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I feel sad a lot, unmotivated, and I often can't stop crying for many hours. But I sleep and eat decently and I also can smile or laugh sometimes. Am I depressed or just sad?

277 Answers
Last Updated: 05/27/2022 at 2:23am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Polly Letsch, LCSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

I provide non-judgmental, person-centered, objective therapeutic treatment for individuals of all ages to improve social, emotional, mental and other areas of functioning.

Top Rated Answers
September 6th, 2020 11:30am
Depression can look different for different people. If you've experienced a lack of interest, no motivation, and crying for enough time that it's impacted your life and you've thought about if you're depressed, then you are probably depressed. Tracking your moods daily can help you find patterns in your depression and determine if there's a trigger, such as seasonal depression or past traumatic events. Because there could be many different causes of depression it's best to talk to a professional. The good thing about depression is it's fairly manageable through therapy, community support, medication or treatments. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your pain eases soon.
September 13th, 2020 9:33pm
Thank you for reaching out. While we can't diagnose you, as depression is a mental illness and we have limited information, all I can say is that if it is affecting you negatively to the extent that it's daily and/or it is affecting your life/relationships/work/school - please don't be afraid to seek professional help from a doctor. They will better guide you with what you possibly have and hopefully help you get in touch with a therapist. If you want to, though, you can skip going to the doctor and go straight to a therapist. There are many resources out there that can help you connect with someone locally. When you do, please don't hesitate to mention what your concerns or what you think you have. I hope this helps.
October 1st, 2020 8:49am
You are feeling overpowered by your emotions and don't know where to turned and this is affecting your sleep greatly, and you are overcome with a depressed mood. Sort of lifeless and unfeeling in such a way that things seem unreasonable and you are unnearved and out of sorts and not sure where to turn and what to do and you are here looking for answers in any way that you can find them, sadness has taken control and won't let go of you no matter how long you are trying to pull that off. And you can't even put a smile on your face or eat well.
October 4th, 2020 2:41pm
We as listeners are not qualified to give you any diagnoses, but I can tell you I think it seems like a good idea to seek professional help. Depression isn't being sad 24/7, sometimes you can be happy. Also, it's different for every person. If you are ready to take the step to try and find professional help they can possibly give you a diagnosis. Never worry about not fitting into a certain stereotype of something, everyone is unique and depression comes in different shapes or forms. I also want to wish you a lot of strength as well.
October 8th, 2020 8:51am
A difficult question. Everyone in their life, at some or another, experiences periods of sadness and depression. Ask yourself why you are feeling this way. If you recently had a death in the family, a break up, lost a job, or had another trauma occur, this could be why you are feeling this way. If you have been having feelings of depression for an extended period of time and can't seem to get motivated to the point where it is affecting how you are functioning in life, it could be depression. I personally experience Major Depression. IT is very different than just feeling sad. Depression affects every aspect of your life. If this is the case, you are probably depressed and should consult a therapist. Even if it isn't clinical depression, talking to someone can help you out of a rough time. Crying for many hours without a specific reason or recent event causing the crying spells, then I would say you should consider talking to a therapist as soon as possible. You could also talk to friends and family and see how you feel after talking about what you're going through. But YOU NEED to talk to someone otherwise, things will only get worse and if you have clinical depression, you will start showing more serious symptoms. Please talk to a professional if your feelings of saddness are affecting your everyday functioning, especially if has been going on for several weeks or months. Good luck and remember if you do have clinical depression or another mental health issue, it is not uncommon and you are not alone. Millions suffer from depression. The important thing is to get the help you need.
October 23rd, 2020 5:19pm
Depression can have many types and forms! Movies and stories may stereotypically depict depression as a dark cloud hanging above a person's head and rendering them unable to function completely. But this is just a form of depression. Often times a high-functioning form of depression can also exist, where in one may be gainfully employed, socialise normally, laugh or even be a class clown, but have moments of deep sadness and emptiness. if you feel that the sadness in your life is a constant presence and that it deviates from your normal sense of being, then certainly seek help for this.
November 1st, 2020 8:05pm
First of all, there is a mantra for depression. You want to know how to get depressed? Sit and think about, 'What about me? What about me? What about me?' You will get depressed. When you come out of that, and see, What is it I can do, how I can contribute? You will have no time to sit and brood over yourself. do not spend your life regretting the past or worrying about the future. If you do, you will miss the only part of it that is yours, here now: THE PRESENT Look at how many problems you have had in the past -- how they all came and have gone. Know that even this will go, and you have the energy and power within you to overcome it. You will get confidence by understanding and looking at your own past.
November 8th, 2020 4:41am
The main issue here is how long. If this lingering, persistent sadness has remained for more than two weeks, then indeed we could be talking about a case of mild depression. By your use of the word "decently" I assume you haven't been eating and sleeping as well as you used to. The bottom line is: This very well could be case of mild depression (albeit I am not a diagnostician and can't tell for sure); fortunately, this is amenable to psychotherapy, and even self-help materials are worth considering at this stage. Ideally, you should see your family physician as soon as possible to determine the course of action. Best of luck.
November 11th, 2020 11:15pm
So you're feeling unmotivated and often can't stop crying for no reason. But at the same time, you're experiencing feelings of happiness and you would like to know whether you're depressed or sad. Now, I can't give you a completely accurate answer, but here is what I think about your situation. Which, in my experiences, I have gone through the same thing. There are also many types of depression, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have it. You may just experience this feeling and it's overwhelming. But it is totally okay to go through this, and I just want to say that it is absolutely okay to be sad and depressed sometimes, as longs as you're trying your hardest to get better. Because that's what you're here for right?
November 14th, 2020 3:49am
You would need to talk to a professional to get a proper diagnosis, but not every person experiences the same symptoms of an illness. There are tons of symptoms for depression but most people don't experience all of them. Either way, even if you were not diagnosed with depression, sadness is very real and should be worked through with a professional, if you feel you need one. Don't hesitate to get help, especially if you're worried you won't be taken seriously because you haven't experienced certain symptoms. Be gentle with yourself and do what you can to get a professional diagnosis.
November 18th, 2020 9:02am
Good question. Prolong sadness , if it is not address , could lead to depression. At the moment , it is good that you are still able to sleep, eat and smile. So at least your sadness has not zapped up all your energy and attention. I would be really good if you spend some time to identify the reasons, the situations and sometimes, people who make you feel this deep sadness. When you identify then you have an understanding of what makes you sad . As you understand then you could try to sort them out. Some of this sadness could be just old emotions you have not put to rest. Some could be unfulfilled wishes or dreams. Help yourself by addressing your sadness.
November 22nd, 2020 12:56am
I have felt that way many times as well. Being around the right people will help get through everything and put a smile on your face! It may take time but it feels great. My friends have helped me through so many things and when they stick by you, you just know they are ones to keep by your side forever. You could be depressed but you should check with your doctors cause I’m not able to tell you if you are depressed or not. But thank you for sharing that story. Have a Great rest of your day.
November 27th, 2020 2:50am
A person can suffer from depression and still, eat, sleep and smile. There are many symptoms of depression, some people experience them all, some only a few. Think about how long have you been feeling this way? Is this the first time or has it happened before? If its happened before, how long do these feelings typically last? I think it would be good if you went to a doctor or mental health professional just to be sure; especially if you begin having thoughts of self harm or not wanting to exist in general. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are not weak, or inferior; you are just dealing with an illness. If it turns out that you are just sad, nothing wrong there either, it happens to us all. Remember to be kind to yourself!
November 29th, 2020 6:33pm
I would point you to our Depression guide on 7Cups to see if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. But even then, I would strongly suggest seeing a trained professional in diagnosing you properly, as untreated depression is not what anyone would ever want. Try your best to take care of your mental space, and make sure to eat all of your meals and stay hydrated and stay passionate in the activities and hobbies that you adore the most. Furthermore, rely on your closest friends! Surround yourself with positive energy and feel safe and comfortable around those who you love the most.
November 29th, 2020 9:17pm
You can't really know the answer to that until you go see an actual therapist or someone professional. Plus, I don't think you want to hear some advice or "suggestions" from an armature. I would assume that it could be depression, but then thing with depression is that you don't necessarily feel sad. You would feel unmotivated to do anything and you just don't feel right. Nor do you necessarily cry when you're depressed. So, I would think that it's just sadness, but my answer doesn't stop you from going to an actual professional to get an actual diagnosis.
December 19th, 2020 2:19pm
you may be depressed. more than 260 million people today are depressed. its very common but you may feel so alone! but you are not. there's many available treatments for depression form antidepressants to therapy. and if your not into those sorts of things there's some thing you can do at home like eat balanced meals, exercise but more importantly surround yourself by people who will support and care for you. these things aren't guaranteed though. and they may not work for you, so its reccomended you get treated by a doctor before it progresses. its also very possible your just sad. maybe somethings happen to you recently that could cause you to be sad. but if you feel this way for more then two weeks, your probably more than just sad.
December 20th, 2020 1:52pm
It is hard to tell, given I am not a psychologist, maybe you could go to one to know! But make sure you know that even if you are or are not, something is not right. You should try and look for ways to improve your situation, maybe such as idenitfying the problem, or by looking online for help! This website is great for speaking to people, and other strategies such as exercising, mediation or binaural beats can help you improve your mood! Make sure you do proper research before implementing any of these stratergies though! Im wishing all the best for you, good luck! :D
December 23rd, 2020 6:00am
You can be depressed and still have periods of happiness. You can be just sad and sometimes feel like you can't get out of bed. Whether you could receive a formal diagnosis of depression or not, your feelings are still valid. You cry and you feel pain, and you seem to be listening to that pain. No matter the severity of the emotions, we can still take steps to help you feel better. We can take steps to get more smiles laughs. You know best when it comes to your emotions, so although the answer to the question is not as important as your reaction to it, you're the only one who can answer.
January 24th, 2021 7:27pm
Depression can look a little different for everybody, and can even vary between episodes for the same person. Sometimes I feel like I have a sneak attack depressive episode because it turns up looking totally different that what I'm used to. But just because your symptoms may not check every box does not mean that it is not depression. Sometimes the suspicion you might be in a depression is the best indicator that you are. I'd recommend speaking to your doctor about the possibility that you have depression and see what they say. I hope you feel better soon.
February 3rd, 2021 11:48pm
Depression hits everyone differently, and sometimes it can manifest in completely different ways every time. Sometimes I am bed-bound. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I feel empty. And sometimes, I feel like I can break through and experience happiness and/or feel less empty. This does not mean I am not depressed - it comes in waves sometimes. Knowing that there can be reprives from depression can be very motivating... seeing the silver lining can take work and practice, but it can be ultimately helpful. None of the feelings of depression are anything to be ashamed about - and sometimes feeling "happy" during depression can illicit some sort of "imposter syndrome". I try not to focus on the negative thoughts, and try to focus instead on the little things that make me smile.
February 17th, 2021 9:53am
you are going through life it appears differently by different charactors but I think what you have to ask yourself is there something you are missing and most of all when you get such experiences you mentioned above? I would try to remember the time before I had such experiences to find out if I can find the triggers for such experiences,and no matter how long it take the time is your all of it and all of your life time,you need only to lift up your right hand lay it on the left half of your chest and recognise the heart you hear is only working for you just for you and as long as you are.isn`t it a better thing to be happy about knowing this you can go through other moments (less plesant) much easier and if sometimes come that you doubt,all you need to do is again lay your hand on your heart. I wish you all the best and a long life.
February 26th, 2021 3:49pm
If this is something you are wondering it's worth discussing with a therapist. It depends how long you've been feeling like this. You don't need to "tick all the boxes" in order to be depressed, which means just because you can smile and laugh it doesn't mean you are automatically not depressed. Some people have trouble sleeping when they are depressed, others not. It can help to have a diagnosis and a label. Your feelings are valid either way. It's important to speak to a health professional bcause it helps you understand why you are feeling this way. Is there a physical explanation or is it due to something that happend? The way to deal with it might be a different depending on those factors and the diagnosis.
March 5th, 2021 6:56am
I'm sorry you're feeling that way ____. What's important to note is, feelings can sometimes be temporary. You may be feeling this way now, but you have no idea how you will feel the next day! What makes you think of the word depressed when it comes to yourself? Can you remember what you think about when you are stuck in the crying cycles? Let's try to get you to where you are more understanding of yourself. How was your day? I always find myself creating a safe new hobby or reading a new book or even going for a hike when i am stuck in my own head.
March 17th, 2021 4:56am
You can be depressed and still be able to perform basic tasks! Depression impacts everyone differently. Having depression doesn't necessarily mean that you're incapable of smiling or laughing either, a lot of people who experience depression can still feel joy and will smile or laugh at times. Everyone feels sad or unmotivated some days, but if these are feelings that you're experiencing on a regular, reoccurring basis, then it's very possible that you're experiencing depression. I've also personally struggled with intense emotions and not being able to control them as a symptom of my own depression, and for me that includes crying for prolonged periods of time and not feeling like I could stop. If you're feeling like you may be depressed, the important thing is to try to understand what may be causing that, and being proactive about taking care of yourself. ❤
March 24th, 2021 9:09am
depression takes many forms. one factor that sets depression and sadness apart is the fact that often, when depressed, it feels like there is no particular reason for the sadness. however, its important to note if there is a big change going on in your life. try not to be hard on yourself. take rest, and maybe speak to someone u trust, a friend, an adult. if you have been feeling like this for an extended period of time, maybe consider visiting a doctor. they will ask you some questions about your life and how you're feeling. typically they may prescribe some herbal or antibacterial medicine first, offer therapy or if you agree, medication. best of luck, you are loved
April 18th, 2021 6:12pm
The first part of the question refers to some true emotional pain. Sleeping and eating decently show that it's not very severe but more moderate. Although do remember you do not need to fit all the criteria to be depressed but it does beg the question and it also depends on how long you've had these happening, is there a trigger or not, etc Factor these in, depression stops you from living a fairly normal life with daily activities such as studying, concentration, enjoying things you like to do (hobbies for example), going out with friends... Sadness can be intense but it doesn't last for really long, every day, and doesn't stop you from having a fairly normal life Hope this helped you! A professional can help you address your concerns.
May 15th, 2021 7:31am
The core of depression is loss of interest and feeling of sadness. If during the last two weeks, you feel sad almost all the time and no longer feel pleasant to do things previously can bring you happiness. You should consider if you are on a track of depression. Apart from this and your well status of sleep and eat, please have a check on your other potential manifestation. Do you feel restless or very slow, cannot remember things, low energy (even for small things, you have to make great efforts), and these concern you so much that you cannot work/study/socialize adequately? Collectively, you may have a better idea that whether you are depressed or just sad. Hope this helps.
June 25th, 2021 7:59pm
While this is only out of my personal experience, there's this thing called high-functioning depression. Is when an individual deals with the symtomps of depression but can still function (eat, sleep, interact). The symtomps not showing on the outisde doesn't make your experience any less different, and if you want, you can look a bit further into the topic if you think it fits your situation. Of course, make sure to look on multiple websites too! Depression doesn't always need to manifest in the form of always sad, always unmotivated, not doing anything. It shows differently from person to person ^^.
July 9th, 2021 4:42am
I cannot tell if you are depressed or sad but I understand exactly where you are coming from. For me, if this sadness is impacting your life whether that be physically or mentally, reaching out for some professional help is always a good idea. However, whether it be depression or sadness, you should never undermine these feelings of yours. Try to find the trigger for these feelings, maybe it is because of some past feelings or something that just recently happened to you. Once you find the answer, talking to a friend or a family member first can help then eventually reaching professional help.
July 11th, 2021 11:43pm
Depression can be complicated and sometimes not every box is checked in the symptoms category. For me it’s about how long has it been going on, it’s intensity, and how it is impacting my life. If things have been bad for over 2 weeks, or I feel suicidal, or I stop going to school (I’m in college) then I contact my psychiatrist. Sometimes just speaking to an actual professional is the best answer to am I sad or depressed? They have experience and can treat you better. I like having a resource so I don’t get stuck in a bad emotional place.