk it out and see if you guys can get back together .
January 24th, 2021 12:55am
Try to remember why you broke up in the first place. We often look back fondly at the good moments in our lives and gloss over the negatives. Chances are that if you do this, you will know if you are able to live with whatever it was. If you can and your ex partner wants to try again then you can choose to do this. If however you don't think you could get over whatever split you up, you can think about moving on. Sometimes a little distance can help us to see things differently. Give yourself time. We often feel lonely when a relationship ends. It's natural that you will miss the relationship.
August 15th, 2016 8:52pm
Try talking to him/her and say how you've been feeling! Maybe they share the same feelings as you, because they weren't the ones who chose to break up.
January 7th, 2021 5:44am
That's an understandable feeling, I believe, we've spent quite some time with the person and it's really not easy to move on super quick or stop feeling anything towards them instantly...feelings dont have a switch off button, all your feelings are very much valid, if you feel you're regretting the breakup, maybe ask yourself what is making you feel that way ? If given a chance would you go back to your ex ? Do you feel there's a possibility, this time the relationship will be better and you won't think about the option of another break up ? Do you feeel you really want to go back to them or do you feel you crave a human presence and that's making you feel regretful ? Going back in time, how would you react to the situation that made you consider breaking up with your partner? ...and maybe a few more questions to simply assess , how do you really feel about everything and what should be the best case scenario for you now ? Hope this helps 💛
November 11th, 2017 9:45pm
maybe speak to the person. Tell them how you are feeling and be honest. Try to show them empathy. Imagine if that person broke up with you, how would you feel and how could that person resolve it with you or how would you like that person to approach you. Also, it is good to respect that person's space.
September 24th, 2017 1:27pm
Well, first you really need to sit down and think about the breakup; I mean, was there a huge dealbreaker that made the breakup inevitable? If you think the relationship has scope for working out, reach out to them and talk things out. Hope for the best
July 22nd, 2017 6:48am
Every song ends, but can that be a reason not fall in love with music? Breakups are difficult and not easy to happen. And if it happens , it does for a reason. If you think the reason is strong enough then you should stop regretting and keep your self as busy as you can. Do some charity, help people, spread love. That will make you happy. And eventually you will find someone to fall in love with.
July 14th, 2017 7:28am
Relationships can be really tough because there never seems to be a right answer. Search for what you really need in a relationship versus what you're willing to give up for someone you care about. Clearing up your own needs will help you decide what to do next.
July 10th, 2017 2:36pm
Depends on the way you broke up with them and the duration since your breakup. If the breakup was an emotional decision in an angry moment for any reason; disloyalty included, it'd be relatively easier to return back together once both sides are calm and one side takes the initiative in bringing it up for a mature discussion about what happened and try to find out the possibilities of weather what happened can be overlooked in favour of continuing the relationship or if ending it is better so both sides won't have to endure stress that relationships are meant to counter . Of course Time plays a major role here, you can't just disappear for a year and come back without fear :p ! The second scenario is a bit messy; and I mean if both/either one of them had thought it all out and gradually lost interest in their partner (or in each other), and once it was all done they regret they might have done a mistake, they regret not appreciating the person they had with them! An apology simply won't cut it(except if your partner is really mad in love with you and couldn't just move on, would be easier to apologise and get embraced again :) ). This second case is a bit tricky, and quite Difficult to tackle ; nonetheless; there is always hope! One should improvise and tackle the situation according to their understanding of their partner and the circumstances in which the events took place, no one else can do that for ya! Good luck
July 16th, 2017 4:32pm
Sometimes identifying the reasons you broke up, writing them down and seeing a clear picture of why the relationship ended can be a great place to start. I like to write down some things I can identify with triggering those feelings of regret. I then take each one individually and assigning it to a pro or cons category. Beyond that deciding whether the relationship can be repaired or if you still interested in pursuing it. I have had it work both ways for me. Try this when you feel you are in a calm state. I definitely find it difficult to make decisions when I am upset. 7cups is a community of compassionate listeners and sometime just expressing those to someone who will listen without bias can be very helpful as well. Best of Luck. Feel free to reach out again!
August 19th, 2017 5:58am
Talk it out with your ex and see what they think as well. If they want to get back together, see what happens from there.
January 6th, 2021 9:28pm
I would first write pro and con lists about the relationship itself and the person you broke up with as well. If the cons outweigh the pros then I would hold my head up, buy a fresh pair of J's, get a slick new haircut, hold my head high and go out with friends, spend time with family. Take a new college course, just stay busy. If there are more pros than cons then I would calmly and clearly try to explain your reasoning for breaking up, and for wanting to get back together. These things can be complicated but if you both care about the relationship it will work out.