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What are the pros and cons of making friends online?

302 Answers
Last Updated: 06/19/2022 at 6:34pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
August 7th, 2016 5:56am
I have found some of my closest friends online. It seems easier to open up and be yourself. I do have to say thought be careful who you trust and dont put your self in a place that could be dangerous.
August 7th, 2016 8:09am
The biggest pro is that, especially on a website like this, you can truly connect with people that have similar things going on as you, whereas that is a lot harder in real life. It is a lot easier to reach out to people and it can be done anonymously as well, bringing less pressure onto expressing emotions. However, there is that one con that everyone knows: are they genuine?
June 30th, 2018 10:54am
Pros: - you can meet new people from different background and learn new things - if you meet a good person, then you can have a good friend that you probably don’t get in real life Cons: - If you don’t set limit and be online too much, you might neglect your real life - if you meet a bad person and you do something that you are not supposed to do you might get in trouble (e.g you send your ‘private’ pictures or videos to someone and he or she spreads it online)
May 25th, 2017 2:40pm
Pros: less social barriers than real life interactions, new perspectives, anonymity Cons: people may not be who they say there are and there are different social barriers to chatting online
June 7th, 2017 7:19am
Pros : 1. You dont need to go anywhere to meet them. You just need at least internet connection. 2. Based on my personal experience, if you find friends in the right place, they can be very kind hearted and sweet. 3. They are easy to keep in touch with. Cons : 1. You don't know whether this person is faking or not 2. It's a challenge to meet them in real life, because maybe they are not like what you always expected 3. You don't know them Well, I know it's exciting to have online friends. But there are things that you still need to consider
June 8th, 2017 3:58am
Several pros of making new friends online include the chance to meet people from all over the world. This is something which in the 21st century has become available to everyone who has access to the internet. Another pro could be the ability to have easier communication. There are also some cons in making friends online, perhaps the biggest one is the fact that it is sometimes easy for people to become prey to predators looking to harass, or scam people online.
June 14th, 2017 9:39am
Making friends online can be rewarding, as long as you know how to choose them wisely. Pros: -discovering new cultures and people from all around the world -you don't have to be phisically there to talk to them -since they don't know you in real life, I say, it's easier to open up to them -Mutual interests, depending on the situation -it is easy to end the conversation when you have had enough, never crossing your boundaries -easier way to communicate for people with social anxiety and not only Cons: -You can't be close to each other phisically -You can't know for sure who they are or who they are pretending to be -Lack of body language due to the phisycal distance, which is also a big factor in a conversation -Safety always has to be a consideration, not knowing who someone is can be fun, but you can be talking to a dangerous person and have no idea In conclusion, please be careful how you choose your online friends and be attentive on which information you share with them. If you pick them wisely, they can even be some of the best people you have met!
June 21st, 2017 3:16pm
PROS: Easy Access Social Buffer Quantity and global reach CONS: Anonimy Trust Lack of physical presences time zones
July 12th, 2017 8:21pm
The pros is that you can get connected to people from all around the world, and that you can gind someone with the same interest as you and that the circle of people you'll meet will be biggger, the cons is that maybe those people are faking, and maybe it's an imaginary person lying and pretending to be from the opposite sex(eg: a girl) and get you in trouble
August 11th, 2017 1:28am
Pros: There are things that is easier to be said online. So you will not feel pressured because they do not know you to an actual extent that might help you feel comfortable. Cons: Sometimes we conceal ourselves. We tend to establish our images to what we wish we are. We tend not to tell the truth and say things that will be appropriate and interesting to them. It is like conforming in a different way.
September 1st, 2017 1:12pm
From my personal experience, the cons are the possibility of never meeting, not being able to spend time together personally but all of that is countered by online friends being almost always the ones who are there when you need them, who wipe your tears, who always have time for you even if it is only online. They are not simply "online friends", they are true friends, and for me a family.
November 22nd, 2017 12:38pm
Pros : 1) You get to know a new culture. 2) For some people, it's easier to interact than face to face. 3) It is faster and easier to talk & meet. Forget about crowded streets and having to wear specific clothes for the outing :) _____________________________________________________ Cons: 1) It is hard to know and trust the person online 100 % as you can't see his/her emotions and interactions. 2) You won't have to meet so you won't go out to the fresh air much. 3) you won't enjoy some of the perks of meeting a person in person, like talking a walk together, physical interactions like holding hands...etc
December 21st, 2017 10:07pm
You might meet some incredible people who will have fantastic impacts on your life, however you may feel the strain of the distance if they are particularly far away. Although they might be a virtual shoulder to cry on, sometimes we just need somebody by our side.
January 7th, 2018 3:41am
Pros: 1. You have someone to express what you are feeling in the present moment 2. You dont have the feeling that you are isolated Cons: 1. Internet is a bad place to be trusted on anyone cause we dont know if the friend is really a friend or has a hidden mask that might hamper us. 2. Hackers might steal our personal information while browsing the internet
March 28th, 2018 4:02am
Pros: Easier to meet like-minded people, can meet people from anywhere in the world, not as awkward. Cons: You might never actually meet them, could be catfish.
April 21st, 2018 11:38am
For some people it is easier to talk to people online and so it is a way of making friends that is easy and not threatening. Still since it means connecting with strangers the same danger as striking relations with a total strangers are the cons.
May 2nd, 2018 7:21pm
Making friends online is wonderful, however it has many risks. It is important to not reveal any private details, this is because the other person could be a catfish (liar) and could be trying to obtain something personal from you. This includes covering identity theft, grooming or even just exploitation. However not everyone on the internet is out to get you! but it is important to take steps to protect yourself from those who could harm you. This includes not revealing private information, don't do anything you don't want to, tell them if they are making you feel uncomfortable and block and report them if they are threatening or upsetting you. Keep safe out there.
June 10th, 2018 2:34am
Pros: You can be anonymous and share personal information easily. Distance is not a problem. You can connect with likeminded people and meet new people. You have someone to talk to. You can overcome social anxiety. Cons: It can be dangerous as you do not really know who you are talking to. There is a lack of face to face contact. They can disappear easily without any trace. Predators There are more to each category. Just remember to be safe and be smart!
September 16th, 2019 10:12pm
Let's start with the pros. Well, they can't stand you up if you meet online, and they can't physically harm you. If they say anything mean, you can remove them from your life immediately with a single "Block button". - You can learn about new cultures, ways of lifes. - You control how much personal information they learn about you. As for cons, well they might not be who they say they are. They might try to scam you, or heck even go as far as hacking your computer. They might try to message other people you know or impersonate you or a friend.
July 19th, 2019 2:25pm
They can get you through some very tough times. I have had some very close online friends for the past 7 years and they’ve been very important to my mental health. Sometimes it’s much easier making friends online as opposed to real life due to geographic location or other restrictions but the online community can exist in your home, accessible by your devices. The online community exists in every time zone and is a very diverse array of individuals that can be exactly what you’re looking for in a friend as opposed to looking for specific characteristics in the limited amount of people near you.
August 8th, 2019 12:06am
Pros are you have new friends to talk about things you like and enjoy. You really don't have to worry about making an effort to get dressed up or spend money going out with them. You get to talk to them when you want to. I guess there is less judgement as you can say things online or be a bit different to your outside persona. Cons. They may live in a different country so different time zones mean chatting would be hard as well as meeting up in the future. You may offend someone and not mean to because of how you've written a message and how it sounds could be misinterpreted.
September 25th, 2020 10:46pm
Pros: - Easier to find a person that fits in with your hobbies, your type. You don't have to rely on luck as much anymore than before. - If they are from another country you will learn about their traditions and culture. (Examples : Germany,Russia,Latvia,Poland) - More likely to understand and help, less anxiety asking for help with a problem, because you wont meet them in person the next day. Cons: - They could be living very far away, thus meeting them would be very difficult! And that you don't actually know how they are in person. - Possible ghosting. Which could make you feel guilty or sad.
September 25th, 2020 4:24am
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
August 16th, 2019 9:32pm
When it comes to pros, the one I think of first is that generally you won't be afraid to speak openly of your ideals or principles. This leads to a more "genuine" friendship, where you're not fearful of what society in general might think of what you're saying. Another pro that comes to mind is your ability to contact each other quite easily. A con for me would be the inability to create binding experiences out there, such as camping together, going out for a drink, etc. A second con is regarding the anonymity granted with online encounters, sometimes people may exploit us by assuming the role of someone we'll be fond of.
August 17th, 2019 5:40am
The pros of making friends online are that you can listen and support each other if you need too. Also you have someone to talk to and not feel alone. You can also learn new methods from them in how to deal with certain situations. The cons are unless you physically me them you do not know who you are really talking to. You could be a child thinking you are talking to a child your own age but really it is an adult and that adult is acting as a child and wants for example explicit photos of that child.
June 19th, 2022 6:34pm
Pros: -Someone who may/may not be anonymous to talk to -Friendships can grow online. -Doesn't disrupt anyone else's conversation to talk to them -Can talk any time of the day/night Cons: -Misunderstandings over messages -Can disappear at random times -Anonymity can be tough at times. -Using emojis and slang can be tough to understand. Online friends can be fun if you're smart. If you need someone to talk to? Of course. If they criticize you or tease you? No. Online friends can also be an opening for cyberbullying and other forms of emotional abuse. Be careful who you trust online. Don't share every little detail and be careful when they ask about details like your number, where you live, or your age. Best of luck to you!
March 20th, 2020 8:24am
Some cons about making friends online is that you don’t actually know their personality. You need to actually meet that person to decide whether or not to be friends with them. From experience, I met a really nice person and they ended up sending me very unwanted pictures. Another con is that if you meet this person in real life, it may be someone completely different. This is known as catfishing. A pro is that you may meet some really nice people. Just be careful because there are lots of bad people out there so make sure you are being safe.
April 3rd, 2020 7:12pm
In today's electronic world were connecting to people is damn easy we forget or real on earth Relationships. Being in online world we can talk to anyone whether known or extrimly unknown person. Making friends online is sometimes very interesting and helpful. You find someone which really of your type and can better understand you as you really expect. Sometime making online friend went wrong. You can be in interactipn with someone fake behind that online name. You may lead your self to worst situation if you start to trust these people blindly. For me beauty is in both making friend online or in really life but for that you must have maturety to know that person in best way.
July 13th, 2019 2:28pm
Pros - 1. we get to know the heart first. 2. Confidently share our feelings without the fear of being judged. 3. Get to meet some wonderful souls sitting miles away from us. 4. Get to know about different cultures. Cons -1.if they decide to abandon you someday , you would not get the chance to say a goodbye and unsaid goodbyes are very hard to deal with. Then it feels like virtual world is a mask behind which there is no face. 2. There could be people pretending to be someone they are not. 3. Long distance sucks. Sometimes it's impossible to meet them in person.
October 31st, 2019 1:52am
Pros: Being able to "hide" behind a screen alleviates some of the anxiety of meeting someone new. If things are awkward, you can always get offline and try again later without the awkward feeling of figuring out how to get out of that situation. On the other hand, if things go well, you have the freedom to chat for longer periods of time than may be possible in person, and it's easier to reach out in times of need. Cons: You don't have that face to face, personal connection. Sometimes it can be difficult to interpret what someone is saying, or the tone of their words when talking to someone online which can add an extra challenge to communicating and making friends online.