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How to deal with depression fallout?

63 Answers
Last Updated: 05/07/2022 at 8:46am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
August 3rd, 2016 7:47am
Just let it be, after sometime it'll fade away. The more you try to distract yourself from depression, the more it'll overwhelm you. Spend some alone time with yourself, when you want to talk to someone try talking to the person who listens to you the most. It'll be alright. Stay Strong!
August 6th, 2016 7:46am
Depression is just a passing cloud that comes and go while we stand on our feet,never identify with that which comes and goes .
June 29th, 2016 4:14am
For me, I've always dealt with constant or intermittent depression with talking through it. It doesn't work for everyone but when talking with someone I feel like there's someone else that not only knows that I'm going through this but is trying to understand what I'm going through. With depression however it can be difficult to do things that can lead to feeling in a more positive manner. It's kind of like a long windy road with many confusing exits. If it's at all possible it would be an excellent idea to get a constant connection with someone to work through it, being able to depend on someone to help, or to have a constant reminder of what you want or are working towards is an excellent way to deal with not only depression but with many other issues.
August 28th, 2016 6:44am
The best way I have found to deal with a depression fallout, is find the number one thing that keeps you going. Whether it's to go to school, a pet, a family member or friend, or to get the life you've always wanted. No matter what it is, keep it in your mind as a reminder of why you fight the depression. My reason is my son. He's why I fight my depression everyday because he needs me.
August 14th, 2020 8:06am
For spouses/partners/friends/families of depressed individuals, dealing with depression fallout is a frequent reality. But there is a lot that spouses or family can do to help the sufferer and preserve that special bond.Firstly you need to ensure that the depressed is engaged in activities which are safe and that bring positive experiences. A daily check is required to determine the moods and level of support needed and supporters should aim to lighten the day by validating any fears, pains or anxieties that the depressed is undergoing and evaluating subsequent actions based on expressed concerns. You can say things like "its okay to feel this way". Then contribute to their well being by cooking for them, helping them with any activities that they are unable to complete as a result of depression.Finally settle their anxieties n fears by jointly meditating on mindfulness exercises to relax n calm their aggitated states. Any help afforded to a depressed individual will be appreciated later after the fallout when the depressed person is in a better shape. Otherwise provide all the help that you can give but allow some space for the depressed to process their emotions too.🌻
October 19th, 2016 1:51am
Consider what is making you depressed, and use a creative outlet to channel your emotions. It will help.
May 15th, 2021 7:21am
It's normal to feel depressed. If you are under the pressure of study/work, ask yourself if you should slow down. Talk to your boss or supervisor to reduce the workload for a while and take some relaxation. If the depression comes out of the blue, try to think about a similar situation before. If so, how did you overcome it last time? Find some resources in your history to get over this time. Start small and try to make plans to deal with life. Connect to nature, exercise, eat, and sleep regularly, no matter how bad you feel. After trying out everything, if there's still no improvement, remember to reach out for professional help like your GP, psychotherapist, social worker, etc. Lastly, keep in mind, it'll pass eventually.
January 30th, 2020 11:51am
depression fallout, provoked by prolonged proximity to someones depressed, is the unhappy progression from initial confusion to self blame then to demoralization to resentment and anger and finally to desire to escape the source of so much stress and unhappiness. as difficult as it may be, pay attention to your own well-being. find ways to replenish the physical and mental strength you need to keep going. create a support system with people you trust. this can be family members, friends or even a therapist of your own. take it one day at time and remember you cannot fix the person with the depression. you can only provide support and the help but ultimately upon them.
April 9th, 2021 7:02am
Look for support from people who make you feel safe and cared for. The person you talk to doesn’t have to be able to fix you; they just need to be a good listener—someone who’ll listen attentively and compassionately without being distracted or judging you. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness and it won’t mean you’re a burden to others. You may feel too exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships. But this is just the depression talking. It’s nice to receive support, but research shows you get an even bigger mood boost from providing support yourself. So find ways—both big and small—to help others!
May 7th, 2022 8:46am
In my experience, the most important thing is to still believe in a better tomorrow, because they will come, but if we don't look, we will never find them. Mainly doing what you enjoy, even if it means getting a little overwhelmed. Ask for help. In my opinion, these should be the main principles. It is also very important to testify, whether on a line or to a friend, family. There are a lot of people who are interested in you and we will be happy to help you. Even if it is difficult, try not to keep your head down and go for yours (dream, life ...). There are a lot of things we can do, even if it doesn't seem like it at certain stages of our lives.
April 13th, 2022 10:18am
You can deal with depression fallout by starting to understand what is exactly the cause, whether it is physical, mental, and start to work your way from that part. You can also go through a self-help training where you will be able to help out in whatever you are dealing with, it could be good to visit a therapist, and get a second opinion, eventually the decision is all up to you. Most importantly is the intention behind your decision whether it is for the betterment of your mental well-being. Practicing self-care, gratitude has also it's benefits, also self expression can do wonders in releasing any kind of pain stuck within you.
December 18th, 2021 9:28am
Depression could be very hard to move on, yet you can try to do small tasks in your life and start to feel small things of pleasure. For example, if you are in a state where you feel like you don't have the energy to move from your bed to a chair, even though how hard it may seem get up from your bed, and sit on a chair or take walk. That's the best advice I got from an amazing person, however, if you feel still blank know that it's okay, you'll figure it out. All you need to do is know there's a whole world expecting to support you. When I was depressed this helped me a lot. Sending you healing energy, from the otherside of the screen...🤍🖤🤍
July 14th, 2021 12:49am
Learn how to recognise symptoms of depression and it’s effect on your day to day life and how to implement strategies to make your day a little easier to get through. For example, using distraction techniques to take the focus away from how you are feeling. Or by using a goal system to help with the overwhelming nature of some tasks, by breaking the task down into smaller more achievable goals, that seem more realistic and attainable from the current ‘big’ goal. Big goals can seem a lot less intimidating if they are broken down into smaller ones that can be completed easily right now, working your way through the small goals in order to eventually achieve the big end goal.
May 3rd, 2019 4:00am
Depression fall out for me is when for no reason you feel down about your life. During these times I have found that journaling my thoughts has made a difference. When I am down I take time to listen to a set of encouraging music that I put together for myself. The music encompasses songs that lift me up and remind me I am a child of God. I have experienced many highs and lows in my life. I have recovered from an eating disorder and experienced loss. All these things can cause a depression fallout but putting together a plan to help yourself makes a difference.
April 18th, 2021 6:36pm
Stay in touch Don't withdraw from life. Socialising can improve your mood. Keeping in touch with friends and family means you have someone to talk to when you feel low. Be more active Take up some form of exercise. There's evidence that exercise can help lift your mood. If you haven't exercised for a while, start gently by walking for 20 minutes every day. Get in touch with people that you feel good and happy with. Try to concentrate on new things and new activities in order to have a better mental health. Whatever you do, make it so you're happy.
February 10th, 2018 3:46am
Survive. Allow yourself to rest as much as possible; whatever responsibilities you can hand off to somebody else, do it. Whatever self care you can muster, do it. Talk to people, on here or in your personal life. Hang in there, and just survive, until you can live your life again.
May 14th, 2020 1:36am
Empty your mind. Our depression can often lead us to overthinking about we haven't done or what we "should" be doing during these low-times. Remind yourself: it's okay. Relax, take your time, and try to calm yourself by doing what's best for you and makes you the happiest, even if it's not working at it's usual percentage at that time. Your mental illness is as serious as any physical illness: you wouldn't push yourself out of bed with a fever, would you? Treat yourself as you would on any other sick day. Take time for you. Rest up. Do what you can to make yourself feel better, and try your best not to worry too much. There are always people around to help you in your time of need.
May 21st, 2020 1:00am
Getting support plays an essential role in overcoming depression. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. At the same time, the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. When you’re depressed, the tendency is to withdraw and isolate so that connecting to even close family members and friends can be tough. Taking the first step is always the hardest. But going for a walk or getting up and dancing to your favorite music, for example, is something you can do right now. And it can substantially boost your mood and energy for several hours.
October 30th, 2019 3:23am
I actually went to intensive group therapy which helped me a lot. Also having someone close to you guiding you through this helps a lot. To help with my depression fallouts I just talk to people, as much as I hate it, it feels nice to get something off of my chest. Just having someone to keep you company and go through your stuff with you helps immensely whether I want to admit it or not. I also told my therapist about why this might be happening and spoke about certain things to help with the depression. Deep breaths calm you down, counting is good and something cool my brother does is ABC ISpy where you choose a letter for the alphabet and find something in the room to match it up with. It helps get your mind off the matter.
October 24th, 2019 8:40am
It would be wise to forgive yourself and go on. Let's go of relationships that were wasted or ruined due to depression. You can try to tell them that things you did wrong were due to your depression and hope that they understand. If they don't understand, let's go. Search for new fulfilling relationships and try to start new life from beginning. If they understand and accept you again, then you can try to heal the relationship further, showing them that you healed. Try to forgive yourself of ruined opportunities and try to begin new life from beginning, not thinking about what you ruined due to depression as it can hinder the healing.
October 4th, 2019 5:22pm
Depression, leaves you with feelings of disillusionment, and sadness. some people feel that there is no point in living, they feel that the world would be a better place without them. they think no one likes them, that they are hopeless to anyone, they can't do anything, they want to hide away and do not talk to anyone. Some people are just sad, and stay in bed all day. anothers turn, to drink or drugs to get through the day. Some people find that anti depressants help them along with c.b.t or other therapies
March 15th, 2020 1:21pm
From personal experience, the biggest thing I can preach would be self-forgiveness and self-compassion. You are going through a battle in your mind, where you are drained of energy and motivation. Recognize how much work you are doing by just staying alive and give yourself some credit. I'm not asking you to revolutionize your self esteem, but start with recognizing how difficult of a situation you are in and go from there. Even if the only thing you did all day was eat, and maybe brush your teeth, that's ok. Be kind because your body if fighting hard to keep you alive.
January 5th, 2019 7:16pm
Every time that I feel that my depression is trying to pull me down again, I stop, do breathing exercises, read messages from my friends to feel that I am loved and I see pictures from me with them. Feeling that I am not alone is very important to me. First, I try to deal with it by my own, but, if I feel like I can't cope with it by myself, I talk with my best friend. She always have some advice and warm words to say. Feeling loved and knowing that I will be okay again give me some hope in moments of breakdown.
November 25th, 2018 2:20am
i think one should treat a depression fall out the same way you treat yourself when your sick. when your sick with the flu or have a raging headache one tends to take a step back and take things slow. you treat your body with care until you get better. as such during a depression fallout you need to take time to heal. take it easy on yourself and acknowledge that u need time to get better. treat your mind as you would treat your body during a recovery . be patient with yourself . in other words give yourself room to recover
September 2nd, 2018 8:36pm
This is one of the hardest challenges I have had to face in my personal life and sometimes I have only been able to do it with help; other times, it has been a matter of waiting for time to pass... because something does shift, eventually, something does change... The hardest thing is to combat inertia; when I have been depressed I just don't feel like doing anything, I just want to lie in bed and do nothing. Living alone is dangerous for people who are prone to depression... but the paradox is that as depressives we tend to isolate ourselves because we are often mistrustful of other people or fearful that our depression will affect others negatively. Reach out. Somehow. Do something for someone else. Some small positive thing. Pick up a cigarette butt from the pavement. The key is really to somehow stop negative self-talk; the key to stopping negative self-talk is to learn compassion for others; others will then treat us with more compassion and we will start getting more positive feedback from the world and little bit by little bit things will start to improve.
August 3rd, 2018 6:07pm
I deal with the fall out from depression on a day-to - day basis. As you’d imagine some days are better than others. Accompanying my depression is anxiety and insomnia...which makes dealing with the disease even more challenging.
August 2nd, 2018 4:55pm
Depression as a mental illness should not be taken lightly. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression you should reach out for support from friends or family. Also you should meet up with a therapist who is trained to comfort you and tackle your negative thoughts. Most importantly, never give up on yourself & don’t be afraid to seek help, many open arms will await you.
July 22nd, 2018 2:26am
Take it day by day, don't push yourself to do a bunch of things and get completely better all at once.
July 21st, 2018 9:44pm
I cannot stress the importance of self care enough when trying to overcome bouts of depression, or any mental illness. Do something you enjoy, spends some time on yourself and if you are able, share your feelings with someone who you trust and can support you. Mostly, take care of yourself.
May 12th, 2018 2:23pm
Remember that everything is always changing around you and so will the depression. Hobbies are a great way to help you focus elsewhere