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What are the pros and cons of making friends online?

302 Answers
Last Updated: 06/19/2022 at 6:34pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


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Top Rated Answers
April 5th, 2017 6:29am
The pros of making friends online - They never judge you unnecessarily and most of time you can share stuff with them which is hard to share with people in real life. You can trust them because they will keep secrets, they dont have anyone to tell you about since you two have no mutual friends. Cons of making an online friend - you will always want to meet them and give a tight hug, however somewhere inside we know its not possible. No one will fly to some other country to meet a person they met online
April 5th, 2017 2:53am
Some pro's of having online friends is you can expand your friend group and find people with common interest. Con's on friends online are they are not physically able to comfort you in times of need and you have more space to grow apart. I had a two year online friendship that ended when we grew so apart we hardly knew one another anymore. It takes a lot of effort with online friendships because of the space physically but it can change your life once you connect in person.
March 27th, 2017 1:08am
You can meet people all around the world but the may live too far away from you, but it's really cool
April 2nd, 2017 4:07am
pros: 1. more free to be yourself 2. (continuation of ^) not as harsh judgement 3. faster communication 4. lot more focus on he emotional, not physical 5. a lot more diverse people 6. easier to meet your type of people (ex: meeting them through a fandom) cons: 1. you don' t know the real them 2. could be a catfish 3. may be more prone to harm you & not face repercussions 4. share stuff you don't want them to online 5. harder to socialize off-screen 6. can become your only source of happiness, friends, etc. as much as we don't like to believe, we sometimes need some friends off-screen, too. now these things aren't facts, they're just possibilities. sorry if i sounded like a cheesy cyber-safety bot!
April 9th, 2017 3:26pm
You get to connect instantly, less effort in looking, and you get to chose the amount of interaction with a person. I think those are the pros. With the cons, its not as genuine as in real friends whom you really get to see and spend some time in person.
March 30th, 2017 1:34am
Making friends online is so easy! That is certainly one of the biggest advantages of online friendships! They are also typically judgment free and always accessible. However, there are also a few cons. You can never be 100% sure who is on the other end of the conversation. Also, anything said online can be shared in an instant and it is sometimes difficult to transition from online only to real life.
November 30th, 2018 1:50pm
The pros of making friends online are: 1. You can be at your best since you can choose the things you just want to say and filter those you don't want them to know yet. 2. You can tell them things about you and you won't be judged because they do not know you personally. 3. You can block them if they're predators. Cons: 1. You're not sure if they are telling the truth about themselves or just filtering things out like you do. 2. You are not sure if they will reply or respond to you or not. 3. You can't see how they're really feeling or emotions shown in their faces and body language when you're talking online with them.
July 29th, 2018 5:08am
When you become really close with them you want to tell them anything and everything, but you can’t actually be with them in person.
September 30th, 2016 1:13pm
Pros: You get to meet new people without having to go out yourself. Cons: It's very easy to lie on the internet, so most of the friendships made are not entirely genuine.
September 30th, 2016 11:38pm
Pros; you will have a much easier time finding people who share your interests and some will be really nice and friendly cons: they could be murderers
October 5th, 2016 7:57pm
Making friends online can be great! It can be fun and exciting to find somebody on the internet who may live miles and miles away from you, having the same interests as you. Long-distance/online friendships can people happy, especially for those who are socially anxious and find it difficult talking to people in public and feel more comfortable talking online. But my warning would be to make sure you know exactly who you're talking to. Never share contact details like your address, telephone number immediately and never share further details such as bank details and never be forced into doing something on webcam that you don't feel comfortable doing. Make sure you for definite this person online is exactly who they say they are!
November 1st, 2016 8:40pm
Pros: You get to know the person for who they are (or who they want to be) and vice versa - not a friendship based on looks or habits or common friends. It's also a safe place to spend time together and you don't need to travel far. Much like a pen pal without the stamps! Cons: They might not always be completely honest, and the anonymity of being online might tempt you to act a little less honest sometimes as well. It can be difficult to interpret some sentences since text does not carry a tone to it, so sometimes intentions can be misunderstood.
May 3rd, 2019 4:46am
When I think about making a friend online I can think about having access to a much larger number of selections/possibilities: I can have access to many people all around the word; there is no time or location limitation. So, it is more probable to find a like minded friend online, while when I want to find a non-online, like-minded friend, I will have only the choice of selecting someone among the people around me, the people that I already know, who might not be close to what I am looking for. Also I will be able to connect to online friends more easily. As soon as we both have some time, doesn't matter whether it is late at night or early in the morning, at any time, it would be possible to connect, while meeting with a non-online friend needs more time, and it is not possible to meet with them at any time. Though, there are good things about having a non-online friend that is missing when we have online friends, like being able to look at each other's eyes, or communication with our body language, tone of voice and things that should be seen or heard. As a result the communication could be more limited and less emotionally fulfilling. Also miscommunication, misinterpretation or misunderstanding can happen more easily. Not to mention that not to be told the truth or getting deceived becomes more easily possible.
October 7th, 2016 7:58pm
Pros is that you always have someone to talk to, you get to have fun with them and they're there for you when times are tough. Cons are that they live far so you won't probably see them as much as you like.
April 19th, 2019 8:25pm
The pros of making friends online is that they can always be there for you. You can whip out your phone (or any other device) and text them at any time, however many cons come with internet friends. You don’t always know who you are talking to (cliche, I know!) i always like to confirm my internet friends are ‘real’ through a FaceTime call. If I FaceTime them, and I can clearly see who they are, then great! I’ve never had a bad experience with internet friends, but I know for a fact if I FaceTimed my internet friend and they didn’t show their face, I’d be kind of creeped out. Another con is that they could be using you, humiliating you.
March 27th, 2019 3:49am
pros: • making friends online can really boost your confidence and make you feel like you always have someone there for you, especially on 7cups since there are people here specifically to help and be kind to you • another pro is that chatting with them is always an amazing experience. you never know if they're across the world or if they're in your area. it's always entertaining to find out their quirks, hobbies, and their story overall • online friends can really help you explore so many new things you never knew you needed to find out and discover cons: • even though many are amazing, there's always those creeps and toxic, dangerous people out there. if you're not careful they'll easily manipulate you into something you don't want
July 29th, 2018 5:37pm
You can sometimes meet some reallt nice people who you can trust but the bad thing is you never know if the persom uou are talking to online is actually who they say they are and you cant trust someone who you've never met
March 10th, 2019 11:34pm
You meet new people around the world, You talk to them in real time. You can find out new things, you can find what is happening around the world. You can also introduce new things and get people to know about you and what your likes are. But it can also be risky. because you do not know who you are talking to, or what they are like. anyone can be anyone behind a computer, they could be hackers or stalkers, they could spread untrue things about you. They could use online abuse by trolling you from miles away
August 1st, 2018 7:41am
Okay making friends online can be fun however from personal experience you can be whoever you wish to be online. You really need to leave online friends as just that and only make them real friends if you meet in real time at a function or on another occasion. It is so easy to miscommunicate in the written word too. If someone actually doesn't articulate very well it can be damaging. We need in life to become friends first and for most to build trusting relationships and staying consistent seems to be the key with anything relationship wise I in life.
January 27th, 2019 10:01am
For me, I’ve had a lot of pros. Online friends to me seem nicer and more loyal than people you could meet in real life. You also might agree on more things or have more things in common than your friends in real life. A lot of the time online friends will share some of the same interests as you. Some cons I would say are if they live in a different country than you, the time zone might be different from yours, so you might be available at different times. Another con I guess is that you can’t talk to them in real life like you can with your friends in real life.
October 12th, 2016 7:25am
Pros are you get to know different people and hence about different places and culture, Cons meanwhile are, if you turn out to be close friends, distance will sometimes become a barrier.
January 19th, 2019 2:57am
So pros included just feeling connected, meeting people of different cultures and areas, as well widening your friend circle. cons include not really knowing who you’re talking too and the internet gives them a huge mask to hide under and increases uncertainty. They could have picture of a young adult but actually be an older man preying. But meeting online opens a very large door to get us out of our comfort zone and learn new things about new people that you may have never found. it allows you see that and experience that the world is a much bigger place than your community and what you see everyday
August 1st, 2018 10:38pm
Pros: you can make a lot of “friends”, you can find people with similar interests. Cons: I don’t think anything can replace face to face human contact.
January 13th, 2019 7:44am
Making friends online is a great way to meet people that you may never get the chance (or not be confident enough) to talk to in real life. On the flip side of that it is difficult to tell if someone is sincere without being able to pick up physical or verbal cues. People could pretend to be someone they aren’t and possibly exploit your private information. It is best to be cautious when talking to people online and do so through secure platforms. Despite all this, making friends online is still a great opportunity and can help to expand your knowledge by seeing things from different perspectives.
October 13th, 2016 4:10pm
The pros are that you can make friends with people who you get on with or share interests with all around the world. The cons are that people can lie about who they are on the internet and it can be difficult in knowing who to trust.
December 6th, 2018 11:44pm
Pros: you have a new friend. Cons: They are not who you think they are and you get with the wrong person.
December 6th, 2018 10:33pm
The cons: scams, mentally ill people, identity thefts... The pros: Making amazing and sincere friendships. For me, it is worth it, but be careful, anything can happen behind screens. Meeting people online is comparable to a lottery. Sometimes you make amazing uncquaintances; while other times you find bad people and you just regret the experience. The good and the bad are present everywhere, we just need to work our brains a little. It also depends on where you meet these people, what kind of pages and groups you follows, and things like that. You are less likely to find good people on "find friends" groups. That was just an example from my personal experience. Most of them are fake. :) Hope this comment helped.
August 23rd, 2018 12:06am
The internet has provided an amazing resource to make friends all around the world. Through social media, fandoms, and almost everywhere else we are interacting with strangers like never before. Internet friends can be amazing, however there are some obvious risks to connecting without ever seeing the other person’s face. Pros would be that you can meet people you really relate too, with the same interests. These people can’t embarrass or ridicule you, because oftentimes they’re hundreds or thousands of miles away. A lot of people (including myself) have met their closest friends online. However, there can also be predators online posing as teenagers, and this can become dangerous. If you ever plan to meet up with someone you’ve met online, make sure you’ve skyped or facetimed or google duod them beforehand. Otherwise, have fun connecting!
August 18th, 2018 8:20am
It is easier to find someone with similar interests online. Many people feel better talking to someone through a chat (as they have more time to think about what they want to say) rather than face to face, although sometimes it is difficult to find a topic during an online conversation since in real life, silence would eventually become so awkward that someone would feel obliged to say something, which doesn't really seem to happen on, for example, Messenger. There is always a risk that your online friend is pretending to be someone they are not, which can be dangerous.
October 13th, 2016 8:51pm
Pros: It's easier to find people with the same interests. It helps if you're introverted or suffer from social anxiety. You can meet people from different cultures all around the world. Cons: The chance of meeting them in real life are rather small.